Blue sea and blue sky, no wind and no waves!

After drifting in the sea for a whole night, Qin An finally got himself and Xiao Ru back on the small wooden boat, and at this time there was only a boat left!

The cabin, oars, sails, and masts all disappeared.

Qin An was also very miserable.

Qin An’s upper body was always naked. The only piece of clothing was given to the little boy named Chen Liang. He was swept by the waves in the sea for one night. His pants, shoes, and socks were also lost. A small inner inner wall was left.

Xiao Ru is not much better than him. In addition to Xiao Nei Nei, there is still that white long-sleeved shirt!

At this time, the two of them were lying weakly in the wooden boat and didn't want to move. Although they were all disheveled, no one would have too much scruples in this environment.

After Xiao Ru's breathing changed from rapid to steady, she said in a faint voice, "Thank you for saving me!"

Qin An curled his lips and said, "No thanks, because I regret it now! Why should I save a little fairy who made me so miserable? Look at it. Now, it's all around sea, and you can't even see the land. Here! Where did we get washed? Damn! Why am I so unlucky!"

Xiao Ru smiled a little, and said, "You look ordinary, but it seems a bit interesting! I didn't expect you to hold this small wooden boat for a whole night without letting go! If you let go, I guess We were completely swallowed by the sea! It seems that the strength of the upgraded is really strong!"

Qin An heard Xiaoru talk about the upgraded person, turned his head to look at the little girl lying next to him, and found that the wound on her arm had healed. Although it left a superficial trace on the skin, the trace was completely let people. I can't imagine it was because she was left with a gunshot wound yesterday.

Lying on the boat board, Xiao Ru found Qin An looking at her arm, and immediately understood Qin An’s doubts, and proactively said: "My system is quite special. After being wounded by a gunshot, the muscles in the body will slowly The bullet is pushed out of the body, and the wound will slowly recover! This recovery ability is not comparable to the upgraded person, but it is much stronger than the ordinary person!"

After Xiao Ru said these words, Qin An asked, "Does your so-called special physique only belong to you after encountering a sword?"

Xiaoru was taken aback for a moment, then turned his head to look at Qin An, and said, "Aren't you an upgrader? You have encountered a mysterious sword like me? What is that?"

Qin An let out a long sigh. Before encountering the wind and waves last night, he knew that Xiaoru was indeed a sword god, and her sword god shouldn't have been awakened, so that means the degree of integration between her body and the sword god, It hasn't reached 10% yet!

Grandma's, then why does she have such strong muscle power? Can it jump more than 20 meters high?

Depressed Qin An wanted to inquire about the situation of the sword god Xiaoru, but what Xiaoru said and behaved just now showed that she did not know about the sword god yet.

For a while, Qin An didn't know what to say.

And Xiaoru stopped talking after seeing Qin An not speaking.

The two of them lay flat on the boat, looking at the blue sky above.

As time passed slowly, Qin An discovered that a large swath of white snow suddenly fell in the sky.

For a moment, Qin An sat up, and the sights around him stunned him!

Xiao Ru had closed her eyes because she was a little tired, but Qin An got up too fiercely, causing the hull to sway, so she opened her eyes, sat up, and said, "What are you doing? I found land?"

After asking a sentence, Xiao Ru looked around and was also stunned!

Clear sky, no wind, warm sunshine;

Quiet sea, no waves, rippling water!

The same color of sea and sky finally joined together in the distance!

And at this time, between the sky and the sea, there are large swaths of snowflakes flying!

When snowflakes enter the sea, they are swallowed directly, as if they have never appeared!

This is a beautiful picture with a clear sky, blue sea and snow!

This snow is the first snow Qin An experienced in the last days!

This snow was the first snow in Qin An's life that he saw on the sea!

Only at this moment did he know that it would snow in the sea too!

And watching snow in the sea, is it so beautiful?

Xiaoru's experience is the same as that of Qin An, and she has never seen such a scene.

The two had been demented for a long time before Xiaoru opened her mouth lightly and exhaled a white mist from her mouth, which showed that the temperature at this time was very low.

"It's so beautiful! It's so beautiful! Qin An, have you ever seen such a beautiful scenery?"

Qin An shook his head and replied, "No! This scene is a hundred times, a thousand times more beautiful than the place I had previously thought of in my heart! It would be great if I had a mobile phone!"

Xiaoru nodded and said: "Yes! I didn't expect to see such a beautiful scenery in the last days. It turns out that the last days also have the benefits of the last days! If it weren't for the end times, how could this beauty suddenly appear in front of us!"

Looking at the beautiful scenery in front of him, Qin An felt a little regretful. If Xiaoyan or Lanyue or Tang Yu were at this time, it would be great for Liu Xia to be by his side! No matter who they are, they will be stunned by the scenery in front of them. Unfortunately, apart from knowing that Xiaoyan is in Qincheng, where are the other women?

Thinking of this, Qin An was slightly lost. His eyes flowed, and he glanced at the intoxicated little Ru who was already standing on the boat. Qin An curled his lips. Why would it be this little girl who experienced this worldly beauty with him? ?

Suddenly, Xiao Ru's face became extremely flushed, and then she jumped up, jumping and exclaiming: "Qin An, look over there! It's so beautiful, what's that?"

After speaking, Xiao Ru's finger pointed forward.

Qin An looked in the direction of Xiaoru's finger, and saw that two hundred meters away, three fish over one meter long were jumping out of the sea!

The skins of these three fishes are silver-blue, but they are actually blue, but I don't know why their bodies are glowing with a faint silver light.

The shape of the fish looks like that of a large ornamental carp, but its tail fin is very large, just like the tail of a goldfish.

After the three fish leaped out of the sea, they did not fall back into the sea, but floated in the air, as if the air was also sea water, allowing them to survive!

In other words, these three strange big blue fishes are flying in midair!

Qin An looked a little silly, what is this? Is it also an upgraded creature? Why can they leave the water and swim in the air? Why can they get rid of the gravity of the earth?

Xiaoru is a girl after all, more emotional than Qin An, she exclaimed happily: "It's so beautiful! Give them a name!"

Qin An glanced at Xiaoru, feeling a little angry.

Fish are indeed beautiful, but they must also be an upgraded creature, and also a very rare and strange upgraded creature! I don't know if there is any danger, Xiao Ru actually wants to name them.

When Qin An despised Xiaoru, Xiaoru already had a good idea, and said: "Blue sea flying fish, sunny snow, let's call them blue sea floating snow fish!"

Blue sea floating snowfish? This is really an appropriate name.

Ten seconds after Xiao Ru's voice fell, the three fish also descended from the air and returned to the sea! It seems that they can't fly, nor can they escape the gravity of the earth, so the reason why they can swim in the void for a while should be due to the convection of the air above the sea or the body filled with gas similar to hydrogen. Steam drum, right? After all, they are upgraded creatures, and their structure must be different from ordinary fish!

In this way, two people are in the sea, on the boat, feeling the beauty of the snow scene, and some strange marine upgraded creatures that occasionally appear. Fortunately, these creatures seem to be ordinary upgraded fish, not dangerous species, and will not take the initiative. Come to attack both Qin An.Slowly, Qin An became nervous and relaxed.

At this time, the southwest wind rose again, but it was not strong. Qin An used his hand as the oar and wanted to make the boat go northwest along the wind direction. Unfortunately, he couldn't do his best and the boat could only go north.

Xiao Ru did not come to help Qin An. She leaned on the bow, really like a child. Sometimes her mouth was upturned and her face was full of laughter; sometimes she frowned, as if she didn't think about it. Happy things.

Qin An was sitting in the stern of the boat, controlling the wooden boat to row north, and his eyes looked at Xiao Ru from time to time. This little girl's face was really handsome! But Qin An doesn't have any special hobbies, so he just thinks Xiaoru looks good, but he doesn't think much about her. A girl who hasn't opened yet, even if her mind is mature, is not the type that Qin An likes.

After the boat walked for a long time, the snow gradually stopped, Xiao Ru's expression became a little sad, Qin An said after seeing it, "Just remember the beautiful things! They can't become eternal!"

After hearing Qin An's words, Xiao Ru was stunned for a moment, and then tears fell in her eyes!

Qin An didn't know how his words stimulated Xiaoru.

After crying for a while, Xiao Ru said softly: "You are too right! Beautiful things often cannot be immortalized. Unfortunately, when beauty is not perfect, most people will forget it, or even ignore it!"

Qin An didn't feel any emotion after hearing a word from Xiao Ru for no reason, because his heart had completely calmed down.

Must find a way to get to the shore quickly! I don’t know how far it is from the shore. There are many upgraded marine creatures nearby. If some dangerous species appear among these creatures, then you can’t escape in this sea!

With this idea, Qin An began to work harder to row the boat with his hands, just wanting to leave this beautiful and dangerous sea soon!

In this way, two people who didn't have any intersection, began to sail on the sea!

When he was hungry, Qin An jumped off the boat to go fishing. There was no way to cook it, but raw fish!

When Qin An was thirsty, he went to catch the salt fish. I don't know what kind of fish evolved, and they are everywhere in the sea.

Each of them is like a ball about to burst, moving slowly back and forth at a depth of half a meter below the surface of the sea.

When caught, squeeze their bodies and they will spit out fresh water from their mouths! This is simply the best gift that the ocean bestows on mankind!

Without worrying about eating and drinking, Qin An finally discovered a very small island two days later!

From afar, you can see several houses on the island, and an archway. There is a sign on the archway with three words written on it:

"Dongding Island!"

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