With the wind holding the breath of the sea, blowing across Dongding Island, Qin An discovered for the first time that the smell of the sea was so good.

At this time, he and Xiaoru were sitting on the highest point of the island, on a rugged boulder.

The Black Tortoise rock topography of Dongding Island is very beautiful. According to Xiaoru before the end of the world, it was very famous, but Qin An has never heard of this place.

Sitting here and looking to the west, you can vaguely see the mainland appearing and you can see the setting sun.

Watching the sunset over the sea, you don't have a taste.

Qin An did not find any clothes in several houses, so he could only get a black printed bed sheet to cover the part below his waist, which looked like he was wearing a long skirt.

After a period of buffering, the awkward atmosphere between him and Xiao Ru has disappeared. He is not the first brother, and Xiao Ru's mind is obviously no different from an adult.

The two chose to forget the incident of Qin An's disappearance very tacitly, and no one would mention it.

Looking at the light red round sun floating on the horizontal line of the western continent, Qin An sighed and said, "What should we do now? We are trapped! Grandma, why is it so difficult to walk in the last days? I don't have any. Know how many times I have been trapped!"

Xiaoru's complexion was calm, and her face was full of blush for some reason. After Qin An finished speaking, she said, "When I came up just now, I found that there are small crabs under the rocks by the sea. Crabs in winter. I can’t grow up, I’m really small, but it can fill our hunger! Also, salt fish were also found in the sea water. I think those strange fish that eat people don’t eat salt fish, maybe they are. Because their meat is too salty! Don't they eat the salt in the sea? In this way, we will have food and water, and maybe we can last for a while!"

Qin An angrily said, "What about afterwards? Been trapped here all the time?"

Xiao Ru shrugged his seemingly weak shoulders, shook his head and said, "What else can I do?"

After she said these words, the two fell into silence.

When the sun was already covered by red clouds in the west, Qin An lost his eyes and broke the silence and said, "I have never found that nature is so beautiful before! The calm sea, the blue color; the floating clouds, dyed the horizon red. ! In this winter, can there be a burning cloud at sunset?"

Xiao Ru said: "Perhaps you can't see it on the mainland! Color is originally the color that light refracts into the eyes. The color of the material seen in different places is naturally different!"

Qin An turned his head to look at Xiaoru, and found that the faint traces left by the wounds on her body had disappeared! Her skin became delicate and fair again.

After a long pause, Qin An said: "Xiao Ru, I can be considered trapped on this island because of you, and I have saved your life twice! No, it should be said that it was three times, if you were on the Blue Ocean City. , It’s not that I followed you, and then ran away before the sailors surrounded you, opening a gap, and you might not be able to escape! Although you have special abilities, you also said that they are all professional soldiers with excellent weapons. Once you are besieged, you are very dangerous. So, I saved you three times! So, can you satisfy my curiosity?"

With a smile on Xiao Ru's face, she looked at Qin An pretending to be puzzled: "What kind of curiosity?"

Qin An frowned and said, "Are you pretending to be stupid? What else can it be! Of course, you are telling me why you are so small, but you feel like an adult?"

Xiao Ru smiled and said, "Everyone should have a secret! This is my biggest secret. No one in this world knows yet! Do you think I should tell you?"

Qin An heard what Xiaoru said, not getting angry, and said arrogantly: "If you don't say it, don't say it! Do you think I really want to know? I really don't understand, why do you women like to keep secrets in your hearts so much? !"

After saying these words, Qin An thought of Weng Die! She is the woman with the most secrets around her!

After thinking wildly for a while, Qin An's irritability remained unabated, and he could only continue to speak to the only villain next to him.

"Then tell me where you are from?"

These words were just Qin An unconsciously asking casually, he didn't expect Xiaoru to tell him the truth.

Xiao Ru still had a faint smile on her face, and said in a calm tone: "I come from the land of the doomsday!"

Qin An repeated suspiciously: "Land of Doom?"

Where is that? Why has he never heard of it?

Xiao Ru sighed, then said:

"Fuhai Province is a place close to Jiangsu and Zhejiang Province. There is a relatively large city named Jianghai City.

In the north of Jianghai City, there are two passages into the sea from the Yellow River, one is called Gutian River, and the other is called Qingyuan River!

The two waters cross, forming a delta on the northernmost part of Fuhai Province! It was under development before the end of the world. There were some scenic spots and some villa areas developed. It can be regarded as the suburb of Jianghai City!

After the end of the world, the delta became a refuge for people. Because of the protection of the Gutian River and the Qingyuan River, the zombies could not pass through, and the bridges that entered the delta were blocked by people with obstacles, which made the delta zone a A very safe place!

In the early stage of the last days, more than 300,000 people gathered in the delta, with hundreds of gathering places of various sizes!

In these gathering places, there are two strongest.

There is a mountain to the north of the delta called Qingyuan Mountain. This mountain is not high, but covers a large area, and the mountain is rich in forests.

On the side of the mountain, there was originally a villa area where foreigners lived. Later they built a huge wall there and named it the City of All Nations!

This city is very powerful because it has gathered some upgraded people.

To the southwest of the delta, there is another big city called Wangyou City. This city controls an important road in and out of the delta. There are a total of six bridges in and out of the delta, but five of them are zombie areas on the other side of the bridge, impassable, and a bridge behind the city of Wu You, the bridge On the other side is a high-lying wilderness area with few zombies, so it has become the only way to enter and exit the delta! This allowed Wu You City to obtain more materials and weapons, and therefore became another powerful gathering place. "

Hearing this, Qin An's face sank, and he finally heard the name of the City of Nations again! Now, as long as he crosses the sea route of twenty nautical miles, he can enter Fuhai Province. In other words, it shouldn't be too far from the city of nations, right?

Xiao Ru continued to speak:

"The world is not benevolent, and people are not benevolent!

Although IWC and Wangyou City have good strengths, they don't have the heart to help the weak.

Wangyou City focuses on profit, and Universal City takes killing for pleasure!

The people of Life in other gathering places in the delta zone, because of the existence of these two cities, have a tragic fate!

In order to resist the invasion of the two cities, the other settlements could only slowly merge. At the beginning, including the City of Nations and the City of Wangyou, thirteen cities were formed on the delta!

Afterwards, the city battles violently unfolded. In order to compete for limited resources, the 13 cities had to fight each other.

Over time, the thirteen cities became seven cities, and finally three big cities!

Then the third big city besides the City of Nations and Wangyou City is Ruyan City!

The main purpose of the emergence of this Ruyan City is actually to fight against the City of Nations! Many people in the city, their family members, and friends died in the hands of people in the World City. This makes the conflict between the people of Ruyan City and the World City irreconcilable!

And Wangyou City would also join the battle between the two cities from time to time, which of course was for the struggle for resources.

Today, there are almost 30,000 people in Wanguocheng, 50,000 in Ruyan City, and 70,000 in Wangyou City!

In other words, in less than two years in the last days, although the delta area has not suffered much damage from zombies, half of the population has died!

This is caused by fighting between people!

This delta was originally a place for people to escape the end of the world, but now it has become more dangerous than the end of the world. Therefore, the people in Life in it gave it a name that represents doom, which is the land of the end! "

I see!

Qin An sighed deeply, it seemed to be nothing, but it was really sad after thinking about it.

Without being harmed by zombies, but fighting between people, more than half of the people died. In the last days, there is sorrow everywhere!

Ruyan City! It should be where Liu Xia went, right?

Thinking of that beautiful charming girl, Qin An's heart beat slightly.

Her image suddenly appeared in my mind.

She was smiling at herself, and then said: Qin An! If I really kneel in front of you, begging you to pamper me, what will you do?

Qin An was stunned for a long time, Qin An only felt that Own's face seemed to be slightly hot.

He shook his head vigorously and waved Liu Xia's image from his mind. After that, he began to be irritable again. The land of the doomsday seemed not far away, but he was trapped in this island of the doomsday!

How to escape from here?

Falling into silence again, Qin An is worried, and Xiao Ru is lonely.

The sun disappeared on the continental baseline, and night came.

The night wind was strong, and the waves crashed against the rocks and roared.

The seashore of Dongding Island has no sandy beaches, only rocks, and the surging waves rolled up many fish in the sea, and they rushed ashore together. The sea left, but the fish remained.

With Qin An's super hearing turned on, he can hear everything clearly, which shows that this island is really small.

Since I can't leave, I can only stay on the island for the present.

It is an attitude that should be in the last days. Only in this way can people's hearts be calm.

Xiaoru finally told Qin An.

She is from Ruyan City. When fighting with the enemy of one of the nine rulers of the World City, she was chased all the way and jumped down the Gutian River to escape. D3 jumped zombies, and was chased all the way, ran for more than ten days, entered Dongshan Island, and finally met Xiaochan at the beach.

Qin An sighed slightly after hearing this, and D3 level jumping zombies also appeared. It is not surprising that Qin An, the D3 giant zombies, has seen three of them with his own eyes, so in other words, the upgraded zombies have evolved to D3 level, and the road to the end of the world. Walking will be more difficult!

Hey, I just hope that Blue Moon and the others can finally escape to a safe place!

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