Dangerous City In The Last Days

Chapter 303 Qin An's Abnormal Change

At this time, Jin Xianzhu had moved from the ceiling wall to the side wall farthest from Qin An.

Her forehead was covered with sweat, her brows were deeply furrowed, and her face was a little pale.

At this time, her heart was also full of shock. Who is this man? Why does he have such a strong strength?

His muscle strength is so powerful that he can't even compete with his own long tongue attack?

Own tongue can penetrate a brick wall 20 cm thick! But he couldn't hurt one of the man's fists? Moreover, the tongue was shocked. The flesh was tingling, and it seemed that even the bone spurs on the tip of the tongue were a little broken!

Moreover, a man possesses a ghostly spatial movement ability, which makes him move very fast. Although he can't compare with himself, he can pose a threat to himself.

A man's vision or hearing must be very keen, otherwise he will not be able to keep up with his own moving speed and appear on the path where he wants to escape.

Also, what exactly are the dozens of red lights? The attack speed was almost as fast as a bullet when he was thrown out by the man. The attack intensity was also very fierce. At this time, the wall hit by dozens of red lights was already covered with small mouths several inches deep. Obviously It was caused by being hit by red light.

Does such a powerful person come from the land of doomsday? Why haven't you heard of it before?

Qin An looked at Jin Xianzhu and slowly said, "Your parasitic upgraded beast should be a gecko, right? A gecko is also called a four-legged snake, so you have the fast-moving ability of four-legged wall suction. I want to hold it in your hand. There must be many suction cups or other similar structures on the sole of the foot. They can let you stick to the flat wall, and they also provide you with the ability to move quickly on the flat surface! Your regeneration speed is so fast, It should also come from the regenerative ability of the gecko? And your long tongue attack! Huh, it turns out that you are a little gecko!"

Jin Hyun Joo coldly smiled and said, "Yes! My parasitic upgraded beast is a third-level upgraded beast in the form of a gecko. I call it Qihoo! Even if I am just a small gecko, what can you do to me? ?"

third-level upgraded?

Qin An's heart trembled slightly, as expected, this woman named Jin Xianzhu is really a third-level upgraded!

But before, she seemed to say that she was the lowest ranked among the nine leaders of the World City!

Are all the nine leaders now third-level upgraded? If this is the case, isn't the strength of the World City even stronger?

While thinking this way, Qin An didn't intend to continue talking nonsense with Jin Xianzhu.

Now that it is known that the parasitic upgraded beast of this woman is a gecko, there is no need to worry that she will suddenly summon a monster like a tiger!

Moreover, the woman should be in a state of beastization at this time, but the place where she is beastization is the palms and soles of the feet, as well as the tongue in the mouth, making her appearance look like a normal person.

In other words, she is still just an Upgrader, and all her abilities come from the beastification of the parasitic upgraded beast to her body, which is no different from other upgraded ones.

Raising his hand quickly, Qin An shot three sets of sixty red lights!

At the same time, the super physical ability is activated, focusing on the feet to make the power of the feet stronger.

When Kim Hyun Joo escaped from the Red Leaf Flying Daggers attack and fled to the other wall, Qin An quickly jumped up and shot towards the path where Kim Hyun Joo escaped. Then the kitchen knife slashed at her neck, only to cut off her head and destroy her. Only her central nervous system can really kill her as an upgraded person!

Jin Xianzhu continued to move quickly, and before Qin An reached her side, he dodged a few meters away.

Qin An turned on the teleportation ability and appeared in front of her again. This time she couldn't avoid it, so she used her arm to resist Qin An's critical knife!

In this way, the two became a tug of war.

Although Qin An had a lot of methods, it was difficult for him to attack Jin Xianzhu's super abnormal speed.

Although Jin Xianzhu can evade Qin An's attacks, it is difficult to counterattack because Qin An has super strong physical defense capabilities!

In the living room, where the space is not too big, the two moved quickly, and the fight lasted for more than an hour!

After Qin An used various abilities many times, he gradually fell into a weak state.

Hongye Flying Daggers, Teleportation, and Super Flesh are the three main abilities that can attack and defend against Jin Xianzhu. Because they are used multiple times, the use interval becomes longer and longer.

This resulted in him not being able to cause fatal damage to Jin Hyun Joo by relying solely on physical strength.

Jin Xianzhu also discovered this, her breath was a bit panting, but her movement speed did not decrease in the slightest.

With four feet attached to the ceiling wall, Jin Xianzhu smiled as he looked at Qin An who was panting on the ground, "Haha! What's the matter? Why does the frequency of using your strange abilities become slower and slower? Isn't it you? Already tired? The energy in your body can't support you to activate the abilities quickly? Haha, I have only seen two people with the abilities, one is the damn woman who killed my Little Brother, and the other is you, a stinky man! Although your abilities are all amazing, it is a pity that they are not my opponents in the end!"

Qin An's heart sank. Is it true that as Jin Xianzhu said, he will lose to her in the end?

A third-level upgrader! A third-level upgraded person who ranks ninth among the nine leaders of IWC, if he can't beat it! So before, the idea that he wanted to destroy the City of Nations in his heart became a joke?

Now how to do? How can I defeat her?

In fact, the most annoying thing about her several special abilities is the four-legged wall-climbing movement technique. The speed will be able to escape her even if she activates the teleport ability attack. Is there any way to kill or injure her?

It would be great if own speed could be faster!

However, his speed has reached its limit, and because the teleportation ability cannot be activated quickly, the overall speed level is drastically dropping. If you continue to fight, he will definitely fail!

speed! If he has a faster speed...!

Just when Qin An thought this way, suddenly, the sudden change occurred!

Qin An felt that the temperature of own body increased sharply, as if someone had set a fire in his body!

what's the situation?

Qin An was a little silly.

At this time, Jin Xianzhu also noticed that Qin An's Mental Energy didn't seem to be very concentrated.

Opportunity here? Jin Xianzhu thought so, her long tongue had been spit out from her mouth, and then quickly shot towards Qin An's forehead like a flying spear.

But soon after Qin An's body temperature increased sharply, he found that his body began to change and quickly became smaller!

Jin Xianzhu’s long-tongue attack was knocked out because Qin An’s body suddenly shrank. When she retracted her long tongue into her mouth, her not-so-big eyes widened and exclaimed: "You can also become a child?"

Become a child?

Qin An didn't even understand what happened at this time.

He just noticed that his body suddenly became smaller, and the clothes on his body were completely out of size with his body, his pants fell on the ground, and the long-sleeved shirt he was wearing covered his body like a skirt.

I fuck? What's the situation?

Qin An once again raised this question in his heart.

There is no blood on Jin Xianzhu's face, she secretly said in her heart: Do supernaturalists have this ability? Can you become a child, and then have the speed of movement that can be side by side with yourself? Isn't that the case with the previous woman? It was after she became a child that she had super fast movement speed, and finally escaped from own pursuit!

If this is the case, then when facing this man, she will no longer have the advantage in speed, and this man himself has the ability to teleport. Although the frequency of use is reduced, it can be used occasionally, to How should she deal with him at that time?

Thinking of this, Kim Hyun-joo made a decisive decision and quickly clung to the wall, moving towards the gate, trying to escape! She no longer has the confidence to stay to defeat Qin An, because this man is really weird!

Although Qin An hasn't figured out what's going on, part of his attention has always been on Jin Xianzhu's body. Super listening and super vision locked her firmly.

Finding that Jin Xianzhu had moved towards the door, it seemed that he wanted to escape. Qin An had no mind to think about the strange things that happened to him, nor did he have time to consider whether the already dominant Jin Xianzhu really wanted to escape.

He just knew that Kim Hyun Joo killed Li Na and ate her meat, and he must avenge the poor woman!

So Qin An quickly used the super physical body to concentrate the energy on his feet, and then took a step forward, leaping towards the path that Jin Xianzhu was walking.

During the leap, Qin An was shocked to find that Own's speed had become so fast. The force generated by his foot on the ground made him jump more than five meters away in an instant. It was like installing a super spring under his feet, which not only blocked Jin Xianzhu. On the escape path, the body just collided with the woman.

Both of them walked at very fast speeds, so the force of the collision was quite huge.

Jin Xianzhu let out a scream, and Qin An squeezed his body against the wall, only to feel that his internal organs were tumbling, and a mouthful of blood could not be suppressed and ejected from his mouth.

Qin An possesses the double awakening upgraded physique and the mysterious power of the body, and his muscle strength is already extremely strong, so the force of the collision only made him feel that his internal organs seemed to have been damaged a little, but he did not vomit blood.

He didn't care about his injuries, because Jin Xianzhu was right in front of him at this time, and the two bodies were hanging in the air. Jin Xianzhu's four feet were close to the wall, while Qin An's body was pressing against Jin Xianzhu's body.

This is an opportunity!

Qin An's heart was full of tension. He didn't dare to hesitate at all, raised the kitchen knife in his hand and cut it at Jin Xianzhu's neck.

With this cut, Qin An exhausted all his own power.

Although the super physical body could not be activated, the two abilities of Xuantian Body and Bloodthirsty Madness also made him swing a knife with powerful lethality.

With the blessing of this power, the blade of the kitchen knife is extremely sharp.

Cut it with one cut, the blade cut into Jin Xianzhu's neck, and then cut her neck directly, a human head fell to the bottom, rolled to one side, and then blood sprayed out from Jin Xianzhu's neck!

After that, Qin An and the headless body fell at the same time.

Qin An stood on the ground steadily, but the body didn't even fall, his feet were also standing on the ground, his body remained vertical and motionless.

Did you kill her?

Qin An gasped, staring at the headless body in front of him!

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