Dangerous City In The Last Days

Chapter 394 Snow Disaster

At this time, Vajra and Liu Wenli watched the night on the roof to prevent accidents.

Vajra held two great swords in his hands, one of which was his profound sword, and the other was Qin An's profound sword!

Qin An inserted this sword into the body of the D3 giant zombie when he was fleeing, but it was lost due to a critical condition.

Vajra and others encountered the giant zombie while they were fleeing. After several days of hard work, the thirteen people first removed the ordinary zombies near the giant zombie, and finally ventured to retrieve the Xuantian heavy sword from the giant zombie.

The presence of the sword is a bad sign.

Vajra and Qin An, Lan Yue and Wu Tian left Qincheng together, and it has been more than five months.

Wu Tian died, Qin An and Lan Yue were separated. Although Vajra now has twelve comrades who have experienced many life and death together, he still feels empty in his heart.

Looking at Qin An's Xuantian heavy sword, Vajra sighed and frowned.

Liu Wenli sorted her greasy hair with her hands. She hadn't taken a shower for more than half a month. The clothes on her body were newly changed in this empty house. Although it didn't fit well, it hadn't been longer than the previous one. The laundry is much better and more comfortable.

For half a month, they have been on the road. Whenever they reach a place and want to take a break, they will find a group of zombies nearby, and then they can only retreat and continue to flee.

This is not because of their bad luck, it's just that there are too many zombies in the nearby area when they come along this way, and they can't find a place to comfort their feet. It is already a lucky thing to be able to reach the vicinity of Jianghai City according to the envisioned plan.

Then there is luck and misfortune. Except for the thirteen upgraded people who are still together, everyone else has no idea where they are going, whether they are alive or dead.

Seeing that Vajra's mood was very low, Liu Wenli comforted her: "Don't sigh! You don't know what the boss is capable of, I think he must be in no danger! The reason for discarding the Xuantian Epee is to escape more safely! The big sword is not a treasure handed down by their ancestors, and Boss Qin is obviously not a swordsman, so it is not appropriate to put it on him. Now that we have reached Jianghai City, it is estimated that the boss will be found soon!"

Vajra nodded helplessly, and now he can only hope that Qin Anji will be in heaven!

Thirteen upgraded people, in fact, everyone has their own thoughts and sorrows. It is precisely because of this that they cannot sleep peacefully, even though they are very tired physically and mentally.

Guo Xiaomei was worried about her missing Little Brother. Although he also had some special abilities, it was difficult for Guo Xiaomei to survive in the sea of ​​corpses. Naturally, she knew better than anyone else.

Qin Bing worries about his mother He Qin, Wang Fang misses his son Fang Lei in Qincheng, clouds miss Weng Die, Wu Yan cries every night when she sleeps because of Liu Yuanchao's disappearance, and Liu Wenli misses her own Big sis Liu Wenjuan.

As for Tyrant, Northern Dipper, Wang Hui, Wu Zhen, Shi Jing, and Yunduo, of course, they also have their own troubles, but they have learned to hide their sadness in their hearts and not tell others.

The night was getting deeper and deeper, and at the darkest time before dawn, Vajra and Liu Wenli called everyone up.

In the direction of Jianghai City, a group of zombies came over, the number of which was several thousand.

Ordinary zombies seem to be evolving, at least they are slowly becoming stronger.For example, when sleeping at night, many zombies only need to sleep for an hour or two before they wake up, and then start to wander around and resume their active state.

This is undoubtedly shortening the time during which survivors can move safely. Of course, no time in the last days is absolutely safe.

Guo Xiaomei and others were called up almost immediately after they fell asleep, and they all looked tired.

Thirteen people sorted their things, left the third floor, and went outside, waiting for Guo Xiaomei's order to see which direction to run.

Guo Xiaomei thought slightly and said: "At the beginning they said Ruyan City was near Jianghai City. Then I think the only place suitable for establishing a large-scale base area nearby is the delta area dozens of kilometers away to the northeast! So, we just Go in that direction!"

Everyone nodded, and Guo Xiaomei bit her finger with her teeth and sacrificed her own parasitic upgraded beast, a white giant wolf with a body the size of a horse!

This parasitic upgraded beast is now third-level upgraded, which means that Guo Xiaomei's strength has broken through to the third-level war beast Realm in a few months.

The twelve Vajra also quickly bit their own fingers and summoned twelve giant wolves of different colors but similar sizes.

The twelve of them have also evolved to reach the second-level war beast body!

Now, they can be regarded as the real thirteen wolf riders, but according to the original plan, they still lack twelve great swords in order to be called the thirteen wolf ride great sword envoys!

They jumped on the backs of the wolves one after another. The cold wind blew through, and Guo Xiaomei's pale face became paler. She lowered her voice and said, "Let's go! Our goal is to enter the delta!"

With an order, the thirteen upgraded wolf beasts stepped forward with four hooves, leading the thirteen upgraded wolves to the direction of Wangyou City.

After several months of running-in, Guo Xiaomei has become the true captain of this team. Her outstanding combat effectiveness and calm commanding ability have been recognized by everyone. Even Batian admires Guo Xiaomei from the heart. leadership!

Thirteen wolves are about to enter the land of the doomsday. Their arrival will add a raging flame to the battle of the three cities in the land of the doomsday!


Qin An was tired and tired. The killing overnight made his heart numb.

More than half of the thousands of people in the World City outside the city had been killed or injured, and Qin An didn't want to see them all dead.

The so-called hiring is not doubtful, and the suspect is not, Qin An handed all the guards on the west wall of Ruyan City to supervisor Yue Zichen for the time being.

Yue Zichen did things very simply. He immediately organized two thousand armed soldiers, opened the city gate and rushed out to wipe out all the people outside. He originally belonged to the thirteen forces, so naturally he was not a good kind. To him, these people outside were actually the same whether they were slaves or cannibals. It is impossible for Yue Zichen to distinguish these people into the city when the war is about to break out. And in the last days, it doesn't matter whether good or evil is good or bad. It was impossible for Yue Zichen to capture people outside into the city as prisoners. There were originally nearly two thousand living people here. If you want to feed them into the city, you need to consume a lot of food.

Therefore, his approach can only be three words: kill without mercy.

Qin An did not support his approach, nor did he speak to stop him. In the face of big right and wrong, Qin An chose to be an ostrich, so that at least he could feel more at ease.

After arranging the things on the wall to Yue Zichen, Qin An also asked Qin Hui to continue to be responsible for the formation of a formal information transmission team!

For example, the west of Yancheng City covers an area of ​​tens of square kilometers, and there are 30,000 people living on such a large land. Without telephones and transportation, a team that can be distributed throughout the city and is responsible for information transmission and communication. , Is extremely important for controlling the operation of this city.

By this time Qin An had made up his mind to gain control of Chengxi, so that he could control the development of many things in his own hands.

Everyone started to run around under the command of Yue Zichen and Qin Hui, each doing its own thing. The name and powerful strength of Qin An's soul boy in the last days have caused these people to temporarily lose any resistance to it!

When people were busy, Qin Na quietly walked down the city wall, and only Liu Ru followed him with a distance of about one meter behind him.

In fact, Qin An's management ability is very average, but he has an important characteristic as a leader, that is, he can boldly give others certain rights.

When he first arrived in Qincheng and there were only a dozen people around Qin An, he would refine Qincheng's departments. At that time, it seemed that there was no need to do all this.

After bringing thousands of people from Destiny City back to Qin City, Qin An directly placed some new departments and organizations on the basis of the previous departments, and then very easily formed Qincheng’s new organizational structure management team. So that he can quickly control thousands of people.

In fact, being a leader is so simple and easy. As long as you have established a good management team, you can use this team to control all the hearts of the people in your sphere of influence!

The moon disappeared in the west, the wind and snow slowly stopped, Qin An walked lonely before the dark dawn, and his mood gradually became depressed.

He desires that he can do more and better! But reality is often cruel.

After the goose-feather-like snow fell all night, most of the tents erected by the poor on both sides of the street were crushed by the snow.

The outdoor temperature at this time is estimated to have dropped to about minus ten degrees! This may be the lowest temperature in Fuhai Province in 50 years, right?

Destiny seems to be joking with humans!

Ruyan City West, which has just experienced an enemy raid, has yet to face another snow disaster! The south is different from the north. Before the end of the world, the temperature of minus 30 degrees in the north does not necessarily freeze to death. If the temperature in the south reaches minus 10 degrees, it is already a natural disaster, not to mention that it is the end of the world.

Many people were standing on the snow outside because the tent collapsed. Their clothes were not warm, so their bodies were shivering from the cold!

Some old people have even lost their breath, obviously because of this cold taking their lives!

Liu Ru, who was walking behind Qin An, felt depressed at this time. She didn't know what she could do to help these suffering people in Xicheng!

Go to Dongcheng to find Wang Khan? Most of the houses in Dongcheng are made of bricks and tiles, which are strong and warm. Perhaps these people should be allowed to live in Dongcheng temporarily.

However, Liu Ru finally gave up this idea.

Liu Ru actually knew Wang Khan this man.

He seems to value love and righteousness, seems bold and free, but this is all a kind of appearance.

Wang Khan's heart is actually very stingy, and he is hesitant to act.There was a riot in Xicheng just now, and all the leaders of the thirteen forces were punished. It was impossible for Wang Khan to know what was going on in Xicheng. How could he let the people from Xicheng enter the East City? From Wang Khan's perspective, if there are many spies among these people in the west of the city, wouldn't he want to throw away the entire city of Ruyan? She is just a weak woman who lives in Ruyan City. What kind of stance does Wang Khan take to do this kind of thing? Unless, she is willing to sacrifice hue.

Thinking of this, Liu Ru felt even more melancholy.

After walking forward for about two kilometers, Yin Hanchao and a group of people were walking over from the other side.

When he saw Qin An, he hurried forward and said directly:

"Xiao'an! The situation in the city is very bad now!

The weather is too cold!

The previous heavy rain had already poured the entire west of Ruyan City, and then the temperature suddenly changed again, and it had been a blizzard for such a long time!

This kind of weather imagination is really never seen before.

Nowadays, people in the city don’t have warm clothes at all. They don’t have enough food on weekdays, and their physical strength is already weak. I’m afraid that if the temperature stays the same as it is now, it will take a few hours for the 30,000 people in Xicheng to freeze to death. Thousands! By then, it would be too passive for us! "

After saying these words, Yin Hanchao introduced to Qin An again: "Oh! These people are now my own! They are the managers I have found. I will gather them to find you to discuss a countermeasure and see what exactly should be done. How to do!"

Qin An raised his head and glanced at the group of people behind Yin Hanchao, only to see that they were actually wearing very thin clothes. The clothes on his body had been soaked in the rain before, and at this time, the temperature dropped and it turned out to be frozen! So all of them were shivering with cold!

Qin An sighed slightly, these people who were originally able to live in Ruyan City were so miserable, so the poor people who can't eat and wear on weekdays are expected to be in a worse situation, right?

Frowning thinking for a while, Qin An looked at Yin Hanchao and said, "I think it’s impossible to count on Dongcheng’s support! Even if they are willing to support us, I will not agree! Because once we ask for help from Wang Khan, then today What I did in the night was all in vain! The west of the city will not belong to me!"

Liu Ru heard a little turbulence in her heart, and said softly: "After all, human life is important. Why should I talk to him?"

Her attitude towards Xiao An has changed a lot, because the image of Xiao An at this time is very mysterious and tall in Liu Ru's heart.

Qin An shook his head. After that, instead of answering Liu Ru's words, he asked Yin Hanchao, "Is there a way to keep warm?"

Yin Hanchao sighed and said: "No way, there are not many firewood reserves in the city for burning and cooking, and it has been soaked in rain and snow, and it can't be ignited at all!"

"Have you counted the grain storage in the west of the city?" Qin An asked again.

Yin Hanchao nodded and said: "The food in the west of the city was mainly obtained by relief from the east side! A small amount was distributed to civilians, but most of them were concentrated in the hands of the thirteen forces! I just sent someone to count it, if you save it. Eating can also allow people in the west of the city to eat for about a month! If three meals a day are guaranteed, it may only be enough for one week!"

After hearing this, Qin An closed his eyes and thought, sighed and said: "Nowadays, you can only be a dead horse doctor! Let's bet on luck!"

Gamble on luck?

Everyone was a little confused and didn't understand what Qin An meant!

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