Dangerous City In The Last Days

Chapter 398 Qin An is very busy

"Liu Aunt, you are so beautiful!"

Liu Xia bit the word Aunt very hard, just to emphasize Liu Ru's true age.

For Lan Yue's mother, Liu Xia felt that she didn't need to be polite.

Liu Ru is not a very smart woman, but there is a natural feeling between women and women.

It's strange, why does this seemingly familiar girl seem to be full of hostility towards herself?

"You are also such a beautiful girl, are you in your teens this year? Are you an adult? Are you also a classmate of Xiao An, like Li Na?"

Liu Ru tried her best to make own's tone sound soft and non-hostile. She didn't want to make the relationship with this girl who claimed to be Xiao An's friend very stiff.

Liu Xia became depressed when Liu Ru asked, did she look so young?

She straightened her chest hard, and then said: "I have passed my eighteenth birthday!"

After speaking, Liu Xia glanced over Liu Ru's body a few times, and then retracted her forward chest in frustration.

She has to admit that, no matter in terms of temperament, figure, or aura, her beauty can't compete with Liu Ru!

This nasty woman! Sure enough, as annoying as Blue Moon! She... She is just as beautiful as a fairy!

Liu Ru didn't know what Liu Xia was thinking. He just smiled and said, "Oh! Are you the city you just entered? I think you are familiar!"

Liu Xia was completely defeated by Liu Ru, and lowered her head and said in a low voice, "Liu Aunt, we've seen it! My father is Liu Jianguo, who is under City Lord Deng Bo, and is responsible for managing the many properties belonging to City Lord Deng Bo in the East City! I have been in Ruyan City for a long time."

Liu Ru was stunned for a moment. She raised her head curiously and glanced at Qin An, who was walking tens of meters away, and said in her heart: It seems that Xiao An is really related to Ruyan City. There is such a friend, I don't even know! I don't know how many secrets this kid has kept from own.

For some reason, Liu Ru is now very interested in Xiao An, and she wants to find out everything about him.

Gently raised his hand and fiddled with his own hair, Liu Ru said, "Oh! I have seen it before, but I said it's so familiar to you! Xiao An usually calls me Liu Big sis, so you can call me along with him. Otherwise, he calls me Big sis, but you call me Aunt, don't you suffer?"

Liu Xia rolled her eyes angrily, and said in her heart: This woman! He actually matches Qin An as a sibling? When you look back, you must interrogate Qin An well, isn't he trying to hit Liu Ru's attention?

Liu Xia originally didn't want to listen to Liu Ru's words, but when she thought that Liu Ru was called Big sis, she would meet Lan Yue afterwards. Isn't she a generation older than that girl? If this is the case, then she doesn't seem to be a disadvantage!

Liu Ru didn't understand Liu Xia's girl's thoughts at all, she suddenly took Liu Xia's hand and said, "Let's go and see, it seems that we have found another one!"

Liu Xia was dragged forward by Liu Ru, but she was reluctant. When she was still seven or eight meters away from Qin An, she stopped, and then said: "Liu...Liu Big sis , Go by yourself! I am afraid!"

Liu Ru looked at Liu Xia regretfully, then nodded, and ran to Qin An's side with a smile on his face, only to see Liu Xia angry, envious, and helpless!

"Haha, hurry up and grab them! Two came out here, they are really fat!"

Qin An yelled in excitement, while the group of people he led got busy, chasing the mice running around!

This is a situation that Qin An discovered when investigating the west of the city during the daytime yesterday.

In the last days, the life space of the mice is also squeezed.

When a large number of zombies gathered in the city, most of the rats left the city for refuge and began to migrate.

This is a natural adjustment that organisms make in order to allow themselves to survive and continue.

However, these mice, who are used to relying on human waste for life, still like to gather in places with many human beings in the end!

Therefore, in the underground of Ruyan City, there are a lot of rats living!

They move in underground caves and cannot avoid Qin An's super hearing at all.

In order to let the frail people eat meat, Qin An asked Yin Hanchao to organize a hundred people for himself, and then began to look for mouse caves everywhere. When he found that there were some in the ground, Qin An asked someone to dig it up, and then took out the rats in it to prepare. Peel and roast and eat!

Rats are really tenacious. Most people in the West City of the World City can’t eat enough every day, but this group of rats eats themselves strong and fat.

However, because of Qin An's existence, mice can only become human food in the end.

Seeing Qin An's excitement when chasing the mouse, Liu Ru was infected for some reason.

One night, all kinds of misunderstandings and suspicions about Qin An turned into clouds and were scattered by Liu Ru.

In any case, Liu Ru prefers Xiao'an's character nowadays.

Although indescribable, she felt that Xiao An at this time was somewhat similar to the feeling that Qin An gave.

Sometimes it seems stupid, sometimes it looks like a cunning little mouse!

Very naturally, a smile appeared on Liu Ru's face, and then she suddenly realized that she was smiling stupidly when she watched Xiao An catch the mouse!

In the whole morning, the team of one hundred people, led by Qin An, caught more than four thousand mice!

Such high efficiency is entirely dependent on Qin An's super hearing.

The rat traps simply admired Qin An's five-body throwing to the ground, and such an episode has become one of the hope sects, one of the three major religions in the last days, and a mysterious legend in the mythological story about the main god.

When returning to the 20,000-strong center, most of the people were spread out on the ground and fell asleep.

The huge upgraded tree is very resistant to burning.

In one morning, thousands of bonfires were lit, and only about one-tenth of the big tree was used.

When the team from outside the city transported the roots of the big trees back to the city, everyone chose to use irregularly shaped tree roots instead of branches as raw materials for the bonfire.

Then the big tree can be saved and used as wood for rebuilding the homeland in the future.

Twenty thousand people all huddled together to sleep, what a spectacular scene.

When Qin An was in a daze, Liu Ru and Liu Xia also found it interesting.

Liu Xia and Qin An always kept a safe distance of three meters, and said to Qin An: "Bad guy, if I have a mobile phone, I must take this picture and post it to Moments. I'm probably going to be liked by people in various ways!"

Qin An smiled, and said to Liu Xia: "Then I guess the zombies who liked it are probably all zombies!"

When Liu Xia heard Qin An teasing her, she stomped her feet very dullly, and gently spit out two words: "Hate!"

Qin An was speechless, and Liu Xia actually sold cute with him.

Liu Ru listened to the interaction between the two of them, with a puzzled expression in her eyes. It was obvious that Xiao An's relationship with this girl seemed unusual!

Let the trappers take away the caught mice to tidy up, and prepare to wait for the afternoon to eat.

At this time Yin Hanchao's figure appeared.

"Xiao'an, I have sent someone to tidy up the resident of the other courtyard in the center of the west of the city, which is also the closest to here!

There will be your private territory in the future. I have arranged for you some private soldiers to guard the courtyard. Although you don't really need protection at all, you are still the reincarnation of a soul boy in the last days. You have a noble status and you still have to talk about how much pomp you are.

I just re-arranged all the combatants in the city. The temporary captains and official captains of each team have been arranged.

I plan to give up the trench area outside the city. After all, arranging institutions is also a troublesome thing, and it also wastes resources.

There is also the bridgehead bunker I plan to give up, and then I will blow up the bridge, and then set up a small bunker near our city gate to echo the guard tower in the city gate area. The walls of Ruyan City are very long, so I think it is enough for the guards of this kind of big city to set up a checkpoint outside the city.

I have researched that if the enemy comes to attack the city, it is not a good choice to go over the ring wall to enter the city, because it is difficult.

Then their best way to enter the city is naturally to capture the city gate. Therefore, in the periphery of the city gate, strengthening the defense is very important for defending the city. "

After listening to Yin Hanchao's narrative, Qin An was very satisfied. He liked this Fatty more and more. Although he was not a good person before the end of the world, Qin An felt that he was not a good person now, so everyone was half-hearted, and naturally they would be able to interact with each other.

Moreover, for a talent like Yin Hanchao, Qin An felt that he had to make good use of him.

After repeatedly pondering in his heart, Qin An finally understood the key to some things, and decided to wait for the things in the city to be sorted out in the past few days, and after discussing with Yin Hanchao in detail, let him do something that can decide Ruyancheng. It is a matter of life and death for all personnel.

Dragging his tired body, Qin An, Liu Ru, and Liu Xia returned to the other hospital arranged for him by Yin Hanchao.

For Liu Xia, if she wants to live in the west of the city, Qin An has no objection.

But Liu Ru and Qin An didn't want her to follow him, because there were too many misunderstandings with Liu Ru, Qin An thought it was better to keep a certain distance from this fairy.

But I don't know what medicine Liu Ru took wrong, no matter how tactful Qin An persuades, Liu Ru is as smelly and hard as a stone in a pit.

"Liu Big sis, such a beautiful house as Seaview Pavilion is suitable for a beauty like you to live in! The reason why you came to see me at night is because you are afraid that I am a traitor? Now you have seen everything in the west of the city. All right, don't worry, as long as I am here, I will guarantee that the west of the city will not be beaten in by the enemy, so why not go back? Isn't it tired if you don't sleep all night?"

Qin An's tone was very sincere.

But Liu Ru was very unhappy and said: "I won't go back! You were brought into the city by me. I must be responsible to you, so I will arrange a room for me. I will live in the west of the city from now on. Take me!"

Liu Xia curled her lips on one side, feeling that Liu Ru was so thick-skinned that she was still reluctant to leave here.

Qin An said many more things. Liu Ru always shook his head and ignored him. In the end, he didn't even shake his head. He alone checked the building that originally belonged to one of the thirteen power leaders.

It was found that the conditions were much worse than those of the Dongcheng residence. In the end, Liu Ru looked for a bedroom with a small musty smell to live in.

Qin An was very helpless, and in the end he could only arrange a room for Liu Xia. Then he found an empty room and threw himself on the bed.

He is so tired that he has no strength to take care of Liu Ru's affairs, let's talk about it later!

After lying on the bed for less than a minute, Qin An's body, whose eyes were already a little unopened, trembled suddenly, and then quickly jumped out of the bed, his eyes were already round when he stood on the ground!

Damn, he actually forgot a very important thing!

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