Dangerous City In The Last Days

Chapter 515-The King of Crushed Stones

Lu Fei said before that a five-man team of the Western Tibetan Government Heroes had arrived in Shenshu City. Then, at this time, the five people on the boat are back-ups?

Just as Qin An thought about it, his own small boat was already leaning against the four boats.

Lu Fei quickly took out a rope from the bow, tied one end to the bow, then jumped three or four meters away to the shore, and quietly tied the other end of the rope to a large rock on the bank of the river.

Many substances with pungent odors are still placed on both sides of this place, so there are still no zombies within ten meters of the shore. Moreover, the river surface here is very low. Both banks are three to four meters high. The nearby zombies cannot notice people in the river. After all, most of them are creatures without intelligence, except for those upgraded zombies caught in a group of zombies.

After securing the ship, Lu Fei returned to the ship and found that the leader of the two groups on the opposite side had appeared at the bow of the ship, looking at him.

Lu Fei raised her head arrogantly, and then said fiercely in a small voice: "Who did I think it was! It turned out to be three wolf pups and big ass!"

As soon as these words came out, the faces of Zhou Jiawei's three brothers and the hot-figure girl on the five-man ship of the Heroes of Tibet on the opposite side of the four boats all turned very bad.

Zhou Jiawei and Mo Zi looked at each other at the same time, then patted Hu Wenwu's shoulder standing among them, and then walked into the cabin together, ignoring Lu Fei.

Hu Wenwu's face flushed, watching Lu Fei's smirk, and then said naively: "Isn't this Lu Fei Little Sister? You came here to pick up people again? Fortunately, our slow pace made you catch up. This We're off now, we can go all the way! Haha!"

His laughter was a bit loud, and Lu Fei and another girl stared at him at the same time.

Hu Wenwu realized that own's behavior was inappropriate, and hurriedly covered his mouth, and then looked to both sides of the bank, without attracting zombies.

Another girl ignored Hu Wenwu, but looked at Lu Fei, and then whispered: "Huh! Little girl, my Zuo Shanshan's good figure is not something you can understand from an airport! Call me big! Butt? It’s called lordosis and back curl. Isn’t it good? Meeting you, it’s really bad luck!"

Lu Fei's face was flushed, but she was not as good as the girl opposite, but she was definitely not an airport! There are at least two small hills! No matter when and where, women are concerned about their own appearance.

And Zuo Shanshan is younger than her age at all, but she is a little mature, so she dare to call her a little girl!

Thinking of this, Lu Fei coldly said: "Huh! You are known as the head of the Goddess Mercenary Corps, why are you alone in this place now? What about your beautiful subordinates?"

Zuo Shanshan coldly smiled, and then said: "They are not capable people! They are just a bunch of poor women. I snatched them from the bad guys just to do good deeds! It's better than you, alone. I also claim to be the leader of some cute girl mercenary group! It's so laughable!"

When Lu Fei heard Zuo Shanshan say that she was lonely and widowed, she quickly retorted in a low voice, "Who said I am alone! Didn't you see several people on my boat? They are all new members of my team! From then on, my cute girl servant The Corps is about to develop and grow!"

Zuo Shanshan curled her mouth in disbelief, and just thought of retorting it, she was taken aback for a moment, her nose moved, and she discovered that four of the people on Lu Fei’s boat had no smell of human flesh. Yes, this proves that the four of them are upgraded like her!

In the land of hundreds of cities, there are tens of millions of people, but among the tens of millions, only a few hundred are upgraded. So at this time, four upgraded people appeared on Lu Fei’s ship. Zuo Shanshan is also Surprised, but also envy, jealous and hate, his face turned very bad with his mouth turned up.

Zuo Shanshan is also sixteen this year, and was born more than three months later than Lu Fei. They were classmates before the end of the world, and they have always been rivals in the school.

After the end of the world, after several twists and turns, at the same time, he fell into the Dark Light City, the land of a hundred cities, and became a neighbor again.

Some people are destined to be natural enemies, who will fight when they meet, but they are bound by fate and cannot be separated.

When they were in Dark Light City, the two people would often make a fuss about trivial things, and even made big shots twice. Fortunately, both of them were kind-hearted, so although they couldn't understand each other, they didn't really want to put each other to death and hurry up.

Now that they met, although they were unhappy, they ran on each other for a few words, so they ignored each other.

On the Qin An boat, the attention of Jess and Liu Tian was on the three people sitting behind Zuo Shanshan on the bow.

The three of them were also looking at Jess and Liu Tian.

After a long time, the young man in his twenties who spoke with a soft voice smiled and said, "The two opposite, they look familiar? Are they upgraded from the military?"

Liu Tian hummed coldly, and then said: "Shangguan Xiaolong, what are you pretending to be confused, you don't remember my old lady, my old lady remembers you!"

Qin An had a headache after listening to their conversation. It seemed that these people also had conflicts. They were all upgraded from the base in Western Tibet. How could they not know each other?

At this moment, Jace lay in Qin An's ear and whispered:

"I know all these people. They are the upgraders of the academy, and we are the military, so we are a bit uncomfortable with each other.

The person who spoke was called Shangguan Xiaolong, a boy who ranked 70th in the academy's 100 heroes list, and his parasitic upgraded beast was originally a Tibetan mastiff!

One of the two people next to him is called Tashi Dorji, and the upgraded beast's original form is a black-backed eagle. The other one is called Temur, the original form of the upgraded beast is Xinjiang Jerbo.

This hero team is best at assassinating enemies in complex environments. If I expected it, there should be two women in the cabin, Song Yali, the 47th hero student, the parasitic beast in its original form, and The tenth mutation ability person in the Hero Academy, that is, the leader of this team, the stone-crushing king Gong Xue! "


Qin An's heart trembled slightly. So far, Qin An has been in contact with two people.

One is the genetically upgraded trisomy of mutants! The other is Li Ying, the brain-upgraded mutant!

The strength of the two is obviously very powerful.

Now, in this place unexpectedly, I have encountered anomalies from the base in western Tibet. When Qin An was chatting with Jace on weekdays, he heard something about the mutants in the Hero Academy of the Western Tibet Base.

There are not many mutations in the western Tibet base. In order to better promote them and establish the image of heroes in the last days, the western Tibet government has given them some titles, that is, their special abilities plus the word king. .

This so-called King of Stone Crushers, is her special ability related to stones? Qin An was very curious, but couldn't imagine the truth of the matter.

Turning on the perspective ability and looking into the cabin, Qin An was slightly taken aback by the two women inside.

These two women turned out to be mellow Fatty, they are almost in their twenties, one of them is smoking a cigarette in his mouth, the other is holding a romantic novel and crying while watching it. Obviously I was moved by the plot inside.

For a moment, Qin An was very emotional. It seems that the saying that people can't look at each other is really a famous saying.

These two fat girls seem to be nothing special, but they are the strongest ranked in the top 50 in the Western Tibet Hero Academy, which is enough to explain some problems.

At this time, the smoking fat girl frowned, and said to the fat girl who was reading and crying: "Gong Xue! You are really sick, and crying when reading novels every day! How many times have you read that broken book? Now? Something seems to be happening outside. Go out and have a look. What is going on?"

Gong Xue cried and said, "Hate, Song Liya, will you let me finish this paragraph! The male pig's feet is about to die, my little Can! Looks so cruel!"

The smoking fat girl, Song Liya said uncomfortably: "You are the captain! If you don't care, let me go out?"

While speaking, Song Liya slowly moved her body to Gong Xue's side, and then grabbed the book in her hand.

Gong Xue cried and wanted to grab the book, Song Liya quickly blocked Gong Xue's mouth with a soft white hand before Gong Xue could speak, and then whispered in her ear: "What is the name? , I wonder if there are zombies on both sides of the shore? You want to kill us?"

With tears in her eyes, Gong Xue nodded depressedly.

Song Liya let go of Gong Xue's mouth, and said fiercely: "Hurry up and see what's going on!"

Gong Xue didn't lose her temper after being fierce by Song Liya. Instead, she turned around slowly with a crying face and crawled out of the cabin like an angry little wife.

Qin An really felt speechless when he saw this.

Unexpectedly, the so-called tenth king-level master of the Hero Academy has such a personality.

She is exactly like a little girl who doesn't understand the world.

Also, the ability of people to become capable in the end times is random and depends on luck rather than Houtian's efforts.

A beggar, a wretched villain, an old man dying, and a sentenced prisoner can all become capable.

Then these people were originally ordinary people, besides having special abilities, they may be mediocre, without any talents, just like themselves!

In other words, the fat girl named Gong Xue was able to become the captain of the five-man team completely because of her strong strength. But the true leader of this team should be another fat girl, a woman named Song Liya.

When she was thinking, Gong Xue had already crawled out of the cabin. Her eyes blinked quickly, with tears in the corners of her eyes. First, she looked at the three of Shangguan Xiaolong, and then turned her gaze to Qin An’s boat. Saw Jess and Liu Tian.

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