Dangerous City In The Last Days

Chapter 601: The Mother Of Different Zombies

The mountains of Xiaoxing'anling are not high, but they are very large, with one peak connected to one another.

In the mountains, there are actually a lot of zombies, but they are walking together in three or five, scattered in different places and not clustered together, so the danger to humans is naturally not too great. After all, it has been two years in the last days. Almost all those who dared to leave the city wall and walk in the wild have the courage and means to kill zombies. Therefore, the mercenaries who traveled to and from the Baicheng area and the northern region of China didn't have to spend any effort to clean up all the zombies in the mountains.

After Qin An turned on the Enhanced Super Hearing, his face immediately paled. This was because he found that the zombies within a radius of 10 kilometers were running towards him with a roar, and the total number was probably over 10,000! Qin An's super hearing enhancement state can only cover up to ten kilometers at the farthest point, which means that zombies from farther away are also being attracted.

The number of zombies in excess of ten thousand is not enough to make Qin An fear. After all, it will take a certain amount of time for them to get together, and Qin An can completely retreat quickly with his people.

But why did these zombies suddenly gather here? This incident itself is worrying!

There must be some force majeure near the camp that attracted these zombies! Qin An first ruled out the possibility of an earthquake, because if there was an earthquake, he should be the first person to hear the fluctuations.

What are the other reasons? Are there giant zombies nearby? But when the giant zombies summon ordinary zombies, they also need to send out ultrasonic waves that they can hear!

Then the only possibility is that there are jumping zombies here! But this also doesn't make sense! ...The method of jumping zombies to control ordinary zombies seems to be to drive them together first, and then use brain waves to control them! Now that all the zombies in all directions move together, jumping zombies should not be able to do such a thing, right?

what is the problem? A sense of crisis suddenly rose in Qin An's heart.

At this time, the super hearing in the enhanced state is automatically turned off. Qin An has used this ability many times today to confirm Xiao Bai's position. Now the skill state has reached its limit and can no longer be used.

He turned over and stood up quickly, then walked outside and called out all those who were walking with him from the tent.

Liu Ru, Gong Xue and others did not fall asleep. Qin An had already greeted them, indicating that Sun Jiahao's group would come to ask for trouble in the late morning and night.

When everyone gathered together, Qin An's face was very gloomy, and he whispered softly: "Put away the tent and pack the items. We must evacuate this place within three minutes!"

When everyone looked at Qin An's serious expression, they were slightly taken aback, then no longer hesitated or asked, they quickly executed Qin An's orders.

From the journey of Shenshu City, even the three brothers of Zhou Jiawei and others already know that Qin An has the ability to hear distant sounds, which means that Qin An can use this ability to predict danger in advance. So at this time Qin An issued such a serious order, needless to say, there must be some danger approaching.

It took less than two minutes for the people to swiftly put away all their belongings, and then under the leadership of Qin An, they bypassed Sun Jiahao's camp and ran to the north quickly.

Naturally, there was a night watchman on Sun Jiahao's side. They noticed the movements of a group of people on Qin An's side, and quickly ran to Sun Jiahao's tent to report the letter.

"Boss! Those people ran away!"

Sun Jiahao was drinking with a few of his cronies. When he heard that a litter of fat sheep he was going to eat at night ran away, he roared with blood and blood, and then ran out of the tent with his guns on his arms.

Only he himself lived in a tent in his team, and the others were lying on the ground in a circle, some of the mercenaries were already asleep.

"Damn! Get up to me! All the fat sheep ran away! These three wolf cubs of the Wolf Warriors mercenary group, daddy really misunderstood them! I thought they would be arrogant and won't run away, no I think it's all fucking softies! Come on, get up and chase me!"

After saying this, he was the first to rush out of the camp, and more than a hundred other mercenaries followed him closely.

Hu Wenwu saw that Sun Jiahao's people were chasing after him, and he ran forward and said gruffly: "Why are we going to run? These guys in the back should be able to deal with it, right?"

No one answered his question. Everyone focused on Qin An at the forefront, not knowing his intentions.

About two kilometers away, with the speed of Qin An's group, Sun Jiahao and the others have already fallen a full distance of more than one kilometer.

And Qin An, who was rushing forward, suddenly stood still, causing Liu Ru, who was following him, to directly hit him.


Liu Ru let out a soft cry, and then quickly left Qin An's body, pressing her full chest with her arm, and said uncomfortably, "What are you doing, Qin An, why didn't you run away?"

Qin An quickly turned his head and gestured to Liu Ru to silence the voice, and then looked back in the direction where everyone was moving.

With the perspective eyes opened, Qin An could see dozens of zombies 500 meters away!

These zombies are very strange, and in the center is a strange creature with a charred body.

It is sitting on the ground at this time, with its legs apart, and a ball of meat covered with mucus will roll out from between its legs! Zombies who can play meatballs? Qin An has never seen it before.

Beside this zombie, the seven standing zombies are about two meters tall. They are all blood-red muscles covered with red mucus.

Although this kind of zombies has no peculiarities, Qin An can tell at a glance that they are definitely not ordinary zombies, and they do not belong to any known upgraded zombies. In other words, these zombies are likely to be new types of upgraded species.

And in the outer circle of these zombies, there are more than a dozen zombies also very strange.

They look similar to ordinary zombies, but what is unbelievable is that a faint red flame is burning on their bodies!

What kind of monster is this again, is it also a new type of upgraded zombie? How come there are so many new upgraded species gathered in the same place?

Qin An was nervous and puzzled, and his eyes fell back to the zombie sitting on the ground surrounded by it. First, he looked at its lower body, and saw that another ball of flesh was born by it, on the ground. There are already five meatballs piled up.

Qin An frowned tightly together, and when his gaze swept across the zombie's face, he was stunned.

This...Although the skin on the zombie's face has receded, only charred flesh remains, but its facial features are still clearly visible under Qin An's super vision.

Why does it feel so familiar? Seems familiar?

It seems...like the female slave of Noshak An Ran! ?

Qin An was suddenly shocked when he thought of this, and turned around to find that there was no Enron in the own team! He actually ignored this woman at the beginning.

Oh shit! This new alien zombie was not upgraded after An Ran awakened, right?

Thinking of this, Qin An hurriedly opened his perspective again and looked at the woodland in the mountains 500 meters away.

At this sight, a shocking scene occurred. I saw that the five flesh balls suddenly split and proliferated, and eventually became a zombie with a height of two meters and a blood-red muscle all over the body. That is to say, there are already twelve such zombies. .

At this time, some ordinary zombies that are relatively close have also walked out of the woods and gathered not far from the three types of upgraded zombies.

Twelve blood-red zombies roared from their mouths, quickly ran to the ordinary zombies, and then went to bite them. As for the ordinary zombies that have been bitten by these upgraded zombies, their bodies will suddenly ignite flames, and then the flames will slowly shrink, eventually just forming a faint flame around their bodies!

Seeing this situation, Qin An finally wanted to understand something!

It seems that the zombies in the center, sitting on the ground, may have been transformed from An Ran as the root cause.

It can give birth to meat balls in a way similar to the offspring of humans, and then the meat balls will quickly grow into mature individuals, which are new types of upgraded zombies with blood red bodies. Then these zombies can bite ordinary zombies. Let ordinary zombies change!

What kind of terrifying creatures are these?

While Qin An was thinking about what he should do in his heart, An Ran's changing terrifying monster suddenly raised his head and looked towards Qin An with a pair of blood-red eyes.

Qin An's heart trembled fiercely again, only to feel that there seemed to be a gloomy wind rising from his back for no reason.

This guy, can he find the existence of own through a tree at a distance of five hundred meters?

Qin An just had such thoughts in his heart, and saw that An Ran's changing zombies had stood up from the ground.

A very strange smile suddenly appeared on her broken face! Then a few words slowly spit out from the mouth! ...It can even talk!

"Mother of zombies! I am the mother of zombies! I want to kill Meng Baiyang, I want to kill him! No one can stop me!..."

This sentence was low and hoarse, and the strange voice was as if it were being emitted in The Underworld, making Qin An shudder upon hearing it!

What has Enron changed into? Why can she still talk? Is the consciousness not completely lost yet?

When Qin An thought about it this way, the changing monster in An Ran suddenly turned around and ran away at a fast speed! Her speed is really fast, and Qin An feels that if he does not use the Movement Technique, the three phantom skills, he might not be able to catch up with it!

She said to kill Meng Baiyang, who is Meng Baiyang? Qin An's head became a little dizzy.

After An Ran, who claimed to be the mother of zombies, fled, the twelve zombies covered with blood-red muscles quickly scattered. They actually went to meet the ordinary zombies gathered from all directions, and then bit their bodies so that they eventually changed. For the upgraded zombies with flames! These alien species born by the mother of the zombies can be called the sons of the zombies!

As for the zombies that have undergone mutations after being bitten by the sons of zombies, there are already more than fifty zombies at this time. They shuttled through the forest very quickly, and even rushed to Qin'an. Obviously, they should have been affected by the zombies. The control of the mother.

Qin An’s heart has sunk to the bottom at this time. He can imagine that if the mother of the zombies is allowed to leave, it will not take much time, she will give birth to more zombies’ sons upgraded, and then these guys will let them go. More ordinary zombies have changed. I just don't know how strong the zombies after the mutation are?

In fact, all of this happened between the electric light and flint. Those abnormal zombies had already passed through the woods and appeared in front of Qin An and the others.

Qin An didn't dare to be careless, raised his hand and shot three groups of 90 Red Leaf Flying Daggers, hoping to kill these upgraded monsters that were bitten by the zombie...

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