Jace couldn't describe his mood at this time, because the woman in front of him was his ex-wife, Benita!

The last days have gone through 24 years, but they have not seen each other for almost 25 years. Benita is almost 50 years old this year. Because she is an upgraded person, the years have not left too many marks on her face. , So that she still looks like a woman three 15 or 16 years old.

Twenty-five years, to be honest, Jace can almost forget the looks of this woman, no matter how much they have loved each other, after all, time has passed too long.

Fortunately, when Jace just returned to his home in Houston, United States from China many years ago, he took some photos of Benita and kept with him at home, and he would show them when he was okay. That's why Jace could recognize this woman as Benita at a glance! In fact, she hasn't changed much, she still has blonde hair, and her nose and lips are still like that.

"Braun, I need some hot water to cleanse her body.

Ask your son Falke to take the people to the south ten kilometers away and hide in the dark. If you have any situation, report back immediately!

Let's turn on the generator. We can't make a fire at noon. We can use the electric stove to cook. I don't want to let the smoke rise and be discovered by anyone!

Put everything in order and fill up the car. If someone from the gang in Houston comes over here, let's leave immediately! "

After Jace quickly issued a series of orders, he directly lifted Benita from the ground and entered the bathroom.

Braun did not hesitate to send someone to execute Jace's order.

Jace, Liu Tian, ​​and Little Annie are the only three abilities in the town, so Jace's order will naturally not be doubted.

When the hot water boiled and filled a large bathtub, Jace shut himself and Benita in the bathroom separately, hesitated, then took off Benita’s torn clothes and soaked her in In the water, every inch of her skin was washed with water.

Sure enough, there were seven or eight bullet holes in Benita's chest, which should be the reason why she was unable to repair the wound and passed out in a coma.

Jace went to the outside to get needle-nose pliers and a short knife, cut the muscles near the bullet holes in Benita's chest, and directly used needle-nose pliers to take out the shells one by one. It took ten minutes to complete the treatment "surgery" for Benita.

At this time, someone knocked on the door outside the bathroom, and then Liu Tian's voice came from outside.

"Honey, what are you doing in there?"

Jace's heart trembled, looking at the naked Benita in the bathtub, and he became nervous.

"Ah... honey, I... she..."

Suddenly, Jace didn't even know what to say, because Benita's sudden appearance was too unexpected.

Knowing this, Jace couldn't hide Liu Tian, ​​so he could only bite the bullet and turned and opened the bathroom door. Liu Tian was standing outside holding Xiao Annie's hand.

Liu Tian looked at Jace's eyes, frowned slightly, and said softly and slowly:

"My dear, the look in your eyes is so complicated... nervous, agitated, guilty, it seems that there is still a little bit of excitement. What about that injured woman, I heard Beren say that you brought her to the bathroom? Whatareyoudoingwithher?"

She sighed slightly, the woman's perception was really amazing. It can be seen that Liu Tian became very nervous at this time. The last sentence actually asked in English, "What are you doing with her?" This kind of mixed Chinese and English The way of expression is obviously not Liu Tian's habit.

Jace did not answer Liu Tian's question, lowered his head and said directly: "It's her..."

"She?...Who is she?" Liu Tian's face became a little pale, and her tone trembled because she thought of someone.

"My ex-wife, Benita!" Jace whispered softly.

Liu Tian's face became paler, and she stood at the door in a daze.


The port of Galveston is a city with a long history in the United States. As early as 1816, Spanish colonists established the first European settlement on the island. It was once the main commercial center and one of the largest ports in the United States.

However, a hurricane in 1900 completely destroyed the city. Seven or eight thousand people died in that disaster. In 2008, Hurricane Ike hit Galveston again and made this declining city even more decadent. Unbearable.

After the outbreak of the end of the world in 2015, this place was directly abandoned and became a dead city in the end of the world.

Bravecity was built just behind a forest near the sea south of Galveston.

At this time, at twelve noon, Benita was lying peacefully on the bed of Jess and Liu Tian. Liu Tian sat on the sofa next to her and looked at the woman on the bed in a daze, while Jace took her little Annie in the living room. Big eyes stared down on the sofa.

"Dad, is that pretty blonde Benita Aunt? She's very beautiful."

Annie looked up at her father Jace and spoke in a low voice.

Jace once told his daughter some things he experienced before the end of the world, and Benita is naturally the most unforgettable person before the end of the world. The story about him and Benita has always been a little secret between him and his daughter. Liu Tian never knew that Jace had told Annie about these things.

"Yes... she is my father's wife before the end of the world, and we are not divorced... You know, when the end of the world broke out, the judges became zombies, so there was no time to care about us. Nosy. And without a judge, we can't get a divorce..."

Jace held Annie in his arms, speaking in a very soft voice.

"Are zombies really that scary? I haven't seen these guys yet! Are they more annoying than the gangs in Houston?"

"Maybe, zombies and gangs are equally annoying... Baby, there will be a chance to see... A few days ago I sneaked into Houston to buy things, and I heard about some zombies in the north. It seems to have begun to move... In fact, I hope you will never see these ugly and fierce guys."

"Dad, I am not afraid, because I am a supernatural person, and I inherited the abilities of you and mom."

"Anne is great, you are the pride of my mother and me!"

Jace took Annie into his arms and looked in the direction of the bedroom.

The bedroom door was closed tightly, and Jace looked calm on the surface, but was in a state of confusion.

Suddenly, there was a faint voice inside, and Jace directly hugged Annie and stood up. After a few seconds, he put Annie down, and then whispered:

"Annie, my father is going to secretly listen to what the two women inside are talking about, okay Anne will give Dad a whistle!"

"Dad, Youareabadguy! You overheard the girl! Annie ignored you!"

After that, Annie pretended to be angry and ran back to her own room. In fact, she wanted to see the little crabs she caught today. After all, things for adults are too complicated and boring.

The daughter actually said that she was a big badass, Jace was a little embarrassed.

Forget it, there is no time to teach this little girl, in the bedroom his own ex-wife and the current wife are still coexisting, and he will be in the ring after a while, so he should go to eavesdrop and inquire first-hand information!

Thinking of this, Jace quickly ran outside the bedroom door, and then pressed his ear to it.


In the bedroom, Benita groaned a few times, disturbing Liu Tian who was in a daze.

Getting up quickly from the sofa, Liu Tian walked to the bed, just in time for Benita to open her eyes.

Liu Tian was nervous and she said in English: "Your broken arm has repaired itself. Now the RC virus in your body is still in a weak state, so you may not have much strength. You don't have to worry, our people are guarding nearby. , No one should come here..."

TC virus is named active virus in United States, namely reactiveviruses, or CT virus for short; while T virus is called death virus, or Deathviruses, or DT virus for short. Liu Tian was speaking English at this time, so she naturally adopted the English description of the apocalyptic virus.

The awakened Benita opened her eyes, and the face of an oriental woman gradually became clear.

She coughed a few times, then weakly asked, "Where is this place?"

"This is... the beach. There should be no one within 20 kilometers. Of course I am talking about the permanent residents, excluding the homeless and the gang members in Houston. You were caught by us three hours ago. People found out that you were shot in the chest at that time, and we helped you deal with the wound... and changed your clothes."

Benita tried to sit up with her arms, and Liu Tian hurriedly stopped her and said: "Lie down, you are still very weak! If you want to recover quickly, take a good rest."

Benita really didn't have much energy. After saying thank you, she didn't continue to struggle and lay back on the bed.

Liu Tian looked at Benita, took a deep breath, and said, "Do you know the rules?"

The so-called rule here is that, as an outsider, Benita must report to her family and tell her all her experiences. The more detailed the better, so that the locals can judge whether to accept an outsider like her, if so. If it's not good, the outsiders may also be killed directly by the locals to avoid trouble. This is a law formed in the end times.

Benita closed her eyes, nodded, and then spoke:


I... My name is Benita, and I lived in a small village near Victoria Harbour five years ago.

With my husband and son..."

Liu Tian's eyebrows were slightly frowned, but Jace outside the door only felt a pain in her heart, and it was hard to tell.

"Are you married?" Liu Tian interrupted Benita, with a surprise in her tone.

Benita opened her eyes, looked at Liu Tian suspiciously, and then said:

"I am a supernatural being... the kind of person who can hide huge monsters in his body, I think you should know, because I am in your body, and I can't feel the breath of human beings at all, I think We should be of the same kind.

Supernatural beings look much younger than ordinary people. I am actually almost fifty years old this year. How can a woman of this size live without getting married? Even in the end times, women can't live without men, can they? "

Benita's tone was a bit bitter.

Liu Tian nodded clearly, and then said: "Victoria Harbour is almost two hundred kilometers away from here...Well, you continue to say, but I want to hear you from the beginning of the last days, Must be detailed!"

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