In the sky, a crimson moon shone with endless brilliance.

In the woods, the upgraded plant named Puccinellia tenuiflora exudes a gleam!

Ten meters above the woods, a mass of flesh and blood was constantly rolling, and the smell of blood came from this!

They are merging together!

Realizing this, Qin An did not dare to hesitate. He activated various sword god skills and launched an attack on the ball of flesh and blood!

However, Qin An failed in the end. He found that the process of the opponent's combination was almost immune to all kinds of damage. At least with the fifth-level Sword God ability, Qin An had nothing to do with it!

Shi Dali and the black hair had already emerged from the space.

When the little girl came out, she found that she didn't wear any clothes, and she was almost scared to death.

Fortunately, Qin An was attacking that blood cell and didn't have time to look at her, and her clothes were under her feet.

After dressing himself neatly, Shi Dali exhaled a long breath, and then looked at Qin An who had retreated to his side. The man's face was a little pale, it seemed that he couldn't beat the wet slave? But what happened just now? Why did they come out of Qin An's dream space after a strange male voice appeared? Also, the ball of flesh and blood floating in the sky seems to be different from the corroding blood cells that Shinu had changed before. It is at least disgusting and bloody a lot. What is the flesh that wriggled and rolled during it?

The next moment, time and space seemed to freeze, the blood cells surging back and forth stagnated for a second, and then suddenly changed into a human form!

Qin An and Shi Dali were stunned....Okay...what a beautiful creature! The black hair comes from the star of the sword spirit. She is well-informed, but she also frowned, because the creature in front of her looked very familiar, as if on the star of the sword spirit, there was also the origin of a powerful species. The shape is like this, right?

She, or he should be...

It is almost two meters tall, and on the whole it is still human.

A pair of exquisite and moist feet, a dual cultivation of long and delicate legs, if it is placed before the end of the world, it can definitely become the top foot model and leg model. Between its legs, there is no gender indication. Any organ.

The upper body of the beautiful creature is fit and curvy, and its chest is slightly bulged but not strong, like a woman's micro-emulsion, but there are no two points of rosy on its chest and room. Its belly is flat, and the sexy mermaid line is very clear.

It has a long silver hair shawl, and its features are delicate and delicate. No one can judge her gender based on its appearance, because it is so beautiful that it is too neutral, and the feeling is very strange, and it can make people look at it. deep impression.

It has two pairs of silver wings on its back! The feathers of the wings exude a slight light, which makes it even more Sacred, like the main god of the legend in Western mythology!

Another difference from ordinary humans is that it has a ten-centimeter-long silver pointed horn on the top of its head, which makes it look like a unicorn in a refined human form, which is very special.

what is this? Where did Sanhei go? Shi Dali's heart was full of doubts.

Qin An held Shi vigorously behind him with a serious face, and the anxiety in his heart became stronger and stronger. He just hoped that his own guess was wrong, or else there would be a fierce battle today! It is a pity that his current strength still seems to be unable to deal with the guy in front of him. It would be great if he could be stronger, and it would be great if he could have more Sword God abilities...

Thinking of this, Qin An's body trembled suddenly, oh my god! How could he have such an idea! How could he have such an idea? He doesn't want to become a person who has no principles in order to improve his strength. He is even more unwilling to hurt people around him, such as Guo Shuai, in order to gain the ability of the sword god one day!

At this time, the combined creature on the opposite side had already landed, but he did not stand inside, but was suspended one meter from the ground.

Before, it kept its eyes closed, but suddenly opened, the pair of lavender eyes are amazing!

So clear, so beautiful eyes!

Her gaze scanned Qin An's body, and then she spoke with an extremely coquettish smile, and her voice was neutral and deep and sweet.

"Curious! I like who I am now!

It's like...I'm transparent. The wind can penetrate my body surface and blow into my heart and lungs. It feels so transparent!

Haha, Qin An, it's been a long time...or we should meet again!

I am a combination of Cao Tian, ​​Liu Rui, Sun Zhang, Wang Khan, and Shinu. You can call me five bodies!

Speaking of it, you and I are really fate!

When I first met, I was only three-body. It was in Destiny City 22 years ago, right? You took away Liu Ruyan, the woman my three clones liked, so I chased you all the way, but you escaped! "

Wu Ti shook his head regretfully.

Qin An sighed, it seemed that everything was the same as his guess just now.

"Hmph, that time, you killed one of my friends, Su Zhenmei, do you remember?"

Wu Ti shook his head and said, "Of course I won't remember that kind of little character! In fact, you should have been a little face to me, but my fourth clone is Wang Khan! He also loves Liu Ruyan very much. Yes, but after you arrived in Ruyan City, you made Wang Khan's city so smoggy, and you also snatched Liu Ruyan's eyes from me! So when my predecessor appeared, I was naturally impressed by you... "

Qin An interrupted: "No wonder the guy named Wang Khan disappeared when the zombies besieged Ruyan City. It turned out to be a tetrasama fusion with the three bodies! ... That is to say, later in the Dark Light City in Russia, Did you take Liu Ru away?"

The five bodies nodded sadly, and then calmly said:

"Yeah, she is now called Liu Ru... These years we have been together. I don't know what charm you have, so Liu Ru will always remember you. Although we have never mentioned you, but I am I know, when she was in a daze, the man she was missing was you, Qin An!"

After Qin An heard this, he couldn't help feeling a little sad and a little excited. He wanted to ask the five bodies in front of him, whether Liu Ru gave birth to a child more than 20 years ago, and if he did, is the child well now?

However, Qin An didn't ask any questions in the end, because he knew that Wuti was not a good target for questioning.

The five bodies sighed leisurely, and then continued:

"never mind!

It doesn't matter if you don't mention these things, Liu Ru still loves me anyway, because we have been together for so many years.

This time I came to Tibet, I originally just wanted to have a minor operation, and then I went back to fulfill my obligation to be a husband to Liu Ru, but it's a pity... the damn humanity ruined my plan! "

Qin An's heart was delighted for no apparent reason when he heard these words of Wu Ti. Yes, the three bodies, the four bodies and the five bodies in front of us should be the same. They have no human reproductive organs. That is to say, although he has been together with Liu Ru for many years, and even though they have been commensurate with each other, they should definitely not. Is the husband and wife true?

After that, Qin An was lost again. What was he so happy about? Even so, there is always a blue moon between him and Liu Ru!

Qin An's mind was a little confused, but he didn't actually think thoroughly. Liu Ru and Lan Yue had no blood relationship at all. Now that time has passed for so long, the mother-daughter relationship between Liu Ru and Lan Yue in the last days has actually disappeared!

"So, self-righteous humans are indeed the most annoying. I am very fortunate to be able to live in this world as a five-body life form now...Qin An, you don't actually belong to humans anymore. All supernatural beings are brand new lives. Body! It's a pity that there are too many abilities like you, and they still feel that they are still human!

Hey, I've been silent for too long, maybe it's because of the fusion of Shizu, I think it's time for me to go out and do a big job! A new era should come. It has been more than 20 years since the end of the world. Those of you who still cling to the shadow of the pre-apocalyptic era are actually ridiculous!

Speaking of Shinu, Qin An... Our general ledger seems to have come to liquidation. You and I seem to be really fate. Not only did you have entanglements with my first four clones, but also with my fifth clone Shi slaves. Hatred! Humph, you killed her former master, and now you still want to take her new master away from her...Qin An, you really hate it. If you don't kill you, I will feel uncomfortable all over!

As the five bodies, I have all the memories of the five clones, but I have a separate soul that is different from them. Therefore, after I kill you, you only need to remember that the person who killed you is the five bodies. This will only be my temporary name! "Speaking of this, Wu Ti raised his head and looked towards the south:

"When I was merging with Shinu just now, I felt that another powerful force came from the far south of India. This feeling was familiar and wonderful. It was the same as the situation when I met Wang Khan and Shinu!

Qin An, you are just a pebble on my path to a truly perfect creature! After killing you, I will go there to find another person with super genes, and then I will become a six-body! It is a pity that you will never see me evolving again, because today, you are about to die! "

After talking about the five bodies, he actually did it directly.

His wings waved lightly, and from the four silver wings, a faint mist immediately appeared, and then it began to spread rapidly.

When the fog touched the nearby trees, the trees were directly corroded. When the fog touched the ground, the soil on the ground also began to corrode, and then sublimated into gas transpiration and disappeared!

Qin An understood at a glance that this is the same ability as Shisl to corrode blood cells, but it has evolved to appear in the form of mist, so that the five bodies can center on himself and attack 360 degrees without dead angles. , Let all the matter where the fog goes to be corroded!

The fog spreads very fast, and it reaches Qin An almost in the blink of an eye! For such an attack, Qin An is very helpless. Although he has dual immortal body abilities, as long as he is surrounded by mist, he is equivalent to entering an infinite loop of death. By then, it is estimated that there will only be a nine-blood spirit. Yi's way home can save him.

Besides, there is a little girl Shi Dali behind him. If he rushed into the fog and tried to fight the five bodies regardless of his life and death at this time, relying on the moving speed of his black hair, he should not be able to escape the spreading speed of the fog, and Shi Dali would undoubtedly die by then.

The five bodies have already said that he has an independent soul that is different from the five clones, which means that he will no longer care about the life and death of Shi Dali, because he is not a Shi slave and does not need anyone to be his master!

Thinking of this, Qin An turned around without any hesitation to lift the stone vigorously, and at the same time put the black hair into his body, and activated the third skill of the Sword God of Fragrant Bone, Burning Heart Flame. After this skill was activated, Qin An would gain the ultimate speed. The ability, but at the same time it will also make the body suffer the burning pain! Therefore, Qin An turned on Purdue Sword God's third skill, Immortal Body. This ability allows Qin An to quickly heal his various injuries without the Sword God's strength being exhausted! In other words, in fact, with this ability, Qin An might have the opportunity to enter the mist of corrosion and reach the five bodies, but whether he has the strength to continue to use the sword god ability and successfully kill the five bodies in close combat is unknown.

After turning on the dual ability extreme speed state, Qin An no longer has the power to continue fighting, and can only escape. Holding Shi Dali, he turned and turned into an afterimage, and disappeared directly into the night.

The five bodies frowned slightly, and then took back the mist after a long while.

He was very confused. He didn't expect Qin An to move so fast, probably faster than he is now.

"Have you gone to rescue soldiers? Those capable people have nothing to worry about, but the thermal weapons in Tibet are very annoying, and it is estimated that they will not be beneficial to confront them...

In that case, Qin An, wait until I go to South India and become six bodies before I come to you! "

After talking to himself, the five bodies directly waved their wings and flew to the south.

When passing by the labyrinth city, he hovered in the sky, and then secretly said in his heart: "I also felt a bit of super gene power here just now, but it disappeared quickly. Is it an illusion? Forget it, let's go to South India first. Right! The super gene power there is very strong, it is estimated that it will not take long to find the sixth person

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