Dangerous City In The Last Days

Chapter 805 Strong Sword

When Weng Lan was in college, she liked studying astronomy and joined the astronomy club.

So when Shirakawa Wulong mentioned the word "singularity", some concepts began to flash in her mind.

The term "singularity" is widely explained from astrophysics, and is also aliased as "singularity of time and space" or "singularity of gravitation." It was first proposed by Hawking in 1970. Because the concept is relatively abstract, it is actually difficult to give a clear definition.

According to black hole theory, there is a singularity with infinite density and mass in the center of a black hole. Therefore, before defining a black hole, the singularity must be defined.

To borrow Einstein's rubber film analogy, if the energy or mass of an object is large enough, it will pierce a hole in the rubber film, and this hole can be called a singularity.

Since it has been possible to prove the existence of a black hole, and it is determined that the center of the black hole is a singularity, it is necessary to start with the black hole to define the singularity.

Obviously, light cannot escape from the black hole, which means that the gravitational acceleration of the black hole and the surface escape velocity are both faster than the speed of light.

The existing theorem regards the matter that hits the singularity as "disappearing". In fact, when the object approaches the singularity, it will be quickly accelerated to above the speed of light. According to some existing theories of mankind, it exceeds the speed of light. The speed of light will jump to another time and space, so the singularity is actually a broken point in the existing time and space. In other words, the singularity should be the entrance of the space-time tunnel. If you can tolerate the tidal force caused by acceleration, you can go to another space-time from here.

From a physics point of view,

The singularity again refers to the point at which time and space begin to bend infinitely. Since the singularity exists in the center of the black hole, a singularity may be the starting point of how the universe began since the universe's big bang.

Einstein said that time and space are illusions of people's perception. Time is because of the changes in everything in the universe, which gave people the concept of time. At the singularity, with the birth of the Universe, changes began to occur, which is the beginning of the Universe.

Classical general relativity predicts that there is a singularity, but the existing human theories are invalid at that point, which means that quantitative analysis cannot be used to describe what is at the singularity.

From the perspective of universe studies, most scientists believe that the singularity is the point at which the universe was formed by explosion at the beginning of the universe. It has the potential energy of all matter. This potential energy is generated by the Big Bang and then transformed into the mass and energy of the universe. It is conceivable that the singularity is an incredible existence without a fixed shape and without a volume.

At the beginning of the occurrence of a world, it should indeed have all the potential energy that forms all the matter in the universe, and this potential energy is exactly what humans call energy. Scientists before the end of the world can imagine that energy is an intangible thing, so it is strange. Points should also be intangible. At the same time, scientists can also imagine that at a certain point, the balance of potential energy at the singularity of the universe is broken, so accidentally, energy is continuously converted into matter, and after several years, our universe, a symbiosis of matter and energy, is formed.

Of course, based on human awareness of the universe, all of this is just an inference, and whether the singularity really exists in the universe is basically inconclusive.

So at this moment, is the singularity that Shirakawa Five Dragons are talking about, is this singularity that he knows? Weng Lan has this question in her mind. She could see his profile face behind Qin Qicai, and found that Qin Qicai didn't seem to understand, so she whispered what she knew to Qin Qicai, hoping to make him know it well.

Baichuan Wulong was not in a hurry. He even moved a chair and sat aside, his eyes moved back and forth on Weng Lan and Qin Qicai, basically watching Weng Lan for ten seconds before watching Qin Qicai for one second.

To be honest, Weng Lan gave him a very special feeling.

This woman is not amazingly beautiful, but her smile can be deeply rooted in people's hearts when she touches her.

Shirakawa Wulong is thirty years old this year, and he is considered a post-apocalyptic person.

In the end times, although there are schools in some large gathering places, the courses taught are incomparable with the schools before the end times. Astrophysics is not taught in schools at all, because this seems to be nothing in the end times. Meaning, who cares about things in the universe? In the last days, people are more selfish and more practical.

Therefore, when Weng Lan talked about the singularity theories, Shirakawa Wulong was a little surprised. He couldn't imagine how this woman who seemed to be about his age would know these things.

After Weng Lan finished talking about what she knew, Shirakawa Wulong smiled and said:

"Singularities do exist in the Universe, and the scientists on the Sword Spirit Star, or the Sword God Cultivators, have studied them.

First of all, the human speculation that the singularity is the gate of time and space is actually very accurate! And they are wrong to say that the singularity is the starting point of the universe!

I once talked about this with my parasitic sword god.

He believes that Universe overlaps in multiple dimensions! And each universe has its own shape. For example, there is a universe with a diameter of about one meter and an infinite length. It actually traverses our Milky Way galaxy and even passes by the earth, but we can’t see it, and there is no way to quantify it, but it It does exist, is a different dimension from us, and is not bound by what we call the laws of the Milky Way.

Among them, there are many living planets. These planets may be the size of a football in our opinion, but the living species on them are tens of thousands of times more abundant than the earth.

So, are these planets really so small? Naturally not, if they can escape from the dimension they are in and enter the Universe on the same orbit as the earth, they may be infinite!

So on different planes, our earthly people’s cognition of size is broken!

A very important part of the concept of multidimensional universe is overlap. How should I put it... For example, there are countless paintings painted with black pen and ink, and scrolls with transparent materials are randomly laid together. In the end, what we see must be a piece of black. The countless lines of Zhang's painting are all overlapped!

Then, if these overlapping scrolls constitute what we think of as the universe, the earth is only on one of the scrolls, and this scroll is actually the universe in our eyes. Because we are in this picture scroll, we don’t know what the other pictures are, we don’t even know their existence!

So what exactly is the singularity? As I said just now, it is the gate of time and space, which allows objects close to it to shuttle between different universes. That is to say, it is the junction between the universe and the universe, with infinite mass and potential energy!

People on earth believe that the singularity is at the center of the black hole. This concept is not the same as the definition of the singularity on the Sword Spirit Star. In the eyes of the Sword Spirit Stars, singularities are everywhere. For example, in this tent at this time, there are actually many singularities! They also have infinite mass and potential energy, but because they are connected to other planes, we cannot perceive their existence, and they will not exist based on the laws of the Milky Way as we know it!So, if singularities are everywhere, why are we not affected in any way? This is related to the difference of singularities. In fact, on the earth, there are only a few singularities that can be used as gates of time and space to allow people to walk in the universe of the plane. What should be noted here is the so-called tides of time and space. Force does not actually exist, which means that fragile creatures like us humans can also travel through time tunnels at will. The so-called time tunnels also do not exist. When we come into contact with the singularity that allows us to travel through time and space, It is possible that as long as you take one step forward, you will reach another plane world. These worlds may be completely different from the earth, or it may be a certain period of the earth, such as ancient times, ancient times, and so on.

The concept of time is originally made up by people. In fact, every point in time exists in the multidimensional universe. If you can escape the comfort of the plane, you can indeed soar in history!

Isn’t it amazing? When I heard this from Singularity Sword God, I was also a little stunned.

Singularity Sword God, his path to become a God of sword practice began by perceiving the existence of these singularities!

In the end, he succeeded and gained five great abilities by practicing swordsmanship.

The starry sky battle body, the shadow of escape, the distorted potential energy, the gate of the singularity and the call of the spirit of the sword god!

Starry Sky Station is a defensive ability that allows me to have a strong body.

Shadow of Escape is a Movement Technique ability, which allows me to have a relative acceleration state with the enemy approaching. That is to say, no matter how fast the enemy moves, it is useless to me, because my relative acceleration will make I will always be faster than him!

Distorted potential energy is the ability that I just let the old white beard explode. I can create a twisted potential energy magnetic field in a local space. When the potential energy of countless kinds of energy appears in a small space, this space will be filled with powerful energy. Tear, there will be nothing inside!

The gate of the singularity is a random summoning ability! I can open a space-time tunnel to summon creatures of various planes. In fact, this ability is a bit tasteless, because I can't control my summons myself, and I don't know what I will summon! I once summoned a Magical Beasts that looked like a wild wolf. Its fighting power was strong. It took a month to rush to a zombie territory and kill all the millions of zombies inside. Later, I didn’t know that this thing ran away. Over there. I also summoned the pharaoh of the ancient Egyptian era, huh, that useless guy thought he had entered The Underworld, and he was crazy now! This ability is a bit tasteless, but very interesting! Didn’t you have four great beauties in ancient China? If one day I can summon them out, then I can confirm whether the aesthetics of the ancients is the same as it is today!

Of course, all abilities will have limits on the time and frequency of activation! But even so, I am the strongest! In the years since I became the host of the Sword God, I have never lost a battle against others! "

Speaking of this, Shirakawa Five Dragons fixed their gaze on Qin Qicai's body and said: "So... are you ready now? Is it because the later I do it, the more you know about me, the less you will feel. Confidence? Qin Qicai, I am actually a very kind person, but when facing an enemy, I can become very cold-blooded! Please remember that after I kill you, I will definitely destroy Seven Sword City Let your soul cry after death!"

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