The time is actually only a moment, but Qi Rou seems to have experienced it for a long time.

When she opened her eyes again, she found that she was slowly falling, and the ground below were all the grayish, hideous and terrifying humanoid monsters that she had seen just now!

Frowning slightly, Qi Rou raised her hand with one hand, and then said softly, "The Sea of ​​Fire Dance!"

The four characters fell, and within a hundred meters in diameter below Qi Rou, a blazing flame suddenly rose. In a flash, all the zombies that were affected by the flame ignited, and they were wiped out in ashes!

At a hundred meters away, Shirakawa Five Dragons saw such a situation, and the surprise in their hearts was beyond words!

Unexpectedly, this fifth plane creature has the same form as humans, and she...she has such a powerful fire control ability! If you get along well with them, won't you have a big help in the future?

At this moment, Qi Rou had already landed, and the power of fire set off waves of heat and breeze, blowing up the red dress that Qi Rou was wearing, and the flames spread all over her body, but no matter which one it was. The clothes, or her seemingly delicate pieces of skin, were not damaged in the slightest!

The power of the elements is so weak!

Qi Rou was very dissatisfied with the effect of the magic she released.

The spell of Fire Dance Sea is a forbidden spell. It can instantly turn into a sea of ​​fire within a hundred miles when cast, but now she can only burn such a small space, which can only prove the elemental power of the place where she is. It should be very weak, similar to the planet of King Qin's residence!

King Qin... Thinking of that man, Huo Wu was a little bit lost. He didn't expect that at the last moment, he could not let go of his situation, and gave up himself!

The flames slowly subsided, and more zombies around rushed up again, Huo Wu frowned slightly, and whispered:

"Where is this, these guys are really annoying!"

She was speaking the language of her own planet at this time, so even if Shirakawa Five Dragons, one hundred meters away from her, heard her talking vaguely, they didn't know what she was talking about!

Killing several senior jumping zombies around him, Shirakawa Wulong shouted at Qi Rou: "Girl..."He first uttered two words in Chinese, and then felt that she was a visitor from a plane, and she might not understand Chinese, and she seemed to look a little more like a Westerner, so he spoke in English again: "Friend! Hello! , Welcome to the earth, I summoned you! These zombies want to threaten our lives, so quickly kill them!"

Qi Rou heard the shouts of Shirakawa Five Dragons, turned to look over, and saw the man jumping up and down to kill the humanoid monster!

Huh, man? Qi Rou felt that she didn't like this creature very much at this time!

In fact, on her planet, there is no distinction between men and women. Everyone on the planet just looks like a human woman on the earth, and her personality is closer to a woman. That’s why she marked herself by gender. After getting to know King Qin.

Now that I came to this inexplicable place, a creature similar to King Qin suddenly appeared and yelled at her. This made Qi Rou's heart very upset. She finally let go of King Qin and held her hand. There are still some concerns!

Is it still the earth here? Otherwise, why do creatures like humans appear? In other words, she did not travel through time and space.

This place is so chaotic, no matter what, it's better to avoid it first! Qi Rou needs to find a quiet place, and then understand what happened to own! And figure out whether she has shuttled through the Universe plane in the end.

Thinking of this, she walked directly into the flame next to her. As a Sacred magister of the fire system, Qi Rou has an ability beyond imagination. In addition to releasing some offensive fire magic, she can also shuttle freely where the flames are burning. Of course, this kind of shuttle is only limited to one plane. In addition, she will be bound by the gravitational force of the planet, which means that she can only shuttle on the surface of the planet where she is.

After entering the flame, Qi Rou's body quickly disappeared, and then walked out of another pile of flames, and this place was already five kilometers away from the location of the Shirakawa Five Dragons, but it was still among the corpses!


Qin Qicai took Weng Lan, Qin Xiangming, and Dabai ran out of the previous tent, and was stunned by the sight in front of him. He didn't know when the zombies entered the woods and had already filled the nearby space.

Just when he wanted to turn around and ask Tang Jiudie, the zombies in front of him suddenly separated to the two sides, forming a path with a width of five meters. Those sturdy jumping zombies were standing on both sides of the path, seeming to maintain order. The members are ordinary, so that the ordinary zombies behind them can't move forward.

Qin Qicai thought slightly, without hesitating, she led Weng Lan and a few people along the path into the corpse group. After running for five kilometers, she found that there was an open space of more than 300 square meters in the corpse group in front of him. There is a small house built, Jess, Liu Tian, ​​Annie, Benita, Jax, Catalina, with Qin Dafeng, Qin Erhe, and Qin Sanshan all here, the three little guys are crying bitterly. It seems that they have been frightened. Liu Tian, ​​Benita, and Annie are coaxing them with a worried look. There are still zombies around. What if the cry of these children irritates them?

At this moment, Qin Qicai and several people arrived here.

Seeing the three sons crying fiercely, Weng Lan hurried forward and handed Qin Xiangming, who was still asleep, to Katerina's hands, and then hid in the cabin to feed the sons one by one. For this group of boys, Breast milk is undoubtedly the best placebo, but you have to wait in line to eat your mother’s milk and water. It seems that the large population has its drawbacks.

Outside the wooden house, Jess had already stood with Qin Qicai. The two men don't have much contact on weekdays, mainly because one of them is a security guard during the day and the other is responsible for the night watch, so there are too few opportunities to meet.

Jace’s face was a little gloomy, and said to Qin Qicai: “We just heard about the anomaly in Weng Lan’s tent, so we wanted to go in and check it, but Tang Jiudie suddenly appeared and brought many zombies with us. After entering the path constructed by those zombies, we finally got here. She is actually not credible, but we were besieged by zombies at the time, and we could only obey her arrangements. Qicai, how about Tang Jiudie?"

Qin Qicai frowned and said, "I don't know, maybe I'm fighting against the No. 1 master of the gangster alliance, Shirakawa Five Dragons!"

"The first master of the gangster alliance?" Jace was shocked.

Qin Qicai briefly told about what happened after entering Weng Lan's tent.

Jace shook his head somewhat depressed and said: "I didn't expect them to come anyway. However, although we have left the tiger den, we have entered the wolf pack again!

Qi Cai, you have been able to get supplies from Tang Jiudee these days, so we didn't go too far into her identity, after all, we have been relying on others to survive.

But now, it seems that we can no longer be ostriches. When we have to face Tang Jiudie, do you know who she is? "

Qin Qicai said: "Who is she should not be that important to us? As you said, after all, she has helped us over and over again! We only need to understand this."

Jace sighed for a long time, and then said: "The main body of this corpse group is jumping zombies. I even saw many D5 level jumping zombies on the way to escape here before! This means that the boss controlling them should be D6. Level! Zombies are inhumane, they cannot help us, that is to say, the real controller of this corpse group should be an awakened with a D6 jumping zombie parasitic beast, so it goes without saying that the awakened should It's Tang Jiudie!"

Qin Qicai did not speak, but frowned even tighter.

Jace continued: "Awakened people can no longer be regarded as humans, because they must eat human flesh to maintain their physical vitality. They and I cannot resist the temptation of human flesh, so..."

Speaking of this, Jess took Qin Qicai's arm and walked to one side, where a bonfire was burning, and a cauldron was supported on the flame.

Qin Qicai moved her nose, and he could smell a scent of meat even through a layer of pot cover.

Jess said: "This big pot of food was available when we came. This open space and this wooden house should all belong to Tang Jiudie, and this pot of food should also belong to Tang Jiudie. See what's inside?"

After listening to Jace's words, Qin Qicai didn't know what was wrong with him, and her mood became especially irritable.

He seemed to hesitate for a while, and then stepped forward violently, uncovered the lid of the cauldron, and saw the two human legs boiling inside!

"Before we came, it seemed that Tang Jiudie was preparing to eat!" Jace's tone was a little cold.

Qin Qicai's body shook a few times and her face became pale. It took almost a full minute before he exhaled and said, "It's okay...Anyway, we have nothing to do with her. After this time, we will part ways. She will never eat us too? Is it that she is willing to provide us with food for such a long time, just to feed us like livestock?"

Speaking of this, Qin Qicai had various scenes of spending a month with Tang Jiudie in her mind.

The feeling this woman gave him was actually very good. Speaking of Qin Qicai, she was just an adult. Although she was no longer a virgin or male, her emotional world was blank. Although his relationship with Katerina is good now, she is not a lover to Qin Qicai, she can only be said to be a physical need!

So what kind of woman is Tang Jiudie? Qin Qicai really wanted to know, but he was afraid that once he knew the result, he would never be able to face this zombie queen again!

Just when Qin Qicai was very tangled, the flame that was cooking a pair of legs suddenly burned more vigorously, and the flames ascending to three meters high. Then a barefoot woman in a long red dress walked out of the flames and stood on the ground!

Jess and Qin Qicai stepped back at the same time, watching the woman walking out of the flames very carefully, only to feel strange and unusual, and for a while, they also forgot Tang Jiudie behind their heads!


Among the corpses, the five dragons of Shirakawa are still fighting hard, and he is really going to die of anger, that damn plane summoned creature has run away? Doesn't this make his sword god ability a joke?

It seems that in the future, you need to be in a quiet place to use the power of the Singularity Gate, and then completely assimilate the summoned plane creatures into your own, and then take them out!

Today's situation can only be solved by yourself!

Shirakawa Wulong's mood is difficult to calm, hasn't it been too long for him to kill, how can he become so indecisive, he will become so miserable without taking the first shot at the best time! He is definitely a super strong when fighting people one-on-one, but facing so many zombies, he is somewhat powerless!

A little bit of time passed, two hours later, the power of the sword god of the Shirakawa Five Dragons was getting weaker and weaker, and there were still boundless zombies beside him. Just when he suspected that he might be planted in this place, the sky The helicopter of the Chinese Gangs Alliance arrives.

Shirakawa Wukong was almost moved to tears. He grabbed the escalator that landed on the plane, and after leaving the group of corpses, he immediately swore again in his heart:

Qin Qicai, and the woman who can control the zombies, he must make them pay the most painful price!


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