Dangerous City In The Last Days

Chapter 811 City Construction Plan

December 14, 2039, west of Tibet, China, north of the Great Wall of Heavenly Prison.

Thirty thousand people belonging to Dong Junwei's Ministry who withdrew from the maze, and more than fifty thousand female soldiers who were rescued inexplicably were stationed here.

In fact, people already knew that Qin An did the feat of rescuing these female fighters from the Heavenly Whisperers, but no one knew how he did it.

Speaking of this incident happened three days ago, the situation is very spectacular.

Dong Junwei’s 30,000 people had just entered the hell’s wall, and the temporary repaired camp had not been built. More than 50,000 female soldiers appeared out of thin air without wearing any clothes. The sight of white flesh on the walls of the hell’s wall was seen. The guard soldiers are destined to never forget.

After receiving the news, Tibet West quickly set up a special incident investigation and handling team and came by plane. The first thing was to mobilize clothes for the female soldiers to use, and then ask them how they got back.

The female soldiers told about the protection of a mysterious woman after being captured. As for how they were rescued and returned, they themselves don't know.

However, some of the cadres of the female fighters had some conversations with the mysterious woman, so they told the special incident investigation and processing team in Western Tibet about this: the god-like woman claimed that she was actually very ordinary, and she had a The master, whose name is Qin An, is precisely Qin An who asked her to go to the female warrior concentration camp in New Delhi to protect them!

Therefore, it should naturally be because of Qin An. These female soldiers were able to travel through space and suddenly returned from New Delhi to Western Tibet.

When this statement began to spread wildly, Qin An's name was immediately mythological in Western Tibet, and he evolved from a useless love to a superhero at the level of gods and demons. Since then, Qin An’s fans have grown wildly, and people who didn’t follow Qin An before have started to search for his name on the Internet.

The blood-cry battle is now completely over, and people still eat and drink every day to celebrate, a little bit drunk. Only the night watchman on the wall of the hell and the guards of the labyrinth to which Dong Junwei belonged could not let go. They mourned for the dead comrades, and this emotion should last for a long time. The soldiers who participated in this battle cannot return to the city of Noah for the time being. They must accept three months of psychological adjustment. The Tibetan government is afraid that they will bring their negative thoughts back to the city of Noah. Most people's thoughts in the last days are fragile and sensitive, and negative thoughts are contagious!

As the protagonist of the rescue incident, Qin An adhered to the principle of low-key. He directly contacted Wu Tianhua, the most prominent figure in Western Tibet through Wu Zhen, and expressed his desire not to be too public. Wu Tianhua is also considered a Giving face, at least in the official state. At the level of, nothing about Qin An was mentioned again.

Qin An naturally expressed gratitude to Wu Zhen's father, and at the same time expressed the meaning of farewell. Now that the Tibet-West affairs has come to an end, he should also go home. Of course, the premise is that the Qin League is still his home.

Wu Tianhua affirmed Qin An’s performance in the battle. A compliment was naturally unavoidable. In addition, he also gave Qin An a lot of supplies, saying that he would take it with him when he left, and West Tibet would send a low-noise transport vehicle to accompany him. When the time comes, these cars will also be given to him. The purpose of this is obviously because of Qin An's background status in the Qin League. After all, the next step of Tibet is to establish a new base in Jiulong Mountain.

Qin An and Wu Tianhua also mentioned a five-year agreement with Tianyin Sect Leader. They didn't know why this mysterious evil leader would be interested in Qin An. But if the zombies in southern India want to enter China, they will inevitably pass through the defense zone in western Tibet. Therefore, no matter what the purpose of the Sect Leader of Tianyin, the two major Chinese population gathering places in western Tibet and Jiulongshan have been automatically bound. Together, in fact, even if the zombies belonging to the Tianyin Sect can bypass Tibet and enter China's interior, Tibet will not watch them flatten the Jiulong Mountain. After all, it is the place with the largest population of China today.

Qin An doesn’t have much thoughts about the five-year agreement. He has been wandering in the last days for more than 20 years. He has seen too much of the world’s coldness. Although he has a heart to save the world, he is always powerless. After all, he can’t kill him no matter how strong he is. All zombies and upgraded beasts. Therefore, now Qin An's ambition is to find a stable place and live a peaceful life for several years. It would be best if he could have a few wives and a lot of children. Therefore, Qin An is going to Jiulong Mountain. He doesn't want Qin Meng to admit that he is the leader. What he wants to do is actually to choose a place there and build an immortal city that truly belongs to his own in the last days! Five years later, if Lord Tianyin really comes with zombies, he wants to make him look at the city and sigh, and he won't be able to get in even if he wants to enter!

Qin An also thought out the specific plan.

It is actually very easy to build a city, because Qin An possesses the alchemy of the Earth Seal Sword God, and a city with an all-metal exterior should be enough to gain a foothold in the end times. Although alchemy can't let him make a city all at once, it is not a problem to make some giant metal bricks quickly!

Of course, this alone cannot create an immortal city, so Qin An still needs Ling'er's supernatural machine sword god ability. He needs to equip own big city with high-tech, that is, the most advanced weapon system. Ling'er obviously has With this ability, as a girl of the Sword Spirit Star, she can be regarded as a super scientist.

In addition, a city also needs a population. This is also the reason why Qin An is willing to have a good relationship with the Tibetan government. He believes that he does not have the ability to manage a country, mainly because his heart is not ruthless. But I believe that managing a city shouldn’t be a problem. His Virgin’s character is naturally more suitable as a small landlord who protects one party, rather than a politician full of plans. So Qin An's current ambition is to be a local official, so the place under his jurisdiction needs to have a population, otherwise he will become a polished commander? So in the apocalyptic world, how can people gather in own city? Qin An had already caught the attention of Tibet. To be more precise, it was the attention of more than 50,000 female soldiers! Qin An intends to take them all with him when he leaves. As long as he has a woman, would he be afraid of no population?

In addition to ordinary people, Qin An also needs a large number of supernatural powers. Those who can fly and the many upgraded zombies are not blocked by ordinary walls. Once they enter the city wall and mix with the defenders, technological weapons will also be used. Even if it fails, you can only rely on the ability to fight! The Hero Academy in Western Tibet can be regarded as the cradle for the production of supernaturalists, so when you leave, you should recruit some small supernaturalists to work for yourself.

These thoughts, Qin An has already communicated with Wu Tianhua on the phone, but have not yet received a positive answer from others, but Wu Tianhua has also agreed to Qin An that he will meet to discuss these matters immediately, and the results will not be announced in a few days.

With such long-term plans in Qin An's heart, he didn't think much about the many trivial matters around him. He also didn't want to think of things around him, especially women, because it was really annoying.On that day, after taking Shi Dali and escaping from the five bodies, Qin An directly returned to the maze, and later severely accused Shi Dali in front of Ba Tian and Guo Xiaomei. It’s a pity that Tyrant can’t help own daughter, but Guo Xiaomei adheres to the principle of raising children. Although they did scold Shi Dali a few words in front of Qin An, Shi Dali didn’t take it to heart at all, and was very domineering. Tell her father that someone said her name was unpleasant, so she was going to change her name to Shi Lida in the future, so that the Tyrants all looked at Qin An with surprise, thinking that it was Qin An who said this, they What's more different is that my daughter would actually accept this statement. You know that many people have said that the three words "Shi Dali" are not good for girls and are not suitable for girls, but Shi Dali has never paid attention to it. Why this time the little girl Would you mind it? What did Qin An say that touched the little girl's heart? The name is really wonderful.

Naturally, Qin An would not explain anything to the Batian couple, because he felt that whether Shi Dali wanted to change his name had nothing to do with him. However, since Shi Dali changed to Shi Lida, Qin An’s troubles have come. The little girl seemed to be very dissatisfied with Qin An’s preventing her from running away with the wet slaves, so she started deliberately looking for Qin An’s fault, and she seemed to have trouble with He Tianyu. Ling'er reached a certain consensus that the three of them would often get together to curse Qin An's body. Qin An has super hearing, and it's very rare not to hear these words! This makes Qin An very depressed, very depressed, so Qin An is really afraid of contact with women who are not close to each other, because he really doesn't understand these creatures.

On the night that Shi Dali took back, before going to the Batian couple to file a complaint, Qin An informed Dong Junwei of the appearance of the five bodies. Dong Junwei sent a superb team with high-tech weapons, led by Qin An and Cheng Gang. He went out of the city to search for the five bodies, but he couldn't find his trace. This naturally made Qin An very uneasy, but there was nothing he could do.

Because of these kinds of things, Qin An would naturally be a little tired.

The days passed slowly in a dull depression. A few days later, the order for the maze defenders to retreat from the west of Tibet came down. The tens of thousands of troops finally returned to the hell wall. The north side of the wall was empty and flat, and Qin An opened his own dream. Space, in cooperation with Guizi, brought back tens of thousands of captured female warriors. After that, the people in western Tibet boiled over, and Qin An became a famous celebrity.

Qin An didn't care about all of this. He knew that the interpersonal relationship around him was a bit complicated, so removing himself from this complicated vortex might be the best choice. People's attention will change over time. Qin An believes that within a few days, the people will no longer have too many concepts about the two words Qin An, and will only become a name!

Guizi returned to Qin An once afterwards, and then went wandering. She wanted to see the world. Guizi also promised to go to Qin An within five years. Since Lord Tianyin has a five-year appointment with Qin An, then Guizi will naturally not leave Qin An alone when the war arrives, although the two have no promise of love. , But the relationship between each other is that you have me in you, and you are in me.

Qin An felt a little emotional after Guizi left. He has been wandering around and desperately wants to have a home, so cherishing the women around him that should be cherished seems to be very useful to him.

So after nightfall, Qin An found Qin Xiaoyan, and then took her out of the camp where she was stationed, ready to consolidate the relationship between each other!

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