Thirty kilometers away from the Great Wall of Heavenly Prison, there is an unknown small lake.

Lan Yue really couldn't run anymore. At this moment, she was sitting paralyzed by the lake, panting and crying.

Three days ago, after hearing the news that the defenders of the labyrinth had withdrawn, Lan Yue took Guo Shuai’s wife, Lu Xiaocha, to explore along the Great Wall of Heavenly Prison, and finally arrived at the temporary station where Dong Junwei’s troops were stationed at night. Camp.

The so-called accident is not a book. Just when Lan Yue and Lu Xiaocha were outside the camp, studying how to find Qin An among the tens of thousands of people, Lan Yue saw Qin An and Qin Xiaoyan from a distance. At that moment, Lan Yue The whole person is almost petrified, and many emotions gush out at the same time, almost making her collapse.

Qin An is really in West Tibet and is still with Qin Xiaoyan at the moment.

Yes, they were originally a pair.

When Lan Yue fell into Destiny City and returned to Qin City with him after meeting Qin An, Qin An and Qin Xiaoyan were married.

After Lan Yue settled down with Qin An, she never thought about it, because after she separated from Qin An and returned to Qin City alone again, Qin Xiaoyan had already left Qin City and went to Western Tibet.

The two women have never seen each other since. Lan Yue got the news from Weng Die and learned that Qin An had gone to the United States in search of Weng Lan, and all his attention was focused on the hatred for Qin An. Will not think of Qin Xiaoyan who was entangled with Qin An.

So now seeing Qin Xiaoyan and Qin An go in and out of each other, Lan Yue's first feeling turned out to be jealous.

how? In the twenty-two years, there was no news. After it suddenly appeared, did you go to western Tibet to look for Qin Xiaoyan? She would not consider the factor that Qin An happened to pass through Tibet, only that Qin An came to Qin Xiaoyan on purpose!

Hmph, although I knew Qin An later than Qin Xiaoyan, but she was also the wife he was married to by the matchmaker! Moreover, she and Qin An still have a little secret. They used to be simulated couples on the Internet. At that time, Qin Xiaoyan didn't know where it was!

Thinking of these things in her heart, Lan Yue hated herself somewhat. Why should you care who Qin An is with? Didn't she come here to end her relationship this time?

In calm crying, Lan Yue sighed.

She knew that she didn't actually love Qin An so much back then. Although the two experienced life and death together, after all, the time spent together was very short. But after the ruthless man went to United States, she was cruel to him for twenty-two years. The cruelty is love, so even if she didn't love him very much back then, she can’t easily let go of this man now. They are bound to each other, and they are destined to be tied together by an invisible thread. This thread may be the red thread of Yue Lao, or it may be the lasso of the god of death. Maybe let them be able to look after them, or let them fall into the abyss of immortality together.

In what direction will things go? Lan Yue didn't know it herself, because she couldn't see her own heart after all.

At this time, Qin An finally caught up, standing three meters away from Lan Yue, breathing a little bit shortly. The extreme speed state is like this, no matter how long it is turned on, it will consume a lot of physical energy.

Seeing Lan Yue's tearful eyes sitting on the snow by the lake, Qin An couldn't help feeling a little distressed. Although the face of this woman is the same, I wonder if Dao Heart is old?

Qin An wanted to step forward and hug Lan Yue into his arms, but as soon as he took his steps, Lan Yue's trembling voice sounded: "Don't come...or else...or I will jump into the river!"

Qin An heard Lan Yue say so, how could he still dare to take a step forward? At this moment, what should he say to comfort Lan Yue's injured heart? He abandoned her for more than 20 years, and now he is back, what does he want to do? What does Lan Yue want him to do?

Qin An is not stupid, so I know that the reason why Blue Moon will appear in western Tibet this time must be because of herself, that is to say, she still has love or hatred for herself!

So no matter whether it is love, hatred, or hatred, as long as there are still these emotional entanglements, the story between them will not end, and it is in a state of unfinished continuation.

So, what does Lan Yue want to listen to and write about at this time? Was it a plea for crying, or was it a vow to be with her forever and never to be separated?

Maybe not. How can these words fill the emptiness and hatred of Blue Moon for 22 years?

After thinking about it, Qin An also sat on the snow. The temperature at this time is estimated to have reached below zero, and the physique of the person with the ability is not afraid of cold, so there is not much discomfort when sitting down.

Qin An's gaze kept falling on Lan Yue, but Lan Yue looked at the frozen lake in front of him sobbing.

With a light sigh, Qin An whispered, "Why didn't you run? I thought you could run all the way back to Qincheng. Unexpectedly, you only ran 30 kilometers. Did I catch you up?"

Qin An, who didn't know what to say, finally decided to curve to save the country, and said something that made Lan Yue angry!

The tears in Lan Yue's eyes no longer flowed down, and her face became abnormally ruddy, of course it was because of her anger.

What is this guy Qin An doing? Not seeing him in twenty-two years, he said such meaningless words as soon as he opened his mouth! Shouldn't he kneel in front of own and beg for forgiveness? Lan Yue was already ready to spit on his face, but I really didn't expect Qin An to not play the cards according to the routine at all! It's... It's so hateful, does he think they are still a couple? Does he think they are now playing a game of catching people?

An angry Lan Yue closed her mouth, decided not to say a word, thinking in her heart: What if you caught up? The old lady just doesn't speak, and it depends on whether you want to apologize to me! Even if you regret your intestines at that time, I will not forgive you!Naturally, Qin An didn't know what Lan Yue was thinking. Seeing her not talking, she was groaning in her heart.

He knew very well in his heart that the last three words to say at this time were "I'm sorry", because once they said it, Lan Yue's attention would be focused on the resentment against own. For 22 years of resentment, Qin An found it difficult. bear.

After thinking slightly, Qin An continued: "I plan to return to Jiulong Mountain in the next few days. I want to build a big city there. If possible, I will contact the Tang Dynasty, Qin League, and Jianzhifeng three organizations, and then Build joint fortifications. I can make metal building materials. I also know an expert in the manufacture of high-end weapons. These can be used as bargaining chips with the three major forces. I want to build an indestructible city in the end times! These I have seen too many dangerous cities in the end times in the years, which makes me feel grief. I don’t want to see a good human city and eventually become ruins in the crisis of the end times! I have had a hard time in the United States for many years, which should be regarded as Is it a punishment for me? I am willing and must accept... However, after wandering for 22 years, I have also encountered many interesting things, and my experience has increased. When I return to Jiulong Mountain, I have established After owning the city, I will invite you to come and sit. I can make famous dishes from all over the world for you. Actually, I am a foodie. I have been with me for many years and only good food and a variety of fine wines... That’s right. , I still have a brother! I met in New York in the last eleven years. I thought of suicide because I didn’t find Weng Lan. Let’s say he saved me. From then on, we’ve been together all the way. His name is Zhang Geng, China People, after the apocalypse broke out, we fell into trouble in the United States. Half a year ago, we crossed the Arctic Circle and entered Europe together, and finally reached the west of Tibet. I originally wanted to go back to Qincheng immediately, but caught up with the battle of blood, so It’s been a long time since I went back. As a supernatural person, I always help humans to resist zombies. I not only met Xiaoyan in Tibet, but also Xiaomei, Wu Zhen, Wenli, Vajra, Batian What about them! Hey, time really passes quickly, their children are all that old..."

Qin An was like a chattering old lady, and she began to talk about her various experiences in United States and after returning to China. His tone was very calm, as if he didn't know Lan Yue's resentment towards him, as if he and Lan Yue were just a pair of ordinary friends who hadn't seen each other for many years.

At the beginning, Lan Yue was still very angry. I don't know why Qin An would tell her these things, but Lan Yue was also a little curious about Qin An's 22-year experience, so she didn't have any episodes and listened patiently.

In this way, time began to slowly pass, and after two hours, Lan Yue actually knew most of what Qin An had experienced over the years.

He didn't find Weng Lan for such a long time, which made Lan Yue very happy, and felt that it was the best punishment for Qin An! At the same time, there was a little bit sadness in Lan Yue's heart, because Qin An was indeed very pitiful. She understood the feeling that she cared for someone but couldn't meet from beginning to end. She has been like this all these years!

After Qin An said so many things, Lan Yue was surprised to find that she was not as sad and angry as she was just now, and she didn't understand why.

What Qin An said was actually very skillful. Although he seemed to be saying one thing in the east and one sentence in the west, he actually expressed a lot of things.

He told Lan Yue that he didn't come to the west of Tibet to find Qin Xiaoyan on purpose. This was just an unexpected reunion; he told how he felt when he learned the truth about the Weng Lan incident, and he also reviewed his immaturity. Euphemistically expressed his longing for Lanyue, but he did not say sorry for own to leave, nor promised to say what will happen in the future. After all, the injury has already formed, and it is definitely not possible to solve everything overnight; he said I have been wandering for 22 years with many insights, some of which are life and death, some parting, and of course some reunion!

He is like a wanderer outside, and Lan Yue, as a listener, feels that Qin An seems to regard her as a mother! ?

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