On December 15, 2039, news of the Paradise Kiss Bar incident came out.

Of the more than 400 people in the entire bar, only more than 60 people survived, and there were almost a hundred supernaturalists among the dead.

The Western Tibet Special Incident Handling Team investigated each survivor. Everyone had different opinions. The sights that everyone saw were almost different. No one could figure out what happened. For a while, the people fell into panic again. Although the Great Wall of Hell is two hundred kilometers away from Noah City, because the Internet and mobile phone signals are unblocked, the gossip spread back overnight.

On December 16, Shangguan Feiyan received a letter from Li Ying last night, and then reported the details of the ghost tribe to the Western Tibet government, which attracted great attention. The entire Noah City entered the first-level Realm state. All were asked to stay at home, and the guards and all the police began a round-the-clock rotation inspection.

Shangguan Feiyan was naturally invited to have tea by the special incident investigation team. The fact that there were two souls in her body was completely exposed, but there were not many people who knew it, because the government took measures to keep it secret.

Cheng Jiayao's four girls naturally knew the status of Big Sister Shangguan Feiyan, and they were worried for a while.

That night, after Shangguan Feiyan fell asleep, the four girls and the people in the work group were guarded by Shangguan Feiyan, but they did not wait for another soul in her body to occupy the body and wake up. I don’t know the mysterious soul. Was it deliberately avoiding or something else happened.

On December 17, Wu Tianhua's assistant arrived at the Great Wall of Heavenly Prison and began negotiations with Qin An. Qin An expressed his desire to build a city of Kowloon in Jiulong Mountain, assistant Wu Tianhua connected with Wu Tianhua,

This Tibetan official is willing to fully support Qin An.

Jiulong Mountain is a treasured land. The resources there are very rich, and the west of Tibet is far incomparable. Therefore, Wu Tianhua also indicated to Qin An that the government of Western Tibet will relocate to Jiulongshan in a short time. This means that the population of nearly 70 million people in Western Tibet will gradually move to Jiulongshan.After some negotiations, Qin An and Tibet West reached a series of agreements.

Qin An was recognized as the commander-in-chief of the future Jiulong Liancheng defense, which means that Qin An is already considered to be from the west of Tibet. The title of commander is actually a blank check. The problem of Jiulong Mountain has existed for many years, and the coexistence of the three forces has never been resolved. That is to say, unless Qin An has the ability to integrate the three forces together, his position will always be just one. Chinese words are nothing but real meanings.

West Tibet also expressed their sincerity. Dong Junwei's current 30,000 troops and more than 50,000 female soldiers who have been rescued will be directly under the leadership of Qin An in the future. Qin An naturally understood the meaning of Tibet, and sent so many Tibetans to follow him, just wanting to control himself.

He didn't care about these Qin An, because he didn't want to rule the king, he just wanted to have a corner for his control.

Qin An also obtained a detailed breakdown of the number of personnel, and when he looked at it, he discovered that the total number of accompanying persons arranged by Tibet had reached 150,000. It seemed that Tibet had completely linked the Jiulongshan project with him.

Among the 150,000 personnel, in addition to the Dong Junwei department and 50,000 female soldiers, there are also 8,000 construction workers, 10,000 mech soldiers, and some people who are willing to take the initiative to relocate to Jiulongshan, mainly because they are in Kowloon. There are relatives in the mountains, and the path is not smooth in the last days, so they all want to use this opportunity to be with their family members. In the list, there are hundreds of teachers and thousands of students from the Hero Academy. Their task is to establish another hero academy in the future territory of Qin'an.

After the general regulations were finalized, Qin An didn't slop in the water, and decided to set off immediately, and the troops went to the Jiulong Mountains!

However, the migration of 150,000 people is not simple. They need a lot of food and avoid encountering corpses and upgraded beasts along the way. Therefore, after analyzing with Wu Tianhua, Qin An thinks that they can only travel in batches. Of course, this is also the Tibetan government. Views. Listening to Wu Tianhua's tone, it seems that the number of entourage will increase, which makes Qin An have to admire the executive power of the Tibetan government!

After the video conference with Wu Tianhua, Qin An immediately fell into a busy state of work. He went to consult with Dong Junwei, Cheng Gang, Liu Yuanchao and others to discuss the details of the action, and no longer had the mind to consider other things. Cheng Gang and Liu Yuanchao is now a member of Dong Junwei's Ministry, so naturally he will also go to Jiulong Mountain with Qin An. Liu Yuanchao didn’t care about being alone, but Cheng Gang wanted to contact his own wife, Lin Yang, and then take his daughter to act together, because they are likely to settle in Jiulong Mountain in the future.

In the early morning of December 18, a large-scale terrorist attack broke out in Noah City. All of this is naturally a masterpiece of the ghost king Lin Ping. Many people attacked those around them because they were deceived by the illusion, and over a thousand people were killed or injured within half a day. It wasn't until the golden king named Song Hun, Demon Fox, and All Souls appeared that the situation stabilized. The three golden kings also began to join forces to encircle the ghost tribe members who made trouble in the city. Their bodies are actually zombies, and the life form of the ghost race is the soul, which obtains entities through parasitic undead creatures. Normal attack methods are naturally difficult to kill the soul, but the three powerhouses of Song Soul, Demon Fox, and Wan Ling happen to have attack methods against soul creatures, which makes the ghost king somewhat unexpected.

After losing some of his subordinates, Lin Ping also withdrew. His purpose in entering Noah City was to evacuate the people here, so as to clear the way for the zombies of the Sky Seal Sect to travel south. Now when he arrives here, Lin Ping Ping soon ascertained the intentions of the Tibetan government and knew that they had already planned to withdraw.

Since this is the case, Lin Ping naturally does not need to stay to make trouble. This is also mainly because there are three heroes of the Golden Kings, and his people are all ghosts formed after hard work. If they are all destroyed by the three Golden Kings, it will be a big loss. As for Qin An, Lin Ping did not seek revenge on him, because he had already made an agreement with the Sect Leader of Tianyin, that is, five years later, everything will end, and this world will open a new era!

Qin An didn't know what happened in Noah City, because on the morning of the 18th, he had boarded the low-noise airship arranged for him by West Tibet and set off, and rushed to the Jiulong Mountains first.

The flying height of this kind of airship is much higher than that of ordinary airplanes, and the sonic vibration it emits is also very small. It can have a certain chance to avoid the attack of some upgraded flying creatures. The disadvantage is that it flies very slowly.

There are not too many people walking with Qin An. Cheng Gang, Ba Tian, ​​and Vajra all have to sort out the belongings in their homes, and then walk with the big army. The five daughters of Shangguan Feiyan wanted to bring their parents with them, and eventually they had to go with the big army. Upgraders like Roland have to stay to protect the safety of the army.

In short, leaving behind those who dragged the family with their mouths, the only people on the road with Qin An were the 60 staff on the airship, as well as Zhang Geng, Zhang Qing, Sui Yu, Rong Rong, Xiaoyan, Li Na, Liu Yuanchao, He Ke Liusu, Gong Xue, Linger, and Jindou, Jinbao, Shi Lida!

The three little Qin An originally didn't want to bring them, but after Vajra's various requests, Qin An really couldn't refuse.

Vajra means to let the children follow Qin An's experience, and Qin An is naturally willing to have more contact with Vajra's pair of boys, but adding a Shi Lida makes it a little overwhelming. This little girl, like Ling'er, caused Qin An's headaches, but their relationship seemed to be good! Ling'er pulls Shi Lida every day to say bad things about own. Qin An has super hearing, so it's hard not to listen to it!

Forget it, Qin An is still a little excited now that he is returning home.

The place where the Jiulong Mountains connect with Hanghai City is the earliest site of Qincheng. The nearby peaks are the most neat and smooth, and Qin'an's destination is there. I heard that behind the super prison, another big city belonging to the Qin League was built long ago. Qin An plans to build a main city near that big city, and then start building the Kowloon City Link from the main city! After that, that place was his home, and Qin An was willing to fight and pay to protect it.

Qin An occasionally recalled Own's life. Before the end of the world, he was ineffective, and after the end of the world, he wasted a lot of time looking for Weng Lan. In other words, he really hadn't done anything meaningful yet!

So when he returns to Qincheng this time, he should do something, otherwise, how could he be worthy of a supernatural power?


On December 28, the low-noise airship sailed for the tenth day. Leaving West Tibet, it passes through Sichuan, Chongqing enters the borders of the two lakes, and you can enter Xijiang Province when you move forward. At the beginning, Qin An was trapped in the thirty-six cuboid space in Xijiang Province, and finally separated from Lanyue.

And the neighboring province to the north of Xijiang Province is Jiangsu and Zhejiang Province, which means that within a few days, the group of them should be able to return to the former site of Qincheng, the super prison!

When Qin An woke up early in the morning, he went to the cafeteria on the airship. While eating, he looked at the white clouds outside through the glass beside him. He was in a good mood.

After a while, Zhang Geng came, seeing Qin An happily greeted him: "Dage, you got up so early, where's sister-in-law Xiaoyan?"

Qin An waved to Zhang Geng, asked him to find the staff to eat, and then sat across from him.

Zhang Geng's movements were very swift, and within a short while, he took the food to Qin An's seat.

"Your sister Xiaoyan is still sleeping, she feels a little bored by floating in the sky every day. How is your kid? Is your daughter-in-law obedient now?"

Zhang Geng nodded and smiled: "Fortunately, thanks to my sister Zhang Qing, she taught Xiaoyu a lot of humanity. Dage, Xiaoyu is actually very kind-hearted, she is just too young, and she has been brainwashed. ."

Qin An waved his hand and said: "Okay, I don't bother to listen to you complimenting my wife. Anyway, look at her! When the destination city is completed, I will build a big house for you. Then you will have a good time with your sister and your wife. Live comfortably!"

Zhang Geng smiled more happily, and said with a smile: "Will there be a peaceful day in these last days?"

Qin An nodded vigorously and said, "I hope there will be. Isn't this the life you and I longed for when we were wandering?"

As Qin An’s words just fell, the alarm on the airship suddenly sounded, and then the airship pilot’s hurried words came from the horn:

"Attention to all units, ten kilometers ahead of us, there is a large area of ​​heat source approaching extremely fast, it should be a group of flying alien animals! The airship needs to fall quickly to escape, and please enter the escape small plane! And equipped with parachutes! In the air, we Can’t compete with flying beasts! Whether we can escape depends on luck! Hey, our luck is already very bad. I didn’t expect to encounter flying beasts at an altitude of eleven thousand meters!"

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