"Three moms? Fourth moms?"

This time it was Weng Lan's turn to froze. Although Qin Qicai occasionally mentioned something about Seven Sword City, she basically never mentioned his mother to Weng Lan.

Because of the ostrich mentality, Weng Lan had never explored these things with Qin Qicai.

Because she was still a little unwilling to accept the fact that Qin An already had other women.

Now, hearing Qin Qicai's address to the two young women, how could Weng Lan not be stunned.

The two women seemed to be about twenty years old, and they were younger than themselves. Why did Qin Qicai call them moms? And it's still third mother, fourth mother... Doesn't that mean he still has aunt, second mother...

So, with so many mothers, which one is Qin Qicai's biological mother? Could it be the aunt who didn't show up?

Weng Lan's mind was running fast, and in the end she didn't know what she was thinking, there was a mess in her head.

The two seemingly young women were also very surprised after seeing Qin Qicai. Afterwards, they were pleasantly surprised. One of them smiled sweetly: "Little bunny, it's really unfeeling. I ran away for so many years! Seven Swords City won't return. , But now I came to the city of Jusen? When the old Lawson said that there were guests to greet us, we were at his City Lord’s Mansion. Fortunately, because we wanted to talk to the old man Lawson more, we came here. Otherwise, I really can't find you!"

Another woman knows that the third sister own is a character who hides a knife in a smile. Usually, the sweeter she smiles, the more angry she is, so she hurriedly said: "Okay, okay, third sister! Isn't this finally found colorful? Although we have I want to ask City Lord Rosen to help us find out about him, but don’t you have too much hope? It’s a great thing to be able to meet now! Don’t talk about him anymore. Look at our precious son, It’s a lot taller, and a lot more handsome. It’s great!"

After speaking, she watched Qin An slowly open her arms, with a very kind smile on her face.

Qin Qicai's emotions were actually very excited, and now she finally saw her relatives. When he ran out of Seven Swords City, he was just a fourteen-year-old kid. After wandering for a few years, he finally matured. He is a man. Not only has he experienced the prosperity of the last days, but also witnessed many deaths and deaths with his own eyes. Withered, in fact, he was tired of the wandering Life, and he had long since returned home.

Holding the sword box behind him with his hand, Qin Qicai hurried forward and threw directly into the arms of the fourth mother, hugged her and kissed her on the cheek, then Qin Qicai went to hug the third mother again, the same She kissed her fiercely on the cheek, and she looked at Katerina with a spoiled look, and she looked silly at Tang Jiudie, she couldn't believe that Qin Qicai would have such a well-behaved side.

The next moment, Qin Qicai's two mothers burst into tears, and then burst into tears, and staged a lively drama of mother-child relationship. It's just that Qin Qicai and the two women don't look like mother and son at all, they are more like lovers or brothers and sisters.

After the trio talked about the past, Qin Qicai took the initiative to introduce the two mothers of own to Weng Lan and the group. Luo Sen also stepped forward to greet Qin Qicai enthusiastically, and said that he had embraced Qin Qicai when Qin Qicai was wearing open pants. This old man was obviously a broken mouth. After spending little time with his own daughter and son-in-law, he clarified some things about Qin Qicai...

Weng Lan had been listening to the conversation between them in the team, and finally had a better understanding of Qin Qicai and Seven Sword City.

Qin Qicai's third mother was named Tian Lu, and her fourth mother was named Yu Haiyuan.

In Seven Sword City, Qin Qicai unexpectedly had five other mothers!

Qin Qicai was brought up by these seven women since he was a child, but he didn't know who was his biological mother among the seven women.

Qin Qicai was already two years old when Rosen met the Seven Sword Spirit Girls. At that time, Rosen also explored the life experiences of seven women about Qin Qicai. But the seven women seemed to have formed a kind of tacit understanding. They said that Qin Qicai was the common child of the seven of them. As for who gave birth to them, they must keep secret forever. This made the old Rosen very speechless.

After Qin Qicai grew up a little bit, she was actually curious about which of the seven mothers was his biological mother, but the mothers didn't say that they were as good to him, so Qin Qicai gradually stopped pursuing it.

Later, he was a little older and knew the name of his biological father Qin An. He also heard that Qin An was in a relationship with seven mothers in the same night, and he felt that this incident was even more bizarre.

But Qin Qicai didn't have the mood to explore her mother. They were rescued by their father Qin An in the last days. After Qin An left, there was no intersection between the two.

In other words, the mothers and fathers only met by chance, and they were not familiar with each other. If it was not because of having themselves, then the mothers might not miss Qin An at all. In other words, he was actually a gift from the father to the seven mothers. The common gift, if this is the case, why should he bother about who is the birth of them?

The reason why Tian Lu and Yu Haiyuan two girls appeared in the City of Giants was really an accident.

Back then, the Seven Sword Spirit Girls wandered to Seven Swords City after they had a child. At that time, Lawson was not the lord of the city, and the forces in the city were complicated. Some were local gangs, and some were minions from gangs.

As soon as the seven beautiful women entered the city, they naturally attracted everyone's attention. Everyone began to hit their attention. There were also open-minded ones, and there were more hands and feet behind them.

The seven women were still young at that time, and the focus of life was all around Qin Qicai, so facing the sudden many mad bees and butterflies, they simply couldn't accept it.

In the end, they chose to leave Jusen. Many people with unpredictable minds naturally didn't want them to go, so they tried every means to obstruct them. The seven women were angered. They were all hosts of the sword god body, so after being angry, they began to slaughter the Quartet in Jusen City. Unfortunately, there were also many supernaturalists in the city at that time, and the seven women were naturally heroes who couldn't stand the crowd.

The old man Rosen had a good strength in the city of giant forests. After he discovered that seven women were sword gods just like himself, he immediately led people to rescue them from the siege. Since then, the two parties have become friends. . So now, the Seven Women have established the Seven Sword City with one hand, and Rosen has also become the leader of the Giant Forest City, the relationship between the two powers is naturally very good.

At the beginning of this year, the zombie territory began to move. The two big cities have been observing and monitoring the movements of zombies.

At the end of the year, Seven Swords City received news that there were more than ten million zombies gathered near the Giant Forest City, which not only made the Seven Sword Spirits worry about the safety of Old Lawson.

Therefore, Sanniang and Siniang arrived at Jusen and wanted to study the future situation with the old man. They even wanted Luo Sen to take the whole city to move to Seven Sword City. The place where Jusen is located is too flat to withstand the impact of the tide of corpses.

Seven Swords City is different. It is built on a large mountain with many institutions in the mountain. The most important thing is that the location of Seven Swords City is on the west coast of United States. If Seven Swords City is still unable to resist the tide of corpses, they can still retreat into the sea!

Near the sea near Seven Swords City, Seven Daughters built a huge castle that can float on the sea, called the Fortress of the Deep Sea! This huge building is large enough to accommodate millions of people to live in it. It is a high-tech giant navigator built by all the scientists and elites who gathered in Seven Sword City after the end of the world. It uses gravity reverse magnetic field power technology. Without the support of this technology, it is impossible for a huge thing to float on the sea. What is surprising is that the inventor of this technology is not a well-known scientific master, she is just a Very young, mysterious young woman born in the post-apocalyptic era.

Along with the Deep Sea Fort, there are also 64 huge aircraft carrier battle groups, of which there are more than 10,000 large and small ships, and the number of people that can be accommodated is estimated to exceed one million.

The Deep Sea Fort and her escort ship form a sea space where many people can live. It is called the Ocean Life Circle Building Group, and it is also called the Deep Sea City!

The Seven Sword Spirits spent so much effort to build the city of the deep sea. In fact, many forces are very puzzled. You must know that there are a large number of upgraded beasts in the sea. They will appear to attack humans at any time, so people always think that the sea in the end times is Not suitable for human survival. That being the case, isn't the huge marine life circle complex of Seven Swords City becoming garbage floating on the sea?

Of course, people would not think that the Seven Sword Spirit Girls are stupid. Since they can establish a powerful base in the last days, they naturally have their good abilities. So since they are not stupid, the marine life circle building complex must have its function, and it will definitely allow people to live a long-term life on it! In other words, the Seven Daughters of Sword Spirit should have a way to counter the dangerous marine creatures! This virtually makes Seven Sword City seem a little mysterious.

In short, with the city of the deep sea as its backing, Seven Swords City is actually a treasure in the apocalypse. It is not easy to be able to retreat and defend against the tide of corpses!

Because of this kind of protection, Sanniang and Siniang came to Jusen, and wanted all the people here to move to Seven Sword City. After all, their personal relationship with Rosen over the years is very good, and I don’t want to watch. The foundation that Rosen had worked so hard to build for several years was annexed. As long as the millions of people gathered by Lawson are still there, he can find a place to make a comeback at any time in the future.

Therefore, it was really an accident that Tian Lu and Yu Haiyuan met Qin Qicai in the City of Giant Forest.


Weng Lan was in a trance at this time. She really did not expect that Qin Qicai's mother had as many as seven, and listening to the conversation between them just now, it seemed that Qin An was related to those seven women...

Rosen’s original words were: "My dear girl, you don’t know the talents of Seven Color Young Master’s father. I heard that he was in a relationship with your seven Aunts overnight. He was definitely a hunk!

Unfortunately, only one of them became pregnant. "

Siniang Yu Haiyuan's words made Siniang Yu Haiyuan shy and angrily said, "Lao Luo, why are you telling the children?

Sanniang Tianlu has a more straightforward temper, so she is not shy, and said straightforwardly: "How can your old man have the ability to have more than 60 children, do you remember what their names are?"


From such conversations, Weng Lan can easily tell that Qin An has really had a relationship with Qin Qicai's seven mothers!

Weng Lan couldn't help being angry. Qin An, this damn guy, actually played a multiplayer game. How could he be really good in nature and physical strength when he was with him before! I've never been so hilarious!

Just when Weng Lan was extremely depressed, the conversation between Rosen and Sanniang and Siniang had come to an end. Qin Qicai brought the two girls to Weng Lan, smiled mysteriously at them, and said: "Three Mom, fourth mom, do you know who this woman is?"

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