Dangerous City In The Last Days

Chapter 841 Unexpected Reversal

After all, the Qin League is still a place where the rule of law is emphasized.

Wang Dashan is Liu Wenjun's household registration introducer. It is precisely because of Wang Dashan's guarantee and recommendation that Liu Wenjun can become a fourth-class citizen.

However, Wang Dashan is actually not kind, he has his own purpose.

As an old woman in her forties, Liu Wenjun is still very charming.

After the end of the world, the physical fitness of mankind has been greatly improved. The old man Wang Dashan is now in his seventies and can still do things between husband and wife. But his wife and family died as early as the end of the world, so he could only get other women.

Over the years, Wang Dashan has not played less with women, but their appearance is average, and they are all relatively old. So he always thought about Liu Wenjun, but because of this woman's rejection, he never succeeded. He didn't dare to force it. Again, the Qin League had a legal system.

So this time, Wang Dashan caught Liu Wenjun's handle, and naturally he had to make good use of it.

Therefore, what Qin An saw was that Wang Dashan used Liu Wenjun's fault to threaten her.

In the villa room, Liu Wenjun seemed to have compromised. At this time, he took off his own clothes and twisted his hips in front of Wang Dashan, doing some seductive movements according to Wang Dashan's orders.

Wang Dashan didn't wear any clothes either, his whole body was wrinkled, and he looked as if he was about to die old. But he was still energetic, and his lower body had already reacted to Liu Wenjun's stimulation.

Qin An's heart moved slightly and took out a bottle of red wine stored during wandering in United States from the ring of apocalypse, opened the bottle cap and drank directly, completely wasting the value of this good wine.

He doesn't want to be nosy.

In the last days, there are too many such things. Although Wang Dashan is not a gentleman, Liu Wenjun is obviously not a chaste and martyr. Two people exchange equal amounts, which can only be regarded as a business at best.

Twenty-five years after the end of the world, the moral code has long been different from that before the end of the world. Even Qin An, who considers himself a good person at the level of the Virgin, doesn't feel that there is anything wrong with the scene in front of him. It can be seen that the world has changed a lot.

There was even a sudden excitement in Qin An's blood. Although he was very knowledgeable and had seen countless women's bodies with perspective eyes, he was still interested in the big drama that was about to be staged in front of him. This was a peeping! Well, the reason why Qin An felt a little ashamed before was entirely because he realized that there were obviously many problems with the population hierarchy he formulated back then. It seems that the decision of a superior is very important, and you must be careful!

But Qin An is now an open-minded person, and Qin League is no longer his Qin City, so he can't decide whether he should continue to implement the population hierarchy now. At least this matter can make him introspect, and when he builds a big city belonging to his own, he must not engage in a population hierarchy. Otherwise, in a few decades, this unequal rule may not necessarily become what it is.

Licking his own lips lightly, Qin An despised himself at the moment, and he whispered to himself: "Qin An, you are actually a scum in the skin of the Virgin, see yourself clearly, and be a good man!"

Of course, Qin An is actually very proud. After all, after so many years, he has guarded his nature. Although some evil thoughts may burst in his heart, he still insists on being a good person.

At this time, the men and women in the room had reached a critical moment, and Liu Wenjun walked to Wang Dashan's side and sat on the old man's lap.

Qin An couldn't help but sigh, the end times is really a good thing for the survivors.

Before the end of the world, many men are almost in a decade of decadence when they are in their 50s and 60s. Look at the old man in front of them. They are still in their 70s, but this is the best gift for people in the end of the world, right? At least for men!

Qin An took another sip of wine, found a big tree in the community, jumped onto the trunk, and lay half down to watch the scenery in the room.

The ability to see through eyes is a special experience. Although Qin An is still about fifty meters away from the two people at this time, and there are two walls in between, he can still see the situation there.

Just as the passion drama was about to be staged, a very unexpected change happened to Qin An, and the following plot also had a complete reversal, which made people a little overwhelmed!

In the room where Wang Dashan and Liu Wenjun were, a strong man without any clothes suddenly appeared.


Qin An frowned slightly, what happened? Before this big man appeared, he hadn't noticed anything. Could this kid be invisible?

Wang Dashan also saw the big man. He grew up in shock and shouted, "Who...who are you? Why did you show up in my house!"

The naked man ignored Wang Dashan at all, but said to Liu Wenjun:

"Smelly girl, harp, hurry up, don't you know what to do today?"

Liu Wenjun, who looked reluctant before, had completely changed his expression at this time, and he looked a bit coquettish.

"Du Biao, you are really annoying, why come to disturb my interest! Does your actions have anything to do with me?"

"Do you think Daddy is willing to come? You bitch is really a pervert, just like old men, you have to pretend to be reluctant to want to be. Doing a posture, Daddy really can't stand it! What a fucking disgusting !

Song Zeming's servant has already handed over the first batch of gold coins to our hands. These gold coins are very useful. You can buy a lot of materials whether in the Qin League or in Western Tibet. Our people have already entered the City Lord's Mansion at this time, and it won't take long to grab the target and take it out of the city.

You have been lurking here for five years. The above said that you will be promoted. You can return to the organization to receive the reward and come here, so let's go with us! "

Liu Wenjun sighed, then curled his lips and said, "Well, wait for me for a few minutes, and it will be over soon on my side!"

After speaking, she turned to look at Wang Dashan, revealing an unusually seductive smile.

"Old man, don't you always want to chase me? Let you do what you want today, but you have to pay a price if you want to play with me, that is your soul!"

While speaking, Liu Wenjun suddenly lowered his head and kissed Wang Dashan's mouth. After that, Wang Dashan's face became pale, his eyes began to congestion, and his whole body twitched.

Qin An quickly jumped off the tree, a teleportation did not enter the room, but went under the outer wall of the villa.

Concentrated, the perspective eyes opened, Qin An looked at the internal structure of Wang Dashan through Wang Dashan's body.

I saw Liu Wenjun spit out a fist-sized ball of flesh and blood into Wang Dashan's mouth, and then the ball of flesh and blood began to squirm quickly, and it didn't take much time to pass through Wang Dashan's esophagus and enter his stomach before it stopped!

This scene looked terrifying, and it was a bit disgusting. At least Qin An almost vomited all the wine he drank tonight after watching it.

His mind began to work quickly.

Liu Wenjun turned out to be an undercover lurking in Qin Lancheng? So which force does she belong to? Destiny Sect or End Spirit Sect? What is their purpose?

Which big guy named Du Biao said before that their people have entered the city lord's mansion, what target are they going to capture?

City Lord's Mansion? Where is the City Lord's Mansion? Isn't it the Qin Lan City where you are now?

You know, the lord of Qin Lan City is Lan Yue!

Could it be that they are going to catch Blue Moon? Who is Song Zeming who paid them gold coins to do these things?

At this time, Wang Dashan in the room had lost all consciousness, as if his soul had been swallowed.

The meat ball that entered his stomach burst open and turned into hundreds of three-inch-long giant worms. These worms had sharp teeth. After they appeared, they quickly swallowed Wang Dashan’s internal organs, and several of them crawled into the king. Dashan ate his brain in his head.

From the outside, Wang Dashan is still intact, but his body is already covered with worms.

Liu Wenjun was very excited. She didn't let Wang Dashan turn into a puppet and let him go. Wang Dashan's lower body still maintained the previous posture. Liu Wenjun sat on him and wriggled his own body recklessly, indulging him. The desire that breeds from the dark side of human nature. Hope!

Qin An didn't care about the matter anymore, he raised his hand and drank the wine in the red wine bottle.

After that, the enhanced state of super hearing was turned on, and the hearing could reach a range of 17 or 18 kilometers. He wanted to find the City Lord's Mansion in Qin Lan City to ensure that Blue Moon was intact.

At this moment, beside Qin An, a beautiful woman in a black tight-fitting suit suddenly appeared out of thin air.

Naturally, Qin An was taken aback, and at the same time he couldn't understand why Qin Lan had so many invisible abilities in the city?

If the other party would not be invisible, it is impossible for him to suddenly appear next to him without noticing it.

But the ability of invisibility is very special, and it is not something that a traditional ability person can have!

This kind of invisibility is not the kind of ability that just hides the body, and the entity still exists in the space, because if it is the latter, even if Qin An can't see it, he can still hear their movements with super hearing.

Just when Qin An thought that the woman who appeared next to him was an enemy and was about to attack, the woman suddenly knelt in front of Qin An, and then whispered in a trembling voice:

"Benefactor, you are finally back, and the sinner known as the Shadowless Night Demon is a gift to you! It is really a great honor for me to see you in this life!"

Qin An was frightened by the words of the black-clothed woman. She did not expect that she was the legendary girl of the Shadowless Night Demon!

What does she call herself? benefactor?

Qin An opened his eyes wide and looked at the woman's appearance.

She didn't cover her face with black gauze. In fact, even if she covered it, it was of no use to Qin An.

A woman seems to be in her early twenties. This is obviously impossible, because she has existed in Qin League for more than 20 years! Therefore, the woman should have been affected by Qin An's selfless symbiosis, so she has not grown old, and may even have become younger.

She has a delicate and delicate face, with bright and handsome features, and she looks so heroic.

Women have long necks and delicate skin.

She is almost 1.6 meters tall, has a well-proportioned figure and a moderate proportions. She is a pretty good beauty in every aspect.

But the problem is that Qin An found out that he didn't know her, and didn't even have the slightest impression of her.

Who is this woman who has existed in the Qin League snobbery for more than 20 years, accompanied by the dark night and the blood?

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