Dangerous City In The Last Days

Chapter 844 Puppet Guard

Qin An and Li Wanhua arrived at the moment Lan Yue was captured.

After arriving, Qin An finally deeply understood the meaning of a sentence, that is, he hates less when he learns to use time.

Even though he has great abilities, he can't fly! The ability of the Falling Leaf Movement Technique only allowed him to hang in the air for a while, this kind of ability simply couldn't chase those who really could fly in the air. Qin An thought of Lu Ya at this time. If he could obtain the skills of the Wind Sword God, wouldn't he be able to use the wings of the wind?

But this kind of thought just flashed in my mind.

In desperation, Qin An could only chase on the ground. Fortunately, he ran fast enough and had the ability to see the sky Spiritual Sense, so he wouldn't lose sight of the gangsters who caught Lan Yue, just wait for them to land.

Li Wanhua originally followed Qin An, but how could her movement speed keep up?

When Qin An left Qin Lan City, Li Wanhua was already far behind. When Li Wanhua left the walls of Qin Lan City, Qin An had completely disappeared.

Lan Yue was taken away, and Qin An didn't even bother to care about the role of the Night Demon Girl!


All the way north, Alex and Butler actually flew for a full twelve hours. Their flying speed was very fast, they could fly almost 100 kilometers per hour on average, which means that by noon the next day, they had already flown. One thousand and two hundred kilometers, not only far away from the sphere of influence of the Qin League, but also directly out of the Jiulong Mountains and into the territory of Henan Province.

Henan Province was a populous province before the end of the world. After the outbreak of the end of the world, the impact here was not too great, because many children in Henan did not live in their hometowns before the end of the world.

Five years after the end of the world, the zombie territory was formed, and the atmosphere of the end of the crisis was much smaller. The vagrant children who had been wandering for many years returned to their hometowns and brought back some partners they had known in other provinces, and established small cities here. Therefore, for a long period of time before, this place was considered to be a relatively prosperous area in China in the last days.

Today, the territories of the end times are beginning to move, and the people who have lived for many years can only move with reluctance. The target they are going to is naturally the Jiulong Mountains, and the territory they enter will be the sphere of influence of the Tang Dynasty.

Alex and Butler landed next to a small camp with hundreds of people.

The leader of this camp is a middle-aged man in his fifties who is very smart and capable.

When he saw the two flying birdmen landing, he quickly ran out of the camp and said very cautiously and respectfully:

"Two adults, can you understand the Chinese dialect?

It would be great if it could.

Introduce myself, my name is Lu Yuan, the leader of this team.

There are a total of three hundred and fifty-four people on our side, and there is no supernatural person among them.

Before, our Life was at the junction of Henan Province and Inner Mongolia. Half a year ago, the tide of large corpses in Russia began to move here, so we can only relocate. Now we are looking for a place to stay!

Two adults, there is not much wealth and food in the team, but adults have any needs, as long as we can do it, we are willing to serve the adults! "

The middle-aged leader named Lu Yuan smiled happily and looked very weak. In fact, this did not mean that he was really a weak person.

Walking in the last days is not easy.

It often happens that small groups are merged by powerful groups in the wild.

It's not uncommon for a strong ability player to kill a small team with dozens of people because of his own preferences.

If you encounter the wanderers of the Mo Ling sect, it will be even more miserable. Either they will be killed, or they must join their sect, and a liu character will be engraved on their foreheads.

After seeing Alex and Butler flying, Lu Yuan knew in his heart that they were supernatural beings.

And since the two of them landed near the own camp without fear, they naturally have some ability, at least they didn't take their own group seriously. They were still holding a man and a woman in their hands, and they didn't know what their identities were. In any case, Lu Yuan felt that as long as he lowered his own value, the other party shouldn't come and make trouble easily. Of course, the premise is that the other party is not a member of the Mo Ling sect.

Therefore, Lu Yuan's seemingly weak approach is actually a very smart move.

Of course, if the other party is really asking for trouble, it's not too late for Lu Yuan to ask someone to do something.

Alex was also very low-key. He only asked Lu Yuan to enter the camp for a meal, and said that he would leave immediately afterwards.

Naturally, Lu Yuan would not refuse, and still respectfully welcomed the group of four into the camp they set up temporarily for lunch.

At this moment, Lu Yuan had already judged that the two foreigners, Alex and Butler, were definitely not kind.

Because he could see that Blue Moon was clearly in their hands.

The position of another Chinese man will not be seen for a while. It seems that he is with two foreigners, but it does not seem to be.

In any case, the two supernaturalists are holding onto a beautiful woman with no power to bind the chicken, even if they don't have to think about it, they can know what they are going to do. There are so many things like this in the last days.

Lu Yuan secretly rejoiced in his heart. Fortunately, the young girls in the camp had been able to hide in the crowd. As long as these two supernaturalists didn't walk around, those girls should be safe.

I just hope that the two abilities can leave immediately after eating and playing as they said.


Qin An arrived near the camp almost after the four of Alex landed. He didn't come forward to rescue Lan Yue immediately, because he seemed to know something about the disciples. Qin An feels a little headache. Could this organization in Europe also come to China? Was it an invitation from Lord Tianyin? Planning to deal with yourself together in five years?

For the time being, he didn't have the mind to think about it. With Qin An's Movement Technique, it was easy to get into the camp without being discovered, so he successfully infiltrated the camp, and then searched for a place less than fifty meters away from the Blue Moon Four to hide. At this distance, as long as Qin An activates the teleport ability, he can immediately reach Lan Yue and save her away.

After Alex and the others entered the camp under the leadership of Lu Yuan, they still looked very polite, with a taste of European aristocracy.

Lu Yuan was also so enthusiastic to ask people to prepare lunch for Alex. It only took five or six minutes to prepare a table of sumptuous dishes. Now it is time for lunch. The camp has already opened fire, so quickly It's normal to get some food.

Just when Alex and the others were about to eat, Han Gang led his 30-odd men to arrive on the flying upgraded beasts.

Han Gang's eyes were very good, because he inherited the ability of his mother's Hawkeye to take people from the sky and then form a circle to surround the four Alex and Lu Yuan in the middle.

"City Lord, are you okay?"

Han Gang actually saw that Lan Yue was safe and sound, but he still asked nervously, but his heart was calmer, and he finally caught up with him.

At this moment, Lan Yue, who had been silent all the way, felt a little relieved in her heart.

After being arrested, Lan Yue was actually very scared. She was an ordinary woman without her ability, and an ordinary woman fell into the hands of the enemy, and she could know what her fate would be without having to think about it.

When Han Gang and others did not arrive here, Lan Yue even thought of suicide.

"Han Gang, I'm fine! It's just that my ability can't be used now. These two foreigners are disciples. It is estimated that the strength is not weak. Be careful!"

Song Zeming is very familiar with Han Gang. He knows that Han Gang is Lanyue’s personal guard. He is very capable. In addition to the ability to have an eagle eye, he also inherited his father’s giant elephant physique, possessing very powerful strength and physical defenses. force.

Therefore, Song Zeming was a little nervous. When he looked at Alex and Butler, he found that they didn't seem to be anxious at all. At this time, they began to eat the things on the table unhurriedly.

While eating, they also chatted in English and praised the delicious food.

Seeing this situation, Song Zeming's nervousness eased a little. Anyway, he needs to rely on Alex and Butler. Since the two are confident, it means that their strength may be really strong.

Han Gang became nervous at this time, because Blue Moon had no abilities, it was completely equivalent to being a hostage, and it was naturally difficult for the hostage to be rescued without any damage.

Turning around quickly, Han Gang glanced at the subordinates he had brought, wanting to see if any of them were upgraded with special abilities and good at saving people.Although these guards are all low-level Upgraders, and their strength is not as good as their own, but the upgraded abilities are so strange, maybe some of them are more suitable than themselves to rescue the city lord at this moment.

At this time, the calm Alex finally turned his attention to Han Gang. He seemed to have just seen Han Gang, frowned slightly, and then spoke in bad Chinese:

"Young man, you actually caught up to us, what a good captain of the guard.

However, when you were chasing us, you didn't think about it. Even if you catch up with your own power, you will die?

Or is it that you are willing to sacrifice yourself in order to save your city lord?

If it were before the end of the world, I would be moved by your spirit, but now it is the end of the world. Your behavior makes me laugh at you. Don’t you know that in the end of the world, only own life is the most precious NS? "

After speaking, he laughed. Butler didn't understand Chinese. When he saw his partner laugh, he also smirked. The laughter was even louder than Alex.

Han Gang's face was gloomy and coldly said, "My friend, if you are for money, my Qin Meng is willing to give you enough gold coins. As long as you release our city lord, we can forget about this matter."

This sentence of Han Gang made Alex stop laughing, and then looked at him carefully for a while.

"It's really good. I didn't use it brainlessly, but wanted to convince me. It seems that I still underestimate you!

However, reality is always crueler than you think.

We know that this woman, Lan Yue, is the wife of Qin An, your leader of the Qin League, and now that Qin An has returned to the Qin League, he has the support of Western Tibet and will have strong financial resources.

As long as we keep this woman in our hands, even if we don't return her to you, Qin An will give us a lot of money and resources to save her life, so why should I make a deal with you?

Besides, your name is Han Gang, right?

Although you can catch up with us, in fact you are not a qualified captain of the guard.

Because you don't even know that the thirty-odd guards following you behind you are actually mine already!

Han Gang, I just said, haven't you thought about catching up with me, but you can't beat us?

Haha, so you are actually a fool! "

At this point, Alex began to laugh again.

Han Gang and Lan Yue were all stupid when they heard what Alex said. Han Gang quickly turned around again to look at Own’s 30 men. These people are usually Own brothers. He knows them well. Among them are Several people grew up together, how could they be Alex’s people?

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