Dangerous City In The Last Days

Chapter 846 High Energy Ice Burst

"What is it?" Qin An said patiently.

"Five years later, we will besiege Jiulong Mountain together, and then divide up the resources and population here, and establish a new apocalyptic order?"

It was another five-year agreement. Qin An felt that he was going crazy and asked, "Why? Why are you doing this?"

Alex looked at Qin An and smiled:

"I don't know what kind of hatred the Lord Tianyin has with you, why is it so against you! In fact, I didn't know the two of you before, and I also heard these things from the master of the Disciples Association.

As for why we should follow Lord Tianyin’s arrangements, apart from sharing the resources and population of Jiulong Mountain, there are of course other reasons. Lord Tianyin is a person who can control zombies. Don't you think that in the last days, as long as you control the zombies, it is equivalent to controlling the entire world? Therefore, we are willing to cooperate with him. In my opinion, the only way to end the Doomsday Era really seems to be this one, and that is the coexistence of humans and zombies.

Haha, in fact, there is no need to wait too long. Five years will soon pass. After five years, I think the answers to all questions will be revealed, so why do you ask me? "

Qin An was stunned for a moment, then looked up to the sky and smiled, Alex was not sure why.

"Five years from now? Huh, okay. It's a pity that you haven't waited for five years, because today is your tomb."

Since it is no longer possible to obtain more information, Qin An will naturally not delay time. He intends to immediately kill Alex and Butler. As for the puppet guards, wait until he kills them before dealing with them.

In fact, Alex has been walking around China in recent years. In the end of the world, new forces have appeared. Naturally, he wants to gain a firm foothold and seek development and growth. Alex is regarded as the spy of the disciples in China and has been acting as a mercenary. Collect intelligence everywhere and earn some development funds for the organization.

Therefore, Alex had already heard about Qin An in western Tibet, and knew that this person was not easy to deal with.

Listening to Qin An's poor tone, Alex's face became tense. He did not move, but he had already launched an attack and defense posture.

The nearly a thousand worms that were crawling around suddenly changed rapidly, and eventually their bodies burst into flies.

These flies are half a meter long, black all over, covered with blood-red mucus, and have sharp teeth.

Originally, Lan Yue was thinking about why Qin An appeared and how she should get along with Qin An. When she suddenly saw flies flying in the sky, she was taken aback and couldn't help but press her body close to Qin An.

After the flies appeared, they started chasing people around and biting them, and the bitten people would quickly become infected and become creatures like puppet guards, and worms would quickly grow in their bodies, which is faster than the speed of infection from zombies!

At this time, Qin An finally understood that the parasitic upgraded beast in Alex's body turned out to be a fly, so the parasitic beasts in Liu Wenjun and Du Biao that he saw last night should also be flies. At that time, Du Biao suddenly appeared in Wang Dashan's home. It wasn't that he had the ability to be invisible or teleportation. It was just that he had become a fly-like half-beast, so his body was very small and was not discovered by Qin An.

The abilities of these flies are obviously very powerful. They can make others become puppets through parasitic infection. The worms in the puppet’s body can also hatch an army of upgraded flies, and these upgraded flies can also infect other people and become puppets. What a disgusting ability!

With a slight movement in his mind, Qin An quickly moved the nearby civilians and the captain of the guard Han Gang into the dream space to protect them.

Just when he wanted Lan Yue’s body to disappear into the real space and enter the dream space, Lan Yue’s hand gripping his chest suddenly tightened and said quickly: "I don’t want it! I know you did it, you can Use the ability of Spatial Teleportation to make a lot of people appear after disappearing. Didn’t the tens of thousands of female warriors in West Tibet have been rescued from New Delhi by you? Quite a few, otherwise, how could you obtain so many strange Sword God abilities, Qin An! I don’t want to disappear, if you can’t protect me in this place of monsters, just give me up!”

Qin An was taken aback for a moment, and then laughed out loud.

How old is this blue moon? It's still so capricious.

Okay, isn't it just some flies flying all over the sky? Could he still be afraid of them?

Raising his hand, the Xuantian Remnant Sword appeared, holding it between his five fingers.

Qin An hugged Lan Yue a little tighter, then moved lightly, stepped a few steps across ten meters away, turned on the combined skill sword to break through eight wastes, and beheaded the surrounding forty upgraded flies.

Just when he was about to speak with Lan Yue a few words to show that he was afraid of these flies, Lan Yue's voice came out first.

"Handsome and handsome, but it doesn't seem to be of any use. Turn around and look at the back!"

Qin An was startled and turned around to look, and found that the more than forty flies that had been killed by him, and hundreds of small flies about five centimeters in length each flew out of his body.

In other words, the number of such small upgraded flies flying out of more than forty large upgraded flies broke through more than 10,000.

Qin An was really frightened. If these little upgraded flies were killed and little flies flew out of their bodies, wouldn't they be monsters that couldn't be killed?

Lan Yue was even more nervous at this time. She hung on Qin An like a sloth, and said with a trembling voice: "Qin An, even if you die, don't take me to escape into your dream space, like a tortoise. Hide, I will never ignore you in that case!"

Qin An smiled bitterly, and felt that Lan Yue was really wayward. Is this a kind of ambition and punishment for him?

Quickly put away the Xuantian Remnant Blade, Qin An put his mouth on Lan Yue's ear and whispered:

"Okay! I will never run away! Lanyue, I owe you an excuse. I ran away 22 years ago and did not come back to meet you. I swear that I will never run away in front of you from now on! Even if I die! "

Lan Yue's heart trembled slightly. She was already a woman in her fifties, and naturally it was not so easy to be moved. After all, her hatred for Qin An had lasted for 22 years.

But hearing Qin An's promise during the crisis, it would be false if she didn't care at all.

Are you really going to be swallowed by these disgusting flying insects? That's not worth it, right? But if Qin An doesn't run away, how should he respond?

Just when Lan Yue's thoughts turned sharply, those large and small flies had already flew towards Qin An and Lan Yue like dark clouds.

Qin An stood still, just spit out two words gently in his mouth.

"Wind blows!"

This is exactly the first skill of Sword God Destroying Dust, ranked forty-first.

The air around Qin An fluctuated rapidly, and then with Qin An as the center, a huge tornado formed at once, not only engulfing all the nearby flies, but also Alex, Butler, and the remaining two dozen. The puppet guards were not spared either, and they all flew up.


The fourth skill of the Sword God of Dust, water vapor quickly condenses in the sky, and then gathers clouds and rains, and the rain rotates after entering the tornado, instantly causing the originally dark gray tornado to reflect the mysterious light of the sun.

Lan Yue lay in Qin An's arms, looking at the colorful tornado storm that revolved around him and Qin An at high speed, completely stunned.

She didn't expect that Qin An actually had such a supernatural and bizarre energy.

"Thunderfall! Electric Mang!

This is the second and third skill of Sword God Exterminating Dust.

Suddenly, thick electric pythons appeared in the rain-gathering clouds in the sky. They wandered and collided in the clouds, emitting dazzling firelights, and finally all the electric pythons merged into one place. The sound of thunder hit the tornado.

The tornado has long been rich in water due to the effect of rain gathering. When the lightning falls, the water immediately spreads the power grid to every corner of the entire storm.

"Cold Steel! Heat!"

This is the first and second ability of the forty-second Sword God Mantra.

As soon as the heat came out, the moisture in the tornado storm boiled instantly, a meaty smell filled the air, and the upgraded flies were already cooked directly.

If the heat continues to heat up, the boiling water may evaporate.

But at this moment, the power of the cold steel skill fermented, and the surrounding air temperature dropped rapidly, eventually dropping below zero, and then continuing to cool down rapidly.

All the energy of the cold air entered the high-speed rotating tornado storm. Gradually, the rotating speed of the tornado storm slowed down, and then it became very slow, until it freezes!

The tornado storm disappeared, and an irregular circular cylindrical frozen body with an inner diameter of almost ten meters long and a height of more than 100 meters formed.

But in the frozen body, those flies and Alex and others were already charred and cooked, and those who were already dead could no longer die!

The power of the six skill combinations of Dust Extinguishment is quite huge, if in the magical world, this should also be regarded as a kind of forbidden spell.

Qin An doesn't use this combination ability often. He calls it a high-energy ice storm, which is the third combination ability besides the sword breaking the eight wilderness and the rapid movement technique.

The six skills of the two sword gods seem to be released separately, but they are actually very coherent, so that the power of the high-energy ice storm can be maximized.

And Qin An will naturally become very tired when he continuously releases this ability that requires powerful Mental Energy to use.

But at this time, his mood was happy, because Lan Yue was in his arms.

"How about it, isn't my husband very mighty?"

The tone of Qin An's speech was not unassuming, plain and kind.

He snapped his fingers lightly, and the huge hollow icicle burst instantly and scattered around.

At the same time, the civilians in the fantasy space and Lan Yue’s guard captain Han Gang were also released. Everyone did not wear any clothes when they arrived in the real space, because their coats could not enter the space. All of a sudden, there was a mess around, the women screamed and the men laughed loudly.

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