"Unfortunately, no! His name is Li Hongtao. He is fifty years old. To be precise, he is a Chinese American. Before the end of the world, he left his Chinese nationality and obtained the green card and identity of the United States. In the eighth winter of the end of the world, I came to California again. Earth-shaking changes have taken place in this small town. Li Hongtao joined the United States gang. He led a group of gang members to control the town, killed many people, and finally got Ono Mingjian’s factory to produce inflatable dolls. He also snatched the workers and women who originally belonged to Ono. When I saw Ono again, his arms and thighs had been cut off and he was soaked in a wine barrel, with only his head exposed. Li Hongtao every day I would drink wine soaked with Ono’s body, and cut it in front of him, playing with Ono’s 14-year-old daughter with some gang members! I was really angry at the time. I didn’t expect Li Hongtao to be such an evil person...no, He can no longer be regarded as a person, he is the devil, from The Underworld! In the end, I will kill Li Hongtao and all the gang members!"

When Lan Yue heard that her face turned pale, she was still smiling before, but now she wanted to cry! Lan Yue cursed Qin An in her heart, why can't this damn man not be in The Underworld? He always knows how to stir her heartstrings! However, Lan Yue didn't express his thoughts, but asked softly, "Is that little girl still alive? Is Ono Mingjian dead?"

Qin An's expression was calm. At this time, a huge tent covering an area of ​​almost 30 square meters had been set up. Qin An took out a large iron basin and a lot of charcoal from the ring space, then lit the charcoal, and the tent quickly became warm.

"Although Heat's sword god skills can make the temperature Ascension, the heat is not natural, so I think it is better to carbon fire!"

After speaking, Qin An returned to the round table and sat down with Lan Yue.

Lan Yue had curiosity. She really wanted to get into Qin An’s Interspatial Ring to see how much Qin An had stored. He was simply the Doraemon Doraemon in the apocalyptic version. How could she get everything out?

Qin An looked at each other with Lan Yue and smiled, then his thoughts turned.

A bag of peanuts, a bag of roasted pig's feet, a bag of roast chicken, a bottle of hidden snow wine, and a United States cigar appeared on the table at the same time.

Qin An lit a cigar and poured himself a glass of Tibetan snow wine. Then he picked up the wine glass and voluntarily collided with the red wine glass held by Lan Yue, and said:

"Happy New Year. Yesterday was New Year's Day. This is my belated New Year greeting!"

Lan Yue looked at the man opposite with a little stunned, a strange ripple in her heart.

This man is Qin An, but he is a little different from 20 years ago. He is younger and handsome than then, but he is more mature than then...

Qin An took a sip of Tibetan snow wine and smoked a cigar before continuing with the previous story:"Ono Mingjian’s daughter is called Ono Guri. She is a Japanese-American mixed-race girl. She is very beautiful and has a pair of strange blue eyes. I have experienced a lot in the past few years. You should know my sword god ability. Soul allows me to copy the abilities of other female sword god hosts, so now, I can actually use dozens of sword god skills! Among the sword gods I copied, there is a sword god named Pudu! She! As long as the person does not die, no matter how severe the injury is, I can use Purdue Sword God’s ability to quickly rescue him, and even restore his broken body. Ono Mingjian’s luck is good, because in the last days In nine years, I had already acquired this ability. Therefore, I got him out of the barrel and used the ability to regain his vitality! This is a somewhat sad story. Ono and his daughter experienced the end of the world. It’s a tragedy in the world, but it’s also a happy comedy, because they finally gained freedom. At that moment, watching the father and daughter crying in their arms, I moved myself and shed a few tears of emotion. Leave quietly!"

When Lan Yue heard this, she let out a deep breath. She also felt thankful that she didn't expect that the final outcome would be like this.

After that, Lan Yue became a little angry again. Qin An said that he could already use dozens of abilities, that is to say, he should have slept with many women with sword gods! Lan Yue was very jealous, and full of jealousy. At the same time, she is also very curious, why is Qin An's luck so good? There are only forty-nine sword gods in total. How many women with sword gods can he sleep in this vast world?

In fact, Qin An had already talked to Lan Yue about the acquisition of many sword gods in Dark Light City last time when he was in West Tibet, but he said it was not specific.

Just when Lan Yue wanted to ask about these women, Qin An suddenly sighed, then drank the Tibetan Snow Wine in his hand:

"Unfortunately, this story is not over, do you want to continue listening?"

Lan Yue frowned slightly, looking at Qin An's eyes, she had a bad premonition, but people's curiosity was limitless, and Lan Yue finally nodded after a long time.

"I originally thought that the father and daughter should be able to live well in the days to come, but I was wrong. I underestimated the evil genes in human nature!

In the thirteenth year of the last days, I had left the United States, and my body was taken by my little brother Zhang Geng to Canada near Greenland.

The temperature there is not high even in summer.

When you arrived in Western Tibet a few days ago, I told you some of my experiences, so you should know that after I left United States, most of the time I was in a state of wandering around.

But I also said just now, in order to find food for you in various countries, I occasionally let the soul return to the body for a few days.

It was in such a situation that I met Guri Ono again in the Canadian territory near Greenland!

The super Mental Energy makes my memory very good, so I recognized her at a glance!

At that time, Ono Guli should be eighteen years old, but she looked as old as thirty years old!

She was very thin, she didn't wear any clothes, her whole body was covered with scars, there was no expression on her face, and she walked alone in the wilderness.

I was a little shocked at the time. I didn't know how the beautiful little girl became like this back then, so I followed her quietly behind!

Ono Guli walked to a small river, and there were a few dilapidated wooden houses and her father Mingjian Ono.

Seeing Ono Mingjian's figure, I became even more curious. Since he is still alive, why would he make his daughter so weird, wandering around without clothes on a cold day? And there are scars on his body, how does he take care of his daughter?

Just when I was wondering, a scene that poisoned my soul was staged.

Ono Mingjian actually pressed the naked Ono Guli to the ground, and then took out a 20 cm long knife, and began to cut the flesh of Ono Guli with one knife!

Ono Guli is obviously mentally abnormal, she actually started to laugh when her father hurt her body, the laughter was like a ghost!

The next scene was even more difficult for me to accept. Ono Mingjian took off his own clothes, and on the ground in the wilderness, he made an angry hook with his daughter!

I couldn't keep peeking anymore, I used the flash ability to reach them and threw Ono Mingjian out of his neck for seven or eight meters.

Then I moved quickly again and came to Ono Mingjian again, stepped on his chest with my foot, and questioned loudly.

Ono Mingjian had a dull look in his early stage. When he saw me, he felt sober.

He called his benefactor in a bit blunt Chinese, and then wept bitterly.

I tried my best to suppress the anger in my heart, comforted him a little, and then asked him what has happened over the years and why he would do such a thing to his daughter!

Ono Mingjian seemed to have finally found someone to talk to. He cried like a child and told me everything!

At that time, Ono Mingjian was cut off by Li Hongtao and placed all fours in a wine barrel. Every day, he was forced to see a group of men in front of him, playing with his own daughter Ono Guli.

At the beginning, he felt ashamed and hated, but he couldn't die because he couldn't abandon his own daughter, and he lost his four-legged ability to beg for death.

The human heart is very complicated and has many aspects.

When Ono Mingjian watched his daughter being played with every day, after a long time, his attention began to distract, and the pictures of the bad guys in the scene before him slowly faded, and only his daughter can be seen.

For him, it was a wonderful feeling.

Seeing the old daughter who was well-behaved, sensible and familiar with her naked face and crying with tears, his heart gradually undergoes an evil chemical change.

The appearance of his daughter when she was played with was also deeply in his mind.

After I rescued their father and daughter, Ono Mingjian left California with her daughter and went north into Canada.

He actually wanted to escape from the sad place.

However, even though he left, his heart remained in the small town of California, and the image of his daughter being played with in front of him became eternal.

Finally one day, he failed to control his crazy heart and climbed onto his daughter's bed.

From that moment, Ono Mingjian embarked on a path of no return. He took torturing and hurting his daughter's body, and regarded it as the greatest joy in life.

He is crazy because what he has done has been enchanted.

He was actually normal, because every time he played with his daughter, he would blame himself in pain.

Slowly, even though Ono Guli was young, she could understand how cruel Own had suffered, so she couldn't bear the mental pressure anymore and went crazy completely! However! However, deep in her heart, there was still a trace of attachment to her father, so she never left, occasionally she would wander around, but in the end she would return to her father's side and become a toy for him to vent, desire, and hope! "

Speaking of this, Qin An stopped and looked at Lan Yue, only to see her body trembling, tears gushing out of her eyes again...

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