The Qin League finally boiled, because the rumor that a huge golden castle appeared on the former site of the Qincheng Prison within an hour has spread to every corner of the Qin League in an afternoon.

Of course, the shocking news that followed was more than that.

It is said that the man named Qin An established a Sword God Camp, in which there are already eleven beautiful female Sword God members!

It is said that Lan Yue, the lord of Qin Lan City, joined the Sword God Camp in his own name, and then returned to Qin Lan City and hurriedly packed his belongings and moved to live in the Golden Castle. The excuse was to supervise the construction of the city and prevent the Qin League. 'S interests are compromised...

It is said that Guo Shuai, deputy leader of the Qin League, will join the Sword God Camp, but he was kicked in the ass by Lu Xiaocha before Qin An agreed. Lu Xiaocha's original words are: Do you want to help Dage share some of his women?

Before people had digested the news, more news spread out in the evening.

The big city to be built in the Qincheng area already has a name, called the Hanging Sword!

Qin An set up another of his guards, named Huqiying. The camp is full of upgraded beasts in the form of a wolf, armed with a two-meter-long giant sword, and the leader is Guo Xiaomei. There are already more than two hundred soldiers in the camp.

Qin An also established the first legion called Leopard Print! It is said that this corps is an all-female corps, the number is almost 50,000, will be equipped with a super new weapon called the beast-rider armor, and this weapon has not yet been produced!

In short, all the news was directed to Qin An, making this leader of the Qin League, who had been almost forgotten by the people, turned into an uproar.

However, the gods in the sky seemed to feel that Qin An was not hot enough.

After dinner, the Tang Dynasty, one of the three major forces of the Nine Dragon Mountain Alliance, actually issued a notice that Tang Yu personally conveyed that Tang Dynasty was willing to join the Nine Dragon City Link System, and each of Tang Yu invited Qin An to her residence to talk in detail!

This means that Tang Yu will hand over the defensive boundary belonging to the Tang Dynasty to Qin An to manage. It means that the concept of Nine Dragons Linking City will become a reality, because Qin An has already received the support of the Tang Dynasty and Jianzhifeng. As for the Qin League, Originally had a lot of constant relationships with Qin An! It is estimated that it is difficult to refuse.

After Tang Yu’s announcement, the Tang Dynasty’s management was stupid because they hadn’t received any notice in advance. The city lord of the Qin League was blinded, and they quickly held a meeting of their respective think tanks. The leaders of Sword Peak were excited, and quickly conveyed the good news back to western Tibet. The balance of the three powers of Jiulong Mountain finally collapsed with the arrival of Qin An, and what everyone did not expect was that this collapse point, It turned out to be Tang Yu who has nothing to do with Qin An!


The night came quickly, and the construction of the Golden Fort was almost completed with the end of the meeting.

The 300-meter-high building, the upper 200 meters became the boudoir of the giantess Lu Ya, and the lower 100 meters was divided into ten floors by a large disc made by Wang Yunzhi.

Linger obviously wanted to build the Golden Fort into a sample room, so he took out all the treasures he had collected for many years, and decorated the Golden Fort into a super luxurious and luxurious residence. Envy.

Qin An's mind was a little confused, and he didn't know what he was thinking all afternoon. After meeting Liu Xia, the progress of the meeting was taken over by Weng Die, Guo Shuai, Dong Junwei, and Cheng Gang.

Qin An actually wanted to find a chance to talk to Liu Xia alone, but he never had a chance, because Lan Yue and Liu Xia stayed together all the time, seeming to be reminiscing about the past, but in fact they are bickering!

After dinner, Qin An finally got the notice from Ling'er that the tenth floor of the Golden Fort had been renovated and a total of 24 bedrooms were separated. Half of the ring in the middle dug out a swimming pool with the help of Wang Yunzhi, and the other half. It's sports grounds and entertainment facilities, everything is there!

The other nine floors have been almost renovated.

One to three floors are supermarkets, restaurants, dance halls,

The fourth to sixth floors are opened up. As the conference room afterwards, it will be changed to a movie theater to open to the public when there is no meeting. The Maya artificial intelligence system copies all the movies, TVs, and variety shows before the end of the world, so that people can watch it. Look! It can hold almost ten thousand people here.

The seventh floor is the residence of the Hussar Camp, they will be responsible for the security work of the entire Golden Fortress.

The eighth floor is the private space of Thirteen Wolf Riders, who are responsible for protecting Qin An's safety.

The ninth floor and the tenth floor are completely owned and allocated by Qin An himself.

In short, the Fortress of Gold will become the political, entertainment, and economic center of Xuanjian City in the future! It will definitely become the busiest place in the whole city!


Qin An chose one room to live in in the twenty-four sword house on the tenth floor.

The shape of this room is a fan-shaped double arc, the overall space is very large, inside is a pattern of one bedroom, one living room, one kitchen and one bathroom.

All household appliances are of the most advanced level, all controlled by the Maya system. What makes Qin An thankful is that the kitchen utensils can't speak, nor can they run to clean after eating, as Linger imagined. Otherwise, Qin An is afraid that he will really be unable to eat anymore.

As soon as I returned to the bedroom, I remembered the knock on the door. Qin An looked outside the door and his heartbeat immediately accelerated, because the woman standing outside was Liu Xia.

"Open the door."

Qin An gave a light command, and the door opened automatically.

Liu Xia leaned into Qin An's wolf den with her hands behind her back like a little girl who has not been deeply involved in the world.

Qin An looked at her and didn't know what to say, but for a moment, he actually felt his eyes wet.

"You came......"

After a long silence, Qin An finally uttered these three words.

Liu Xia nodded slightly to Qin An, then walked to the window, opened the window and looked out.

Although it was eight o'clock in the evening at this time, the scene below the Golden Fort was still full of enthusiasm.

Ling'er’s mecha fighters and Wang Yunzhi became the main force in the construction of the army. Wang Yunzhi is turning on the ability to create huge metal bricks. The mecha fighters are digging foundations everywhere. Many ordinary people also go to the nearby forests to transport them. Returned a cart of wood.

Naturally, Wang Yunzhi alone is not enough to make metal bricks.

Therefore, some teams also went to the nearby area to find metal ores. In the camp, some basic industrial departments, such as timber factories, gold refineries, and mechanical processing factories, are rapidly being established under the arrangement of Linger, and everything is thriving!


"It would be great if this room had a balcony!"

Qin An nodded quickly, and said hurriedly: "This is simple, I will use alchemy magic to make one tomorrow!"

Liu Xia suddenly turned around and looked at Qin An, pouting her lips and said, "Qin An, you really belonged to you. Wang Yunzhi was also taken down. She is Liu Dongfeng’s wife. As the saying goes, friends’ wives should not be deceived. How can you do this? What's the matter?"

Qin An was silly, his mouth grew several times but he didn't say a word.

Liu Xia laughed loudly, then suddenly put away her smile, and looked at Qin An affectionately: "Why are you always three meters away from me, afraid that I might eat you?"

Qin An's face dimmed and said, "Your doom is poisonous..."

Liu Xia interrupted: "It's alright, even if we are very close, even if we sleep in a bed, no one will die! Now I have the fifth-level doom and poison fire, and I can control it well!"

Qin An was overjoyed, but then said with a trembling voice: "Your family..."

Liu Xia sighed for a moment and then said, "They have been gone for many years! Some things actually cannot be blamed on anyone. Although they died because of us, they will never hate me or you! I don't think so. Where did they go, they will only bless me silently! I hope I can have a better Life! Moreover, Grandpa is still alive and has become a super handsome guy! Qin An, I think this is enough! I was deserted. With more than ten years of youth and years, I don’t want to waste time and life anymore!

When I met you, I was less than eighteen years old, but now, I am already forty years old!

For so many years, I can't forget you, so I haven't looked for other men. Is that like you? Hmph, with so many Yingying Yanyan around, you are really a bad guy! Very bad, very bad person! "

Speaking of this, Liu Xia finally shed some sad and aggrieved tears.

What can Qin An say? In fact, he also feels wronged. Today, he is completely regarded as a big carrot, but in these years, he really hasn't had a long-term relationship with any woman. !

On the way to Shenshu City, the one with Gong Xue was because of being drunk.

In God Tree City, it was to kill Noshak to have a relationship with Wang Yunzhi, only to obtain the power of the Earth Seal Sword God.

In the ten years in United States, he only did that kind of thing with the Seven Sword Goddess, but Qin An didn’t even know their names. It was a kind of venting of desire, and even more for the sake of obtaining the Seven Sword Gods. Ability, of course, is also for the seven girls to have the ability to protect themselves in the last days.

During this period of time after returning to Western Tibet, he was indeed somewhat indulgent.

However, Li Na and Qin Xiaoyan are both women he cares about. One is someone who left some ignorance in junior high school. In order for Li Na to give birth to Qin Wenxin, Qin An can only regard her as his own wife.

Although the relationship with Qin Xiaoyan is faint, it is definitely long, and at the beginning of the end of the world, before they met Lan Yue and Liu Xia, they were already a husband and wife!

As for Linger...Qin An had to say shamelessly that it was really an accident, and it was also a repressive release.

Qin An has been wandering outside for more than 20 years, and has always been able to turn danger into a breeze.

But in the Tianhe courtyard of the western Tibetan labyrinth, he was trapped and lost his power!

This naturally made him a little discouraged and impetuous.

So, facing Ling'er who wanted to kill him when he had no abilities, he lost control.

There is a beast in people’s hearts, and the beast in Qin An’s heart is a dangerous nightmare-level super BOSS. It’s just that he has controlled better over the years and has always reminded himself to be a good person without breaking out, but This does not mean that he is really a good person.

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