The second sister's sword god is named Shenshou, ranking twenty-sixth in the sword god list, and has four major abilities:

The bodyguard, the rumors, the universe cover, the Feng Shui compass!

The so-called bodyguard is a super fit ability, the second sister can fit with the person she wants to protect, so that the person who is combined has a breakthrough of more than five times the physical ability!

Po Tian Rumor is an ability to resist mental attacks. Any mental attack will be disintegrated or weakened in the singing of the second sister!

Universe shield is a group protection skill. The third sister can form a huge energy shield barrier, so that external invasions cannot harm people protected by the energy shield barrier in a short time!

Feng Shui compass is a time-distorting skill that can restore the entire time-space to five seconds ago! In other words, using this ability, the third sister can bring people who died within five seconds back to life!

Then my sword god is named Yang Zhan, ranking 22nd, and the four major skills are

Break the mountains and rivers, break the nine heavens, open the stars and the moon, and cut the Yangguan!

Broken Mountain and River is a close-range Sword Qi attack method that focuses more on strength. I can turn any object into a sword! The power of slashing can cut down rivers and mountains with a width of 100 meters!

Po Jiu Xiao is a long-range and accurate Sword Qi attack method. Within ten kilometers of a square yuan, I can kill any creature in the air. The ability to match this ability is that I can see anything within ten kilometers!

Opening Xingyue is a Sword Qi attack method that combines strength and distance! Within five kilometers, I cut it down with a single sword, Sword Qi can split the surface, forming a huge gully with a length of five kilometers, a width of five hundred meters, and a depth of one kilometer!

Zhanyang Pass is a mental energy attack method! I can cut a person's life! For example, for a 30-year-old person, he could have lived to be a hundred years old, and I could cut his life span of 70 years with a single sword, and let him die immediately! If the other party’s Mental Energy is stronger than me, I can also cut his life span for decades and make him not live that long!

With the three sword gods, we no longer have to worry about being alive in these last days, so we really sincerely thank the master and the goddess!

She stayed with us for only one year, and during this year, she instilled only one sentence to us, that is, when we meet you, we must marry you, and we must have The reality of husband and wife!

A year later, she left, and when she left, she said to us that when we meet you, you will be in a big crisis. This is the opportunity we can let you marry us!

Qin An, if you marry us now, no matter what crisis you have in the future, we are willing to stand up for you and never die!

If you are unwilling to marry us, then even if we have decided to marry you one day, we will not help you when you are in crisis, because at this time we have a promise to the master and the goddess!

Don't ask me who the goddess is, she never told us her name!

Don't ask me what her purpose is! Because we don’t even know!

In the nine years since the goddess left, we have been living in the middle of the deceased.

My third sister and I seldom go out. We enjoy reading, writing, painting and playing the piano on weekdays, so our personality is more classical. The second sister will occasionally go out and go around, the main purpose is to inquire about your news!

Qin An, this is all our business, isn't it simple? Is there nothing secret?

Well, today you are married, let's not talk about it for the time being.

After today, would you be willing to enter the heaven and marry the three of us? "

Qin An was dumbfounded.

Many questions in my mind!

Ling'er wanted him to obtain the Sword God ability of the Divine Machine, and now another Goddess appeared. Ten years ago, she had arranged the three Wuma Sisters, also in order to obtain the Sword God!

Guo Shuai's prophecy said that he would kill him one day, is it also because of the sword god!

Who the hell is it? Who on earth wants him to acquire so many Sword God abilities?

This must have something to do with Lord Tianyin. Lord Tianyin gave him five years, didn't he also want to make himself stronger?

But this doesn't make sense! After making themselves stronger, what are they going to do? Killing yourself? It's absolutely impossible to be so simple! The other party is not a fool!

In other words, they should use their own body to do something! What are you going to do?

Qin An's mind told the operation, but he thought about it in every possible way, but there was no answer!

In fact, Qin An has no idea how many times he has thought about these issues. Whenever he feels that he has to think about it clearly, there will be logical problems! In the end all conjectures collapsed into nothingness!

After a full ten minutes, Qin An exhaled a long breath, and then said with a cold expression:

"Your abilities are really powerful! The third girl can kill people, and the second girl can set time back by five seconds, you are even more terrifying, with absolute lethality!

Haha, to be honest, I am very interested in the abilities of you sword gods!

But I will never betray myself for these extraneous things!

If you are three ordinary girls, if you approach me with your looks, I might be hooked up by you!

But this persecution of your embrace made me, Qin An, a minister of your skirts, I can only say that I can't do it!

Whether it is a crisis or a disaster, the time that should come will come. If I can't even see this, I will forget myself in many places on this planet, wandering for more than 20 years!

Now that everything has been made clear, then I will leave, and welcome you to join my wedding today!

Now that you have joined the Sword God Camp, let me remember your duty!

As the so-called military order is like a mountain, if you don’t want to listen to me, you can get out of my territory after attending the wedding! "

After speaking, Qin An stood up and left without any hesitation or nostalgia.

Wu Madan was stunned in place, looking at Qin An's disappearing back, his small mouth opened slightly, and he was stunned, his face slowly turning red.

She has never been in contact with any man in recent years. Although she seems to be calm, it is only due to her character. Now that she really feels the aura of a man, she really can't stand it anymore.

At this time, the figures of Wuma Tienan and Wuma Siqi appeared beside Wuma Dan's heart.

Wu Ma Siqi's eyes are already full of little stars, she said excitedly: "It's really a good friend and manly! Big Sister, I think I have fallen in love with our mate, what can I do?"

Wuma Tieman said: "If you fall in love, go to chant, what else do you want to do?"

Wuma Siqi jumped up and tapped Wuma Tie Nan on the shoulder and said: "Second sister, you are necrotic, you are the worst!"

Wuma Tienan desperately dodged, but he fought with Wuma Siqi, but the clothes of the two were messed up, and the room became full of clothes.

Wu Ma Danxin finally spoke softly: "Two Little Sisters, maybe we are wrong? Now that we have decided to marry him, should we give him our sincere heart? Once we meet each other, it is not natural that there will be a husband and wife. Is it true? It's just an explanation to God's anger! I'm so stupid that I wanted to threaten a man! What a stupid home!"

Wuma Tienan and Wuma Siqi heard what Big Sister said, so they stopped making trouble, and started worrying with Big Sister!


Qin An was walking in the circular corridor full of anger. A beautiful female figure suddenly appeared. Qin An accidentally walked directly through her body and only then became a little more sober.

He turned his head and was surprised to find that the woman turned out to be the artificial intelligence Maya.

Maya is really humane. She saw that Qin An was in a bad mood and smiled and said, "Is it more beautiful now that I am three-dimensional? Hey, Linger has installed a holographic imaging system in the Golden Fortress, so I can now Appeared in the form of optical images, just like a real person. Master Qin An, you don’t seem to be in a good mood? I don’t know what happened, but now your four brides have appeared on the podium, so you too It should be on the stage!"

Qin An nodded slightly, and then completely calmed down. Yes, he is about to get married. If he doesn't know anything, he should wait until it happens. Why do you think so much?

The expression on his face became calm again, and Qin An smiled at Maya, then used his teleportation skills, and soon appeared on the rostrum of the wedding scene downstairs!

At this moment, many people attending the wedding had gathered below, and everyone applauded when Qin An appeared out of thin air.

Half of the people here are people who attended the meeting yesterday, so they think it’s normal for Qin An to be able to use such super powers. He is the boss of the Sword God Camp, and the magical powers of the Sword Gods are certainly not comparable to ordinary upgraded people. NS.

At this time, Liu Yuanchao and Zhang Geng were already standing together beamingly, and six beautiful women in white wedding dresses were also standing opposite.

Lan Yue was obviously very upset about Qin An being late.

But she also knows that she can't quarrel with Qin An at this time. After everything is justified and becomes Qin An's wife, let's clean up him!

Zhang Geng quickly stepped forward and pulled Qin An to the groom's camp, laughing loudly:

"Dage! The four sister-in-laws are more beautiful than the other!

Ah, actually my daughter-in-law is also pretty! These days, my sister has completely educates broken jade, she now understands what three obediences and four virtues are, and my happy days are coming soon after Zhang Geng! "

Qin An smiled at Zhang Geng very warmly. This little brother has been following him for more than ten years, and Qin An has long treated him like his own Little Brother.

Now that he and himself are married at the same time, Qin An can't help but feel a little bit of emotion that my little brother has just grown up.

That's how people feel. They can be angry because of one thing, and naturally they will instantly become regretful because of another thing!

This era is terrible, because someone will die at any time, and someone will leave at any time!

This era is also very lovely. Qin An is in her 50s, and now she is still in her 20s, and marrying four beautiful ladies at the same time, why not be happy!

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