Dangerous City In The Last Days

Chapter 868 Sword God Fighting (1)

Outside the spiritual space, Lu Shisan, Xu Tianzi, and Chen Kainan are still sitting at the round table.

The wine and food on the table are not yet served, only candies and cigarettes.

Lu Shisan picked up a cigarette and lit it, turning his head to the side and said:

"Kenan, there are so many people here, so let's do it first! Don't you like killing people the most?"

Chen Kainan laughed and did not immediately return to Lu Shisan's words. Instead, he suddenly raised his hand. The wind immediately rose within a radius of five kilometers. The thousands of people who came to the wedding at this time, as well as Lan Yue and others, were all wrapped up there. In the wind circle that is too strong.

"Haha! Okay, then I will kill some first, but unfortunately, there are still too few people trapped in the formation, and they are not enough to fill my teeth! Now the psychedelic formation is under construction. When it is completed, What these people will see in their eyes is a huge maze and imaginary monsters! Then they won't be able to get out!"

As soon as Chen Kainan spoke, his smile froze.

Because he saw the thousands of people who were trapped by his own wind circle who were picking up clothes on the ground and putting them on him, they were wrapped in some strange and huge translucent objects, and they went away quickly, less than half a minute. Time retreated five kilometers away, leaving his wind circle!

How is this going? All three of Chen Kainan stood up in shock, a little dumbfounded!

The next moment, the 100-meter-high female giant Lu Ya descended from the sky, looking at the three of them coldly, and said: "I am the 28th sword god, the host of the wind! The three boys on the opposite side, the old lady was just idle and bored. If you fly a little farther, you dare to run here to make trouble? Are you tired of living?"

Host of the Wind Sword God?

The three looked at each other, and there were some surprises in their eyes.

Did not mention this person in the information given to them by the Destiny Sect? Where did she come from?

There were sparks in Lu Kainan's eyes, very annoyed that Lu Ya had hindered his good deeds.

He strode forward, then raised his head and shouted at Lu Ya:

"Huh, it's just the 28th Sword God host! Do you dare to stand in front of daddy? You look very huge. Is this also the Sword God ability? Or is your body changed? But no matter what It doesn’t matter to me! Tell you, I’m ranked 24th on the Sword God list, the host of the Ancient Sword God! Although you saved those people, now you have fallen into my first skill. In the psychedelic array! Okay, let me kill you first! I want to see if your skills are as arrogant as your mouth!"

While speaking, Lu Kainan waved his hand again, and a pale black mist suddenly rose within a range of five kilometers, and then countless skeletons appeared from the mist!

These skeletons are strangely shaped, some are like ordinary human bones, some are beast bones, and some are giant bones. The scope of their appearance is close to Lu Ya, instantly surrounding Lu Ya.

"Haha, this is the second ability of the ancient formation to kill the formation! You can summon various undead creatures, the number is endless! With the cooperation of the first skill, the psychedelic formation, you can't tell which of the creatures attacking you is true. Which one is fake! My little girl, let me see how you respond!"

Lu Ya saw countless skeleton monsters rushing towards him, frowned slightly, and quickly unfolded the wings of the first wind skill, Shenfeng, wanting to fly into the sky.

But just a few meters above the ground, in the black fog, a skeleton Soaring Dragon with the same length of 100 meters took on a figure, unexpectedly spraying black flames, and Lu Ya had to dodge and fall back to the ground.

When she wanted to fly again, she was already full of skeletons, and if she left it alone, she would be swallowed and buried by them!

"Huh, nasty little bug!"

Lu Ya quickly used the third wind power skill, Eye of the Storm.

Six huge tornadoes appeared at the same time, and the scope of the impact was five kilometers!

They snuggle together and rotate at high speed, producing powerful pull and gravitational force! Within ten seconds, the tens of thousands of undead creatures that emerged from the black mist were all crushed into powder, and then disappeared into the real space!

After the storm, Lu Ya looked at where Chen Kainan and three of them were standing, and saw that they were surrounded by a round blue ball of light, without any damage.

Xu Tianzi's tone brought some mockery: "Kenan, I think you seem to be unable to beat her! If it weren't for my ability to activate the Another World space, now the three of us would have been killed by her tornado! "

Chen Kainan's face was pale, he didn't pay attention to Xu Tianzi, but directly activated the third skill of the ancient formation, Pangu formation! At the same time, a large number of undead creatures were summoned again with the Array of Suicide.

Lu Ya’s Eye of the Storm takes a few minutes before it can be used again after using it once, so when she sees many undead creatures pounce on her, she can only use the fourth ability of wind movement, the story of the wind, Also summon many translucent wind elves creatures! These things are actually mediocre combat effectiveness, but they can trap the enemy in the body and wander around. Lu Ya just used this ability to take away all the people within a radius of five kilometers. So now she uses this ability to make the undead creatures unable to approach her!

Just when Lu Ya was about to fly off the ground, four hundred-meter giants as tall as Lu Ya appeared! They have muscles and skins, so they are not undead creatures, but the four great Vajra defending in the Pangu formation, the third skill of the ancient formation!

These four guys not only have super strong physical defenses, but also have infinite power. They are named Pangu giants!

One of the Pangu giants appeared next to Lu Ya, so when Lu Ya was about to fly, he was grabbed by his arm!

After that, Lu Ya let out a painful call, and the arm bones were crushed directly by the Pangu giant!

At this moment, Lu Ya finally felt fear in her heart.

She quickly drew a giant knife more than ten meters long from behind, and then directly cut off her grasped arm and stepped back!

You know, besides being a sword god body, she is also a mutant! Her metamorphosis ability is to become a giant, and she already possesses strength and defense that are many times stronger than an ordinary upgrader of the same level.

But now, this Pangu giant can crush her arm bones in one fell swoop! How powerful is this!

"How? Haha! I see if you can be arrogant! Tell you, there is a large area on the Star of Sword Spirit, called Tiangu Formation! My Sword God is the four ancient formations After refining, they became the sword god! And the Pangu giant was originally a natural creature that guarded the ancient formation. It was a powerful existence formed by the essence of heaven and earth for thousands of years. There is no way! That is to say, Tiangu Formation is an area beyond the law of the Sword Spirit Star! So, just rely on you to fight against the Pangu Giant! That is simply a dream!"

Lu Ya's face was a little pale at this time, and her severed arm was quickly recovering, but the four Pangu giants had already rushed towards her, and countless skeletons and bats appeared in the sky, making Lu Ya want to fly and couldn't do it!

Lu Ya really didn't expect that this so-called ancient sword god host could be so powerful. Speaking of which, her sword god is not much different from the opponent on the ranking list, but this strength is not at the same level!

Just when Lu Ya felt that she might lose or even die, the three figures quickly rushed into Chen Kainan's three formations superimposed space from the outside.

Lan Yue, Liu Xia, and Qin Xiaoyan were full of anger at this time!

Today is their wedding, there will be unexpected guests to make trouble?

It took more than two decades for them to reach a positive result with Qin Anxiu. Is this easy? So the three women couldn't bear it naturally. Just now they quickly arranged the evacuation and delayed some time, or else they would have rushed to fight Chen Kainan desperately!

Blue Moon is the fastest! When she arrived ten meters away from Chen Kainan, she said coldly:

"Pangu giants? Humph, they may indeed be invincible on the Star of Sword Spirit! But now that they are on Earth, they are not summoned by your Sword God, they are just your pets, I think they are nothing but It's just a little bit stronger! I'm going to see if they can't kill them!"

When the voice fell, Lan Yue activated the Quick Phantom Movement Technique, and then, with the teleport ability, instantly entered the body of a Pangu giant. She took out several super bombs that she had just obtained from Linger, and quickly remained in the body of the Pangu giant. In, and then flashed out again!

A few seconds later, there was a loud noise in the Pangu giant's body, and then his body swelled up and he fell to the ground with bleeding from seven holes!

Lan Yue let out a breath, still shocked in her heart.

The giant Pangu’s skin defenses are really strong. It is estimated that the various organs in its body have been completely blown into a puddle of flesh at this time, but there is still no trace of damage to the skin, which means that if you want to kill him from the outside It will be very difficult!

Fortunately, I can attack directly from its body. After seeing the pangu giant's body that was motionless after falling to the ground, the body of the giant finally slowly disappeared, Lan Yue's heart was calmed down, and finally her skills were still effective for the enemy!

After Qin Xiaoyan entered the ancient formation, thousands of third-level upgraded beasts, jays, flew from the sky!

These birds were originally sparrows. The upgraded body is ten centimeters long and has a pointed mouth. When flying fast, it can directly use the mouth to pierce the enemy's body and penetrate into the body.

Of course, if it is against a person with a stronger defense, their attacks will not work, but against the undead creatures in the ancient formation, they can still have some effect.

These skeletons look terrifying, but they are actually very fragile. Thousands of jays are entangled with the same number of skeleton bats, covering the blue of the sky.

The screams resounded for dozens of kilometers, and in just a few minutes, both sides were all gone.

At this time, the five abnormal beasts that Qin Xiaoyan could really control for a long time had arrived.

The red feather eagle is two hundred meters long, and its red feathers fly in the sky like a phoenix. Several hundred-meter-long skeletons, Soaring Dragon, appeared, and the red feather eagle made a deafening cry, ejected red flames from its mouth, and quickly wiped them out.

The Pandora Dragon Wolf is also a hundred meters long. It wanders around in the ancient formation and grinds the undead creatures wrapped in the wind elves with their huge teeth!

The Tianshan Snow Bear roared and ran around, smashing the undead creatures with its huge palm.

The South China Sea giant crab waved its huge claws and rushed into the undead biota like a tiger into a flock of sheep.

The body of the giant-bladed migratory locust is super flexible, and its forelimbs are transformed into sharp weapons like giant knives. It is even more invincible to kill undead creatures!

In short, the battle between Lan Yue and Qin Xiaoyan turned the tide of the battle.

And Liu Xia had already reached Chen Kainan's side at this time. She did not speak, and quickly drew a knife from behind her body, after which a hot flame burned in her body!

This is the Yanhuo Sword God's third skill, Yanhuo Transformation, which can give Liu Xia the power to attack!

Liu Xia knew that only by killing the three men in front of her could her side win the final victory, so she didn't need to say more at all, but wanted to kill directly!

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