There was no wind tonight, and the fire caused by the sky fire slowly subsided after burning for a while.

From the south, two women who seemed to be in their early twenties came hurriedly, and finally stopped in front of the pit where the sky fire had died.

The height of the two of them is about 1.7 meters. Among them, the black-clothed person is curvaceous, named Ye Siya, and the blue-clothed person has a peach-faced face, and is named Gu Lanfei.

Ye Siya glanced into the pothole, and then said with a little shock: "It turned out to be Skyfire! I thought it was I who made a mistake! But who killed it? This thing is nightmare grade. Killer, we have organized manpower to encircle it three times, but in the end we all failed! Either it was destroyed by it, or it escaped!"

"Look at Siya, what are the huge footprints around here?" Concubine Gu's brows frowned.

"Judging from the shape of the footprints, it should also be a humanoid creature!... Could it be her?"


"One of the top ten golden kings in Tibet this time, Tianjiao Luya! I heard that she has returned from Russia and is now in Qin'an's camp!"

Concubine Gu Lan nodded suddenly, and then said with some envy: "It seems that this woman's strength is ascension again, and she can kill Skyfire. Its defensive ability can be said to be invincible!"

Ye Siya nodded and said, "Qin An is really not easy. I heard that he established a Sword God Camp, and Lu Ya is just one of the Sword God Camp! We have been in Tibet for these years. There are only three strong sword gods!"

Concubine Gu Lan curled her lips and said, "Three strong sword gods, including Qin Xiaoyan and Gong Xue, have joined the sword god camp. I really don't know why the Tibetans indulge Qin An so much and let our people fall into his sect! From now on! In the west of Tibet, there is only our husband left who is a sword god!"

As soon as Concubine Gu Lan's voice fell, a figure ran from a distance.

The two women were overjoyed when they saw the people coming, and then their faces became gloomy.

The man who came was a man who looked like he was about 30 years old. He was very handsome, and he did not lose to Cheng Gang and Liu Yuanchao, so he was naturally a little more handsome than Qin An.

After he saw the two women, he was taken aback for a moment, and then he laughed:

"Siya, Concubine Lan, two darlings, didn't you get to the sword's front one step earlier? How come you are here?"

Concubine Gu Lan turned around and wanted to leave, but was finally pulled by Ye Siya.

Ye Siya coldly looked at the handsome man and said faintly: "Your two good Little Sisters, Song Dieyun, the golden king of singing souls, and Xiaozheng, the golden king of demon foxes, are also gone! We looked at them upset and went out everywhere. Turn around and relax. Just now when I heard a strange roar here, I knew there was a strange beast, so I came over to check it out."Gu Lan Fei interrupted: "Siya! Why do you tell him so much? Huh, Li Ziyuan, why are you here? I thought you would arrive at the sword's front city with your two good Little Sisters! "

The handsome guy named Li Ziyuan hurried to Gu Lanfei and Ye Siya, then hugged them into his arms and joked: "I also felt the existence of Skyfire, so I came to check!... .Haha, two good wives! I am your husband, not a class enemy! Why do you speak so coldly? I know that I have been wrong in the past few years of marriage, and I have kept you widows! Look at your desire and dissatisfaction Don’t worry, it won’t be long before I will solve your physical problems! My wife is all well-acquainted. Wouldn’t it be a pity if no one picks them!”

The two women blushed when their own husband said so, but they didn't reply.

Only they know the suffering in their hearts.

Li Ziyuan is the number one golden king of all souls among the top ten golden kings. At the beginning, the two of them were also regarded as the flowers of the team of Tibetan and Western Upgraders, and there were more people pursuing them.

But the two fell in love with Li Ziyuan, and finally chose to marry him at the same time!

However, what they did not expect was that even though Li Ziyuan was willing to share the bed with them after marriage, he never touched them!

In the first year, his reason was that one of his good brothers died in the battle against the alien beasts. He wanted to keep his filial piety for him for one year and refuse all entertainment...

They believed it stupidly at the time, but now they really hate and resent them when they want to come! How can anyone keep filial piety for his brother?

In the second year, Li Ziyuan said that he had some mental obstacles, and he didn't know why he couldn't get harder!

They believed it again, and actively sought medical advice, intending to regain his power!

In the third year, they felt that his illness should be almost healed, but they didn't expect this guy to recognize two of them. Little Sister, that is, Song Dieyun and Feng Xiaozheng! The three of them went out to perform tasks together, and it took a year to leave, leaving only their two grieving women facing the lone lamp in the middle of the house.

In the fourth year, Li Ziyuan led two workers. Little Sister returned to Tibet and said that he would marry those two Fox Spirits and enter the door!

What a joke, their sisters have been married to Li Ziyuan for three years. Are they still the eldest daughters of Huanghua? If they are letting other women in, will they still have a way to survive? So the two naturally refused! The ruthless man Li Ziyuan wanted to divorce them because of this!

Naturally, the two women didn't do it. They held a sigh of relief in their hearts. Why are they inferior to the other women? Li Ziyuan married them, but never fulfilled the obligation of being a husband! If they were divorced like this, wouldn't they become a joke!

So Ye Siya and Gu Lanfei, who were full of resentment, decided to take their own life and consume it with Li Ziyuan! Never let him live comfortably! So the marriage of the three people went through the fourth year in the quarrel. Li Ziyuan often stayed out at night, and they are still the eldest daughters of Huanghua.

This time, the two women who were king-level upgraders were transferred to the Great City of Sword's Front in the Nine Dragons Mountains, and they arrived early.

And yesterday, the two golden kings Song Dieyun and Feng Xiaozheng also arrived at the front of the sword. Their identities are naturally higher than those of Ye Siya and Gu Lan. Therefore, in order to welcome the two, a grand welcoming ceremony was held in the city. .

Ye Siya and Gu Lanfei looked annoyed, and hated Li Ziyuan more and more.

Because they were in a bad mood, they left Jianzhifeng Dacheng and started wandering around, and finally arrived here, not wanting to meet their husband Li Ziyuan.

They were actually a little surprised at this time, but Li Ziyuan hadn't spoken to them in such an ambiguous tone for a long time. Doesn't he want to get a divorce? Did he finally decide to be a competent husband?

People say that women in love are stupid, but in fact, women in broken love are even more stupid.

The two women can be regarded as having never received Li Ziyuan's care, and now Li Ziyuan's attitude towards them has suddenly changed. Naturally, they can't adapt to them for a while, and they don't know how to behave.

"Okay, okay! It's a great thing that Tianhuo was punished, let's rush back to Jianzhifeng to report!

Oh, by the way, I heard that Sword's Edge has got four Excalibur. If you go back late, I'm afraid you will let other upgraders get them! Two good wives, let me go back. With my identity as the golden king of all souls, I will definitely apply to the big brothers in Tibet, so that you two will get the sword god! "

Sword God?

The two women froze for a moment, then their eyes shined!

If they have the Sword God Parasitic, their combat power should be great Ascension, right? When the time comes, you will not suffer from the two Fox Spirits Song Dieyun and Feng Xiaozheng!

Thinking of this, the two were naturally happy, but there was nothing revealed in their mouths.

Concubine Gu Lan coldly said: "Four divine swords, I'm afraid it is true that you want to get two for your good Little Sister, right?"

Li Ziyuan sighed sadly, and said, "Hey! Concubine Lan, I admit that I have been closer to Dieyun and Xiaozheng this year, but I really haven't had any relationship with them, believe it or not. It's up to you! Of course, they are also people who are relatively close to me. It would be nice if they could apply for the Sword God parasitic quota! But don't worry, you are my relatives, so I naturally have to consider you first! Let's go, let's go, it's too late to go back. If the decision of Tibet West has been issued, it will be difficult to make changes by then!"

The two women felt that Li Ziyuan’s words had some truth. If Li Ziyuan did not help them fight for the West Tibet, it is estimated that it would be impossible to obtain the so-called Sword God by virtue of their qualifications! So the two women decided to put aside their prejudices for a while, pulling Li Ziyuan from the left and the other and ran towards the direction of the sword's front Dacheng.

A weird smile hung on Li Ziyuan's face.

Ye Siya, Gu Lan Fei, Song Dieyun, Feng Xiaozheng, the four women, he thought it was fun to provoke him, but he couldn't get rid of it!

So this time, he finally has a good way to deal with them!

Hey, Qin An, I don't know if four dissatisfied people and wives attack you, can you stand up? Don't say that Luna is not good to you! I can be regarded as doing this for you, I am already going to do the work of pimping! And the betrayal is his own wife and lover!

"Haha..." Li Ziyuan laughed as he thought about it, and frightened Ye Siya and Concubine Gu Lan. They didn't know what happened to her husband!

Regardless of him, this man has always been talking about God, it's better to hurry back to Sword's Edge Dacheng!

In this way, the three figures left Hanghai City in the dark.


In an abandoned community on the edge of Hanghai City, Qin An stands with Liu Xia in his arms.

"Qin hurry up and find out if you have any clothes to wear! The place where you just lived was burned down, we can't just stay naked like this, much... .... How embarrassed!"

Liu Xia's cheeks were always red, and they were attached to Qin An's strong chest, and Qin An could feel their warmth.

"So fast!..." Qin An suddenly jumped out.

Liu Xia asked in a low voice: "What did you say?"

"Just now, three people passed by outside the community. They ran very fast. They should be nightwalkers. I don't know who they are!"

"Oh my God! Then you are not looking for clothes? do I meet people?"

Seeing Liu Xia's startled look, Qin An smiled badly.

In fact, there are a lot of clothes in his Interspatial Ring, but at this time he is not willing to break the ambiguous atmosphere in front of him.

You must not make Liu Xia too clear-headed, or she is afraid that she will have trouble with own because of the fact that she has married four wives at the same time!

"Don't worry, they have already ran far away, and they will enter the Nine Dragon Mountains after leaving the city.

Liu Xia, this community is where I lived before the end of the world. Look at that building. The three-bedroom house on the 18th floor is my home. And next door is your sister Xiaoyan's home, we are neighbors! I was trapped here for three months when the end of the world broke out, and now I have finally returned to the original point.

Let's go, take you up and have a look! "

Qin An's voice became very light after speaking, and some sad emotions were mixed in the tone.

He hugged the blue moon and moved forward quickly, reached the edge of the abandoned building with his legs hard, and then jumped ten meters high and landed on a balcony. After just a few jumps, he finally returned to the balcony of his home.

But when Qin An stood on the balcony, he was stunned, his face turned pale, and he said in a trembling voice:

"Why... how could this be?"

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