Dangerous City In The Last Days

Chapter 885 Hanging Sword City

Qin An took Liu Xia back to the Golden Fort that night.

Liu Xia didn't make trouble, and very cleverly accepted the fact that she had become Qin An's wife.

She understood a truth, Qin An would never forget Weng Lan, and she could never forget Qin An.

Now that Qin An has lost the woman she loves most, but she can stay with her beloved man, so what else can she do?

The reason why I lived in Qincheng for so long was not because I was waiting for Qin An?


Inadvertently, Qin An's happy life began like this. The four wives accompanied them every day, and the women around them were even more beautiful!

However, Qin An was not immersed in the gentle township. He almost put aside all his personal affairs, went out early and returned late every day, and devoted himself to the great cause of building a city with Ling'er!

Two months later, the City of Hanging Swords that everyone has noticed was finally born!

It covers an area of ​​almost 600 square kilometers. It connects to the Jiulong Mountains to the west and covers the suburbs of Hanghai City to the east. The overall shape is circular.

It has two layers of inner and outer walls with a height of 100 meters. The wall is two meters thick, of which the thickness of 1.5 meters is a reinforced concrete structure, and the thickness of the other 50 centimeters is an all-metal shell jointly built by Qin An and Wang Yunzhi using the ability of the sword god!

On the inner and outer walls of the city, Ling'er cooperated with Wang Yunzhi to divide the metal shell into many different sections, and then installed many Maya main control system chips between the sections.

Connected to these chips and mounted on the wall of the metal casing, there will be 18,000 laser cannons. Of course, at present, only the installation location is reserved. It may take some time to wait for the laser cannon to be fully produced.

The single attack power of these laser cannons is not very strong, but they also have advantages that the old-fashioned long-range weapons cannot have.

The laser cannons are small in size, controlled by the Maya system, and have super-precise strike capabilities, with a range of up to 300 kilometers, and each cannon has a 360-degree view. Its energy support comes from solar energy, and the firepower conversion is responsible for the laser fission reaction derived from the T virus element metal composition, so it has a very long-lasting attack capability, and continuous firing within a day does not require additional adjustments. When the material that made the laser disappears, it only takes a few minutes to reinstall it!

In addition, the metal shell will also be equipped with 6000 precision continuous-fire large-caliber machine guns. They are also fired under the control of the Maya system. The maximum range is 3000 meters, which means that under Maya's control, a machine gun is fired every minute. With 60 bullets, you can headshot a zombie gun 3000 meters away!

Inside the double-layered city wall, the construction of the returning gravitational magnetic field is completed.

The so-called return-gravity magnetic field only has an effect on mechanical objects installed with anti-gravity magnetic strips, which can make some things fly!

Therefore, the long-range and large-scale offensive weapon that Ling'er envisioned in advance has appeared! It was a huge flying cake made of Qin An's alchemy, various types of metal materials, and concrete.

This kind of circular flying cake has a diameter of one kilometer, a thickness of five meters, and a weight of more than 1,000 tons. At present, 10 have been manufactured. Linger has installed a flight power system for them, and the energy they rely on is mainly solar energy and anti-gravity, and Multi-loop autobiographical structure vortex system.

In short, they can be suspended hundreds of meters above Hanging Sword City under the action of the anti-gravity system, continuously absorbing solar energy, and then converting it into stored power!

When the corpse group comes, these huge and heavy flying cakes can fly to a range of 200 kilometers. They can directly smash thousands of zombies into flesh when they fall from the sky. Then they repeatedly rise and fall, even if the stored solar power can only make them go up and down 100 times, a flying cake can kill 100,000 zombies in a short time. , 10 flying cakes can kill a million!

If it weren't for the cumbersome manufacturing of the power system, Qin An really wanted to produce a few hundred at a time, and then let them fly around the sky, then no matter how many zombies there were, they would not be able to approach Xuanjian City! It is a pity that the power system of the ten flying cakes was completed by Ling'er for several years. Not only does it require a variety of parts, but it also needs Ling'er to infuse the sword god energy! Therefore, it is estimated that it will take at least one year to produce one more.

Within the Xuanjian City, there are currently five major areas.

The central city is the Golden Fort and Plantation Square!

A round piece of land centered on the Golden Fort has been reclaimed, and mechanized planting will be implemented to provide food for the whole city.

The multifunctional service robot template designed by Linger has been completed, and after collecting all the materials, it can be 5D printed and mass-produced directly.

They look like electric rice cookers before the end of the world, and their size is similar to ordinary rice cookers, so Qin An calls them rice cooker robots when they take their lives. Ling'er despises them and talks a lot in the language of the gods. Qin An is natural. I don't understand what she means.

The rice pot robot can not only cultivate, but also help with construction, cleaning, and tidying. At the same time, it is equipped with a laser weapon attack system.

The east of Xuanjian City is a residential area for civilians, and their houses have been built.

The so-called house is not an ordinary house, but a huge spaceship with a foundation!

Each spacecraft can accommodate tens of thousands of people, but these spacecraft can't fly yet, so they are semi-finished products.

Ling'er will complete their power system in the future, but Ling'er said that even after completion, these spaceships will not be able to fly very fast, because Ling'er cannot produce all the high-tech accessories that match the spacecraft on the earth. The Maya system is already the most powerful intelligent system that Linger can build by using the earth's resources, but she still can't complete the task of enabling the spacecraft to be used efficiently.

The west of the city is a military camp. Since the end times are full of crises, a militia system is naturally needed. Everyone in Xuanjian City needs to be trained in the camp in rotation.

The Chengxi Military Camp is also the camp of the mecha fighters. The mecha battle group with 50,000 full equipment has been officially established, and they are also the second army directly under the management of Qin An.

So Nancheng is the seat of the Leopard Printed Legion of 50,000 Female Warriors, and Ling'er's first beast-riding armor has been produced.

This is a smart armor weapon with a mechanical leopard on the lower body and a piece of metal armor on the upper body.

The body of the mechanical leopard is equipped with a laser gun and a miniature rocket launcher, and the weapons used by the female riders are also laser guns!

With this kind of equipment, these female soldiers will have very strong combat effectiveness. Even if one person rushes into hundreds of zombies, they can kill the enemy safely and eventually retreat. Compared with the mecha fighters, they have more flexible mobility, and the ability to escape is enhanced, but the combat lethality is still somewhat different from that of the mecha fighters.

What Nancheng is still preparing to build is the Third Army Corps, named Flying Eagle.

The Flying Eagle Corps will be a fighter group.

Because the defensive weapons of the city wall are all controlled by Maya, there is basically no need to use people to defend the city, so being able to extend to eliminate zombies naturally becomes the key to defense. The air-to-ground defensive attack can minimize its own losses, so Ling'er plans to also use 5D printing to make many air fighters.

In fact, the so-called physical printing and manufacturing technology has already been applied on the earth before the end of the world, but human technology is limited and can only print some simple objects. After Ling'er transforms this concept, with the ability of own technology, it has been completely You can print out many complex technology products that are not too big! Realize the rapid and quantitative production of high-tech weapons.

Then the northern part of the city has now become the territory of the tree people, and they have also formed the Fourth Army, called Chiba!

It took a lot of effort to transport these treants from the north, and Lu Ya's contribution was indispensable. The big tree that she flew over with a string of ropes had a swing. Wu Ma Siqi originally wanted to help, but her Celestial Sword God ability was a bit annoying. Although she could take outsiders back to Celestial Mansion from a long distance, the exit of Celestial Mansion was fixed and could not allow the huge tree to pass through. So I can only give up.

In addition, the Fifth Legion was also in the city outside the city, named Beast Soul!

Thousands of fifth-level upgraded beasts have been assembled, and Linger will provide them with body-length beastmaster armor, which can greatly improve their fighting ability.

In short, the organizational structure of Xuanjian City is now very complete.

As the commander-in-chief of the Jiulong Liancheng defense system, Qin An at least has absolute power in Xuanjian City.

Weng Die was officially recognized as the lord of the Hanging Sword City, and Dong Junwei was the commander-in-chief of the five armies of War Armor, Leopard Print, Flying Eagle, Chiba, and Beast Soul!

Of course, the so-called commander-in-chief is actually only nominal.

Ling'er basically controlled the War Armored Legion. Lu Ya did his part to become the leader of the Flying Eagle Legion. Qin An has absolute influence in the Leopard Legion, and the master of the Chiba Legion was originally the one that Qin An has not seen yet. The Queen of the Tree Elves, as for the Beast Soul Legion, is considered Dong Junwei's direct line, because the team leader is Ye Liangchen who is good at domesticating upgraded beasts. This Confucian general has been following Dong Junwei since the city of God Tree!


Qin An and Ling'er are standing in a watchtower on the east wall at this time. Although there is a Maya system that can monitor the surrounding situation around the clock, the watchtower still needs to be set up. No one can guarantee that Maya will not have technology problems.

Looking at the already basically complete Dacheng, Qin An felt a little ups and downs.

Ling'er is in a good mood today. This big city can be said to have spent all her hard work. Even in those years in Western Tibet, she did not produce so many high-end technological weapons for Western Tibet!

Suddenly realizing this, Ling'er was slightly stunned.

At the beginning, she just wanted to deal with Qin An, so why did she go all out inadvertently?

Secretly glanced at Qin An next to him, Linger suddenly felt a bit hot on her face, and her heartbeat speeded up! What kind of feeling is this?

For two months, Qin An and Ling'er have been soaking together every day!

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