In the three-story building, it was completely quiet.

When Qin An returned to the third floor, Zhang Nana was naked, lying flat on the ground. There was no trace of scars on her body, and even the blood on the surface of her body was volatilized and disappeared. This was naturally the effect of saving sentient beings.

Qin An's gaze flicked over Zhang Nana's white body, without a trace of evil thoughts in her eyes, and finally looked at her face.

The woman's face was full of tears, and the color of her eyes became redder.

With a slight sigh, Qin An turned and went downstairs to meet Lan Yue and the others outside.

"How's it going?" Lan Yue asked nervously, and then took out a handkerchief to help Qin An wipe off the adhesions on her body.

Liu Xia quickly took out the mineral water from the police station car and helped Qin An wipe his hands.

Qin An didn't answer Lan Yue's question. He turned his eyes and saw the old lady named Li Guihua standing beside Wang Dabiao. Her face was a little pale and her body was shaking.

He smiled at Liu Xia and Lan Yue, and after they had cleaned up the dirt on their bodies, Qin An walked to Li Guihua and spoke:

"Do you recognize this house?"

After a long time, Li Guihua nodded, and tremblingly said: "I know, this is my old house, and some of my servants have lived in it over the years. son and grandson, they are all okay. Bar?"

"I'm not sure if it's good or not.

Li Guihua, looking at your current expression and state, you seem to know something!

I come to ask you,

Twenty years ago, did you have a daughter-in-law named Zhang Nana?

He married your eldest son, and a few years later, he still had no children. Later, you let your younger son rape his relatives and do insults!

Originally, that was fine. After your eldest son Wang Kaitai had other women outside, you cruelly locked Zhang Nana in the demolished house, and killed her by yourself after beating her!

Said that these things are not true! "

Qin An's voice was strong and powerful, and a nightmare soul of the Nightmare Sword God passed into Li Guihua's brain with Qin An's voice.

At this moment, Li Guihua was thinking of the past two decades ago, so needless to say, Qin An also directly captured the memories in her mind!

Sure enough, it was exactly the same as what Zhang Nana said!

"Haha! After the end of the world, there are so many things in the world, and I have seen how inhuman things are.

But Zhang Guihua, you already committed this sin of indignation between humans and gods before the end of the world. I really don’t know what else you did after the outbreak of the end of the world!

You are the kind of natural evil person. My Qin An now has less strong sense of Righteous & Evil, but in the face of people like you, I still want to kill one by one!

It is a pity that it is not me who is going to kill you, but your daughter-in-law who has been dead for many years!

This is exactly what Skynet has done without leaking, and you always need to pay for the evil things you have done yourself! "

While speaking, Qin An ignored the confused people and directly brought Zhang Guihua back to the three-story attic, and then released Xu Qingfeng and other miscellaneous people downstairs.

"What happened?" Liu Xia and Lan Yue couldn't help asking in unison when Qin An walked out of the house for the last time.

Qin An did not hesitate this time, and explained everything to everyone.

People were all dumbfounded, and I really didn't expect Qin An to have experienced so many weird incidents after entering the house.

But their poor old woman turned out to be a vicious-hearted scorpion snake.

Finally, Qin An looked at Wang Dabiao and said, "Temporarily lock down this house, and clean up the corpse after three days! I think that within three days, the woman named Zhang Nana can also make a choice. I believe she is kind. The person. So if she wants to leave, she can leave at any time.

As for the death of Xu Xiangdong’s father, killing him is really helpless. Let me go back and make a detailed transcript with you at the Public Security Bureau. You can also report this matter to Liu Gang.

Xu Xiangdong’s son Xu Qingfeng is now in a coma under my control of Lingzhi.

Troubleshoot Director Wang Dabiao to help me tell Liu Gang and ask him to arrange for the spy to follow him, but don't disturb his life.

If he came to me for revenge, he would have his own ability, and I would naturally kill him.

If he can live a comfortable life, let him live forever.

In addition, if he wants to do any other aggressive retaliation, it will be handled by your own law in Qin Juncheng.

And Zhang Guihua's two daughter-in-laws and grandchildren are not guilty. The orphans and widows will let them survive.

Oh, yes, their family's property needs to be confiscated, as long as they are left with enough wealth to raise their children! "

After that, Qin An didn't hesitate, and took Liu Xia and Lan Yue into a police car.

Shi Lida, Jin Bao, Jin Dou and Liu Danna also hurriedly got into another car.

Wang Dabiao did not leave because he had to block the scene and sent someone to report the incident to the city lord Liu Gang.

As for what he said about going to the police station to do the transcripts, it was entirely Qin An's attitude. Wang Dabiao naturally did not get confused and asked Qin An to go to the police station.

Liu Gang's phone number was very relevant to the matter, and he talked to Qin An, saying that he had known about this matter, and that Qin An was in charge. Qin Juncheng originally supported Qin An as Qin Lancheng, so Qin An is the nominal leader of the Qin League. Now the commander-in-chief of Jiulong Liancheng, he naturally has absolute rights.

Liu Gang also arranged a sumptuous banquet at the star-rated hotel in Qinjuncheng. Be sure to invite Qin An to relive the past.

Qin An did not decline either. Since he has already come to Qin Juncheng, he always goes to see his old friends.

After he came back, he only met Liu Gang and the others. It was the day of his wedding, and then he had been busy with the construction of Xuanjian City, so he really neglected Liu Gang's group of people.

Before leaving, Qin An, who was sitting in the police car, showed a somewhat relieved smile. On the third floor of the ghost house, Zhang Nana had torn the old lady Li Guihua to pieces!

She will really be resurrected as a ghost whisperer!

Maybe she will hate Qin An, and even come to Qin An for revenge in the future.

But Qin An was not worried, because he guarded his heart.

The same principle as Xu Qingfeng, the widow and orphan of the Wang family, if Zhang Nana wants to come and kill herself, then he will kill her mercilessly, so that Qin An can have a clear conscience!

Crime and punishment will always appear alternately. Qin An is now the leader of one party, and he will naturally experience these things.

Qin An felt that he might not be able to achieve absolute fairness, but at least he could have a clear conscience!


The car quickly arrived at the Qinjuncheng Central Hotel. Qin An first asked Lan Yue and others to see Liu Gang, and then, accompanied by the service staff, found a room to take a shower and change clothes, while tidying up his own guilty conscience. Although the affairs of the nine main gods are a little different from what I thought, I finally got accurate information, which is also a good thing.

When he completely packed his own mood and body, he walked out of the hotel room door and saw a slim girl standing outside smiling at him.

For a moment, Qin An's face was filled with a smile.Seeing that Qin An was just smiling but not talking, the woman cocked her mouth, and said in a strange tone:

"Dage, can you become a nymphomaniac? You just laughed foolishly when you saw me. I went to your collective wedding, haha, marrying four wives, really good! I haven't seen you in twenty-three years, you are not here It was the idiot who was fainted by me with Mixiang!"

Qin An laughed haha.

"Liu Jia, the Deva is too much, and the host of the Four Sword Gods came out to make trouble, so I didn't see you! How about, seeing your Dage, is it going to be a warm hug? Well, I haven't grown old at all, and it seems to be younger than 23 years. It seems that my position in your heart is quite deep!"

Liu Jia was not shy at all, but provocatively said:

"Dage, I'm a widow now, are you sure you want to hug me? Are there many widows in front of the door! I'm not like Sister Lan Yue, who used to call myself a widow, in fact, she is yours! Me! Well, she is a real widow! After Li Wenjie died, although he had talked with other men for a few days, he was not married. What should I do? Or I will follow Dage in the future?"

Qin An was dumbfounded, while Liu Jia smiled.

After that, the two laughed at the same time, and finally embraced each other warmly.

Qin An traveled from Qincheng Prison for the first time, and met Liu Jia in a small village. After she fainted with Mixiang, she met Li Wenjie and Tang Yu.

Later, two jumping zombies attacked the village chief at night, and Qin An led the jumping zombies away and walked with Li Wenjie and Liu Jia.

Li Wenjie and Liu Jia became lovers on the way, but they died unexpectedly. Qin An would always think of Li Wenjie and always resented that he was not able to save him.

After arriving in Destiny City, Liu Jia recognized Li Wenjie's mother Li Hong as his own mother, and returned to Qin City with Qin An.

Qin An has left here for 23 years and never saw them again.

Qin An didn't see Liu Jia at the wedding, so I was naturally very happy to see him now.

Perhaps the two of them are feeling for Li Wenjie. In short, after the hug, they both feel very kind, without any awkwardness, as if they were their own brothers and sisters.

"Dage, let's go. I came here to pick you up specially. City Lord Liu Gang is waiting for you there. My mother Li Hong is also here, and there is Xiaocha, Guo Shuai and the others."

"Why are the two of them here?"

"It's not that Guo Shuai wants to discuss with City Lord Liu Gang how to cooperate with you to build the Kowloon Liancheng? Haha, your chief designer Linger has already sent the design drawings. The locations of the two big cities remain unchanged, and there is no need to demolish. I heard you Some of them can metalize the surface of the city wall, so just wait for her to come. After that, Ling'er will send someone to install the Maya system and install the same weapon system as the Hanging Sword City. There will be six roads between Qin Jun and Qin Lan. The huge city wall, I heard that the entire Jiulongshan building will eventually form a huge net!"

Qin An nodded, and then happily said: "Yes, this is my architectural philosophy! Jiulong Mountain will not only be an impenetrable apocalyptic castle, but also become the parent of the zombie group, Liu Jia, you listen to Dage slowly telling it listen!"

Maybe it was too kind, maybe it was too natural. Liu Jia took Qin An's arm with her arm, and Qin An was leaning against Liu Jia with her body.

The two walked into the banquet hall in this way. After that, Qin An suddenly felt two pairs of murderous eyes, staring at him viciously...

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