Lan Yue and Liu Xia were a little upset after hearing what the old man said. Since the two pieces of clothing are not for sale, why should they hang them out?

But they did not speak, because just when the old man opened his eyes, they all felt a strong sense of depression!

As sword gods, they have the same ability to perceive danger as Qin An, so the two immediately knew that this old man was definitely not easy.

Qin An looked at the skinny old man and couldn't say a word after a long time. He was already 100% sure that the opponent's strength must be very strong.

So the question is, who is this old man? Why does it appear in the market?

Is he really just an ordinary supernatural being hidden in the market?

Just as Qin An's thoughts turned sharply, considering whether to try to test the old man's virtual reality, he suddenly squeezed out a beautiful, young-looking woman from the crowd.

"Hey, Qin League Lord, why don't you come to Eagle Eye City without sending us an official document? Little girl Li Kuilante is here to greet us!"

Li Kuilan? Wrangler No. 36?

Qin An stretched his frowning brows and looked at the woman opposite, only to see that she had a charming figure, white skin, and well-defined features. She was a beauty.

When Li Kuilan came to her, Qin An nodded to her, and then said openly: "I'm about to go to the Eagle Palace and see my old friend. Now that you have come to pick me up, let's go. Bar!"

After that, Qin An took the two daughters of Lanyue and Liu Xia directly and left the old man's booth, ignoring him, as if he had just met an ordinary passerby.

Li Kuilan glanced at the old man and looked at him respectfully and rudely.

The old man still closed his eyes, but his white eyebrows were slightly frowned.

Li Kuilan didn't care about the old man's expression, she turned around to follow Qin An's footsteps, and walked almost two kilometers away before she stepped forward to stand shoulder to shoulder with Qin An, and whispered softly:

"Master, No. 36 Wrangler Li Kuilan is reporting to you! Ha ha, the old man was called Li Guisan just now, but he is not a simple fellow!"

"Oh? I have some interest in him, how can you tell him how easy it is?"

"Li Guisan was in a mountain village in the hinterland of Jiulong Mountain before the end of the world broke out!

The village is off the beaten track, with only dozens of families. Because the village is too remote, there is no access to electricity. It is a real paradise.

Li Guisan is the oldest person in Murakami, and he should also be regarded as the oldest person in the world. He was over 130 years old when the end of the world broke out!

In fact, no one knows his true age. Li Guisan said that he was born in 1881, but the people in the village didn't believe it, and Li Guisan had no wives and children, so it was impossible to verify how old he was! "

"1881? You mean that the old man is now 160 years old? Then shouldn't he be 135 years old when he broke out in the last days? This was the Guinness World Record at the time!" Liu Xia said in surprise. ask.

"It should be enough, but Li Guisan does not have an ID card, so his age is not known by the demographic department, so he has not been in the Guinness Book of World Records.

I think Li Guisan may have lived for a long time. Before the end of the world, he would often tell the children in the village about the Empress Dowager Ci'an and Empress Cixi. He said that he had a nose and eyes, as if he had personally experienced it. "

Qin An glanced sideways at Li Kuilan and said:

"You know so much about his affairs, don't you belong to the same village before the end of the world?"

Li Kuilan smiled and nodded:

"Yes, our mountain village is called Lijiacun, so most of the people in the village have the surname Li. I heard Su Zi said that the owner is a very smart person, I still don't believe it, but this time I believe it all!"

Lan Yue and Liu Xia had heard Qin An talk about the Wrangler. Under Qin An's arrangement, Lan Yue secretly arranged for someone to start secretly searching for the Wrangler in the seven cities of the Qin League.

Although the Wranglers are now showing their loyalty to Qin An, Qin An will not easily believe them.

Seeing Li Kuilan smiling like a flower at Qin An, Lan Yue said in a cold voice, "Are you all women?"

Li Kuilan saw Lan Yue’s mood a little unhappy, and hurriedly said in a very respectful tone: "City Lord Lanyue, in private, I should probably call you the mistress! I don’t know exactly how many people are in the organization, because There are only two Wranglers I contacted. One of them is No. 37 Suzi, I am No. 36, and the other is No. 35 Wang Peng, a man. He is now seventh in the east of Eagle Eye City. Served as battalion commander in the barracks."

Mistress? Lan Yue was very awkward in her ears, and her face turned red.

Qin An calmly interrupted the conversation between the two of them, "Okay, let's continue talking about Li Guisan."

"Good host.

Li Guisan was not originally from Lijiacun.

He appeared thirty years before the end of the world, which is around 1985.

By now, he should be almost 105 years old when he appeared, but although he looked old at that time, he was still very strong, his legs were not lame and his eyes were not flowery.

In the year when the last days broke out, Li Guisan was already ill and was about to die.

Our village is located in a remote valley. The end-of-life outbreak was not affected in the early stage, and the people in the village did not become zombies.

In the second year of the last days, a group of homeless people took refuge in our village. Like a group of bandits, they ransacked all the resources in the village. They also killed all the men to eat meat, imprisoned all the women together, and declared adultery day and night. .

This included me, when I was only a teenager.

Li Guisan was not killed because he was old and dying, and there was not much meat on his body, so the wanderers didn't want to eat him at all.

One night, a skull zombie appeared. It was like a god of death from The Underworld. It quickly infected some wanderers and turned them into zombies, and then killed all the people in the village. I was bitten by the zombies, just as they planned. When I ate me, the hostess appeared, killed all the zombies and took me away, and went to a cave in the hinterland of Jiulong Mountain.

In the ninth year of the last days, I awakened and became an upgraded person. I was numbered 36. I sneaked into Eagle Eye City and became the woman of Lu Haichuan.

Now I am also a fifth-level upgrader. The original form of the parasitic beast is a snake. I have the ability to shed its skin and regenerate, so I still look very young now.

Because he doesn't grow old, Lu Haichuan still loves me, but this love is only in bed. The woman Lu Haichuan really cares about is his wife Chu Xianghua.

Hey, let's talk about this woman for a while, let's continue to talk about Li Guisan. He has been in Eagle Eye City for a long time. I met him when I first came. It was more than ten years ago.

He should be an upgraded, but I am not sure!

The multi-color stone ring can detect the upgraded level of the upgrader. At that time, I irradiated him with the multi-color stone ring, and there was a golden shimmer in the ring!

Once the fifth-level upgraded is reached, there will be no such dim light. Now there are several sixth-level upgraded in the city, but the light emitted by them is black when irradiated with the multi-colored stone ring.

The news from west Tibet said that they had found the seventh-level upgraded beast, and the light color of the seventh-level upgraded beast with the multi-colored stone ring was bronze.

Master Qin An, is it shocking to know that after five years of the last days, the upgraded levels of all upgraded people have stopped. Only in the last few years has there been some changes, but Li Guisan already had it more than ten years ago. The upgraded level is different from the others.

I also went to talk with him about the upgraded level, but Li Guisan before the end of the world was a taciturn person, and when I met him in the end of the world, it was even more precious.

He just told me to take care of my business and didn't say a word, and he hasn't said a word to me since then. "

The three Qin An were really shocked when they heard this!

The yellow-gold multicolored stone ring logo color? I have never heard of it! Could it be that Li Guisan is a special upgrader who has been upgrading all these years? Have not been subject to any restrictions? Why is it so?

And what does the golden logo color represent?

At this time, Li Kuilan had already brought three people to a blue car.

She guided the three of them into the car, and then sat down in the driving position.

Inside the car, Li Kuilan whispered to Qin An who was sitting in the front passenger seat:

"Master, it’s quieter here now. Let’s put Li Guisan’s business aside. No matter how mysterious he is, we don’t need to pay attention to him. Absolutely powerful person!

Wrangler No. 1 has specially issued an order to keep us away from Li Guisan. Maybe he knows a little bit about this old man. When you see Wrangler No. 1, let him tell you about it.

I've heard Su Zi tell me before that the purpose of your coming to Eagle Eye City this time should be to let the city lord Lu Haichuan surrender military control.

I don't think there is any need to go to Lu Haichuan anymore. He will never hand over military control power!

Today, Lu Haichuan is nothing more than a puppet. The people who are in charge of Eagle Eye City are her wives Chu Xianghua and Chu Qitian!

They should not be upgraded. I can be sure of the years I have been with them.

The two brothers and sisters are pretty good, and they treat people relatively politely.

Chu Xianghua has never done anything with anyone, because Chu Qitian can kill him with a single hammer, and anyone who wants to be an enemy of Chu Xianghua was beaten to death by him!

In the fifteen years of the last days, the girl of the Shadowless Night Demon entered the Eagle Palace at night and had a battle with Chu Qitian. She should be the only person who was not beaten to death by Chu Qitian with a hammer in these years, but she could only do it. After retreating quickly, he was not his opponent at all!

Chu Qitian's hammer was not fast, but every time he made a hammer, a light blue light wave appeared in the space of a square kilometer, and any creature within the light wave would be restricted in movement.

I've heard the chat of Chu Xianghua's sister and brother before, and they called the faint blue light wave the spirit of sword spirit!

Chu Xianghua said that now Chu Qitian's sword spirit is not on the stage, only when he reaches the tenth level of Dzogchen can he truly succeed in refining and enter the strong body state! Only if they can transcend the mortal body into the strong body, they can find a way to refine the divine sword! When they are able to refine the divine sword, they can embark on the real path of practicing the sword to become a god! "

Qin An's mouth grew up in shock when he heard that, can the people on earth embark on the path of practicing swords to become gods? What the hell did these two siblings of Chu Xianghua come from? !

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