In April 2017, after Qin An had a hangover, he had a relationship with Gong Xue and gained the ability of the Wandering Soul Sword God, and the soul opened the mode of traversal.

First, he entered Xiangluo's body and provoked an internal fight among the lord of the thirteen small towns, which resolved the crisis Tang Yu faced.

After that, the soul continued to traverse and entered the body of Chen Tiannan, the head of the ten evil men, and met Guo Xiaochan's family, Huang Xiaohong, Laojiu and others in the wanderer camp north of the dangerous beast jungle.

At that time, Guo Xiaochan was just a four-year-old girl. Their family was full of vagrants, with the word "liu" carved on their foreheads.

After the Battle of Shenshu City, Qin An took a group of people to Darklight City and met An Ran, the mother of the zombies.

The fifth-level upgraded beast, Xiaobai, was bitten by An Ran and turned into a corpse. He scratched Guo Xiaochan's face with his paws, and Guo Xiaochan became a T virus carrier.

On the day before Qin An left Darklight City, Huang Xiaohong married Old Jiu and took Guo Xiaochan as an adopted daughter.

Time has leaped for more than two decades, and the little Loli of that year has grown into a stunning beauty with a slender figure.

Although she still had the word "liu" on her forehead and a few deep black scars on her cheeks, it still couldn't hide her peerless appearance.

Qin An was able to recognize Guo Xiaochan through these marks on her face.

And now, this woman is actually very similar to Guo Xiaochan when she was a child. If it is an ordinary person, it is naturally impossible to connect the two, but Qin An's super vision can distinguish it.

Guo Xiaochan's family came to Xuanjian City from Dark Light City along with Weng Die's army.

Lao Jiu didn't know that Qin An's soul had penetrated into Dage Chen Tiannan's body, so he had no personal relationship with Qin An.

However, when Qin An left Darklight City, he instructed the others to take care of Huang Xiaohong's family. So now the old nine is also a high-level manager of Darklight City and leads a good life.

However, he was still just an ordinary person. He couldn't get enough to meet Qin An, and Qin An had never seen their family of three alone.

Guo Xiaochan is twenty-nine years old this year. After coming to Xuanjian City, she has always wanted to see Qin An. When she was in Darklight City, she worked with Weng Die as a maid and took care of Weng Die’s life. So for Qin An’s Know things better.

She knew what happened when Qin An passed through Chen Tiannan, and she also knew that she was rescued by Qin An from Xiaobai.

She can't forget this memory of her childhood, because her parents died during that experience.

Weng Die said that his father entrusted her to Qin An before his death. At that time, his father also said: "It's good to be a slave or a maid. I just ask you to support her.

But Qin An didn't even care about her drag oil bottle, and threw her directly to her mother Huang Xiaohong.

Hey, every time he thinks about this, Guo Xiaochan feels a little unhappy, and he doesn't know what it is for.

After arriving at Xuanjian City this time, Guo Xiaochan did not follow Weng Die, because Weng Die gave her a long vacation.

Weng Die feels that Guo Xiaochan has been with her as a maid, and even the life-long events have been delayed these years, and she has never found a man, so Weng Die asked Guo Xiaochan to return to Huang Xiaohong's side, so that she can go more with her adoptive mother's arrangements. The blind date solved the marriage problem.

A twenty-nine-year-old woman who hasn't married yet is a super leftover girl before the end of the world, let alone after the end of the world.

Guo Xiaochan doesn't need to take care of Weng Die anymore, she becomes extremely idle every day. Under Huang Xiaohong's strong request, she started a non-stop blind date life, but she never found a suitable one.

A few days ago, Guo Xiaochan really couldn't stand the daily blind date activities, so he ran out of Xuanjian City on leave with his mother and planned to visit the seven cities of the Qin League. This is considered a leisure trip.

After arriving at the busiest commercial street in Eagle Eye City, she met a group of gangsters who wanted to rape her. Guo Xiaochan desperately ran away but couldn't escape the bad guys. After she had nowhere to escape, she could only take out a pistol and kill all the hooligans who were chasing her. Therefore, she was put in jail and eventually became the female body of Chu Xianghua on the table.

Guo Xiaochan actually wanted to resist, but Chu Xianghua is a vicious and abnormal woman. Guo Xiaochan has been tortured by her in her room for several days!

The so-called torture is not beating, but a more terrifying way than beating!

Chu Xianghua will hang Guo Xiaochan with a rope, then pull her tongue, and put the bloody zombies on her tongue!

That kind of situation is really disgusting. Guo Xiaochan looked at the zombie flesh and the worms ate his own tongue little by little, but he wanted to resist, but he couldn't do anything! In the end she compromised, surviving under Chu Xianghua's lewdness, so that she gave up her own dignity and did not resist.

Guo Xiaochan is actually not afraid of death, but people in the last days cherish life even more. Who wants to die if he can live?When Guo Xiaochan was embraced by Qin An from the table, she opened her eyes to recognize Qin An. Qin An is a very close leader in Xuanjian City. He will appear in various construction sites in the city at the early stage of Jiancheng. , Guo Xiaochan once saw Qin An from a distance.

She shed some excitement tears when she learned that Qin An was here, knowing that she should be saved.

Chu Xianghua naturally knew Guo Xiaochan's name, and she was taken aback when she heard that Qin An really met her, but at The next moment she returned to normal and said with a charming smile:

"It's really fate. A woman I casually caught on the street is an old acquaintance with Dage.

However, I have a stubborn temper.

Dage can’t take this woman away, so why not, I also give you a choice.

The one in front of you is my Little Brother, Chu Qitian, you can choose one of him and me to do it!

If you win, then you can go naturally.

If you lose, this woman stays, and don't pay attention to the Eagle Eye City in the future, how?

Dage, we are really not afraid of you, what we are afraid of is the Mecha Legion in West Tibet, and what we are afraid of are the high-tech weapons of your Hanging Sword City!

But if you want to use these powers, it shouldn’t be too good for your reputation, right?

The entire Jiulong Mountain seems to have only three forces, but in the area of ​​Qin League, Tang Dynasty, and Jian Zhi Feng, there are actually many forces!

The Qin League had seven cities, and the Tang Dynasty had four pillars of the country. As for the sword's front, although they belonged to western Tibet, the relationship between the different legions is also very delicate.

So if you really want to use powerful force to gain military power in Jiulong Mountain, it is definitely not a good choice!

And with your own strength, you are afraid that you can't do anything! "

Qin An laughed out loud after hearing what Chu Xianghua said.

"Hahaha, Chu Xianghua, you are really a smart woman. I don't know what kind of growth experience made you such a vicious woman!

Well, I heard that you have never made a move in Hawkeye City, then I will choose you!

I want to see what you are capable of, so you can utter arrogant words! "

While speaking, Qin An had already put Guo Xiaochan in his arms into Liu Xia's hands.

This battle is inevitable. If you want to take back the military power of Eagle Eye City, you must kill the sister and brother of Chu Xianghua. If you want to learn more about the secret incidents, you must also start from them. Qin An has long been unacceptable. Want to do it, all he needs is a reason to persuade the owner. Now that Chu Xianghua wants to do it first, then Qin An doesn't need to be polite, it's hard to ask for it.

Chu Xianghua nodded slightly, put away the smile on her face and said:

"Yes, I really haven't worked with anyone for many years, because anyone who wants to fight against me is beaten to death by my Little Brother!"

While talking, Chu Xianghua actually took out a rusty bone chopping knife from the small backpack behind her!

The blade is 20 centimeters long, and the thickness of the back is 50 millimeters. It looks full of weight, but it is a little broken.

"Dage, this knife is my weapon. It is called Eviscerate. It is an ancient relic. It is said that it has been passed down for more than 800 years, and it has been re-casting for more than 13 times before it has its current appearance! It has killed livestock and people, The number is estimated to exceed one million!

Haha, what you said is right, I do like to use human flesh as a seasoning for catering food, but I can't help it. This knife can only survive between blood and bone, and I take great pains to feed it! "

After Chu Xianghua said these words, Qin An frowned, because he actually felt the strong killing intent from the head of the boning knife!

The so-called killing intent was originally an intangible thing, but the killing intent revealed on this eviscerating knife was shaped. A faint red mist rose up around Qin An. After being wrapped in the mist, Qin An felt his heartbeat speed up. The blood is surging rapidly in the blood vessels, it seems to be breaking the blood vessels!

"Qin An, look at this woman, she passed out!

Qin An quickly turned his head when he heard Liu Xia's shout, and saw that Guo Xiaochan was indeed in a coma, with a bloody face like white paper! "

Both Lan Yue and Liu Xia's faces were a little pale, Lan Yue said, "These red mists are weird. This woman has no supernatural body and can't bear it at all!"

Qin An quickly turned on the healing power of Pudu sentient beings, and injected a cloud of white mist into Guo Xiaochan's body, and then brought her, Lan Yue, and Liu Xia into the dream space at the same time!

What is the origin of Chu Xianghua and the boning knife in her hand? He had such a powerful momentum before he even shot!

"Hey, the strength of the sword god body supernatural ability is really strong, and I don't have this kind of space ability that allows people to hide!

But what can you do if you have more abilities? Just come and see if you can escape my knife! "

While speaking, Chu Xianghua had already moved forward very quickly and approached Qin An.

Qin An didn't dare to underestimate the enemy, trying to activate the time deceleration magnetic field, gravitational magnetic field and other abilities, it really didn't have any effect on Chu Xianghua!

In that case, you can only fight hand-to-hand!

When Chu Xianghua got closer, Qin An quickly activated the teleportation ability behind Chu Xianghua. His ability to break the ground and punch was instantly activated, and he slammed a punch, breaking the power!

Chu Xianghua sneered, and then quickly moved forward, the speed reached the extreme, not only did Qin An's teleportation attack be avoided, but also turned over and swung a knife!

The red light on the bone chopping knife was flourishing, and then a three-meter-long red light and shadow burst out and shot directly at Qin An.

Qin An raised his hand and shot two light waves sweeping across the thousand army. After the two energies collided, the golden light waves seemed to be insubstantial images, and disappeared after being directly passed through by the red light and shadow, but the red light and shadow continued to move forward, still locked in the attack. Qin An's body!

Qin An did not dodge, because he wanted to test Chu Xianghua's strength.

Two long knives were quickly released from the Interspatial Ring, the power of the flames turned on, and the two knives ignited the flames and swung towards the oncoming red light and shadow. At the same time, Qin An also activated the phantom ability to create Six imaginary clones surrounded Chu Xianghua.

The red light and shadow walked like a broken bamboo, and instantly cut off two burning long swords and slashed towards Qin An's front door.

Qin An turned on the teleporting skill to replace a ghost clone of own, which had reached the side of Chu Xianghua, and then swung two broken burning knives, slashing towards Chu Xianghua's neck.

Chu Xianghua raised her left hand and directly blocked the two blades with her arm, and then held the deboning knife with her right hand and pierced Qin An's abdomen.

By this time, Qin An's attention had already entered a highly concentrated state.

Chu Xianghua's knife is definitely not simple!

The murderous red light and shadow shot from it can easily break the two sword god abilities of sweeping the army and burning blade, which can already explain everything.

So Qin An didn't want to hurt himself easily, even if he had the ability to be immortal!

Therefore, Qin An hurriedly avoided Chu Xianghua's stabbing knife, and then continued to hack Chu Xianghua's arm with a single-handed fire-burning knife.

The speed of this knife was very fast, and it directly cut off Chu Xianghua's arm!


Qin An was stunned for a moment. Although he had just started, Qin An already understood Chu Xianghua's movement speed.

She should be able to avoid own attacks?

Could it be that she didn't dodge on purpose?

Before Qin An thought too much, he saw that the bone-chopping knife on Chu Xianghua's right hand had been integrated into her palm. At the same time, her left arm quickly regenerated, and the bone-chopping knife flashed in her left hand and slashed directly at Qin An's head.

Qin An was really shocked this time!

Chu Xianghua's arm rebirth speed is really too fast. She is a double-upgraded person, and his body regeneration speed has surpassed that of ordinary people, but even if his arm is cut off, it is obviously not as fast as Chu Xianghua's ability!

Dodging back seven or eight meters away, Qin An thought with a thought, the multi-colored stone ring appeared in his hand facing Chu Xianghua and illuminated it.

In an instant, the small round stone on the ring exudes a deep blue light!

Qin An's eyes are straight, dark blue?

I’ve never seen this upgraded grade color before!

Opening the perspective eyes, Qin An looked through Chu Xianghua's coat and saw her naked body, after which Qin An's face became a little pale, and his eyes were round!On Chu Xianghua's chest, there was a rune mark of an eight-color flower!

OMG! How can this be? Could it be said that Chu Xianghua is an eighth-level upgrader? this too exaggerated?

Chu Xianghua saw the shock on Qin An's face. She bent down and picked up her bloody severed arm. After smelling the bloody smell on it, she raised her hand and threw it into the lake. Look at Qin Andao:

"The ability to transmit space, can shoot energy matter as Hidden Weapons, and can also control flames! Haha, the sword god body ability really has a lot of tricks.

This little girl of mine was really frightened. What a pity, your various abilities don't seem to be of any use to me!

Dage, have you seen through my upgraded level? Eighth-level upgraded, dark blue multicolored stone logo, haven't you seen it?

So at this time, are you really confident that you can seize the military power of Hawkeye City with your own strength?

I'm telling you, Eagle Eye City has strong people that you can't reach, and there are many hidden experts in other forces. I advise you to return to Xuanjian City. With your strength, I can't do anything at all. I don't look down on you. Oh! Ha ha! "

Seeing Chu Xianghua's arrogant look, Qin An slowly calmed down.

An eighth-level upgrader, possessing a bone-chopping knife with a weird murderous aura, Chu Xianghua's strength has exceeded Qin An's estimation.

I think that Chu Qitian's strength should be about the same as Chu Xianghua, otherwise he could not always kill the enemy with one hammer in his previous record!

Is there anyone stronger than these two in Eagle Eye City?

Could it be that old man Li Guisan? Qin An also felt powerful energy from him, as well as the old man’s Qing Dynasty robe, which also seemed to contain mysterious energy matter!

What is the origin of these people?

Why do they have such a high upgraded level? Why is it so powerful? Is this related to the nine main gods?

Qin An's gaze circled Chu Xianghua and turned on the perspective ability to detect Chu Qitian's body. As expected, there was also an eight-color flower rune mark on his chest.

This information, Li Kuilan, did not tell Qin An, indicating that the two should be very careful about hiding, at least they should not be able to detect their upgraded level with the multi-color stone ring.

Today, Chu Xianghua didn't deliberately conceal her ability, so the own colorful stone ring will work, which means that she should have already planned to explore her own strength.

Throwing two burning short knives into the lake, Qin An's complexion returned to ruddy, and he looked at Chu Xianghua's eyes and spoke softly:

"Indeed, I underestimated your strength, but how much do you know about me? Chu Xianghua, I am very interested in the mysterious Eagle Eye City powerhouse you call. If I defeat you, or will you Kill, will he show up?"

"Kill me? Haha, Dage! You are too naive, what I just said is already very clear, we are not afraid of you at all, we are worried about your high-tech weaponry in Hanging Sword City! You think I'm just an ordinary eighth- Is it a level upgrader?"

"Well, the battle between you and me has just begun, and I don't want to talk nonsense! Don't say I bully women, I want to see if your real kung fu is as powerful as your mouth!"

While talking, Qin An's thoughts revolved, and hurricanes quickly hung up on the lake on both sides of the promenade, causing waves of the lake!

After the Fengqi skill was activated, the ice skill instantly opened, and the tumbling lake quickly froze, and the surrounding temperature had dropped to minus 40 or 50 degrees.

Chu Xianghua and Chu Qitian were stunned at the same time.

Then Chu Xianghua's eyes shot out a bit of excitement, and she whispered to herself: "Is this the ability of magic attributes? Haha, the skills of the Sword God are really amazing, I have some expectations now!"

look forward to?

What are you looking forward to?

Thinking of the things Li Kuilan mentioned before, Qin An's heart trembled again!

Now Chu Xianghua and Chu Qitian seem to be cultivating a kind of sword spirit. Could it be that this kind of thing gives them such a high level of upgrade?

If this is the case, then...then what happens when their sword spirit reaches the extreme, when they cross the mortal body into the strong body Realm?

Some thoughts formed in his mind, but Qin An couldn't grasp the point.

At this time, Chu Xianghua once again ran towards Qin An with a knife, not afraid of the severe cold and the ice peak that had just formed nearby!

The duel between the two, as Qin An said, has really just begun!

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