Dangerous City In The Last Days

Chapter 909 Five Spirits Samsara Method

Qin An has experienced countless battles in the United States over the past ten years, and then traveled the world and experienced countless experiences.

So when facing a powerful enemy, he didn't panic even though he fell down!

The more you face the war, the more calm you are. This is the quality that a truly strong person should possess.

What is certain now is that Chu Xianghua must have something to do with the nine main gods, and the nine main gods are really strong, and their followers can be immune to many sword god skills.

In other words, the best way to deal with them is to engage in hand-to-hand combat with the Sword God skill.

Unfortunately, Chu Xianghua’s Eviscerate Knife possesses the ability to suppress the sword god, and can injure or even kill himself, so hand-to-hand combat is obviously not a good way. Qin An feels that he needs a weapon today!

However, ordinary weapons are simply vulnerable to the Eviscerate Knife. Qin An’s Interspatial Ring carries many swords made of stainless steel. After the blessing of the flames, the hardness of these weapons is already very strong, but they still cannot match. Eviscerate knife comparison.

The soul-holding ability of the Wandering Soul Sword God is a killer feature, but Qin An cannot use it at this time, because his Mental Energy will be greatly consumed after using this ability. Even if it can kill Chu Xianghua, there is another one next to Chu Xiang When Chu Qitian, who is quite capable, watched the battle, he should not be able to deal with him at that time.

Both Liu Xia and Lan Yue are just the hosts of the sword god body, and they don't have the ability to upgrade their physique. If they fight with Chu Qitian, they will be vulnerable.

So what should we do now? How to defeat the opponent?

At this time, the red blade of light and shadow and five energy bombs had reached Qin An's side, and Qin An hurriedly dodged.

But Chu Xianghua had already fired another five energy bombs to the place where Qin An dodged.

Qin An could only dodge again, and after just a few times, he became even more exhausted.

The opponent's energy bombs can be released uninterruptedly, but Qin An's Phantom Movement Technique sword god skills need some interval time before they can be used.

Qin An knew that he could not use the Sword God abilities indiscriminately, because these abilities did not seem to have much damage to Chu Xianghua, and they would put him in a very passive situation, so what should I change now? What to do? It's really depressing, if he could have stronger physical strength, it would be great!

Another wave of energy bombs hit, Qin'an Phantom's Movement Technique sword god ability could not be activated for a while, and could only dodge.

Five energy bombs hit the ground, and the power of the explosion knocked Qin An who had just escaped to the side with a few meters away.

Chu Xianghua didn't give Qin An a chance to breathe, and another wave of energy bombs shot out from his hands.

Qin An hasn't stood firm yet, so he can't avoid it this time. He can only move his mind and quickly think in his heart what sword god skills he has with strong defensive power!

Hey, if you get the abilities of the three sisters of the Wuma clan, the situation may be better. The sword god Yang has a stronger attack power, and the sword god God guard has absolute defense power.

When Qin An thought of the concept of defensive power, the sudden change suddenly rose, Qin An’s body suddenly emitted a golden light, and then a golden humanoid light and shadow walked out of Qin An’s body, and five energies disappeared directly after ejecting onto the golden humanoid light and shadow. Like sinking into the sea!

Qin An and Chu Xianghua were stunned at the same time.

Chu Xianghua frowned slightly, feeling a little annoyed in her heart. This Qin An is really a monster with so many abilities. This is simply unreasonable! What is this golden light and shadow?

She had heard people mention before, didn't the sword god body ability have only four abilities? But why is this Qin An so abnormal with so many abilities?

Could it be that the Parasitic Sword God in his body is very strong?

Chu Xianghua actually knows very little about the sword god, and she is not a believer of the nine sword gods at all.

Seeing the golden humanoid light and shadow in front of him, Qin An also grew his mouth in surprise. What kind of ability is this? When did I have this ability?

The next moment Qin An was relieved and thought of the woman Luna who pretended to be Liu Xia married to him.

It seems that this ability to summon golden light and shadow belongs to Luna, but I don't know what this ability is!

Then maybe I should experiment. Thinking of this, Qin An began to concentrate on Mental Energy to meditate on various attributes such as attack, defense, dodge, speed, healing and so on.

After a while, four more lights and shadows appeared beside Qin An. They looked the same as Qin An's figure, but they were not entities, only light and shadow-like creatures in shape.

Unlike the previous golden light and shadow colors, they are green, blue, red, and yellow.

Five lights and shadows formed a small circle to wrap Qin An in the center, but Qin An didn't know what they were doing!

Chu Xianghua also stopped the release of energy bombs at this time, because this attack method was no longer valid, and the golden light and shadow would use her body to pick up all the energy bomb attacks.

Qin An is not a very persistent person. Since he doesn't know what the five-color light and shadow are doing, he can only explore in actual combat.

Pushing forward quickly, Qin An took the initiative to deal with Chu Xianghua again, and as his body moved, the five lights and shadows also moved at the same time, moving in unison!

Soon! own movement speed has become faster!

It was originally five meters away from Chu Xianghua, but Qin An only took a step forward, as if being driven by the wind to Chu Xianghua's body!

Without time to think about it, the ability of the ground-breaking punch was activated, and Qin An slammed a punch, and the red human-shaped light and shadow became radiant, and followed Qin An with his fists to hit Chu Xianghua.

Chu Xianghua didn't dare to be careless, and hurried back!

Qin An punched the ground hard, but the red light and shadow cast off without stopping.

The red flame started from the fist ascending, then turned into a fireball and shot out, chasing Chu Xianghua.

"What the hell is this!"

Chu Xianghua shouted angrily, suddenly turned around and slashed on the fireball while walking, turning the energy contained in it into invisible!

Qin An was also full of surprise at this time!

He felt that after the appearance of the five human figures, the originally exhausted body was actually repaired!

Golden light and shadow have defensive properties, and red light and shadow have flame properties, so what about the others?

Qin An deliberately concentrated Mental Energy on the yellow light and shadow, only to see it quickly yellow light and bright, after which Qin An's soles of feet poured into his body from the ground!

Focusing Mental Energy on the blue light and shadow, the blue light and shadow emit blue light, and the lake around me has melted at this time. They seem to be sensing something. The football-sized water balls start to jump on the lake surface. When they fall on the lake surface Will emit refreshing syllables, intertwined together like a beautiful music.

The green light and shadow have the ability to revive everything. The surrounding bamboo forests were originally frozen by the ice halo of the greedy wolf of the ice sheet, but at this moment they are reborn, re-growth bamboo shoots and quickly become bamboos, and all kinds of small trees grow on the ground. Grass and flowers, the entire Shanhaiyuan is flooded with greenery.

Is this the power of Five Elements?

As he was thinking, the five lights and shadows suddenly flickered at the same time, and then merged into Qin An's body, Qin An felt his own power suddenly become surging! The Qi Jin blood vessels in the body kept rolling, one wave of strength and weakness, another wave of strength, wave after wave, endlessly!

Because of too much power, Qin An couldn't help but raised his hand and shot a group of 60 red leaves at Chu Xianghua in front.

Then there was another set, two sets, and three sets. On weekdays, Qin An could only shoot six sets of Flying Daggers in a row. After that, the Sword God skill would enter the cooling state, and it would take a few seconds before he could use it again. At this time, he has continuously shot 20 sets of Red Leaf Flying Daggers, and the power in his body is still endless!

Twenty groups are 1,200 Red Leaf Flying Daggers. Rao is Chu Xianghua's body speed is extremely fast. The Eviscerate Knife's murderous defensive power is extremely strong, but it can't completely evade the defense. In the end, it was hit by more than a dozen red leaves. Although these red leaves, which are more powerful than ordinary bullets, cannot cause real damage to Chu Xianghua, they also make her feel embarrassed! Although Chu Xianghua's self-repair ability is strong, her brain is still her weakness. If Hongye hits her head many times, then she cannot bear it!

Qin An saw that he could use the Sword God's ability so unscrupulously and there was still infinite power in his body. He was overjoyed and stopped thinking about other things. He raised his other hand and started launching the Blade of Light Waves that swept across the army!

This light wave blade came from the Sword God of Breaking Army, and it would quickly grow bigger after leaving Qin An's body, and could eventually grow to an amplitude of about ten meters. It takes a one-second interval to release a light wave once in a weekday, but now it can also be released continuously.

So when Qin An’s strength continued to shoot these two long-range attack sexual energy weapons, in front of Qin An, the Blade of Light and Hongye Flying Daggers formed an impermeable wall, rushing towards Chu with an absolute suppressive aura. Item flower.

Chu Xianghua was already backed down by the previous wave of Red Leaf Flying Daggers' attacks. At this moment, she saw the 360-degree, red-yellow intersecting energy wall rushing toward her. She was no longer confident that she could fully defend! Hastily summoned the greedy wolf of the ice field back to the front!

The red and yellow intersecting energy wall instantly swallowed the greedy wolf of the ice plain!

Seeing this situation, Chu Xianghua was anxious, and quickly stepped forward and bit her finger, and before the head of the greedy wolf of the ice plain was about to sink into the energy wall, she retracted it into her body!

If the greedy wolf dies at this time, she will lose the eighth-level upgraded ability and become an ordinary upgraded!

On the one hand, Chu Qitian watched the fight between Chu Xianghua and Qin An nonchalantly.

Just half a minute ago, he still felt that Big sis must have won the battle, because Qin An's breathing was already obviously quickened.

But suddenly the situation of the battle was reversed, and Qin An, who had been exhausted, resumed his escalation at once, attacking like a tsunami!

At this moment, in order to recover the Big sis of the parasitic beast, he was about to be swallowed by the wall of energy. He could no longer take care of himself. He hurriedly raised the big copper hammer in his hand and quickly stepped forward. After holding the hammer in both hands, the hammer head glowed with a blue light.


Chu Qitian roared, and the big bronze hammer hit the energy wall!

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