A hustle and bustle of noise rang in his ears, and Qin An slowly woke up and looked out the window. The sky was already dark.

After sleeping for a while, the body obviously returned to normal. Qin An opened his perspective eyes and looked out, and saw that the back of the small hotel was full of poor people walking back and forth!

This area can be regarded as a slum area, and a place behind the small hotel is a night market. Some food and beverage vendors have set up stalls, some are selling barbecues, and some are selling fried skewers, which is very lively.

Qin An really likes his own perspective ability and super hearing, which allows him to see everything around him even when he is lying in bed.

Frowning slightly, Qin An saw the three men eating skewers and recognized them at a glance!

Liu Bei, Guan Yu, Zhang Fei!

At this time, Guan Yu was sitting in danger, wearing shorts on his lower body and a worn-out hurdling vest on his upper body, drinking draft beer.

Liu Bei was shirtless, and his lower body was also in shorts. Instead of drinking, he was eating barbecue while picking his teeth with toothpicks.

Zhang Fei wore the most neat, long trousers, round neck and short sleeves. At this time, he seemed to be drinking too much, his face was flushed, and he was looking around with a pair of thief eyes, as if he was looking for a beautiful woman passing by.

Qin An was still lying on the bed, looking at the three people with smiles on their faces. The three boys said that they were the three heroes who fought against Lu Fengxian. How did Qin An look different.

On that day, Lan Yue and Lan Yue met them once in the area of ​​Jiulong Mountain's Scars, but they did not expect that these three boys would now come to Eagle Eye City again.

Just thinking about it, after Guan Yu drank the wine in his hand, he shouted to the side: "Xiao Er, your wine is really good. I'm bringing a glass to the uncle!"

The stall owner pouted his lips, thinking that Guan Yu was a second.B, and even called himself Xiaoer.

No matter, it's a business after all. The boss decided to bear it down, so he asked the waiter, his wife, a woman in her thirties, to bring wine to the table.

Zhang Fei, who looked like a butter niche, immediately retracted his gaze from a distance and looked at the lady boss.

The woman was wearing a pair of light gauze trousers. The white trousers were almost transparent. Zhang Fei could see the black briefs she was wearing with the help of nearby lights at a glance.

The woman was wearing a red hurdling vest. The two mountain peaks were very majestic. The deep gully when he bent down to drink wine made Zhang Fei plop down and rise up.

A woman is not slim, but a little plump, with some fat on her exposed lower abdomen, but her skin is extraordinarily clean, and the flesh looks full of temptation to men, not to mention to a woman who has not touched a woman for many years. For men!

Zhang Fei could hardly hold himself, he wanted to reach out and touch the woman's body.

Liu Bei, who was picking his teeth, noticed Zhang Fei's expression, coughed slightly, and then said: "Ying De, don't cause trouble!"

Zhang Fei is the youngest of the three, Liu Bei and Guan Yu are both Big Brothers, so he didn't dare to lose courtesy in front of Big Brother. He could only stick out his tongue and lick his lips, which was really dry.

Liu Bei was very humble and rudely said to the proprietress: "Thank you, store owner!"

The proprietress was in the year of the tiger and wolf, and her husband, the owner of the barbecue booth, was already a 60-something old man.

In the early stage of the last days, the old man wandered around and adopted her from the scavenger crowd, when she was only a few years old. When she was a little older, the old man climbed onto her bed and became her husband.

Except for the old man, the lady boss has not experienced other men.

At this time, seeing Liu Bei, Guan Yu and Zhang Fei's three brothers are all sturdy men, and the good-looking Zhang Fei is still eyebrows at her, the lady boss can't help but feel a little moved.

Looking back at own husband, who was busy with kebabs, the woman quickly reached out her hand and squeezed it under Zhang Fei's crotch, then quickly turned and left, leaving only a twist and twist for Zhang Fei. Ass.

"Two Big Brothers, those girls pinch me!"

Zhang Fei's face was full of excitement, and he spoke softly to Liu Bei and Guan Yu.

Guan Yu drank a big sip of wine, laughed, but said nothing.

Liu Bei shook his head and said, "Ying De, it seems that this woman is interesting to you, but she is a bit too lascivious. She is obviously a married woman, but she is here to do such nasty things!"

Zhang Fei laughed and said, "Brother, now it’s 2040 AD, which is more than 1,800 years away from 200 AD where we are. The appearance of the world has long been different. Women in this world seem to have no shame. We still care. What are you doing so much?"

Guan Yu joked, "Ying De, then what do you mean she pinches your egg?"

"Haha, it's not easy. It must be for me to find a chance to have a night party with her. The two Big Brothers are optimistic. I will take this woman down before dawn after midnight!"

After Zhang Fei finished speaking, Guan Yu and Liu Bei both laughed. Where is the legendary heroism of the three brothers, they are really like a devil or a devil when they are sitting around the table and discussing the posture of a woman!

Qin An was in the room just feeling a mess in his head. The tone of these three guys is really weird. Are they really coming from the Three Kingdoms era? Shouldn't it be possible?

Shaking his head slightly, Qin An ignored these insignificant people and directly turned on the transmission ability and entered the bathroom naked, turned on the faucet and took a cold shower while continuing to look outside.

There is a small road in front of the main entrance of the small hotel, and there is a very small park on the opposite side of the small road.

An old gray-haired woman was sitting on a park bench in a daze. A young beggar who was only a teenager stood opposite the old man, holding a dry cornmeal cake in her hand. After taking a bite, Go and feed the old woman.

The old woman's mouth would chew back and forth because of the food in her mouth, but the expression on her face was always sluggish, like a fool.

Qin An stopped taking a bath when he saw the old woman, and was slightly stunned.

From this old woman, Qin An actually felt a strange energy fluctuation!

Really saw a ghost, is this old woman also a hidden master?

Qin An's brows furrowed deeply, recalling his previous energy to travel the world, at that time he would occupy a person's soul every day, and then hurriedly went to find out if anyone had seen Weng Lan, so he ignored a lot of things!

Could it be that these mysterious masters have long existed in hidden corners all over the world? And he didn't find them?

So how did these masters come from? After thinking about it, Qin An could only think that it was related to the nine main gods.

With a wry smile and shook his head, Qin An decided not to think about that much for the time being, but waited for the Wrangler No. 1. Perhaps only he came, he could know more secrets!

At this time, Li Guisan, the number one surviving elder in the world, had just left the super exchange market and returned to his own home.

His stall does not need to be removed, because the market is heavily guarded and all the goods are safe.

However, the old man took the two simple cheongsams back home. When he pushed the door and entered, there was a rush of footsteps in the room.

Li Guisan was still not awake, walked slowly into the room and closed the door, only Chu Xianghua came out of the bedroom.

When Chu Xianghua saw Li Guisan, she knelt directly on the ground and kowtowed to the ground: "Master!"

Li Guisan walked slowly to the sofa in the living room to do it. He raised his head and looked at Chu Xianghua, and said softly, "What's the matter, didn't I tell you? Don't come to me if I'm fine, I like to be quiet!"

Chu Xianghua seemed to be very afraid of Li Guisan. After three knocks, she stood up, walked into the bedroom and pulled out two very beautiful women!

Neither of these women wore clothes, they were tied up with ropes, and there were rags in their mouths.

They were all ordinary people in Yingyan City. They were captured by Chu Xianghua, and they didn't know the fate they were about to face.Li Guisan raised his pure white eyebrows, looked at the two women, and then gently raised his hand.

The two Guangxu two queen cheongsams he placed on the sofa suddenly flew up, wrapped the bodies of the two women, and then began to spin. They crushed their bodies and burst apart. The flesh and blood did not splash around, but merged. Disappeared in the clothes!

All this happened in an instant, and Chu Xianghua's body trembled slightly, not daring to look up.

After the two women were swallowed by the clothes, Li Guisan exhaled a long breath, the expression on his face seemed to be much more comfortable, and the people became more energetic.

"Let's talk about it, what are you coming to do with me?"

Chu Xianghua hurriedly said respectfully:

"Master! Your other apprentice, my Little Brother Chu Qitian was injured! He turned on the Spiritual Qi shield defense when he was fighting, but the opponent's strength was so great that he even took his sword Spiritual Qi The shield broke! Because it was a close-range strong attack, the sword Spiritual Qi shield was broken and Qi Tian’s body was directly backlashed. Now his internal organs are all broken, the upgraded ability is invalid, and the person is in a coma. I am afraid... I am afraid that my life is in danger, and I ask the master to save it!"

"I was smashed by the sword Spiritual Qi shield and backlash? Who is the opponent? What kind of weapon, divine sword?"

"No... his name is Qin An! The master has lived in Eagle Eye City in seclusion these years, and ignores world affairs. He may not know this person! He is the leader of the Qin League and just returned to the Qin League a few months ago. Qin Anzhen Man is a sword god body capable person, I have sent someone to inquire, and I heard that the sword god in his body is the forty-ninth sword god on the list of sword gods. This guy is very powerful, and he has at least ten powers. Several kinds, he can also summon many humanoid creatures to fight with him! Qi Tian was injured by him!"

"The forty-ninth sword god? It should be called Xuantian? His host is still an ordinary human, how can he have such strength? It's really strange! Hey, after reaching the strong body state, the old man has not left the teacher's door for more than ten years. I’ve been back, and I don’t know much about the host of the sword god! I have exhausted my energy to refine the sword over the years! Chu Xianghua, I planted the soul of the sword for you, but I didn’t make you trouble. Why do you want to be an enemy!"

Chu Xianghua hurriedly fell to the ground again and said:

"Master, it’s not that we want to be an enemy, but that he came to us for trouble! He forced us to hand over the military management of Eagle Eye City. If the military power is handed over, then Eagle Eye City will become his bag. It’s something, when I want to find some women to help the master feed the sword, I’m afraid it will be a little difficult! As far as I know, this person has a kind of Virgin Mary, and he will definitely not let us kill the innocent indiscriminately!"

Li Guisan slowly closed his eyes and thought about it before saying:

"Well, in that case, I will help you solve this trouble! Humph, what sword god body host, if in the sword spirit star, these sword gods may be very strong, and the ability released can destroy the world. But on the earth, Their hosts are still just ordinary weak human beings, how can they be compared with us who are true sword god cultivators! You and Qi Tian must work harder, feed the spirit weapons well, and let your own sword spirit energy Ascension , Only when I truly reach the strong body state, can I find a way to find materials to help you refine a real Excalibur!

Now that the master's sword is about to be practiced, it won't take long for the sword to be released, I can officially embark on the path of sword god cultivation!

A few days ago, my senior came to the news, saying that my master, your master has now realized the skill of a sword god and has become a god of soul sword spirit! He became a god on the earth, and although there is only one skill he can use, he is far from the so-called Sword God host, and his strength is more than a hundred times stronger!

Haha, I will take you back to the Master Sect after I have practiced the Divine Sword, so that you can see what a real powerhouse is! "

After Chu Xianghua heard this, she was full of expectation. She had always been curious about herself as a teacher, but Master Li Guisan never said it in detail.

If you can go and see it, that would be a great thing!

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