Dangerous City In The Last Days

Chapter 913 Killing Land

After hearing Wei Xiong's words, Qin An nodded slightly.

The three sisters of Wuma, the girl of the night demon, and Luna are indeed all wranglers.

And Luna should be one of Wrangler No. 7, No. 8, No. 9, and No. 10.

It seems that the structure of this organization is perfect, with powerful people and supervisors.

So who is the mysterious mistress of the Wrangler? Why does she want to establish such an organization to help herself guard the Qin League?

Thinking of this, Qin An asked Wei Xiong this question.

Wei Xiong shook his head a little embarrassedly and said:

"The hostess disappeared eleven years ago after arranging everything! She never showed up again! She didn't tell us why we should obey the master's instructions.

She is the savior of almost all the Wranglers, so we don't want to explore too much, and are willing to unconditionally obey her arrangements!

The mistress of the mistress is very powerful. In fact, we wranglers come from all over the world. According to the information I have, the mistress should have the ability to travel through time and space!

For example, No. 60 and No. 61 in the Wrangler, one of them is Japanese and the other is from United States!

When they were in a dangerous situation, one of them was in Japan and the other was in United States. The hostess appeared in Japan in the morning and took the number 60 back. In the afternoon of the same day, they went to United States and took the number 61 back to China!

The people who were brought back came with the mistress who traveled through time and space, and that powerful ability was shocking! In our minds, the hostess is a god, because she has the ability to reach the sky! "

Qin An was really shocked when he heard this. Can he travel through time and space to all corners of the world at will? This is much stronger than Own Wandering Soul Sword God, and it should be the body crossing! And can take others to travel through time and space together.

Qin An was really curious about this mysterious woman, so he started to inquire about Wei Xiong.

Wei Xiong didn't seem to conceal anything. He always knew everything without saying anything.

Time passed slowly, and inadvertently it was about eleven o'clock in the night.

The few women in the room were very quiet, but the quietest of them was Hongluan at the top.

She lowered her head shallowly, standing still, her eyes closed slightly as if she was asleep.

Qin An occasionally took a look at her and found that she didn't even move her eyelids and eyelashes. She was really an honest child.

Using the power of Spiritual Sense, Qin An observed the surroundings. At this time, there were not too many pedestrians in the nearby streets, but there were a lot of people near the small hotel. Of course, some of them still ate and drank at the night market. Ordinary people, but there are more people who are not ordinary people. Qin An saw Su Zi in disguise in it, which shows that the Wranglers have assembled.

This made Qin An very satisfied with Wei Xiong.

In any case, the Wrangler was not brought up by himself. Although they are loyal to themselves, if they can completely trust them in this way, then he is a fool.

We continued to chat with Wei Xiong, and it was not until twelve o'clock midnight that the conversation came to an end, during which time Li Kuilan left in advance.

Her level is not enough, so naturally she can't let her know some secret things. And there were a lot of Wranglers outside. Some of them were sensitive. After Li Kuilan went out, he opened a room for them and let them rest temporarily.

Lan Yue and Liu Xia also took Guo Xiaochan back to their own room.

Qin An talked to Wei Xiong at the end, and asked about Li Guisan, Wei Xiong smiled bitterly and shook his head:

"This guy is too mysterious. Wrangler No. 13 and No. 14 are masters of hiding. They are good at spying on other people's privacy. I once arranged for them to investigate Li Guisan together, but in the end they all disappeared. I guess they have been Kill the other party!

Later, in desperation, I found the girl of the Shadowless Night Demon and asked her to help detect it. At the same time, I set up some remote wiretapping devices around Li Gui's three homes, and finally obtained some information.

In Eagle Eye City, Chu Xianghua's sister and brother are recognized as strong, but no one knows how strong they are! I have heard Li Kuilan and I report. I heard that at noon the master and their siblings started to fight, and Chu Qitian was seriously injured by the master. I really didn't expect the master to be so powerful.

The reason why Chu Xianghua is mentioned is because the two of them are actually Li Guisan's apprentices!

According to Li Guisan, there are nine mysterious sects in today's apocalypse!

They were formed at the beginning of the last days, and they have been hidden in the dark and developed during these years, and they have not leaked their edge.

I did not find out the name of Li Guisan's sect, but I knew that the so-called Tianyin Sect was one of the nine sects, and it was also the only sect that showed fangs among the nine sects.

Li Guisan himself is a superpower. Although he deliberately concealed the upgraded level of his body, through remote monitoring of some instruments, we have also discovered his upgraded level..."

At this point, Wei Xiong's face became a little gloomy, and he remained silent for a long time.

"Go on!" Qin An asked subconsciously.

"Hey, we have already gained some gains from the research on the upgraded spectrum. Therefore, we know that Li Guisan was actually a Grade 10 Upgrader many years ago, and he used to have a ten-color flower mark on his body.

And now, he broke through the tenth level and became a stronger existence!

The mark of the ten-color flower disappeared on his body, and he said that he had entered the realm of strong body and was refining the so-called divine sword!

He also once talked to his apprentice Chu Xianghua about the cultivation process. It seems that the physical state is only the early stage of his cultivation, and there will be more and higher Realms waiting for him to surpass.

Li Guisan also said that, in fact, all the supernatural creatures in the last days, including the upgraded, the main god, the awakened, the slayer, the supernatural being, the zombie, the upgraded beast, and so on, are still in the mortal realm, and they don’t know how to cultivation at all. , And will never be able to enter the realm of the strong body and embark on the path of the sword god cultivation..."

Wei Xiong told Qin An seriously, and Qin An listened more carefully. He was already stunned. He didn't expect that Li Guisan was actually refining the sword god! what is happening? Can the earthlings finally embark on the path of practicing swords to become gods?

At this moment, the window of Qin An's bedroom was pushed open, and a weak and very old voice sounded: "Huh! Wow, it turns out that you are the one who arranges people to monitor me on weekdays? I, Li Guisan, don't mind and are not afraid. Being watched, after all, I am an honest citizen.

But nowadays you have too many words, which makes me a little unhappy!

It doesn't matter, anyway, today the old man is here to kill, so I really don't care about killing a few more! Since I entered Realm, I have never worked with anyone. Now that the excalibur refining enters the bottleneck, maybe killing some people can make me a breakthrough! "

While talking, the Qipao of Emperor Guangxu and Emperor Guangxu had flown in from outside and shot directly at Wei Xiong!

Qin An's movements were very fast, and he appeared in front of Wei Ran without even thinking about it, trying to stop Li Guisan's attack!

A one-sided killing battle broke out!

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