In the pre-apocalyptic era, there were already many beggars begging on the streets of big cities.

In the post-apocalyptic era, there are countless beggars in cities, even in the cities of the Qin League.

In order to survive, Gou Dan learned to beg for food at the age of five, but he could not withstand the severe cold in winter.

In the winter of that year, the dog egg was almost frozen. When he walked near a small park, he found the old woman sitting motionless over there!

Perhaps it was an instinct to survive. In order to keep warm, the five-year-old iron egg squeezed into the arms of the old woman.

This old woman looks like a stone man, but her body is extremely warm. The dog egg hides in her arms through the cold winter and finally ushered in the spring!

Since then, Goudan regards the old woman as a real relative, and the park where the old woman is located has become Goudan's home!

Year after year, Gou Dan is fourteen years old this year. He has changed from an ignorant child to a teenager, and he naturally understands a lot of truths!

Goudan finds that the old woman is very weird. She has never moved a place. She has just sat on a stone bench for so many years, like a fool!

What makes Goudan extremely shocked is that the old woman does not need to eat, drink, sleep, or excrete but she can still live on weekdays!

This is obviously unreasonable. However, although Goudan is not stupid, he grew up begging for food since he was a child. He has neither learned knowledge nor communicated with others. Therefore, when he can't explain the strange phenomenon of the old woman's body, he can only Accepted!

At night today, Goudan got a piece of corn tortillas.

Although the old woman will not starve to death if she does not eat, Goudan regards the old woman as a parent, and in order to fulfill his filial piety, he will occasionally feed the old woman something to eat.

After nightfall, the dog egg sleeps on the body of the old woman, which has been the case for so many years.

Suddenly, there was an explosion sound from the back of the small hotel, and then the chaos escalated. The battle between many upgraded people and Li Guisan started, affecting a large area, and some dead bodies had flown into the small park from a distance.

Dog Dan was so scared that he wanted to escape but couldn't leave the old woman behind, so she tried hard to pull the old woman's arm.

The old woman has been sitting in this place for more than ten years and has never moved the place. It is really difficult for Goudan to pull her away!

Just when Goudan was about to cry anxiously, suddenly the motionless old woman stood up suddenly!

She looked at the dilapidated little hotel with a faint white light in her eyes, and her sluggish eyes became more terrifying, and her eyes disappeared and only the whites of her eyes were left, like a ghost.

"Mother-in-law, what's wrong with you?"

Dog Dan shook the old woman's arm and yelled desperately.

The old woman ignored the dog eggs.

The next moment, a purple light suddenly burst from the ground within five meters, forming a huge circle.

Immediately within the purple aperture, blood-red lights appeared, showing various complex rune shapes on the surface!

The old woman stood at the center of the purple circle, and a golden flame slowly rose from her body!

Gou Dan was so scared that he crawled away, but he was reluctant to leave when he reached a place more than ten meters away. He was worried about the old woman!

The golden flame burned more and more intense, and finally wrapped the whole body of the old woman!

Gougan cried and wanted to rush into the purple halo, but a sealed enchantment had already formed over there, preventing him from entering.

After ten seconds, the golden flames quickly faded, and the dog's eyes were rounded, and he looked over there without blinking, after which his shocked legs fell to the ground!

A woman walked out of the golden flame!

Yes, the old woman disappeared, she was replaced by a woman in a red dress!

This woman has long bright red hair, her facial features are very beautiful, her eyes are pure black, but her appearance is different from ordinary Orientals.

Dogdan swallowed and spit, only feeling dry and dry, not knowing what happened!

After the woman appeared, she stood there for a while, then slowly turned her head to the side, and only smiled when her gaze fell on the dog's body.

As she walked, the circular purple light array under her feet slowly condensed, and finally turned into a colorful ball of light and fell into the woman's hands.

The woman took the ball of light and walked to the dog's egg, smiling with a soft voice:

"Gudan, you have been with the old woman all these years, it's really hard work!"

Gougan looked at the woman's amiable face, and boldly said:

"You...who are you? Where is my mother-in-law?"

The beautiful mysterious woman frowned and sighed:

"Hey! This old woman died more than ten years ago! Her Mental Energy attributes are similar to mine, so I sealed a trace of remnant thoughts and my sword soul in her body! Now I am here. The Cannibalism was activated, and the fire of the sword soul burned the body of the old woman. She has completely disappeared in this world and will never be able to return!

Gougan, you are a good boy, but I will disappear eventually, so I can't take you with me.

Well, when that happens, you can find someone named Qin An and let him be your Big Brother, OK?

In order to thank you for your company with my soul parasite all these years! Let me help you create a sword soul. With this sword soul, you can embark on a path of cultivation of the sword god! "

While talking, the mysterious woman in red stretched out one of her free hands, and a silver light ball of energy instantly condensed from her palm.

"This sword soul will be given to you. It originates from the spirituality between heaven and earth and allows you to grow quickly.

Hey, now my power can only be passed down to create a sword soul!

The child remembers that Qin An will be your Dage from now on, and you... how about changing your name to Qin Le? The name Gougan is too ugly! "

After the woman in red said these words, she smashed the silver energy light ball in her hand at the dog's egg. The light ball quickly penetrated into his body after touching the dog's body, and the dog's egg fainted directly!

The woman in red turned her gaze away from the dog's egg, looked at the small hotel where Qin An was located, sighed softly, and said to herself:

"Qin An, I can help you so much. From now on you will live yourselves in this world by yourself! Although I will leave forever, but I will try to resurrect in another form, when you will See you, can we get along well?"

Speaking of this, the woman in red actually shed tears!

Sighing lightly again, she dragged the colored ball of light with one hand and strode into the small hotel, finally reaching the door of Qin An's room and pushing in.

In the room, Liu Xia and Lan Yue were anxious. Seeing a woman in red broke in, they immediately said carefully: "Who are you?"

The woman in red still had tears in her eyes, but her face was smiling. She looked at Liu Xia and Lan Yue and waved her hands slightly. Lan Yue and Liu Xia were acupunctured and unable to move!

"Relax, I'm not a bad guy!

More than ten years ago, even if Qin An had this catastrophe today, it was a pity that I was exhausted and my body was about to die!

I couldn't help Qin An become stronger quickly, nor could I kill his enemies in advance, because I didn't know where the Li Gui trio were at the time!

Don't worry, I will naturally help Qin An resolve today's crisis!

The opponent is a sword god cultivation, and Qin An as a sword god parasitic cannot compete with it at all. I am just an energy body, and I cannot cause harm to the person with the sword soul, so now I can only help Qin An to refine the divine sword to fight against the enemy. NS!

But this alone is not enough. After all, Li Guisan is a real master of physical strength. Even if the Excalibur hasn't been formed yet, the bones of the Excalibur can defeat Qin An who possesses the Excalibur!

Let me use the last bit of strength to open the door of history and go back to the source to solve this problem!

The gap in time is actually huge. I took Qin An for a walk. I spent a few days there, but it would only take a few seconds here. So wait for Qin An to go! "

While speaking, the body of the woman in red slowly turned into a stream of light, and finally merged with the colored ball of light, and then flew into the eight groups of dragon-patterned robe, and entered Qin An's body!

Qin An, who was struggling in pain, only felt a sudden dizziness in his mind, and then he passed out into a coma!

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