Dangerous City In The Last Days

Chapter 929 The End of the Eagle Eye City Incident

Lan Yue saw Qin An's doubts and sighed:

"This kind of thing was invented by the Qin League! In the years when you didn't come back, West Tibet always wanted to incorporate the Jiulong Mountain forces. The two sides had been hostile for several years.

Although Qin Meng is also very strong, his background is naturally incomparable with Tibet West! The top ten golden kings now canonized in western Tibet are actually just their superficial strength. As far as I know, there are still some hermit elites in western Tibet, all of whom are unnamed and unnamed, but their strength is super!

In order to deal with the supernatural beings in Western Tibet, Qinmeng Qicheng jointly established an academy of sciences, which has been researching high-tech weapons. Then, the TC virus inhibitor is aerosolized, the route of administration and the target point of action are changed, and the TC virus is invalid. This is our greatest achievement!

Now the seven cities are equipped with TC virus suppression aerosol bombs, which is a means of attack specifically aimed at upgraded ones! "

Qin An's complexion also became very bad when he heard this, because he found that the upgraded people around him had no upgraded ability, and the parasitic beasts they had just summoned because of the battle became completely without IQ because of the TC virus's deep sleep. The beast has begun to attack people indiscriminately!

How to do? Will upgraders be taken into the dream space? Qin An dare not do this! Because many upgraded parasitic beasts are still in vitro.

If these upgraded and their parasite beasts are included in the space, then the parasitic beasts without wisdom will quickly kill all the upgraded ones.

If only the upgraded ones are allowed to enter, if their parasitic beasts are all dead outside, Qin An can't afford the responsibility again!

For the upgrader, the most important thing is the parasitic beasts, they transcend all beliefs, and they are the source of the power of the upgrader! Once the upgraded person loses the parasitic beast, it is really harder than death! Now that these people have reached the fifth-level upgrade, it is very difficult to find other parasitic beasts again after losing the parasitic beast!

Forget it, let's take a look at the situation first!

"Lan Yue, you and Liu Xia... and the Wrangler No. 2 Red Luan together to protect everyone from rushing out, I will kill them and help you break the queen!"

Now, Qin An can think of only this. He has already seen that Hong Luan is the host of the Sword God Body, so he arranged for her to be the bodyguards of other Wranglers with Lan Yue and Liu Xia.

Human wisdom is infinite. In the tens of thousands of years of life on the earth, human beings can stand out among countless kinds of life forms and become the master of the earth because they can use tools!

The upgrader is indeed powerful, and a fifth-level upgrader will win against a hundred well-trained fighters!

However, if these hundred fighters with no abilities use various weapons, the fifth-level upgraded may be at a disadvantage, and may even be killed in battle.

Therefore, the human army is definitely the core force of human beings so far. Although the upgraders are important, if they exist alone without the human army, they can only become dandelions in the wind in large-scale battles, and they will disperse with the wind at any time. , Vanished into nothing.

After Qin An gave the order, he stopped taking care of everyone. He put Chu Qitian's big bronze hammer into the Interspatial Ring, and then turned on the enhanced state of super hearing. After ten seconds, he searched for the location of Lu Haichuan, so he took three in his hand. Huo Yingyue Wentian Divine Sword moved quickly in that direction!

At this time, the surrounding army had surrounded them, and a group of people near Qin An were wearing radiation-proof clothes and gas masks on their faces. Judging from their skills, they should be upgraded.

Qin An didn't want to waste time on these people, and directly turned on the Phantom. Movement Technique crossed a distance of more than 100 meters, quickly entered the Chinese Army, and appeared beside Lu Haichuan!

When Qin An’s sword was resting on Lu Haichuan’s neck, Lu Haichuan didn’t fear at all. His white hair trembled with his body trembling, and he shouted angrily and excitedly:

"Qin An, daddy is not afraid of you, you have the ability to kill me! Today, you must not be able to escape, you killed my woman, I want to change my life with you!"

Qin An looked at Lu Haichuan who was anxious and frustrated, with a trace of sadness in his eyes.

After ten seconds passed, Qin An slowly closed his eyes and whispered:

"Old Lu, you and I have known each other for many years, but we don't know each other deeply. It's really a pity!

I still remember the scene when you organized your subordinates in Destiny City back then!

In fact, you already owed me once, and Destiny City Lord Chen Chuhe didn't even want to go out to support you! If I hadn't killed the D2 Jumping Zombie King and helped Chen Chuhe a lot, he would never send an army to support it. If that were the case, your ending might be tragic.

Then you follow me back to the gathering place that Qincheng built together. I did not deprive you of any rights, and still let you be the leader of the old subordinates, so that you have the capital to live in Qincheng for more than 20 years, and eventually become the head of the party!

Now that I am back, it is indeed a bit overbearing to regain the unification of rights, and I myself feel a little wrong!

But even so, you shouldn't forget how good I was to you back then, and let your wife bring someone to kill me before the negotiation!

Now that things have reached this point, then I can only be blunt!

For the unification of the military command of Kowloon Liancheng, you die, and I will bury you and Chu Xianghua together! "

While speaking, Qin An had already taken action, killing Lu Haichuan was only a matter of moments.

If you didn't travel to the Qing Dynasty, if you didn't see Cixi and Ci'an fighting for power, Qin An might not kill Lu Haichuan.

But now Qin An has understood that from ancient times to the present, every inch of mountain and river has an inch of blood!

In the face of power, there has never been a free lunch.

Now that he has plans to unify Jiulong Mountain, he must get some blood on his hands.

Qin An's idea is still very simple. He doesn't want to be the boss of Jiulong Mountain. The premise is that he must have a place in this place and have absolute control, because this is the territory he will open up for his descendants!

In the last two decades, many forces of mankind coexisted, and Qin An did not want his future descendants to survive the war.

But now in the situation of separatist regimes, even if the zombies do not come, after a long time, the flames of war will be ignited in the land of China, which is the result that Qin An does not want to see and does not want to see.

So, if killing can solve the problem, then he will kill!

Right and wrong things will always be buried in the long river of history. Although I have not contributed much to the development and construction of the Qin League, after that, the Qin League and the entire Jiulong Mountain will definitely become better because of own existence! This is Qin An's ambition now!

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