"Jingyi, can you play this card in the end?"

Lu Lu obviously didn't have much patience to continue waiting.

Jingyi was urged again, and she subconsciously spread out the cards in front of her. Lu Li and Ye Lingxuan jumped angrily, shouting that they were almost playing cards!

Jingyi was still in her dream, thinking that the card just now obviously should be in the red, why did she become a Yaoji?

Qin An was sitting behind Jingyi, even with perspective eyes, she couldn't see the expression on Jingyi's face.

After taking another sip of coffee, Qin An stood up and slowly walked to the bedroom and leaned against the window sill. At this time, curtains were hung in the window. Qin An began to see through, and I saw that Li Na inside seemed to be called Tired, panting in bed at this time.

Although Qin Xiaoyan had never given birth, she was now the commander-in-chief of the delivery room. She instructed the two women, Lan Yue and Liu Xia, to run before and after they gave Li Na a towel to wipe her face, and then she gave Li Na a reference. The tablet is in the mouth.

The three female doctors in the obstetrics and gynecology department were calm. They naturally knew that Li Na and the child were healthy and had undergone a detailed examination before. Moreover, people in the last days are physically strong, and almost no one will die because of having children. Compared with the old society before the end of the world, the physical fitness of human beings is very different.

The reason why Li Na hadn't given birth for so long was mainly because Li Na's palace entrance was too small, and she was afraid of the knife and refused to cut the passage sideways. Now she can only kill time, and when the time comes, the melons will ripen.

Seeing that everything was intact, Qin An turned his head and looked at the four women's card game again.

Jingyi's emotions were obviously not free from her previous miraculous victory, so she was still blushing at this time, as if she was ashamed of winning the card by accident. Although she did not cheat, there was indeed something wrong with the card after all.

Qin An found Jingyi's expression interesting, so she continued to tease her badly.

When Jingyi draws the cards, Qin An will replace Jingyi's cards without knowing it, so that every card she draws is exactly what she needs.

Although Lu Lu and Ye Lingxuan were also Upgraders, they were of a lower level, so they didn't know that Qin An was doing tricks. It seems that Cian is not suitable for playing mahjong. Although he has learned the rules, he hasn't figured out the strategy, so he has been busy with his own.

So only Jingyi of the four knew what happened.

OMG! She already has four whiteboards in her hand!

The so-called white board is also called treasure. In this gameplay, it is considered a universal card and can be used as any other card.

And every time she draws a whiteboard, the money she gets after winning the card can be doubled, so now Jingyi has four whiteboards, which means that she can get a sixteen-fold reward as long as she wins.

What’s more frightening is that Jingyi still has four equal 80,000 cards in her hand, so the other four cards are whiteboards, which means that no matter what card she catches, she is open, and she is turning 4 on the basis of 16. Times, you can get 64 times the reward!

Jingyi is completely stupid, and now she can finally be sure that it is not her dizziness or her dreaming, but her card has indeed changed after being caught!

How is this going? Could it be said that this mahjong itself will change? It is possible that this place was originally a strange place! But why doesn't it seem that other people's cards will not change?

At this moment, Qin An was opposite Jingyi, and could see the little maid’s expression truly. She was really cute and dull, and a little cute.

Her face will constantly change between red and white.

Qin An has evolved into a human spirit, so you can easily guess what Jingyi’s thoughts are.

The blushing is naturally because of excitement. It seems that Jingyi, the little maid, should really like playing mahjong games, so with such a good card, she will naturally be excited.

So why is his face pale again? This should be feudalism at work. You must know that beside Jingyi, her master Ci'an is sitting! It would be fine if Jingyi had found a good card through normal channels, but it was obviously abnormal at this moment.

A second ago, Jingyi still had four cards in her hand, and it would turn into a white board in the blink of an eye. Is this normal? The answer is of course no, so if she wins cards in such an abnormal way, she is cheating!

Jingyi can deceive Lu Lu and Ye Lingxuan, but she dare not deceive the Empress Dowager Ci'an. This is a crime of deceiving the emperor!

So Jingyi at this time should be struggling, this hand, should she be foolish?

A smile hung on the corner of Qin An's mouth, and he raised his head to look at the sky.

There is no wind today, and the sky is blue.

After the child was born, Qin An decided to take a rest for a while before going out to calm the chaos. Now that the matter of Jiulong Liancheng is settled, he really should take a rest. After returning to Qincheng, he was really not idle. Fortunately, things can go so smoothly!

In the future, the construction will be brilliant, and the management will be Wengdie, and there is really not much that needs to be done by oneself.

Qin An knows that he is by no means a qualified managerial talent. His advantage is that he is good at meeting useful people. This should be regarded as a kind of talent, right?

In a daze, Qin An thought of Life before the end of the world.

He and Weng Lan had a really leisurely life. They were tired of being together after work. Weng Lan would always wait for him at the milk tea shop at the intersection of Qin'an, and then they would go home together. Qin An always cooks himself on weekends, and cooks a table full of dishes for Weng Lan! At that time, they didn't seem to think about money matters, so they lived so easily.

The reason why Qin An recalled the past is certainly because he saw Jingyi's innocence in his heart, and another reason is that the child who is about to be born, he is about to become a father!

The so-called old man, Qin An looks young now, but in fact he is already in his 50s. He is a dad for the first time in his life. To be honest, he is still a little nervous.

Most daddies actually have such thoughts at this moment.

Didn’t Cheng Gang, the scumbag at the time, become a good man after becoming a father?

Qin An wants to take a break, in fact, there is another reason, that is, he wants to study the Three Fire Yingyue Wentian Sword, since he has become a sword god cultivation, Qin An feels that he should have some enlightenment, at least in a symbolic sense. He should also treat cultivation as the same thing, not to mention that he is now also eager to improve his own ability.

While thinking about it, Li Na's shout suddenly sounded in the room again.

"Giving birth, finally giving birth, Li Na tried hard!"

Qin Xiaoyan yelled louder than Li Na, and Lan Yue and Liu Xia on one side were pale and dumbfounded.

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