Dangerous City In The Last Days

Chapter 938 The Death of Yin Hanchao

At that time, I met Guizi for the first time. In Qin An's eyes, Guizi was just a little Japan. He did not have a very good impression of her. When Yin Hanchao used Guizi strongly, Qin An did not stop it.

But time has passed and things are different. Although Gui Zi is not Qin An’s woman now, she has already had a relationship with Qin An. The two also have a dark affection for each other. Now Gui Zi travels around and doesn’t know some. What kind of encounter? Because of Guizi, Qin An didn't know how to face Yin Hanchao, so he never went to see him. Even when he was married to Liu Xia's four daughters, Qin An avoided Yin Hanchao from a distance.

So this person is dead now, how did he die? Why did Wu Yan pull him here alone to talk about it?

Wu Yan saw that Qin An had not spoken, so she took the initiative to speak:

"A woman named Lin Lei brought a few six or seven-year-old children to the door and arrested Yin Hanchao.

At that time, you and Lan Yue, Liu Xia were killing each other in Eagle Eye City.

I have lived with Yin Hanchao for many years, and the relationship between each other is like relatives. Naturally, I can't just sit back and watch when he is arrested.

So I asked Xiaomei for help, and all the thirteen wolf riders were dispatched, trying to catch up with Lin Lei and pick up Yin Hanchao.

That night, 30 kilometers north of Qincheng, we found Yin Hanchao.

The woman named Lin Lei is letting those children eat Yin Hanchao's meat!

When I saw my anger, I immediately started playing with them. As a result, Lin Lei gave a whistle, and hundreds of children appeared in the woods. They all had similar abilities to those of upgraded ones, and they were very good at fighting one by one.

Later, when I returned to the city, I found out from Zhang Geng. It turned out that the children were all dark ones, and the dark ones were the products of the end-spirit sect. Isn't Zhang Geng his wife Xieyu a dark one?

In the fight, we were surrounded by those children.

The woman named Lin Lei laughed and talked to Yin Hanchao while laughing.

It turned out that Lin Lei turned out to be Yin Hanchao's wife before the end of life, but their relationship was not good in the end of life. Yin Hanchao had other women.

Lin Lei was also in Ruyan City back then, and was later taken away by the leader of the Moling Sect, and finally transformed into a monster. She has given birth to many children over the years, and it was a controlled killer who gave birth to these children.

You have to know that killers are no different from beasts, they don't have much IQ, and some are just killing and gore.

Therefore, Lin Lei felt that she had suffered a lot in the Moling Sect, but unfortunately she couldn't turn her head back, because she gave birth to many children, all of whom were dark ones, and she had to take care of them.

Lin Lei also believed that if Yin Hanchao could think of her and stay with her all the time, she would never have been so miserable.

Lin Lei has been looking for Yin Hanchao for these years, but it is not easy to find someone in the end times.

Until recently, Lin Lei met a acquaintance before the end of the world. He heard that Yin Hanchao had appeared in Xuanjian City, so he led people into the city and arrested Yin Hanchao.

Hey, the ending was very miserable. Although the 13 people of Vajra and I were not killed, they were trapped in the encirclement of the Dark Sons, seeing Yin Hanchao being eaten alive! Lin Lei didn't seem to have much interest in us. After Yin Hanchao died, she took people away, so I didn't even have a chance to avenge old Yin. "

Speaking of this, a few tears fell from the corner of Wu Yan's eyes, and she looked really sad.

Qin An can understand, after all, she and Yin Hanchao have been together for so long.

However, Qin An said he couldn't think of his own mind at this time. He actually let out a breathless breath, feeling that the trace of depression hidden deep in his heart was relieved.

"Boss Qin, the reason why I told you this is mainly because I heard that you plan to leave here to wipe out the evil forces after the Kowloon Link City Project is launched. I want to ask, is the Mo Ling sect also an evil force? Is it time to kill them? I want to avenge old Yin! Actually Liu Xia also has this plan, but you have a lot of things recently, so she didn't raise it with you!"

What else can Qin An say at this time? He first comforted Wu Yan with a few words, and then said:

"Yes, I want to go out. Lord Tianyin has a five-year appointment with me, and he also contacted evil forces such as the Moling Sect and the Destiny Sect.

I can't wait for him to shoot me first after five years, and I'm not a puppet.

For half a year, when Kowloon Link City first sees its scale, Wang Xin's little girl is a little older, I will leave! Now wander around Jiulong Mountain, and then move to various places, all evil forces are eliminated! Some small zombies in the country have also gone out! In the twenty-five years of the last days, I want to give back to this land of China a bright universe without Monster Qi! It can be regarded as cutting off some of the wings of Lord Yin that day, and when he enters China from India with the tide of zombies, I will not be enemies!

Jiulong Liancheng is a place where humans and zombies will fight decisively!

However, it is impossible for me to be easily surrounded. The large tracts of land south of the Jiulong Mountains to the Sino-Indian border will become a battlefield in the future!

As the saying goes, every inch of mountain and river, every inch of blood!

Wu Yan, don't worry, when I enjoy the short-term family pleasure, I will take you out to kill the Quartet, so that the enemy has no chance to cry, only to bleed! If you want to help others get revenge, let's just kill it, how about it? "

After hearing Qin An's words, Wu Yan burst into tears and laughed.

"You are such a weird person.

But I understand why you are so attracted to girls.

First of all, your appearance is very masculine and manly!

But on weekdays, you have a small feeling in your heart. You are such a big person, but you are awkward and innocent like a child.

However, what you show on the outside is the image of an uncle, stubborn, unsmiling in front of the little girl, very attentive and tender.

Of course, you also have the side of a bad uncle, and occasionally molested little girls. Your experience is very rich. From your usual chat with Cheng Gang and Liu Yuanchao, you can see that you are a person with a story. The story behind a man makes girls want to explore the most. Women are all cats, and cats are very curious animals.

In addition, it is your wildness! I have understood this since the day I knew you. As you said, you are actually a wolf in sheep's clothing, a hypocrite with killing blood in your body! I never hesitate when I find that you kill...No, maybe you hesitated in your heart, but you will kill the person you should kill! After killing, you can comfort yourself, see through yourself, and there won't be too much sadness! Such a personality actually makes you very suitable for spiritual practice. Although you are not decisive on the couch, once you want to kill someone, your goal is bound to die! This kind of personality is somewhat contradictory, and somewhat mysterious. "

Stopping Wu Yan's words, the smile on Qin An's face was already blooming.

"In fact, you are really a very smart woman. By my side, the only women smarter than you are Weng Die and Guo Xiaomei!"

"Boss Qin, Qin pay attention to your words, I am not the woman by your side, I am Liu Yuanchao's woman, and I am your grandma."

Qin An was really embarrassed to see Wu Yan saying this seriously.

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