Bringing a child is not originally a person's business. The child often wakes up in the middle of the night, and Li Na can't not sleep every day, and although Qin An loves children, it is not a material for bringing children.

Qin An always likes to rub the face of the little girl when Qin Wenxin is asleep, and Qin Wenxin has cried several times, so this incongruous father is not welcome, so Qin Xiaoyan naturally becomes Li Na's most important thing. A babysitter, if Qin Xiaoyan is not around, she will feel empty in her heart, which causes Qin Xiaoyan to basically not bother to take care of Qin An, and is surrounding Li Na and the child.

So Lan Yue and Liu Xia both saw Qin Xiaoyan being so kind to Li Na and the child, they all envied her.

As Qin An's wife, if she didn't show eagerness to the children of other women at this time, wouldn't it make Qin An feel stingy? Of course, the two of them were kind-hearted at first, and they really liked Qin Wenxin, so they naturally became the reserve army to take care of Qin Wenxin, basically staying in Li Na's room during the day, and occasionally on night shifts at night.

In addition, the two women have selfishness, and they also want to belong to their own children.

In the hotel in Eagle Eye City a few days ago, the two had shared the bed with Qin An, and the game of three was naturally more exciting than that of two.

Although Lanyue Liu Xia is already a big man, but his appearance is young and his appearance is not old, and they have not had close contact with other men in recent years. Although they have been married to Qin An for a few months, in general they are still Be regarded as the wedding period.

Therefore, the two of them will run to Qin An's room at night when they have a chance, and then they will walk with Qin An and do not care about the existence of another woman.

The ancients said: Three people must have my teacher,

Lan Yue and Liu Xia felt that the three of them would be able to get pregnant.

So every night, they would basically join forces with Qin An in a battle of five or six, making Qin An want to die and could not stop.

This matter between the husband and wife is not uncomfortable. If you do too much, it will be damn tired.

Today, Qin An is a little afraid of Lan Yue and Liu Xia. He feels that if he can't continue like this, he will feel the helplessness of the seven-year itch in advance.

Just last night, Lan Yue and Liu Xia finally did not come. They also felt that during this period of time the relationship with Qin An is too close. Although they can bear it physically, they have supernatural physiques, but they feel uncomfortable in their hearts. NS.

It is happiness to eat dumplings once a year, but it is tasteless to eat dumplings every day for one year.

After discussing with them, they decided to give themselves and Qin An a holiday. Although they wanted children, they didn't want to be child slaves in advance. The things in bed were wonderful, but if they were turned into a tool and cost for childbirth, the gain would not be worth the loss. NS.

Qin An naturally praised the two women for their awakening, and gave them a few more pieces of meat during dinner.

Then things are fine at this time, until twelve o'clock last night

Qin An was driven out of their room by Li Na and Qin Xiaoyan. The reason was that in the middle of the night, this okay father was still smirking around his daughter Qin Wenxin’s crib. If it weren’t for Qin Xiaoyan and Li Na to stare at him, it wouldn’t be right. Qin An went to sneak up on her daughter's cute face again.

After being driven out of the room by the two roaring lionesses, Qin An returned to his own room alone. Anyway, Lan Yue and Liu Xia had said that they would not be coming tonight, and Qin An was also happy.

However, as soon as he opened the door, he saw a sleepy woman, Rongrong, who was lying on the bed, dressed in sexy white silk.

"Hey, Ye Ye Shengge, how happy you are, don't you guys think about other people's feelings?" Rongrong saw Qin An put the book aside, and the first sentence of her mouth was full of resentment.

Qin An just froze for a moment, then took off his jacket and went to bed wearing only a pair of black shorts.

"Old lady, do you usually peek at me when I sleep? It's really disrespectful for the old, what are you doing today? Dress like this and want to commit a crime?"

Speaking of which, Qin An once ranked the women around him.

The most beautiful woman in Qin An's mind is Weng Lan. Apart from her, no one is irreplaceable, but unfortunately she can't be found again.

So apart from Weng Lan, the most beautiful among other women is Liu Ru. Liu Ru’s beauty and details are beautiful in every frown and smile. Raising hands and feet is a temptation. It is a man that cannot be parted. Stunner.

The second most beautiful girl should be Shi Lida. This little girl has absolutely no facial features, not inferior to Liu Ru. Although she is relatively young, her body is first-level better, and she herself has a queen-like temperament. , Which produces a kind of contradictory beauty. She is a tall queen, and also a developing Loli. Facing such a little girl, ordinary men can't stand it. Who doesn't want to pick a fragrance before the queen grows up? As far as Qin An knew, there were many suitors next to Shi Lida, but in the end they were all scared away by Tyrant.

Then the third one should be the woman in front of him, Rongrong.

This old woman, like Liu Yuanchao, looked thin and dry when she was old, but became full of Heaven Court when she was young, with an unusual charm. ,

Sometimes Qin An opened her perspective to look at Granny Rong’s round and bulging mountain peaks. It’s really strange. I don’t understand why this thing will change so much when people are old. Then I saw the third beautiful woman in her sexy pajamas lying down in her sexy pajamas. On the own bed, Qin An really didn't have any special impulses at the time, because his feelings for Rongrong were actually more affection than passion.

Rongrong frowned when she saw Qin An taking off her pants and going to bed.

"This rude gesture! Why, didn't you treat me like a woman?"

"Of course you are a woman. Look at your ass and breasts. If I say you are not a woman, you will be blind!" Qin An found a comfortable position on the bed and lay down and closed his eyes. He didn't mind letting him do it. A man who is inferior to a beast.

"Hey, people say that young men often look at girls' faces, and wretched old men look at women's breasts and buttocks. Listening to what you say, you will know how wretched you are..... Qin An, what are you doing? Going to sleep? Is this mocking me?" Rong Rong became a little angry, her voice very bad.

Qin An opened his eyes in surprise. He has never seen Rongrong angry. This old woman is a ring most of the time with the owner. He is only used to her existence. If there is any in-depth communication... . Really not, is it because the menopause has relapsed?

To show respect for Rongrong, Qin An sat up, and then spoke in a very solemn tone:

"Well, you're going to talk about it, why do you come to my side without sleeping at night?"

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