Dangerous City In The Last Days

Chapter 962 Qin An in Wolf Skin

The old chairman then looked at Wan Ziliang Dao:

"Hong Luan should be from Qin An, including the Shadowless Night Demon, Liu Gang’s wife Su Zi, Lu Haichuan’s woman Li Kuilan, and many upgraded people in the Seven Cities. They are actually Qin An’s people! I asked people to count yesterday. There are more than two hundred people in this group. This can only be described as terrible, more than two hundred upgraded people!"

Speaking of this, the smile on the old chairman's face finally faded slowly. Although he did not know the existence of the Wrangler organization, he knew that Su Zi, Li Kuilan and others had already voted under Qin An's name.

I don't have to think about it. These people must have been arranged by Qin An in advance. Otherwise, how could it be possible that they would automatically leave their original identities as soon as Qin An appeared and claim themselves as Qin An's guards?

With a light sigh, the old chairman continued:

"Originally, I haven't studied these things and I don't want to talk to you. Now that I have talked about this, let me discuss the things I know with you.

Hey, my espionage personnel have not discovered these things before, because these people do not have any contact with each other on weekdays. Who would have thought that they were actually an organization?

Perhaps, they didn't know each other, or even knew each other's existence, they all acted alone?

If this is the case, then Qin An is even more terrifying!

Now these people have completely gone from hiding their identities to reality, returning to Qin An's side, and entering Guo Xiaomei's iron cavalry camp.

This is a mystery. Qin An has traveled all over the world for 22 years. The think tank beside me has racked its brains in the past month, summarizing all the information about the Qin League collected over the years, but still no one can. See when Qin An actually planted so many people in the seven cities of Qin League! "

The meeting room became silent, even Wan Ziliang was stunned, and the others were even more stunned.

What? Qin An planted a hand in the Qin League? And there are more than 200 upgraded people? This is impossible. Hasn't he been traveling the world all these years? The intelligence said he had never returned to China at all, so how could it be possible to plant so many people? Are they all upgraded?

The old chairman's eyes narrowed, and he scanned everyone in the conference room one by one. After a moment of silence, he found that they didn't seem to have anything to say, so he continued:

"My think tank thinks that the matter of Wang Sixi, the lord of the town of Dacheng, who left Tang Yu and joined the Qin League, is also related to Qin An.

Various signs indicate that Wang Sixi declared independence to prevent Tang Yu from invading the Qin League, and then quickly entered the Qin League system.

Like Hongluan, after entering the Qin League, he had almost nothing to do with the development of the Qin League.

Over the years, they neither broke away from the Qin League, nor did they promote the reunification of the Qin League, nor did they have any contact with each other, as if they didn't care about anything.

However, whenever the Qin League faced an external crisis, Pingming County and Judingfeng were the first to stand up and advocate the unanimous externalities of the Seven Cities!

In short, Wang Sixi might also have something to do with Qin An, otherwise he didn't need to give up Tang Yu.

You should know that Tang Yu was very powerful at the time. Joining the Qin League was definitely not a good choice. If Tang Yu was really angry, and starting the war, although Wang Sixi had a large population, his combat effectiveness was several levels lower than Tang Yu’s, absolutely not. opponent.

Hey, these things give me a headache.

Qin An arrived in western Tibet a few months ago. I wondered why Qin An, the leader of the Qin League, did not go back to his hometown first after returning to China, but went to our site?

At that time, I thought it might be the way. He came back from Europe on foot and just walked to the west of Tibet. There was nothing wrong with it.

But in fact, he is not on the way. Starting from the Mediterranean, if he walks northward through Georgia into Kazakhstan, then he will be in China, and then through Xinjiang, from Inner Mongolia to the south, he can enter the extension area of ​​Jiulong Mountain.

In other words, Qin An had taken a long way to the west of Tibet.

After we learned that Qin An appeared, we would naturally pay attention to it.

And Qin An's performance was indeed shocking. In the Battle of Blood, he killed many enemy superpowers and made great contributions to Dong Junwei's success in attracting zombies in the wild.

At that time, I was not in West Tibet. The old ghost of Tianhua was sitting in West Tibet. He also called me. The two of us had a conference call.

During the period, we have always believed that Qin An’s appearance is an opportunity for us. We should firmly bind him to Tibet and help him obtain the power of the leader of the Qin League, so that the Qin League can be formally controlled by us. In it.

Now that I think about it, why didn't Qin An take advantage of us? He got support from us, so after returning to the Qin League, Liu Gang can support him so diligently and firmly! After all, Liu Gang was originally a member of the army, so he didn't want to be an enemy of us. After all, we are the most orthodox state organs left after the end of China.

Then Lu Haichuan of Eagle Eye City should have taken into account our factors before returning the Qincheng prison area that he originally controlled to Qin An.

Think about it, what would the situation be like if Qin An returned to the Qin League by himself?

Can Lu Haichuan sell the land? Will Liu Gang firmly support Qin An again?

I don't think it will. If the Qin League divides the seven cities, it will continue. Of course, this is the premise that Hongluan and Wang Sixi are not the same as Qin An!

In other words, we feel that we are using Qin An, and Qin An is actually using us!

Hey, what you said is actually pretty good. I didn't expect that Qin An would complete the reunification of the Qin League within a few months after returning to Qin City! He had been prepared for a long time. With his people in the Qin League, and support from West Tibet, he would naturally become the true master of the Qin League easily.

However, it is still the question just now.

I can't imagine when Qin An gave Qin Meng his heart and made so many arrangements! It is estimated that no one will know except Qin An himself!

Haha, it doesn't matter anymore, this is the situation we want to see anyway.

I just felt a little frustrated, and I was actually played with by that kid. "

Having said this, the old chairman decided to end Qin An’s topic, because he felt that the purpose of owning had been achieved, that is to make these people pay attention to Qin An. Don’t think that Qin An is just a lucky guy. After all, you will deal with Qin An in the future. It is these people who are more numerous.

Now, the pace of alien invasion has begun. As the most powerful person in China, he actually knows something about the collapse of the nine main gods and alien planets, but his knowledge is limited, almost like Qin An.

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