Thinking of this, Ling'er's face became a little pale, and she suddenly remembered another thing, why can the blood bones come to earth to withstand the toxicity of oxygen? The life form of the same sword spirit star, but the forty-nine sword god can't? This is obviously unusual? .

Qin An saw Ling'er's surprised expression and slowly shook his head and said, "Ling'er, don't you understand it today? Your memory is not real. The forty-nine sword gods have indeed come to the earth, but some of your swords The memory of God has been destroyed by tampering. I think it is very likely that no spaceship crashed at all!

As far as I know, an unusually powerful melee is taking place on the Star of Sword Spirit, which is caused by your 49 Sword Gods.

You are divided into three major factions, bringing your own clansmen and believers to fight. It is estimated that the scene must be very hot!

I thought about it for a long time, thinking that you might have fought fierce battles with other sword gods in the Universe before your fall, and ultimately failed!

Maybe you have some means to save your life, maybe your companion saved you. In short, you did not die in the end, but came to the earth, but suffered the attack of Mental Energy and the memory was erased and falsified!

You should have thought of one more thing, right? As the creatures on the Sword Spirit Star, why can the blood bone tribe people tolerate oxygen, but you can't? It stands to reason that you should be much better than them. Are you not known as the god of sword spirits?

So I wonder if there is such a possibility. In fact, you can tolerate oxygen originally, but before falling into the earth, someone wanted to kill all the sword gods, so some attack methods were used to make you unable to adapt. Oxygen, even oxygen poisoning! Wait...Those so-called T viruses are very afraid of oxygen. Could it be that they didn't actually appear for people on earth? And it was originally to deal with you sword gods? Make you poisoned and unable to tolerate it in oxygen? And the earth has only been affected, so it has entered the end times!

Haha, this is ridiculous! But it is the most reasonable explanation I can think of.

Linger, I know that maybe you have been hating what I did to you at the beginning, but I regret it too.

I haven't done a big thing in my life, but I haven't done anything wrong. I made a mistake with you. I will never deny that!

I am willing to make up for you for the rest of my life. This kind of make up does not mean to marry you as my wife or something, because I know you are not rare.

I mean, I can try my best to help you accomplish some things you want, such as

Qin An paused when he said that, then looked into Ling'er's eyes.

Ling'er was in a daze at this time. In fact, she had always felt that there was a problem with her own own memory. Now that she heard what Qin An said, the more she thought about it, the more wrong she became, so she was a little dizzy.

Qin An continued to speak:

"For example, I can do something for you and kill some people!

Today, when you went to the third alien teleportation point, I briefly looked at it, and it was too far away to see clearly.

But then Maya brought me the picture over there.

It was very miserable. Seven mecha fighters died, and the mechas were all destroyed. The heavy deck was cut off with a sharp weapon!

You know, the body width of the mecha God of War is more than four meters. How big is a knife to cut it so neatly?

I think the sword should be impossible, maybe it should be the spirit of sword spirit?

The most peculiar thing is that from the video footage that Maya showed me, I didn’t see the person who shot it clearly. It was just a black light and shadow. When the time gate was hit by a bomb, he flashed out quickly, then rushed quickly and met him head-on. When the mecha warriors rushed up, the black shadows flashed past the mecha warriors. Because his speed was too fast, it was difficult for human eyes to catch him. The mecha warriors did not notice his existence!

When the seven mechas slowly fell to the ground and turned into two stages, the camera installed in Xuanjian City caught the shadow that the shadow was already one kilometer away, and finally left Xuanjian City all the way to the north without whereabouts!

This person's skill is a bit terrifying, much stronger than the two bosses of the Blood Bone Race Yao Yue.

I can now understand the language of the blood bone tribe, so in the fight I heard that the boss of Yaoyue seemed to be called the Greedy, and the Greedy also came to the earth along with his tribe being sucked into the space gate.

Then there is no need to think about it. The alien who killed the seven mecha fighters and escaped from the Xuanjian City by the momentum of thunder should be a greedy, a true one soul sword repairer.

If you are in the Star of Sword Spirit, if you are still one of the forty-nine sword gods, maybe killing a greedy is as easy as pinching an ant, right?

But now even if the greedy possesses a sword god skill, it is also a real powerhouse.

Xuantian often tells me that the human body is small. Even if he combines with me and allows me to use the four Sword God abilities, the effect I use is a thousand miles away from him. .

Then I really want to know, what is the ability of this one soul sword repairer's divine sword? Is it really that powerful?

So if you want, I can go out and look for him. Once I find him, I will kill him for you! "

After listening to Qin An's words, Ling'er's mind finally became active, and sighed:

"Can you kill him?

Greedy’s only magic sword skill is called Wan Bone Chaozong!

When Hongye entered the wild, he used the rain of the red leaves to kill Wanze Fierce Beast and comprehend the ability of the wild beast's heart.

After Hongye left, the greedy I was chasing by me happened to be in the wild. Seeing the fierce beasts and bones in the wild, he had an insight. He stayed in the wild for six full days without eating or drinking. The final episode The spirit of ten thousand bones condenses the soul of the sword, and the sword practice is successful!

His sword is called Ten Thousand Bone, which is transformed from the bones of thousands of Demonic Beasts. When held in the hand, it looks like a sharp half-meter-long bone piece, but it can grow in size with the desire of the greedy. It can grow up to a thousand meters long, and it can break the average weight!

Ten Thousand Bone Dynasty Sect is the first ability that the greedy comprehend. It can use the aura of the sword spirit to control the bones of the enemy's body to break and fly, floating in the sky to form a large formation of blood and bones.

I don't know if his ability will weaken after he arrives on the earth. If he doesn't weaken, even if he can't kill him first, he will eventually kill him.

I may indeed not be his opponent today. If I were in Xuanjian City, it would be okay. After all, this is the place where I have poured my hard work. Using my sword god skills and the knowledge of the gods, I have turned Hanging Sword City into My weapon.

But after leaving Xuanjian City, I really don't have the confidence to deal with him!

Qin An, what is going on? Why did the people of the Sword Spirit Star come to Earth? How they opened the door of time and space, I really don't understand.

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