Qin An suddenly became the Big Brother of others, and he was also very happy.

Look at Qin Le, he is too thin now.

Although Qin Le had a sword soul in his body, Qin An didn't want him to charge for the battle, after all, he was only fourteen years old.

Qin An originally wanted Qin Le to go to the canteen headquarters of the Golden Fort to do a small housekeeping job for a year and a half. For nothing else, just to let him get the first month of the month when he was near the water. Good health.

But Qin Le directly rejected Qin An.

This kid really has big ambitions. Now he is a recruit in the escort army, saying that he must train hard and perform military tasks, and then he will return to Qin An as a pillar of talent.

Qin An couldn't help him, thinking that since Qin Le had such aspirations, he couldn't obliterate his ideals?

Although it is dangerous for a good man to be on the battlefield, it is definitely not a bad thing. After all, the army is the best place to train people.

In this case, Qin An compromised and sent Qin Le away, and at the same time sent Ling'er away.

After that, Qin An met Weng Die, Guo Shuai, and Guo Xiaomei at the same time.

He first asked Guo Xiaomei to arrange two upgraded members of the iron cavalry camp to follow Qin Le secretly. This has two meanings. The first is protection, and the second is surveillance. Qin An is not a three-year-old child, although Qin Le is watching Very sincere, but he can't just say what Qin An's surname is.

After that, Qin An said the subject, that is, to temporarily hand over Qin Meng to the three of them, and Qin An wants to travel by himself.

Of course, this trip was different from before. Qin An carried his communication tool with him, and he was active in the country. If something major happened to Qin League, he would turn on the state of extreme speed and he would be able to return in a short time.

The three of Weng Die are smart people, and they naturally know that Qin An now blames the Mo Ling sect for the attack, just to lead Tibet to issue an order to send troops to fight.

In fact, in their opinion, this method is not clever, and the western side of Tibet will definitely understand what happened in Xuanjian City and understand Qin An's mind.

But even in this way, it is impossible for Tibet to remain indifferent, because the matter has been stabbed away. If Tibet does nothing against the Moling cult, it will lose popular support.

Jiulong Mountain is now in a critical period of great unification, and Tibet cannot afford to lose from the West, because they are the people who most want to unify all the forces in China.

Guo Xiaomei had some complaints about Qin An's arrangement, she said softly:

"Didn't you say you want to travel with the iron cavalry camp?"

"Hey, the situation is always changing! There are hundreds of abilities in the Iron Cavalry Camp, and if these people are on the battlefield, they will not play a high role.

Moreover, in the establishment of the army, there is also a group of upgraded.

I just talked to Ling'er. She will develop a space-time gate detector that will cover the entire Jiulong Mountain and an area of ​​300 kilometers in the Zhou film.

Next time, if that kind of time-space gate appears again, as long as there is a slight energy fluctuation detector, it will locate the alarm, which can buy us about fifty seconds to one minute.

Xiaomei, you have a lot of things to do in the future, and that is to cooperate with our troops in Hanging Sword City and the defending army to take good care of your home!

I don't want this kind of thing to happen again in the cities of the Qin League. I have sacrificed a total of seven soldiers under our noses! "

Hearing what Qin An said, Guo Xiaomei was relieved.

"Are you not carrying the Thirteen Wolf Riders?"

"Take Wang Hui, Wang Yunzhi and Vajra.

Hey, Vajra is my brother who followed me in the first place. After so many years of parting, now he is still entangled in all kinds of things when he comes back.

I heard that Jin Bao, Jin Dou and the two daughters of Liu Gang’s mixed marriage this time were very angry for Vajra. The four young ones have moved to live in Qin County. They are married, but Vajra is actually married. Did not tell me. It is estimated that he is very aggrieved.

The matter of children is a big problem for any parent, and now that the facts have been formed, it can only make Vajra want to go.

Therefore, I want to take him out to relax and find a chance to enlighten him.

Liu Wenjuan and Wu Zhen don't go. The children have just got married, so let them watch. Don't let the four little ones make any trouble, then Vajra's reputation will be damaged.

Also, let Jindou and Jinbao come back with his daughter-in-law. Vajra and I are both from the pre-apocalyptic era. What is it that the child gets married and lives with his father-in-law's mother-in-law's house? Insert the door upside down? "

Hearing what Qin An said, Guo Xiaomei secretly smirked. I really didn't see that Qin An was actually protecting her calf like this, as if anyone didn't know that he and Vajra were the closest to each other.

"As for Wang Hui and Wang Yunzhi...hey, take it with you, you always have to pay back the accounts you left when you were young!" When Qin An mentioned a woman, he didn't have the aura of training Jinbao Jindou before. Turned into frosted eggplant.

"Haha, Dage, you are really a kind of horse now, and Xiaocha has asked me to stay away from you. I'm afraid I might fail to learn from you." Guo Shuai teased Qin An, and Qin An could only be helpless and ridiculous.

"Apart from Wang Hui and Wang Yunzhi, who else are you planning to take? First tell me, I will make a list, and then prepare things for you. If I guess correctly, the military order of the sword might be available tonight. It's here." Weng Die had a disappointed expression on her face, because she knew that Qin An would not take her with anyone. Weng Die understood that Qin Meng couldn't do without herself at all.

"Is anyone else Li Na was just pregnant, and the baby was too young to leave me, so their mother and son had to follow.

Qin Xiaoyan is better to stay by my side. I am afraid that the power of her heart of wild beasts will be opened. Now although she is indifferent to others, she is just like normal people to those familiar with us. This is already very good. Well, don't you know how ruthless she is when I meet Xiaoyan when I first arrive in Tibet.

Since Li Na and Xiaoyan are going with me, then Lan Yue and Liu Xia can't stay at home naturally, they will drown you in vinegar.

And Rongrong, who has been following me all these years, leaving me alone, let alone her inconvenience, and I can't adapt.

Giantess Lu Ya, the host of the blood master sword god Hong Luan, also go with me, Lu Ya's group attack ability and Hong Luan's blessing ability are necessary weapons in the battle.

I asked Hongluan, if her blood enhancement is released in a small area, people can get the Ascension in the body forever, but this is very consuming the power of the sword god, and it will not be released again for a long time.

If it is a large-scale enhancement, it is a simple temporary madness state ability. When it is time to match with my Purdue sentient beings skills, I think the combat effectiveness of the entire unit will be greatly Ascension during the battle.

Liu Yuanchao, He Keyusu wants to travel together. They have the ability to avoid zombies, and once they enter the north, they can deal with encounters with the corpse group.

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