The chat with Roland was solemn and serious.

Qin An has always called Roland his teacher, and then expressed his condolences for the death of Roland's husband. In any case, after all, that man was once a teacher of own.

After talking about this, Qin An talked about his current family.

He loves his four wives very much, and he loves his just-born child even more. Qin An also said that he wants to live with his own family in this way, and does not want to change his life.

Although these words are very concealed, they also clearly show Qin An's position.

Roland has always said very little. She lowered her head, as if she was thinking that she didn't listen to Qin An's words at all, and she didn't seem to care what Qin An said at all.

In the end, Roland got up and said goodbye when Qin An had nothing to say. Qin An saw her sadness.

This is an inexplicable fate.

Qin An ignorantly liked Teacher Roland when he was in school, but he dared not express it.

Roland made up lessons for Qin An when he was young.

After more than 20 years of the last days, they can meet again, which is really not easy.

But Qin An, an adult, couldn't do anything to Roland because of these factors.

To read, he has Weng Lan.

To love, he has Liu Xia, Lan Yue, Li Na, Qin Xiaoyan, this is a genuine wife.

To steal, he has Rongrong, Weng Lan, Wang Yuzhi, and even Ling'er.

To be molested, he has Jingyi and the Queen Mother Cian of the East Palace.

Moreover, now Qin An really doesn't feel anything about Roland, and her status in Qin An's heart is not even comparable to that of Wang Hui.

Then, at this point, everything is over, like a cloud of smoke, drifting in the wind.

The next day Roland quietly left the Qin League alone. Qin An didn't look for it when he knew it. Roland was a king-level upgrader. The parasitic beast in his body was a butterfly. Even if he walked in the last days, it shouldn't be dangerous.

There is only a little bit of regret in my heart.

After meeting Roland, Qin An invited Cheng Gang again. The first sentence at the beginning was:

"If you don't want me to call you father-in-law, please take your daughter well. I am really not interested in her, but she seems to have never given up on me."

What can Cheng Gang say? Knowing the daughter Mo Ruo father, he certainly understands her daughter's thoughts.

Hey, Nie Yuan, Cheng Gang really can't figure it out. How could own baby daughter like Qin An?

Cheng Gang has also seen it, and Qin An feels that the matters around him are handled almost the same, at least the position he should make clear on women.

I can only say that sometimes peach blossom luck is not a good thing.

After leaving the office, Qin An went to see his daughter Qin Wenxin first.

The little girl was sleeping obediently. She was obviously audacious. She was not scared by the invasion of foreign races during the day. She was in a good mood throughout the night. After drinking full breast milk, she played in the crib. Fell asleep.

Qin An told Xiaoyan and the others about the departure, asked them to pack up, and then went to find the three Wuma Sisters, let them take Tianju to walk with him, and modified the layout of Tianju to design a few pieces. In the enclosed area, the main reason is that Lan Yue and Liu Ru cannot meet.

Qin An's handling of this matter was very firm, just not letting Lan Yue know the truth.

Of course, Qin An won’t hide it forever. It’s better to wait for Liu Ru to give birth to her baby, and then let her communicate with Lan Yue a little bit. After all, they are not related by blood, and she accidentally made Liu Ru pregnant. There are many twists and turns. Qin An feels that as long as Lan Yue accepts it slowly, her emotions should not fluctuate too much. After all, she must be more concerned about Liu Ru’s life, and before Liu Ru gave birth to the child, You must be with yourself.

Everything was arranged, Qin An returned to his own room, lying on the bed and locked the door behind him.

The alarm clock on the bedside changed, and Rongrong's figure appeared.

"I slept, why did you come back?"

Qin An looked at Rongrong and smiled, and then said: "I don't have the strength to deal with you tonight, I'm going to do something, you can help me look at my body, and if there is an accident, pull my soul back!"

Rongrong let out a breath, then lay down beside Qin An, hugging Qin An's body.

"Go, I will take care of your body!"

"Take care of him, don't do bad things to him!" Qin An's tone was full of teasing, and his eyes were closing quickly.

Rongrong hugged Qin An's body tighter, then closed her eyes, and spit out two words in her mouth: "Go away."

Qin An's body didn't make a sound anymore, as if he was asleep.

Rong Rong knew that Qin An was not actually asleep. This body has no breathing anymore. Qin An has used the third skill of the Wandering Soul Sword God to travel around the world, and has already let the soul travel through the body.

Traveling around the world, a very magical ability.

The host's soul travels out that day, and can randomly occupy any intelligent life form on this planet.

Then if the occupied body died on the same day, Qin An's soul would not be able to quickly return to the body, and could only continue to travel to the next body.

If the occupied body does not have Death, then Qin An can control the soul to return to the body at any time.

In addition, there is another ability to travel the world, which is to allow Qin An's soul to traverse at will into the body of the soul that was once occupied by him.

Then this kind of crossing Qin'an has more control authority.

He can directly seize the house and control the occupied body.

You can also hide in that body, and use the power of the soul to communicate with the original owner of the body.

Over the years, Qin An has occupied the bodies of thousands of people. Some of them are bad. Qin An died when he left, and some people were good, and Qin An would leave directly.

So in the eleven years that the soul wandered around, Qin An actually experienced a lot of things.

For example, he traveled to Japan several times and talked about a plain spiritual love with Guizi, which made Guizi Club come from Japan to China to come to him.

Qin An had also been to Tianyin City, so he was the first to know the information of Tianyuers in Tianyin City when he was in the west of Tibet.

Qin An has also been to North Korea, South Korea, Europe, Australia, the Arctic, and Iceland. In short, his soul is almost everywhere in these years.

As for the bodies that he had occupied, all those who were still alive were Qin An's intelligence station.

For example, in the fifteen years of the last days, Qin An once occupied the body of a disciple in Europe. Although this believer is not a good person, it is not too bad. At that time, this person had just joined the discipleship. Very little is known.

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