The story of Wang Sixi and Qin An began like this.

Qin An would come to Wang Sixi's body every year, two people could chat with their souls, and Qin An could also learn some things about Qincheng through Wang Sixi. Wang Sixi also gradually learned that this mysterious soul who had saved his family turned out to be the boss of a nearby force called Qin Meng.

This was of course a wonderful experience, and Wang Sixi wanted to explore more about Qin An.

Qin An had all the memories of Wang Sixi, so he knew his character, so he didn't hide it, so he told Wang Sixi everything about him.

When Wang Sixi heard it, he felt that, in fact, he and Qin An have one thing in common, that is, they love their own wife very much.

Qin An was able to wander around for so many years in order to find his wife. He was foolish in the eyes of others, and infatuated in Wang Sixi's eyes. Wang Sixi believed that Qin An's values ​​were the same as his.

A few years later, the power of Pingming County has greatly increased, and the population has almost reached 10 million.

But at this time the momentum of the Tang Dynasty's development was even stronger. Wang Sixi did not want to be an enemy of Tang Yu, so he voluntarily joined the Tang Dynasty organization.

Tang Yu was too busy in those years, not only had to expand the site to plunder resources, but also integrate many forces within the Tang Dynasty, so Wang Sixi's initiative to surrender to her is of course welcome. However, there is no energy to divide the Ping Ping County completely, so that the Tang Dynasty can have real control over the Ping Ping County.

After a short while, Tang Yu finally smoothed the inside out, and began to draw Qin Meng's attention.

Wang Sixi knew that the leader of the Qin League was Qin An. In order to repay Qin An for his life-saving grace, he took the initiative to leave the Tang Dynasty and finally joined the Qin League.

In other words, the old chairman was right, Wang Sixi did know Qin An, but the two had never met before Qin An returned to Qin League, and they communicated with each other through souls. Moreover, Wang Sixi's joining of the Qin League in the Tang Dynasty was not specially arranged by Qin An. It was only Wang Sixi's unilateral decision.

However, because of Wang Sixi, Qin An actually had some confidence in his heart when he returned to the Qin League.

From the perspective of memory, Qin An is Wang Sixi. He holds all the memories of Wang Sixi's life, and even the feelings of Wang Sixi and her wife when they are working. Of course, Qin An would not tell Wang Sixi about these things.

Therefore, after obtaining the support of Western Tibet and returning to the Qin League, Qin An should be able to take back the rights of the Qin League even if there is no Hongluan.

Qin An has never talked about these things with outsiders, so apart from him and Wang Sixi, no one knows that they are acquaintances, and they are brothers in a good relationship!

The soul was moving in the void, and the next moment Qin An felt that in his own arms, he was holding a warm, bare body.

Feeling embarrassed, Qin An knew that it was Wang Sixi's wife, Xie Qiuting.

Hey, Qin An really didn't dare to tell Wang Sixi that as long as his soul was in Wang Sixi's body, he would have all his touches. This is a bit embarrassing!

At this time, Wang Sixi and Xie Qiuting were still not asleep and were chatting.

"Sixi, did Boss Qin contact you and tell you what to do?"

Xie Qiuting is forty years old this year, but the skin on her body seems to be just in her early thirties, and the feeling on the touch is really wonderful.

Of course, it was Wang Sixi who was touching his own wife, and Qin An could just feel it.

"No, the two of us are friends. He never asked me to do anything, but I know him better! Qiu Ting, remember to go out and don’t talk nonsense. No one knows the relationship between me and Qin An, and I don’t want to This incident was exposed."

"Don't worry, I've been married for so many years. Am I the kind of woman who chews the tongue? Huh, you two are really true. You can be good brothers, but you just pretend not to know each other. Qin An Dage wandered around in the past. That's it, now that I have regained my rights after returning to the Qin League, I still haven't come to see you."

"You bitch knows a fart, and said that I am having a relationship with him, do you understand? A god who knows how to do it! If you meet and worship a brother, what does it mean?"

"You know what you know? Then you mean, Qin An Dage sent Fang Lei to the old ghost of the mountain scar Shentu to be the deputy city lord. Anyone with a discerning eye can see that Fang Lei was allowed to monitor people. Why did Dage let Fang let Fang? Leilai also serves as the deputy city lord of our Pingman County? Does he not trust us either?"

"Hey, you stupid girl! I don't even understand this! Hey, Fang Lei didn't go to see Qin An at all in the early stage when Qin'an returned to Qincheng. Isn't that obvious? He Fang Lei didn't want to recognize the boss of Qin An!

Later, Qin An slaughtered in Eagle Eye City and successfully won the control rights of Eagle Eye City. At that time, Fang Lei wanted to support Eagle Eye City. At the same time, he secretly contacted me and the old ghost of Shentu, but Mr. Shentu The ghost is old, and now I don't have much ability except playing with women, but I am Qin An's person, how can I form an alliance with him.

In the end, Fang Lei saw that the old ghost Shentu and I were standing still, and knew that the situation was over, so he was discouraged and had to surrender to Qin An.

The reason why he resigned from the city lord was also helpless, because he knew that Qin An didn't trust him now, and since he had already lost, he should be defeated thoroughly so that Qin An would not trouble him in the future.

So why did Qin An ask Fang Lei to be the deputy city lord of our Civilian County and Mountain Scar?

There are three intentions,

First, it is true that Fang Lei was asked to monitor the old ghost of Shentu. It’s just that this method of sending people to watch out was useless. Qin An just wanted Fang Lei to warn Shentu and tell the old boy not to make trouble. I’m here. But there are eyes staring at you!

Second, Qin An wants me to help him monitor Fang Lei. Fang Lei is the deputy city lord of Pingping County and Shanzhihen. Why did Weng Die build Fang Lei’s main residence in the capital of Pingping County? This should all be arranged by Qin An, he just asked me to help him take care of Fang Lei to prevent him from making any changes! After all, Fang Lei had been the lord of a city for so many years in the Qin League, even if he had resigned as the lord of the city, he couldn't be taken lightly.

Third, Qin An's last intention was to deal with the old ghost Shentu. Among the seven cities of the Qin League, Qin Lan City in Blue Moon, Qin Jun City in Liu Gang, Eagle Eye City in Lu Haichuan, Fire Wing City in Fang Lei, and the pinnacle of Hong Luan, my common people counties are all controlled by people trusted by Qin An. .

Only the old ghost of Shentu Qin An didn't believe him, and Shentu was notorious for playing women. I guess Qin An didn't like him either.

Let Fang Lei come to Shanzhihen and Pingping County as the deputy city master, this undoubtedly deepened my connection with the old ghost Shentu!

If I form an alliance with the old ghost Shentu and declare our separation from the Seven Cities Organization, I believe that Qin An will not be able to deal with us for a while, because the civilian county and the mountain mark together have a total of 18 million people!

However, if I form an alliance with the old ghost Shentu under Fang Lei's help, suddenly stand up and expose the conspiracy of the old ghost Shentu and Fang Lei, and declare that I am Qin An's person, what will the outcome be?

Haha, by then Qin An will have a legitimate reason to clean up the old ghost of Shentu, and the people in the area of ​​the mountain's mark will be completely encouraged by the other six cities of the Qin League and fear, and eventually will not listen to the orders of the old ghost of Shentu!

No one formed an alliance with him, he is still an independent egg!

In short, if Old Ghost Shentu didn't make any moves, he might be able to play with women for a few more years.

If he wants to rely on the method of forming an alliance with me to deal with Qin An, then he will be a dead end! Qin An hopes he will do something!

Hahaha, who the hell could think that daddy is from Qin An, no one can think of it! "

Speaking of this, Wang Sixi squeezed his wife's chest a few times, his feeling was not obvious, but Qin An's soul trembled a few times, and he almost suppressed and snatched Wang Sixi's soul without being steady. Control of his body!

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