In the blink of an eye for three days, the two coalition forces heading north have left the city in batches, targeting the peninsula area of ​​northeastern China.

The people of Jiulong Mountain were very excited. Naturally, after the news spread to western Tibet, the people of western Tibet were also excited. Everyone followed the battle with the mentality of watching the excitement. The once influential figure Qin An was put on the back of people’s minds. The charm is that people can always pay attention to today and ignore the past.

However, no one has ever thought that this action is actually just a microcosm of the future Earth World War. Five years after the end of the world, the comfortable situation that was born due to the formation of "zombie territories" will be completely broken, and the earth's turbulent period will come again. Greetings from the last days are about to come to everyone, and no one can escape.

Perhaps only the dangerous city of the last days, between the Jiulong Mountains, is the ultimate Jedi where humans can thrive!

It has been ten days since I left Jiulong Mountain on June 14, 2040.

Qin An now uses the pseudonym Qin Xiaoan to reach the Shanhaiguan area along with the army going north.

The two coalition forces were respectively led by Li Ziyuan and Dong Junwei. Dong Junwei's Ministry paid over 500,000 zombies all the way, and there were no fewer than a hundred battles with zombies.

The Liziyuan Department never saw the shadow of a Moling sect from the beginning to the end. A group of regular troops with rich combat experience were completely defeated by the newly formed Jiulongshan Fortress Allied Forces, and one by one was furious. Palm, scratch your heart and scratch your liver.

Qin An hides in the coalition forces in the Liziyuan Department.

Now it is the third battalion of the Allied Forces, the third battalion of the second regiment, a small scout in the left-wing squadron of the ninth squadron of the scout squadron under the Yahoo team.

The Yahoo team has a total of three hundred people, of which two hundred are regular soldiers and one hundred are prisoners.

The captain of the team, Yu Chi Yahoo, is 23 years old, the second-generation fourth-level upgrader, and the giant mountain bear in his body is a parasitic beast with power attributes. He had just been in the army for a year, and he became a low-level general because he was an upgraded. He is also considered a domineering person in the team on weekdays. Originally affiliated to the Eagle Eye City Garrison, Yuchi Yahoo did not rebel at the time of Lu Haichuan, so the official position was not affected. This time he was deployed to the front line.

There was no wind tonight, and the weather was dark and sultry. Yuchi Yahoo ordered the team to camp in a dense forest. After that, they sent scouts to collect information and waited for the arrival of follow-up troops.

Now the Yahoo team’s position is a bit too forward. There are no allies in the Li Ziyuan department on both sides of the left wing. On the contrary, a regiment of 3,000 people from Dong Junwei’s department is setting up traps and obstacles 20 kilometers to the south. The tide of corpses with a total number of almost 50,000 fights in hand-to-hand combat.

In this area, it is not necessary to make too much noise, because the north is full of zombies flowing from Russia. Once a huge noise occurs, it will be troublesome if it attracts millions of large corpses.

Qin An is now an ordinary soldier. He follows the team during the day, and occasionally hides in Tianjuli at night to accompany his wife and children in the name of patrol and guarding.

Today's Tianju is very lively.

Wu Ma Siqi divides Tianju into four major areas with the Peach Blossom Array.

The three Wuma sisters and Liu Ru still live together, and Rongrong also joins the four.

Lan Yue, Liu Xia, Qin Xiaoyan, Li Na and her daughter Qin Wenxin lived together, accompanied by the master and servant, Ci'an and Jingyi.

Vajra, Liu Wenjuan, Wu Zhen and his wife; Liu Yuanchao, Wu Yan, He Keliusu, Wang Hui, Wang Yunzhi, Lu Ya, Gong Xue, and Hongluan live together in the third area.

The three Wuma sisters also made a private space for Qin An alone. Under the mountains and flowing water is a small bridge home, and the environment is very pleasant.

Tianju is a wonderful place. This space is actually very big for the people inside. No matter if you look around from that space, you can see a vast world, verdant mountains, and then full of mountains. Pear forest.

But if you really walk into the pear blossom forest, you will get lost, and you won't be able to go to other places at all.

In every space, there is a space door that emits dim light. Only by going out of this door can you reach the outside of Tianju. Everyone can come and go freely. Tianju is originally a one-way space and wants to come in. It must be approved by the master Wu Ma Siqi, and anyone who wants to go out can be done by anyone who is slightly stronger with Mental Energy, and among all people, it may be kind and quiet. Two ordinary people with no abilities want to leave the Tianju Club. Wasting some energy, they will be squeezed by the energy of the space when they enter the space door, and their nerves will be painful and unbearable.

Lanyue, Liu Xia and others are very satisfied with this arrangement. Every day they play with Xiao Wenxin on the grass between a few quaint buildings. When they are free, a few women play cards, grow crops, or look at nearby pear flowers. Lin's scenery, lakes and mountains, that kind of leisurely life makes them intoxicated, even if they are in this life for a lifetime, they are willing to go, of course, the premise is that Qin An must often come back from the outside, and then there is emotional communication between the husband and wife.

Liu Xia, Lan Yue, and Qin Xiaoyan are all in their 50s. Naturally, there is no little girl's yearning for the big world. What they long for is the stability and happiness of the family, so it is not surprising that they would like to go to Tianju.

And Li Na now also thinks of all her own experiences. Her mental state is more mature than the other three women. She is a woman who has experienced several lifetimes.

Now that there is Qin Wenxin, Li Na is more eager for ease and stability.

Therefore, the four women are very satisfied with Life in a paradise like Tianju, and Qin An doesn't care if they run around.

Tianju is actually a fixed space, but the three Wuma Sisters will come out of the Tianju every day. After that, Wuma Siqi puts away the Tianju, and under the protection of Wuma Danxin and the protection of the three sisters of Wuma Tienan, they follow Qin An's large forces all the way. When Qin An and the others set up camp, the three Wuma Sisters fixed Tianju in a position, and then returned to Tianju by themselves. In this process, the people living in the Tianju space will not be affected in any way, and what they see is still the pear forest.

Qin An originally didn't expect Liu Wenjuan and Wu Zhen to come, because Qin An felt that there were children at home, and it would be wrong if the parents left. However, Liu Wenjuan and Wu Zhen didn't love their children and their husbands, so they must follow them.

Qin An is naturally not good at stopping, and Vajra is also indifferent.

In fact, Qin An didn’t know that Liu Wenjuan and Wu Zhen came here because they were afraid that Vajra and Qin An would learn badly. You must know that Qin An is a recognized big breed horse. In case Vajra goes out with Qin An, he will bring back three or four children. Beautiful women, aren't they dumbfounded?

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