It's just that it is not easy for millions of people to migrate at the same time, and it took them three months to walk less than half of the distance.

Moreover, there are more and more obstacles on the way forward, which makes the speed of the large troops advance more slowly.

Weng Lan’s migration brigade has almost 60,000 people, of which 40,000 are soldiers from Jusen City, and the other 20,000 are family members of some soldiers.

This group of people walks farther north, so they often encounter zombies.

It’s okay if you encounter a small group of corpses, and the large group will directly flatten the past, but if you encounter a group of more than hundreds of thousands of corpses, it will be difficult to handle. As a last resort, this team must also fight against the zombies. This not only protects the civilians in the middle of the moving army, but also opens the way for the follow-up troops.

In other words, the entire migrating army formed a large circle rather than a long strip. Several hundred thousand troops surrounded the civilians in the center, and then distributed them in different positions on the outer circle to cooperate with each other to advance.

Three days ago, the team was stationed nearby because hundreds of thousands of zombies appeared in front of them.

The top leader of this team is actually Rosen, the lord of the Giant Forest City.

In order to clear the path, Rosen has led people to fight with the corpse group for three days and three nights 60 kilometers southwest of the town where Weng Lan is located.

There is no way, in this case, we can only take a hard fight, because if you send troops to attract the zombies to leave, then the team will be messed up. Still the same sentence, the team was in a mess, and the protection circle of the migrating army was torn open. If some zombies sneak in and meet the civilians inside, the chaos will spread quickly like a plague, and there is no way to stop it.

The troops went to war, and the accompanying family members temporarily camped, and did not move forward independently. Because Rosen's team was originally at the forefront of the entire migration army, if these civilian families walked alone, they would lose any protection, and if they were in danger again, it would be a disaster.

Qin Qicai, Jax, Jess, Benita, Tang Jiudie, Sanniang Tianlu, Siniang Yu Haiyuan and Chuanqi Qi Rou have basically been fighting on the front lines for the past three days.

Jax is not a supernatural person. Qin Qicai didn't want him to go to the front line originally, but Jax insisted on going.

As a man, he grew up in his house in Williamsburg and has never seen the world of the last days. This time I finally came out. I have seen many worlds and tempered the man's bloodliness.

Other ordinary people can lead soldiers to fight, why can't they?

Catalina knows Jace best. With her support, Qin Qicai finally agrees to let Jax follow her and go to fight the zombies together.

"Are you awake? Why don't you sleep longer?" Liu Tian's somewhat anxious gaze swept towards Weng Lan inadvertently, and saw that Weng Lan was looking at the four children gently.

"Well, when I was dreaming, I woke up." Weng Lan's face was reddened, but her tone was calm.

"If you can sleep, just sleep for a while. I just informed you that the families of soldiers living nearby at night may have to evacuate and move independently to the northwest."

"Why? What about our team? What about Qicai? The battle didn't go well?" Weng Lan looked worried.

"Yes, there are high-level brains in the zombie group.

The English expression is usually very straightforward. United States people call the intelligent jumping zombies that can control the group of corpses as brains, and the English word is brain; they call giant zombies that can move with ordinary zombies as legs, that is, leg; Skull zombies with super combat ability and both offensive and defensive capabilities are called bones. Forget about bones. Originally, you didn’t know the type of zombies, so you didn’t know about it, lest you see them in your heart. "

Liu Tian is a supernatural person, so she looks at Weng Lan who is a non-supernatural person relatively weak.

Knowing Liu Tian's kindness, Weng Lan could only smile bitterly, but did not speak, waiting for Liu Tian to continue.

"Because of the existence of that high-level jumping zombie, the entire group of corpses has become very smart. They know how to defend and how to attack. They are a perfect whole.

Now it is estimated that the number of zombies is about 400,000, while the number of people on our side is only 40,000.

Hey, the so-called four hundred thousand and forty thousand are all numbers. You may hardly imagine how big a scene it is!

We lost about 5,000 people in the three-day battle, and the consumption of weapons and ammunition was very high, and we finally did not let the corpses take up the territory.

But if we continue to fight, it will become more and more unfavorable to us. Now it is difficult to quickly eliminate this group of corpses. City Lord Rosen meant to run with them, Wuniang and Liuniang of Seven Sword City, As early as a month ago, Qiniang led forty thousand fully armed elite soldiers to meet us. The news came at noon, saying that they had entered the Great Basin, which was more than 300 kilometers away from the Great Salt Lake.

If we can rush to the round with them, then we can be protected, and there should be a lot less zombies walking forward, and they are basically cleared by the people of Seven Sword City.

So City Lord Rosen asked us to leave the team temporarily, and after we had withdrawn a certain distance, they were attracting the corpses to behind us, and then repelled.

Battle of positions and duel of corpses is really difficult.

If human beings lose the protection of the huge city wall, it is tantamount to losing the armor in front of the zombies.

In short, we have suffered heavy losses. "

When Weng Lan heard this, the long-suppressed breath finally spit out gently from her mouth.

She has no opinion on the evacuation, because she is now a mother with four children and needs someone else to protect her, so naturally she has no position to put forward any point of view.

She was just a little worried about Qin Qicai and the others. Qin Qicai's abilities are so powerful that they can't kill all those zombies? So how fierce is the battlefield ahead?

Turning his head to look at the four babies again, they are also really amazing.

In fact, the sound of guns in the distance has never stopped, but the four little guys have not been affected at all. They should also eat and play.

As a mother, Weng Lan doesn't know how to evaluate her own child. Should it be a big heart or a slow response?

At this moment, a burst of urgent footsteps suddenly came from far and near!

Liu Tian seemed to have some psychological feelings, she stood up quickly, her face turned pale.

Weng Lan got up and walked over and lifted Qin Erhe into her arms. Annie and Katerina also picked up Qin Sanshan and Qin Xiangming, and then looked out of the courtyard nervously.

Who ran so hurriedly with heavy footsteps? It is estimated that he is still more than ten meters away from this yard, and the people in the yard can already hear the sound he made.

Time seemed to slow down suddenly.

One second, two seconds, and three seconds suddenly, only a big hand appeared on the edge of the courtyard gate, Weng Lan and other women saw it really, and all of them raised her throat, because on the top of that hand, It turned out to be all blood!

(Just write a little crooked poem, just write and just write! Happy Chinese Valentine's Day, my parents, babes,

Seven Immortals Feixue Foot Flower,

The setting sun is late and the buildings are full of flowers,

Hurry up to ask the outside scene of Zuilou,

Le Dao Xiaoyao is in the scene of her. )

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