Now the evolution to D6 has finally stopped, but Qin Qicai is really afraid that if a D7 skull zombie is accidentally killed, he may not be able to break the defense with his own attack power!

Then Qin Qicai's battle was just a microcosm of the battle between nearby superpowers and upgraded zombies.

In other words, those with supernatural powers collapsed across the board, because there are too many upgraded zombies.

Think about it and you can actually understand it.

More than a dozen D1 jumping zombies can create a mother D2 jumping zombie.

Twenty D2s make D3 matrices, and 30 D3s make D4 matrices. If the subsequent evolution is also increased according to this data

The appearance of a D8 requires seventy D7s, the appearance of D7 requires sixty D6s, and the appearance of D6 requires fifty D5s.

This formula is a bit scary.

One D8=1*70*60*50*40*30*20*10......?

50.4 billion D1 level zombies?

This is obviously impossible, that is to say, the evolution process of jumping zombies should be a downward opening parabola. In the first few levels, the lower-level zombies that made the mother body should be an increasing trend. Then after D3 and D4, the parabola begins to fall. It is possible that three or four D4s can create a matrix.

However, this is also very scary, because it means that there are a lot of jumping zombies at this lower level.

Then low-level zombies make mother zombies. Since there are more low-level zombies, will there be fewer mother zombies?

Therefore, it is conceivable that in a huge group of zombies, the number of ordinary zombies may still be the largest, but after a D8 appears, the number of jumping zombies in the group of corpses it controls should be almost as many as the trees of ordinary zombies. .

If you continue to think about it, you will draw even more terrifying conclusions.

Logically speaking, a D8 should be able to control a huge group of tens of millions of corpses using its own bloodline network, so why is the D8 in front of him only carrying hundreds of thousands of zombies?

The reason is very simple. There should be many D8s that have already appeared. They may even belong to the same corpse group before. After they appear, they will be kings, and no one will accept each other. This is how many small corpses have been differentiated!

In short, the situation of the supernatural player is already in danger. If it weren't for Rosen and Qi Rou in the team at this time, it might have been destroyed by the group.

The old man Rosen, the sword god ranked 19th in the sword god list, is called Xiejun.

The continent with the largest territory of the Sword Spirit Star can even level a hundred earths by less than one percent.

Then the emperor named Xiejun in such a large territory occupies half of the country.

This person took Nascent Soul from hundreds of tens of thousands of species of creatures to practice swords. When the divine sword was completed, he realized the first sword god ability, the blood infant magic brake.

The magic sword is 10%, and the four giants of the three-spirit law named Bloodline, Infant Shou, Mother-loving, and Human and Harmony are formed at the same time.

The evil king's palace suddenly became a sea of ​​killing. The evil king commanded many sword repairmen to besiege, but in the end he was still lost. He could only escape for his life, and fell to the end of the world.

A few years later, the evil monarch, who was already downright like a beggar, walked on the street of a small town, and his mood suddenly became depressed. He remembered the power and prestige when he ruled the world back then.

After killing the mind, the evil monarch slaughtered 180,000 civilians in the small town. When he was about to kill the last person, he suddenly realized that it turned out to be a pregnant woman who was about to give birth.

He calmed down in an instant, and the evil monarch remembered the past when he took the son of Nascent Soul to practice sword.

So, he cut open the pregnant woman's belly and took out a baby girl from it.

After the girl left her mother, there was no trace of blood on her body, and a golden yellow shimmer was emitted from her body.

The evil monarch was shocked when he saw it, because the golden light emitted from the baby girl turned out to be a strong sword spirit, which means that the baby girl had already condensed the soul of the sword in her mother's womb and turned out to be a Xiantian sword repairer.

In the end, the emperor did not kill the baby girl, but adopted her by his side.

A few years later, the girl baby grew up into a beautiful girl, and the evil king finally got rid of Heart's Demon, and realized that the second skill evil king chooses!

Yes, he realized the skills of the sword god because of his love for the girl. Mental Energy entered the girl's body. The girl instantly condensed the mysterious Spirit Power of the heaven and the earth, transformed the sword with the spirit of the sword, and realized the number one. The skill of the sword god is the master of the emperor and queen!

This girl is the thirty-fifth sword god in the future, the emperor.

The evil monarch was frank because of love, and told the story of the girl who killed her mother and took her child from her belly.

The girl was shocked. She didn't expect that a man who was like a father, a brother, a teacher and a friend would be so vicious and his own enemy.

So the girl left in grief. The evil monarch wanted to stop but couldn't bear to hurt the girl. From then on, the emperor was separated, and the emperor embarked on the path of becoming a god with his own sword. However, the evil monarch realized the third sword god skill and was sadly hurt.

I don't know how many years later, the evil king got news from the emperor. At that time, she was already a queen of a superpower and chose another emperor to be a man.

The evil monarch’s injury was even more painful, and he originally wanted to rush into the empress’s palace and kill everyone in it, but in the end he gave up because of his love for the empress.

At this moment, the evil monarch understands the true meaning of love.

That is to give up, give up for the sake of love.

The three-spirit law of the giant beast house love is formed by the evil monarch's thoughts. It is the image of a woman with a height of ten meters, a snake body on the lower body, and a shirtless upper body.

She held the evil monarch in the palm of her hand, and tried to save the evil monarch from a dying heart with the power of law.

I felt the exchange of power between the evil monarch and the soul of Sheai, blood, infants, mothers, humans, and the four great beasts stepped on the Shattering Void.

Fighting against the four behemoths of the law alone, and finally fell.

The evil monarch was furious and restored his former bloodiness.

The blood infant magic brake was opened, the world was red and discolored, and countless blood infants were flying in the sky.

After the evil monarch chooses to turn on, all the fetuses in the wombs of pregnant mothers within a hundred kilometers are broken, and they grow into the appearance of an emperor, possessing the power of flying to the sky and the power of a mighty force.

Sadly the wounds opened, thousands of infants and thousands of queens cried, heaven and earth trembled for it, thousands of miles of inner creatures died one after another because of the sound of crying blood.

This slaughter attracted the old Four Divinities law giant beasts to live, and at the same time condensed a new three spirit law giant blood slaughter!

The rule behemoth is formed by the strong mental energy magnetic field condensing the heaven and the earth Spiritual Qi, and it is not that the rule behemoth will appear for anyone or anything.

Then the evil king’s life, because of him, blood, infants, mothers, humanity, love, blood killing six three-spirit beasts, and at the same time attracted the ancient Four Divinities beasts that existed. common people.

In other words, his Mental Energy is already heaven-defying.

Then after a great battle, all the three spirit behemoths were repelled, and the evil king himself was defeated by the Four Divinities common beast. In the face of adversity, he realized the fourth skill law and escaped from the last of the heaven behemoth. A fatal blow.

So now Lawson has the earth transformation skills of the four great sword gods.

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