Before the end of the world, Rosen lived in Detroit, which was the city with the highest crime rate in the United States. So when he was very young, Rosen learned how to hide behind the door with a shotgun and help his father look after the small supermarket at home.

After the end of the world broke out, he and some old guys fled around, accidentally getting the sword god parasitic, so that he had the capital to protect himself, and then fell into Jusen City.

It was a great place. Rosen even thought that Jusen was safer than Detroit in the 1980s, so he loved that place and made it his home.

For the first time, the City of Giant Forest encountered a wave of zombies, and everyone moved.

Five years after the end of the world, Rosen built a team of thousands of people in the end of the world.

Knowing that the zombies in the city of Jusen retreated to the north, Luosen was very excited, and immediately returned to Jusen with someone to rebuild the city.

However, this time he left the place he liked again, still giving the migration order himself.

Therefore, Rosen has been unhappy for the past two months. He is old. He originally thought that he would die in Jusen, but he still has a group of wives and many children.

So Rosen finally left Jusen with the whole city and headed west.

Rosen has been the lord of the city for so many years, and he is naturally respected and loved, and he also has the aura of being a leader of the party.

In the battle with the zombies this time, Rosen didn't actually panic in his heart, because he felt that everything was under his own control.

The zombies follow-up troops coming from the south are still far away from here, but the owner’s troops will rush over faster, so as long as they eat the wave of zombies closest to the brigade’s troops, they can go to meet the people in Seven Sword City. , Then it will be unimpeded all the way.

However, Rosen's heart was trembling at this time. After his sword god skills disappeared, when the mysterious and unfamiliar brunette arrived in front of him, he knew that he might be dead.


A short knife with a length of 30 centimeters was pierced through Rosen's left eye, and then stirred twice inside, causing Rosen's skull to shatter, and the first brain to die directly.

Some of the abilities around Rosen were completely stunned!

what happened? Why would Rosen be killed? He was killed almost standing still, was he stupid? Don't even know how to avoid it?

Many people know that Rosen has the ability to teleport a thousand kilometers, so why doesn't he apply this ability before he is dying?

All thoughts are just between thoughts.

Slia, the woman who killed Rosen, had carried his body in her hands, and then quickly backed away, pushing it to the side of the battle circle between Qi Rou and Shirakawa Five Dragons 300 meters away.

Shirakawa Five Dragons saw the corpse in Silia's hand from the corner of his light, and couldn't help being shocked, so fast? Killed a powerful sword god body host so quickly? What kind of monster is this Silia? Even if Rosen was exhausted, he shouldn't be killed so quickly!

"Come and help me!"

After avoiding Qi Rou's flame attack, Shirakawa Five Dragons didn't have time to think about it, and immediately concentrated on fighting Qi Rou.

In any case, his heart is joyful.

After solving Rosen, after killing Qi Rou, then no one can stop him from killing Qin Qicai.

However, at this moment, Shirakawa Five Dragons dreamed of what happened.


The method used to kill Rosen was the same, but the location of the assassination was different. Silia had an indifferent look. When approaching behind Shirakawa Five Dragons, she suddenly stabbed a short knife into the head of Shirakawa Five Dragons. The blade was stirred in it twice, traumatizing his brain.

Siliya kills people really like cutting cabbage, and she can't see how fast she is, nor can she feel how strong her power is, but she just has the ability to kill people with a single blow.

Quickly drew the short knife out of his own backpack, Baichuan Wulong had turned into a corpse and fell to the ground, his eyes were round and he really couldn't catch his eyes.

Silia lifted the body of Shirakawa Five Dragons with her other hand.

Then he smiled at Qi Rou and said, "The energy in you is really strong. I think you are a powerful enemy, so I don’t do anything with you. And now the person I want to kill has already been killed, so I hope we don’t have it again. A chance to meet. But... you are going to Seven Swords City together. If you have been in that place, there may be a battle between us sooner or later! I don’t know who it is at that time, it will be more powerful. !"

Qi Rou frowned slightly, looking at Sliya, and at the same time saw the body of Rosen in Sliya's hand.

Although shocked, Qi Rou's expression did not change much.

She and Rosen are not familiar with each other. The reason why she is willing to fight here is only because of Weng Lan, Qin Qicai, and the quadruplets.

Qi Rou's magic power made her 100% sure that these people must have a very important relationship with her, but she didn't know the specific relationship.

Then Qi Rou was even more curious to see that the Shirakawa Five Dragons who had worked with him were also killed by a woman. They clearly looked like they were in the same group. Why did this woman sneak attack on the Shirakawa Five Dragons? And even succeeded? After several rounds with Shirakawa Five Dragons, Qi Rou understood that this kid was not weak. Obviously he didn't think that Sria would kill him from behind, right?

While in doubt, Qi Rou suddenly discovered that the woman carrying the two corpses was descending quickly. Yes, Qi Rou had no dizziness. This woman did go underground, with the corpses of Rosen and Shirakawa Five Dragons.

The sturdy ground seemed to be a river of water to a woman, and she sank into the ground with two corpses dangling like that, disappeared in the blink of an eye, and never appeared again.

A D6 jumping zombie attacked from behind, and a crimson flame rose from Qi Rou's back, blocking the opponent's attack.

After that, she waved out a big fireball, and the fireball burned quickly on the zombie's body, enveloping its body.

The jumping zombie became flustered because of the flame attack, and began to run wildly around.

Qi Rou still looked at the place where the woman disappeared, and then heard Benita on one side yelling: "Jace! Jace!"

Qi Rou looked sideways in surprise, and saw that Jace's body in Benita's arms had disappeared, as if it had turned into a mist and drifted away. In the end, only one set of clothes was left in Benita's hands. .

This...what kind of ghost power is this!

Magic is not like magic, and spells are not like spells. Qi Rou feels that she can't control the situation anymore.

However, now that Jace's body has disappeared, this is a good opportunity to comfort Benita.

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