"Tell me! Where did you hide my sister!"

- I said M, you grab my neck, how can I talk?

My stupid sister.


Chapter ①①It is the brother's responsibility to teach the younger sister a lesson

It must be you! You kidnapped my sister! Otherwise, my sister would not have been missing for so long! Tell me! Where did you get my sister!

This can really become a hassle...

I thought that no one in this world knew my name, but I didn't expect it to be exposed in this form.

Zi Ai, you actually think that I would say my name in my dreams. It's an honor.. But it left such a hidden danger-.. Your sister, no, my sister, uh, our sisters called me because of this. This brother is regarded as the 'evil man who kidnapped his sister'..

Speaking of which, Keling, why did you hear Zi Ai's dreams? You shouldn't sneak into your sister's room, right? Although it's not a brother control, is it a serious sister control?

"What are you thinking! Don't make bad ideas! Tell me quickly!"

You grabbed my neck, what else can I say...

Ke Ling also discovered that holding me by the neck like this would make me speechless, but loosening it casually might lead to my counterattack, so Ke Ling doesn't dare to act rashly now, I think so. So Ke Ling first stood up while pinching me, and at the same time took my body. I stood up following her hand very cooperatively, and then Ke Ling let go--a hand, quickly circled behind me, and a sharp object suddenly appeared in my field of vision... a compass.

"Don't move!

"I didn't move.

Tell me! Where did you hide my sister!

"I don't know... I also want to know where Zi Ai is now."

"You really know my sister!

So the grip on me became stronger.

It turned out to be just a cliché.

After thinking about it for a while, I understood, but most of Ke Ling's actions were just to scare me. After all, the name I heard from Zi Ai's dream talk alone doesn't mean anything. Although I look very similar to Zi Ai, the world is so big, and there will always be people who look alike.

If I don't admit it, she can't do anything about me, and it's impossible for her to really hurt me. It's just that she may often trouble me in the future.

However, just now, I foolishly ruined this road myself.

..-.Is it true that acting as a fool really lowered my IQ?

"Hey! Why are you in a daze again! If you don't tell the truth again, I'll pierce your eyes!"

The compass in front of me was a little closer to my eyeball, and I closed it reflexively--one eye said.

"Ah, wait! Although I know Zi'ai, I really don't know where she is now!

"You lied! - You must have kidnapped my sister!"

I really don't know...

No, this kind of explanation is too pale, even if you deny it now, Ke Ling will definitely not believe it.

At this time, it's time to say something else.... there!

"Actually, I'm also looking for your sister."

"What the **** are you kidding! Didn't you take my sister away! It was when my sister attended the summer camp last summer, you took the opportunity to abduct her! Because I was abroad, I couldn't find you!"

"Well, I was indeed with your sister at that time, but then I lost consciousness after being caught up in a storm, and I woke up and found myself drifting to an uninhabited island... I was rescued recently, but I Unexpectedly, it has been a year.

"If you don't believe me, you can ask the principal, I am staying at the principal's house now, and she rescued me from the uninhabited island.

The truth intersects in the words, and there are witnesses, so the convincing power is quite high. Even if Ke Ling goes to Nana, the answer he gets will only be the same as mine, so there will be no questions.

....if you dare to lie to me, I will make you unable to **** for the rest of your life!'

This threat is terrifying, isn't it.- How did my sister become so cruel...

After Ke Ling let go of me, I rubbed my neck and looked back at Ke Ling who was still annoyed.

"I know about you, Keling, I heard a lot about you from Zi Ai.

Of course, this is also an excuse. I don't need to hear it from Zi'ai at all. How could my brother not know his sister.

"Don't get too close to me! Speaking of which, what is your relationship with my sister! Who are you from my sister, why do you call me sister directly?

"Of course I'm her man...

Don't give me a hard stare before I finish speaking... No, - staring straight, as if I would eat me if I said the word 'boyfriend', which made me change my words temporarily and quickly go inside Added a word to say.

"Sex friend!"

SF Light Novel

As a result, the misunderstanding became even bigger, but Ke Ling's body was almost bubbling out of black gas, and she wished she would rush over with a compass and pierce my skull.

"Ahem, no, I mean, male friend, yes, male friend!'

"Stop lying! What the **** did you do to my sister! Otherwise, I would never comfort my sister, how could I read your name in the room...- uh

"What's in the room?"

When asked by me, Ke Ling's face turned red, and he was speechless for a while, and finally, in a fit of anger, he sped up and rushed over and yelled at me.

"It's up to you! It's all your fault anyway! Die for me - die!"

"Wow! Dangerous!"

There are no guardrails on this roof, only a low wall made of concrete, and I can't even reach my knees. I have already retreated to the edge. If Keling rushes too hard and knocks me down again, the two of us will have to- He fell from the roof of this science teaching building.

Wow, being pushed to death by my own sister or something, I don't want this method of death! And how can I bring Ke Ling--get up and die!

So I hurriedly stood up and put my hands on Ke Ling with all my strength on my heels.

He successfully blocked Ke Ling's attack and stood firm.

I glanced behind me, and sighed with lingering fears.

Huh.. It's really dangerous, and then retreat--Mi will be on the edge.. No, this is already in the danger circle. If I don't stand firm, the consequences will be unimaginable.-

Really! Even if you are angry, it depends on the occasion! How can you make such a hasty action in such a dangerous place!

Now I'm just an ordinary person. If I really fell with Keling, I'm not sure I can protect Keling. It would be fine if I was the only one injured, but if even you were injured What if it happens!

Thinking of this, I couldn't help but get angry.

When I turned around, I saw Ke Ling with a flushed face. Only then did I realize that my hands were on her chest.

At this time, I may have had a brain twitch. Not only did I not put down my hand quickly, but I squeezed it... At the same time, I was thinking in my head like an idiot.

Ke Ling's **** seem to have grown a lot bigger

Of course, the movements of my hands must have been transmitted to Keling through her crisp breasts.

Then her face turned even redder, and a few tears came out of the corners of her eyes.

1.90. Mingdi also walks duck F light novel

"What are you! Do you know how dangerous it was just now!

I put down my hand and put my hand on her shoulder and yelled out.

Although I touched her breasts, it was impossible to do so, of course, lessons have to be taught!

"Even if it's a fight, it's a different occasion! Do you know what would have happened if I didn't stop just now? I fell straight from here, from the sixth floor!


"And there is no swimming pool below, not even vehicles and green belts! There are no buffers! If you fall directly on the concrete floor, even if I pad under you, you are in danger! What if you are paralyzed! Do you want to Do I carry you every day! Isn't it ashamed!

If it was Ke Ling I knew, he would have jumped up with a smile on his face, hugged my neck and said, 'It's not ashamed~ Being able to be carried by my brother is the happiest thing~', and then I also I can only reluctantly stop preaching...

However, in front of him, Ke Ling lowered his head and stood there without saying a word, exuding a sense of grievance all over his body.

I'm still aggrieved? I became even more angry, and it was a very dangerous move to bring me here!

"And the roof is closed! There isn't even a guardrail! How dangerous! Where did you get the key? - It must have been stolen from the teacher, right?

"I, I don't have it! I borrowed the key!

"How dare you talk back! Even if the key is borrowed seriously, how can you bring a man here?! If I wanted to do something to you just now, you would have no chance to resist, you know! Open the door - Guan, no one will come here, where will you run away

"Rather than being insulted, it's better to jump off the building!"

\"Look, you can't do anything about it! Do something like this that puts yourself in danger, are you a fool! So I said that you shouldn't choose this kind of place from the beginning! Give me the key ! Don't come here again!

Seeing her ignoring me, I said another fierce sentence.

"Give it to me quickly!

Under my glare, Ke Ling finally handed over the keys to the rooftop obediently.

..that's enough, I forgot how long ago I hadn't preached so angry.

In the past, Keling was a naughty little sister who often made some outrageous actions. Of course my brother had to correct her wrong behavior, but Keling was still very disobedient at that time.

Later, once, I taught her a lesson like today, remember it was the second year of junior high...

I have almost forgotten what the reason was. I only remember the time when Ke Ling cried so hard that it made me feel a little distressed. After that, I didn't teach her that harshly anymore.

Mainly because she became a lot more obedient and more well-behaved. Speaking of which, Angel Mode has been around since then.

.. I still cried.

I scratched my head and looked at Ke Ling, who was sobbing with his head down, and his expression became complicated.

To provoke my sister-... it's a scene that seems familiar...

Just like four years ago, I still don't know how to comfort my crying sister... I can only watch it at a loss, I really haven't grown at all.

After a wry smile, I said to Ke Ling, who was crying.

...do not Cry.

"I-I didn't cry!"

His voice trembled, and he said that he...

I sighed again, then wiped her tears with my sleeve and said.

"Sorry, I'm also in a hurry. After all, I almost missed my stand just now... Also, although it was an accident, I touched your chest. I'm sorry.

-It's all down to it. You still have to apologize after the lesson is over.

Ke Ling wiped her eyes with the back of her hand, and finally raised her head, her eyes were red, but she stopped crying.

Looking at my eyes, there is still distrust, mixed with other feelings, I guess it is anger.... Also, I reprimanded her like that just now, she must be unconvinced.

And there was a misunderstanding about me in the first place, is the misunderstanding deepened now?

Hey, brother, my heart hurts so much.


Chapter 1 and 2 Sure enough, it's more comfortable to call my brother

The atmosphere became a little awkward.

Ke Ling ignored me, the two of us just stood face to face, not knowing how to continue the conversation.

When I was angry just now - Tong preached, and now I calm down, I regret why I was so impulsive just now.

After standing in the cold wind for about ten minutes, Ke Ling finally spoke first.

"-.It's strange, it's the first time someone taught me this lesson...

"Huh? Zi'ai didn't teach you a lesson?"

This is really strange. Since I have taught Ke Ling a lesson before, then Zi Ai should have the same experience. The difference between us is because of Yata Mirror. According to the previous experience, it is similar to each other. This is also a mutual confirmation. past things.

This is really strange. Is it because Zi'ai is a girl and not as fierce as me, so it doesn't look like a lesson?

"Sister Zi Ai, she has always been very kind to me...

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