Chapters 2 and 4 The intricate web of traversal relationships

Xinran stretched out her hand and touched her hair, then looked in front of her eyes, was silent for a few seconds, and asked in a tone so cold that my whole body trembled.

Got a cold?"

"very good.

very good?

Xinran took out a pack of tissues from the bag she was carrying, wiped only the liquid on her face, and then gave me an order after wiping it off.

"Come with me.

It was a tone that I couldn't refuse. I could probably understand what she was thinking. Although I really wanted to teach me a lesson, I was worried that this was a public platform, so I didn't do it.

Next, it may take me to a corner where no one is around, and help me loosen my muscles. But things didn't develop like that.

She took me into the pharmacy I wanted to go to, and after buying a lot of cold medicines in one go, she threw them all to me.

"Cure my cold right away.

It's not like I can get better if I have a cold-

But I don't dare to murmur at all now, because my heart is in indifference mode.

Just like the Xinran before I found out that she was my brother, maybe even colder than that.

At least at that time, Xinran only exuded an air of denial of my brother like 'Why is this person my brother', but now it is an air of denial of my existence like 'Why are you still alive in this world'. "Ming E

"You live at the principal's house, Yang Nana, right now.

"Er? Yes, then

I have a lot of things I want to ask Xinran, but Xinran doesn't give me a chance to ask questions at all, and brings the topic unilaterally.

"Let's lead the way, I think I need to wash my hair.

When it came to the word hair, her whole face became gloomy. Sure enough, she couldn't be relieved so easily about what I sprayed on her face just now, she just forcibly endured her anger.


"What's up?"

"I also want to buy materials for dinner.


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Xinran led me to the front as before, feeling like I had become a prey caught by a hunter, I could only follow behind tremblingly, and even the thought of running could not arise.

Under the shower of those terrifying eyes, she bought the necessary dinner materials in a fright, and she followed me along the way. Although she didn't talk to me, her eyes didn't leave me for a moment.

It's just like blue, isn't it?

That's not right, if Lan was the sight from the dark, Xinran didn't mean to hide it at all, she just stared at me openly.

Speaking of which, how did she know about me? Did Keling tell her? The sisters should talk on the phone at ordinary times, right?

But she was different from the hostility Keling showed when she first saw me, and I don't know how to describe this feeling.

It was as if she was fulfilling the phrase 'you are under my control' that she just said, monitoring my actions, and I seemed to be the prisoner of her escort.

Because my heart was really uneasy, I quickened my pace and quickly returned to Nana's house.

I haven't used it for half an hour since I went out, so I bought everything I needed and came back.

Standing in front of the door, I handed the convenience bag in my hand to Xin and then - while taking out the key - I approached her carefully.

"Well, who are you?

"I don't think I need to explain who I am. You should be very clear about my affairs.

Hearing this answer, I reflexively said the same rhetoric I said to Keling.

"I heard it from Zi Ai.

"Don't say that lame excuse, you'll understand that I'm not for that reason at all.

I suddenly raised my head and looked into those cold, emotionless eyes, unable to hide my surprise.


Xinran didn't answer me, but pushed against the door with her knee.

Only then did I realize that I hadn't opened the door yet. I looked in my pocket to find the key, but I couldn't find it. Maybe I forgot the key.

But the door was still open, probably Xun'er heard the knock on the door and came to open it.

"Brother Juncheng, welcome back,

"It's An Keling's sister, An Ran, Xun'er, just call her sister Xinran.

"Ah, hello sister Xinran, I'm the one from Xiangyuexun, let's talk about it first."

Xun'er still invited Xinran to come in very obediently. I took the convenience bag from Xinran's hand and walked directly to the kitchen, ready to start cooking.

When all the materials were put away, Xinran walked over and said, wiping her hair.

"let me help you.

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Then help me wash the vegetables first.

We both know it well. Of course, Xinran can't come here just to help me cook, but to find a chance to talk to me. Xun'er is also curious and didn't come here - probably because Xinran and I are both The atmosphere that the individual exudes is really not very harmonious.

"Don't you have anything to ask?"

"Because there are so many questions I want to ask, I don't know where to start."

"Then let's use the form of one question and one answer. A question cannot be avoided and answered. Let me ask first, are you from another world?


Are you asking such a big question directly?

Although I prefer to be straightforward, but asking the core question without any preparation is as expected of my sister. Ahh

After hesitating for half a second, I nodded and admitted.

"Yes, it has been four months since I suddenly came to this world in September last year.

"Well, it's up to you to ask.

"How did you know me?"

"Sister Zi'ai told me, don't worry, she only told me that. Sister Zi'ai will disappear because she went to your world.

I thought about it for a moment and replied. That world was over, and then the summer vacation was over, just a few days after school started, a big event happened, I lost consciousness. When I woke up, I found myself here, but the time changed. A year has passed.

Xin Ran immediately fully understood the amount of information contained in my words, and asked back while holding her chin.

You have traveled for one more year?"

"Then it's my turn to ask, but that's it, I've traveled through - years."

"That's--the most recent exchange.

"Exchange? What does that mean?"

"Didn't my sister tell you, when she comes to your world, someone from your world will also come to this world.

"Yes--but isn't that guesswork?"

"It's not speculation, it's true, because I saw it. 3: PkfACG.CS out

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"The first time Sister Ziai went to your world, it was on the eve of the final exam."

"Yes, but that time was very short, only less than two days.







"At that time, on the first day of the final exam, my elder sister still took the exam. Although there was no difference in appearance, there was indeed something different. That was definitely not my elder sister.'

If even Xinran is so sure, that is to say, it is true, Zi Ai's guess is correct, and 'exchange' is required to travel through the world. But, exchange?

The movement on my hand stopped, and I began to listen carefully to what Xinran said.

"When I heard the news that you came to this world from Keling, I thought it was you and my sister who exchanged, but now it doesn't seem to be the case.

"Definitely not, how could I have such a powerful ability to cross the world? If I really had this ability, I would have gone back already? I've been looking for a way to get back these months, but I have no clue. .

"Hmph, your business has nothing to do with me. What I want to know now is which world is Sister Zi'ai in right now?"

"Now suppose that traveling through the world is someone's exchange ability, when Sister Ziai went to your world, someone also came here from your world. And that person has exchanged with you, so you are only now will be here.

A exchanged with Zi Ai for just two days during the exam, and then exchanged for Zi Ai after the exam. Then during the summer vacation, A and Zi Ai exchanged and came to this world.

After that, until I died in September, A exchanged with me again, so I came to this world

But if that's the case, how should Ling Ran's heart be explained?

"Ke Ling said before that she met Zi Ai a few months after she disappeared."

Probably has returned to this world, after all, it's been a year.

But Xin Ran denied it.

"That's an illusion.

"It's definitely not an illusion. Because Keling received something from Zi'ai, and that thing is something that only our world has.

Gouyu, the gift I gave to Lianbing is definitely not something from this world.

In other words, someone brought Gouyu here from my world, but Ling said it was Zi Ai:.

But what's wrong with you" SF Light Novel

Wait a minute, but if Ling sees it, it must be Xinran?

"Then what Ke Ling sees isn't necessarily Sister Zi'ai, right? Like I said before, this person can become Sister Zi'ai.

Sure enough, my heart and I thought of going together.

This A can look like He Zi Ai, so it is very likely that what Ling sees is not Zi Ai, but A. Gouyu was also stolen by A from Lianbing in my world.

This is also the most reasonable explanation.

But with whom did he exchange back to my world?

Right! Xiao An!

Xiao An is obviously not from this world. A and Xiao An exchanged and returned to the world over there!

After stealing Gouyu, exchange it with someone in this world (B for short), return to this world, and then exchange it with me

This explains it.

Although it is very confusing, the general process can be understood.

A exchanges with Zi Ai, A exchanges with Xiao An, A exchanges with B, and A exchanges with me.

After the exchange, the situation is like "the following -

My world, the world of love


Love | AA Ann



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