Section ②⑥. ④Chapter [An Keling] Part 2

When I was young, my sisters would give me anything I wanted.

Although our birthdays are all on the same day, we still have to sort out the order of sisters. What is the order? My parents never knew us well (I think it might be the height), but the result is that I became the youngest one.

In fact, the ordering of the parents is very wise.

Sister Ziai is indeed suitable to be the elder sister, and I am more suitable to be the younger sister. Sister Xinran, who joined in the middle, naturally became the second daughter.

I have two sisters, the gentle sister Ziai and the demure sister Xinran. Both sisters are relatively quiet, so I think I need to be a dynamic sister in order to keep the family balanced.

I don't have to take on anything, everything will be given to me first, like a privileged person in the family, I am loved by everyone

Both Xinran and Ziai take good care of me, so I like my sister the most.

I used to think so before.

However, since Sister Zi'ai disappeared, everything has changed.

Parents who usually don't care about Sister Zi'ai suddenly became very anxious. The aunt and the little mother even cried and tried to find Sister Zi'ai. It turns out that Sister Zi'ai is the one who gets the most attention. such an idea.

I don't think it's jealousy, because when I learned the news of Sister Zi'ai's disappearance, I also felt anxious to lose something important.

In the past, I just didn't realize it, but in fact, Sister Zi'ai is the backbone of the family. That's why Sister Zi'ai is the eldest daughter.

So our whole family mobilized to start looking for Sister Zi Ai, and I was also trying my best to find her in my own way.

But after waiting for a long time without any clues and news, my heart became more and more heavy, and I even felt that such waiting and searching was meaningless.

Sister Xinran looks forward to Sister Ziai even more than I do. They have similar personalities, so they communicate more than me. There was a time when I even felt that I was alienated, but in fact neither of the two sisters meant that, as long as I took the initiative to communicate with them, they would also open up to me. Sister Zi Ai acts as the balance point, allowing us three sisters to live in harmony.

But after Sister Ziai disappeared, my communication with Sister Xinran became less. Of course, this also has something to do with me coming back alone.

My family didn't understand why I came back, and they might even think that I didn't care about Sister Zi'ai. The feeling of being alienated appeared again and again, and I was excluded.

Although Sister Xinran often talks to me on the phone, she is often warned unilaterally. I don't want to hear about these things, but I can't tell the reason.

So, I became alone.

When I'm alone, I always feel that time flies by quickly.

It's not that kind of illusion, it's just a feeling of being in a different world.

In the balcony of the apartment, lying on the railing, looking at the sky without a single star, I feel that time is passing faster and faster, everything is far away from me, that is the feeling of loneliness.

But everything took a turn for the better. That day, I finally found an important clue.

The moment I saw it, I realized that he was the clue that I had been waiting for so far. Wu

An Juncheng, he must be someone related to Sister Zi'ai.

Sure enough, after some exchanges (forcing questions), I learned about his relationship with Sister Zi'ai, and he turned out to be Sister Zi'ai's boyfriend.

It is indeed a good match. The two have very similar personalities, habits and preferences. The so-called match made in heaven is nothing more than this situation.

It seems like the familiarity that I have met before, as well as the innate intimacy, just like the feeling of getting back to the original daily life like Sister Zi Ai is by my side.

It didn't take long for me to completely trust him. I told him everything I knew, but I didn't even tell Sister Xinran. Why is this?

Later, he rescued me when I was in danger. Without him, I might have

Saved by him, invited by him, living under the same roof, beating in the quilt.

No! No, no, no! This is definitely not a feeling of love, it's just gratitude! You see, isn't there some kind of drawbridge effect? ​​No matter who will have a good impression of the person who saved him? Ridiculous self-deception Haven't I already become full of Juncheng in my head?

But it's also Sister Zi'ai's boyfriend.

Sister Ziai won't even give me her boyfriend.

An Juncheng is the person that Sister Ziai misses in her dreams.

So, I just need to regard him as my elder brother. I originally thought so, but I can't say the name elder brother.

When a person was in the room, he once secretly called.

elder brother

Every time you cry, there will be F warm currents flowing into your heart, which is very warm.

Finally, I no longer feel that I am alone. As long as Juncheng is by my side, everything will go smoothly. I have no basis for this idea.

I also thought that if this routine continues, time will make the sadness of losing Sister Zi Ai fade away. In the end, Juncheng will come to our house and become the person who replaces Sister Zi Ai. At that time, I can also express my heart. .

Obviously, this kind of thinking is wrong and inappropriate. We must firmly believe that Sister Zi'ai can come back. But I, I will get it, if sister Zi Ai never comes back like this, will you- just look at me

I must be obsessed and mad.

He actually gave up the identity of his younger sister to long for a chance to become his lover.

However, the return of Sister Xinran disrupted everything.

In-person girlfriend declaration, and his admission.

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At that time, Jun Cheng's expression was serious, without helplessness, and it didn't seem like he was joking.

I shouted in my heart that it was impossible. Sister Xinran and Juncheng were obviously meeting for the first time. How could it be that kind of relationship?

There must be a hidden secret in this, and Juncheng must admit it for special reasons—it must be like this!

The two of them did get along very naturally—as if they had been together for a long time.

I couldn't help asking Sister Xinran, but what I got was a cold answer.

"I know Keling, you like him, but sorry, it's impossible for you and him."


This sentence shot through my chest like a sharp arrow. The initial belief was disintegrated a little bit, and in the end, only the uglier jealousy was exposed.

I didn't want to talk to Sister Xinran anymore, and I didn't want to see the scene where the two of them were together.

Obviously, from childhood to adulthood, everything I want will be given to me.

But only Juncheng will not give it to me. Sure enough, can I just give up?

Speaking of which, the three sisters actually fell in love with the same person, it's really fate.

No, I don't want to give up, I'm not reconciled!

Obviously I was the one who first fell in love with him, why was he not by my side in the end, but belonged to someone else!


"Every time" is like this!

The memory became blurred, and the visual sense appeared again and again, all of which were memories of being with him.

But it is impossible for so many things to have happened since I knew him until now, and why does this memory start from childhood? Have we met before?

Why do I keep calling him brother

"elder brother

The brain seemed to be thrown into the stove, it became like a paste, it felt like it was going to melt.

I am dreaming

By the way, at this time, I should go to my brother's room.

Hee hee, while my brother is not around, I want to enjoy my brother's taste in the quilt.

Yes, that's what \'usually' does.

I walked out of the room in a trance, came to the door of his room, and gently opened the door.

The method of opening the door without making a sound is already engraved in my bones, even Sister Xinran is not as proficient as me.

Ah, come on, brother is here.

"Huh? Keling?"

@SF Light Novel

Hee hee, great~ Did you win the grand prize?

Hmm~ Although my luck has never been bad, I'm always one step behind others when it comes to my brother, and in the end I lose it without knowing it.

I do not want!

I don't want this!

My brother becomes farther and farther away from me, absolutely not!

elder brother

"What's the matter? Uh, wait, you called me brother!"

"You are my brother.

I grabbed his wrist with both hands and pulled my brother up from the seat.

"That's right, I'm your brother! Ah~ that's great, finally you are willing to call me brother-? Ke Ling, what are you pulling me for?"

"Let's sleep together~"


"Let's sleep together

"Uh, it's only eight o'clock now, no, Ke Ling, you seem to be a little wrong.

not right?

What's wrong with sisters sleeping together, isn't it normal?

Hee, I won't sleep obediently and obediently any more. Do some exercise before going to bed to sleep better.


Pushed my brother onto the bed and took off his clothes.

This step has been rehearsed countless times in my mind, and my brother's reflex actions and responses have been figured out. Even if he wants to resist, he will never be able to get rid of my shackles.

He took off his long socks and used it as a rope to tie his hands.

Be nice, brother.

After I take it off for you, I will take it off by myself, and we can do something comfortable~

Hee hee, I can finally have a brother.

This time I was the first, more than anyone else.

Wouldn't it be better to do this earlier? There is no need to think about it so much, I am also an activist

"Wait! Ke Ling?! What are you doing! Calm down! I'm not your brother!"

These words rang out in my ears like a thunderbolt from the blue sky.

The burning sensation in my brain subsided, as if a basin of cold water had been poured on my head, which brought me back to my senses.







what was i doing just now


Yes, my corpse SF light novel

Why are you here.

"Er, even if you ask me why. Is this my room?"

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