Barely didn't fall down, but very...- I stood up in a daze, a little bit wanting to find a bed to lie down, -- how comfortable it would be to sleep until dawn....

My vision was shaking violently. I half-squinted my eyes and walked out of the private room with my head down, leaning against the wall, and bumped my head into the corner.

"Next, there's Mysterious Jia.. Super popular singer, Lan Hua! Bring us a song "Sickness Named Love"!"



When I looked up, I couldn't see the blue, and the black crowd cheered with their hands raised, blocking my vision by 8%+.

But immediately the familiar singing spread throughout the dance... It was exactly the same as the song I used as a ringtone.

This store is quite capable, even Lan can be invited.

No, no, it's very bad to be seen by Lan now. If she knew that I was playing Lily's boyfriend, she would have thought that maybe Xinran and I were just pretending...

Then it will be troublesome...

Oops... I have to leave quickly.

The last remaining spiritual power was stubbornly fighting against the power of alcohol, which made me tighten the last line of reason, and successfully escaped from the noisy place and came outside.

I leaned against the pillar in front of the store, took a few deep breaths, and looked into the distance.

Obviously not a full moon, but you can see a round one.... The scattered moons are gathered together, as if they have become one.

Hey, the visual angle after drinking is like myopia with astigmatism.

Speaking of which, I haven't worn glasses for a while...--because I lost the ability to see names, I don't need glasses anymore.

....atop a tower in the distance seems to be sitting - a...

Her long hair fluttered in the air and turned into silver threads in the moonlight, as gorgeous as a dream.

Then she seemed to see me and stood up.

I slowly widened my eyes.

The top of her head just touched the moon.

And the words above the head were also reflected in the moonlight.


Although I can't see it clearly, it is indeed... a title and a name...


It is the 'essence' reflected under the power of Yata Mirror.

And that figure - it's her!

I used up almost all the air in my lungs and shouted her name out loud.

"An Zi Ai!!!"


Chapter ③⑤ The most powerful stalker in the world

His heart beat faster, his head was swollen and painful, the blood seemed to be flowing backwards, and his whole body was hot.

This is not all the feeling brought by drinking Youyou. . . .

I walked forward as if possessed by a demon, all the sounds around me gradually disappeared, and I could only hear my own heartbeat.

That must be Zi'ai, that's right.--no basis, just relying on the feeling, that familiar, like one-hearted attraction to each other...

Damn! Why at this time!

How do you get there, even if I walk staggeringly, and even if I pass by, will she still be there waiting for me?

.... these are not problems, no matter what, I must go.-...

find love...

It is my main goal in this world...

I couldn't see anything else in my eyes, I could only see her, and my body instinctively walked towards her.

"Hey! Little brother?!"

Someone grabbed my arm.

The next second - a car galloped past my eyes, and the distance between it and me may be only a few centimeters.

I was not frightened, but after the car passed by, the figure on the top floor disappeared.

...where are we going, I have to catch up...


I was so excited that I vomited it out, my stomach turned upside down, and it was very uncomfortable.

"Ming... How much did you drink... Little brother, are you okay? Huh? You were at that time...".

I tried to look up to see his name.


There is no name on his head.

I saw it just now. Could it be that it was just an illusion? Damn it, what the **** is going on!

It's really annoying... This kind of incomprehensible situation and ambiguous feeling!

"Hey, little brother, did you come alone? Did you bring a cell phone? I'll help you contact your family to pick you up.

I shook my head and looked at the person who was supporting me. It turned out to be the man in the suit who was looking for Lan before, and it was her manager.

Ah, when Lan came here to sing, of course the manager had to follow him... Thanks to him, I didn't become a sloppy boy, I had to express it.

"...that, thank you, someone came with me.

"Wow! You're still awake? That's great! I'll help you over there, you'll rest first--get off. It was really dangerous just now, and you almost got killed.

"My body is a little out of control...

"I understand, drink too much! You just sit here and don't shake, I'll go in and get you a glass of water.


I wanted to say no, but the manager has already run away, leaving me to sit here alone against the wall.

By the way, Lily is still there.... I have to inform her...

Now I really can't do it alone, I need the help of others.

He took out his mobile phone and clicked among the icons that turned into several icons. He didn't click it for a long time. He accidentally dropped the mobile phone on the ground and disintegrated on the spot.


..- the screen is not broken.

I bent down to pick up the phone, but I forgot that I had lost my balance and fell forward...

Before the cheeks were in close contact with the ground, they were wrapped in a soft 'wall', and the momentum of the fall was stopped.

"Juncheng! Are you alright?


"Yes, it's me! I looked for you inside just now, but I didn't expect you to come out."

"Come out...and...c) Chang Mu J play

"Really, why did you drink so much.... What group of guys have so many people - drinking you! Despicable and shameless!

"Hey hey...but I won...they all fell, I can still come out and blow..."..

" really...I'll take you back right now!

Lily took my arm and hugged my waist.

"Ann...don't worry, my consciousness is still awake... hiccup

"What nonsense! Do you know how much you drank! Those guys are really bastards.--Don't tell me if they harassed me, they even turned you into a sheep! If I had known, I wouldn't have brought you here.

Lily bit her lower lip and said regretfully.

"How about that... I don't want you to be fed so much by those men...

"Why do you always... say something like this...

"Why... are you going to be moved by me? Haha.

....Yeah..I was moved, by you bad man!"

" were the first to give me a bad guy card...

Others gave me cards from good people...

"Go to sleep first, I will take you back.

 … I'll leave it to you...".

Phew, this time I'm free...

I can finally get a good night's sleep...

Hello everyone...

Tick-tick-tick one-

The sound of the clock became louder and louder. I opened my eyes in a daze, but my eyes were still blurry. The most important thing was that there seemed to be no lights in the room.

Kou Guangmu Xiaobi

His throat was burning and sore, and he felt thirsty.

Where am I?

Before the memory fragment, I should have been taken back by Lily, so am I going back to Nana's house now? Or I was sent directly to the dorm...

By the way, what time is it? If you can hear the ticking sound, it means that there is a clock in this room...

Wait a minute, neither the dormitory nor Nana's house has a clock that makes a sound like this, so where am I now?

Could it be that Lily brought me home?

Gradually getting back the feeling of my body, I seem to be lying on a bed.

Well, it's a matter of course, there's nothing wrong with sleeping in bed, but why--I'm not wearing any clothes?

Maybe Lily helped me take off my clothes, and then I had to throw me on the bed without a change of clothes. Anyway, I couldn't see anything when I covered the quilt. Is that a feeling?

But it seems like she even helped me take off my underwear, which is really not her style... It's really hard for her to help me take off my clothes with such a strong sense of shame.

Huh, anyway, I'll get up and drink some water first.

However, just straightening up the upper body, I felt that I was rubbing something around me, which was very smooth.

will still move...


Wait a minute, there are still people beside me?!

It wasn't me-- I slept alone?

what is the problem?

Lily shouldn't be able to wake up with me, if it were the original world, it would still be possible, but she in this world is not one of those people at all!

A little play

I'm the only one who drinks too much? Why does this happen?

Did I force her? I'm the one who does that kind of thing when I'm drunk?!

Could it be because I've been holding back for too long...

ah ah ah ......

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