.Only this is true.



"It can't be done.

because to others


Section ④⑧. ⑨ Chapter 【Lin Ai】One of them

Today is October tenth.

The time is now twelve noon.

My seventeen-year-old has insufficient balance and can't recharge, only the last twelve hours are left for me to squander.

Eighteen years old, the dividing line between adults and children, and in two hours, I will become different... Although I want to say this, in fact, nothing has changed.

If it hadn't been edited by Dad, who has never been in contact with him, the text only had the words "Happy Birthday", and he didn't add any other text messages.

When I was at home, I was a taciturn father, but I never forgot about my daughter... A warm current flowed in my heart, which made me smile when I read this text message.

This is already the best birthday present.

I can live alone and feel that I am not living in the end of the world.

The saying that people are created equal has always been a lie. If fate is a gamble, then from that day on, I have already lost

After Dad was framed and carried a huge amount of debt, he hid us in order not to affect our mother and daughter, and on the other hand, he disappeared.

Dad successfully used this method to protect us, no debt collectors harassed us, and no one knew about our relationship with Dad

But it was very hard for my mother to raise me alone, and in order to help my father, my mother always sent the money that she worked so hard to save.

Finally, my mother fell ill, and she couldn't even delay. She passed away in just three days.

On that day, my mother left me because of illness, and I couldn't contact my missing father. On my way to the crematorium with my mother's body alone, I cried all my tears.

After my mother died, I didn't go to college, but started working.

It's okay, I found a job and I can support myself.

It doesn't seem to be a problem to live alone...

I also learned to cook. Although it is not as good as my mother's cooking, I have no problem by myself.

I have developed the habit of taking my body temperature every morning. As long as I am healthy, nothing else will be a problem.

My job is the customer service staff and front desk of a certain internet company. Perhaps because of my good looks, I quickly got a formal job.

But the tone is still a bit cold, and I'm not very good at showing a smile... Although I have tried my best to raise the corners of my mouth, I still feel that there is something missing in my smile.

But it doesn't matter, you'll get used to it later, that's how work is.

Maybe for me, who is about to become an adult, the things I have experienced are too tortuous, but life is like this, there is no choice at all

I have become accustomed to saying 'no problem' and 'it's okay', to others, and possibly to myself.

I have a lot of free time, but I can't find anything I want to do. Every day is boring.

I always tell myself that there is no way out, I have no choice, and the ease of being alone at the beginning has also become

Time flies so slowly... No matter what I do, I feel so slow. In fact, it's not that other things have changed, but the time measurement of my world has slowed down. Everyone's world is different, we mistake the similarity for the same, but in fact there is no intersection at all...

I feel as if I have left this world.

But it's okay.--It's okay...

How could it possibly be okay!

Because a person is so lonely-. I really want someone by my side! After waking up, the only thing left is the cold... Could such a person live to death?

No, living so numbly, like a mindless... mourning... I'm already dead like this...

If I can meet a master who can live happily alone, I will definitely take him as a teacher and ask him how to enjoy life alone...


The phone is ringing, who will contact me at this time?

With a little anticipation, he took out his mobile phone, but found that it was not someone else calling, but a text message from his father.

And unlike usual, several were sent.

I pulled it to the bottom and started from the first article.

[I didn't have time to explain that I left the city immediately after receiving this text message, and I don't want to get involved in whatever I encountered on the way]

I immediately widened my eyes and knew that things might turn out to be bad.

I didn't make a phone call because my words would be discovered, so these text messages were sent to me.

I didn't even use punctuation marks—it must be a very urgent time.

Could it be that the debt collectors finally found me?

Dad, is he okay? 5

[Don't drink tap water and don't touch it on the way. You can only drink mineral water and local products cannot be drunk]

What's the matter with this strange admonition..

What happened... water pollution?

Did Dad get involved in something?

[Don't go over to talk to strange people, don't care about anyone, and leave the city immediately. It's the most important thing.]

In such an emergency situation, he told me again and again to let me leave the city. It seems that something really happened.

I immediately got up and started to pack my luggage. I put some clothes in my backpack. The mineral water I bought a few days ago was determined and then I put it in my backpack.

After packing my luggage, I received another text from my father, but this time, when I opened it and took a look, I couldn't help but twitch.

r Mu Xiaowan


[I didn't have time to see you in the end - I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry for you]


how so

The anxiety in my heart has become a reality, and I have really become alone in this world, I...

I widened my eyes and lowered my head, pursed my lips, and tried my best to suppress the sobbing, but the sound was still leaking out.

Tears fell on the screen and scattered because of the vibration.

That was the last text message from Dad...

A daughter takes care of her father and leaves first

It doesn't matter anymore

If my father has already left me, I am here. Why should I live in this world...  

Dad said he wanted me to take care of myself, and he told me so many things at the last moment. If I gave up like this at this time, it would be a waste of his last efforts.

It can't end like this.--

At least I can't die in this city!

Run away!

Escape the city now!

I used the last reason to persuade myself to act again, and left the rental house with the backpack I had packed on my back.

After I went out, I realized that it was already night.

It turned out that four or five hours had passed before I knew it, and the time passed so quickly at this time...

The street lights didn't turn on for some reason, not only the buildings near the street lights also had no lights on, it seemed like a massive power outage.

No one on the street... Although the place I went to is not a bustling street, but no matter what, there is no one at six or seven o'clock in the evening... What happened?

No matter, my father also told me not to talk to strange people. Now I just need to think about how to escape from this city.

In short, walk first, if you can find a taxi, take a taxi and leave the city.

I continued to walk for a while, but I still didn't meet anyone, not even a car.

This situation is too strange.

So what happened:

When I was wondering, I saw a light appearing ahead, a car was coming towards this side, I quickly waved to the car


"Hello! Can you give me a ride?


However, the car had no intention of slowing down, and passed me directly, blowing a gust of wind.

"...how to do...


The strong explosion sound and aftermath caused me to fall to the ground, and a fire lit up the sky behind me. I looked back dully and saw that the car just crashed into the gas station and exploded...

Then what was even more terrifying was that from the raging fire, a person stood up, stretched out his hand and walked towards me.

That's no longer a human...--it's just a 'moving corpse'

Has there been a zombie crisis?

How is it possible... how could the plot in that kind of movie happen in reality when...

must run away...

"Ah ah ah ah ah ah.


Even if you don't turn your head, just out of the corner of your eye, you can see the group of bereaved families coming here...

Are you attracted by the explosion of the car just now?

I don't seem to notice my appearance... As long as you don't make a sound, you'll be fine?

And the burning zombie is also walking towards me. If the zombie is close to me, it is impossible for me to stay still.

Stumped... Am I just finished?

If there is "in the next life, I hope that I can give up - cut all the troubles and live carefree"


People only have this life, and there is no reincarnation!

It is enough to live only once! It is precisely because there is only one life that I will go all out!

I want to live!

I gritted my teeth and got up from the ground, and ran straight on the ground with my hands. All the zombies noticed the sound I made and walked towards me.

Fortunately! Their actions are still slow, so there is still a chance to escape!

She quickly left the street and ran into a residential area.

"Uh ah ah ah.

Suddenly, a zombie appeared from the side. Just as I was about to be bitten by the dry hair, I crouched down with my head in my arms, and the corpse also tripped because it hit my body.

Where did it come from!


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