"Hey hey hey, why do you even say I'm a Menglicon? Don't you guys really think I'm a lo*ic*n!"

Everyone nodded in unanimous agreement.

what the hell

I just took care of it a little - the snow situation, I took care of Xun'er a little bit, I took care of it a little bit - Xia Xiao'an, I prefer cute girls

Children, I prefer to buy them food and clothes, and I care more about the safety of the three of them, that's all!

Is this also called lo*ic*n! (Yes)

"Fortunately, it's just a lo*ic*n, not a pedophile. To... Juncheng, let's die together~"

"Don't say such terrible words with a smile!

Lan, it's not like you're joking at all when you say this!

Just kidding! Talking about the name, the name has turned purple!


After I sighed, Li Nai asked.

"But why did Amaterasu not hesitate to seal his power to prevent this world from being burned down?"

"I'm not clear about this, God's thoughts are not something I can speculate about.

Why do you want to do this?

I remembered the past and... In the end, no one remembered that she turned into an egg in solitude.

said eloquently.

"..is it because of loneliness:" =

Whether it is a person or a god, there will be times when you are lonely and want someone to accompany you.


⑥⑦. ③Chapter [An Yanling] Part 2

One day, Xun suddenly stopped playing with me.

Maybe I'm angry, because in hide-and-seek, I've never been caught by her once.

Even when it comes to playing games, I am a little too serious. If I always win, the loser, Fang, will always feel uncomfortable.

So I thought it would be fine to let her win the next day on purpose, but I didn't wait for the chance

Or, she didn't pay any attention to me anymore.

Even if I called her, she didn't answer me. I thought she was ignoring me because she was angry, but after some time, I found out that it might not be the case.

No matter how good your acting skills are, it's impossible to do it - a big living person walks around in front of her eyes and pretends to turn a blind eye when she touches her.

Finally, when she tripped Xun for the sixth time, and she only thought that she fell on the ground, I learned that Xun didn't ignore me on purpose, but she really became invisible to me.

At first, I didn't realize the seriousness of the matter, and I was even a little excited.

Just like a child who got a new toy, becoming like a transparent person always feels like something happened in a sci-fi movie, isn't it very interesting?

But first, I have to make sure that other people can't see me.

It's a pity that A Xue is not here, otherwise, you can just ask her for a test.

A Xue often disappears for a period of time, saying that she has work to do, and then she will come back after four or five days. She is also special. There is no maid with her when she goes out, but if she doesn't come back for a week, there will be a maid looking for her.

When she came back, she was still carrying... I think Axue is probably doing some dangerous work, like a killer or something!

That must be cool!

Although I really wanted to follow A Xue to see the scene, I had promised my father that he would not do dangerous things again. If he was found out, he would definitely be punished severely. So I didn't dare to bring up a thing...

But it's different now!

Now I may become invisible to anyone!

Finally, after passing through the maids passing by, after various tests (pranks), I finally came to a conclusion... As expected, no one can see me!

I feel very excited.

Because this means that things that were banned before can now be done!

No one will blame me, no one will supervise me; no one will teach me, karma

S full novel


I was so happy, and then I ran around like a wild horse off the reins, making fun of the maids.

Then, I soon got tired of it.

Originally, the prank was just to see the embarrassed and angry reactions of the people who were being teased, but being chased and running away at the end was also part of the fun.

But there was no response, it only made me feel happy for nothing.

Like doing something stupid, it's not funny at all.

I started to expect someone to see me. The maids ignored me, so I went to my sister and father.

With that in mind, I began to search in the huge mansion.

It's like playing hide-and-seek.

When playing hide-and-seek before, because of Xun and Asue, and the maids who played with us, no one found me, so I have never been a ghost.

This time, it's finally my turn to be a 'ghost'.

I searched again and again, and was disappointed again and again, but I couldn't find anyone at all.

The few sisters I found couldn't see me, and no matter what I did to them, I couldn't attract their attention.

Only then did I realize the seriousness of the matter.

No one can see me, no one remembers me, no one will know that I am gone.

Maybe even my father doesn't remember me...

I felt depressed and cried out sadly, so I cried a lot but no one cared about how I felt.

After I cried so much that I couldn't even shed tears, I felt that I was too tired, my eyelids kept sinking, and a tune that sounded like a stole tune came from my ears.

I don't know when a soft chair appeared beside me, I sat up limply, hugged my legs, and didn't want to think about anything anymore.

My heartbeat slowly stabilized, and I seemed to fall asleep unconsciously. …

In the dream, I recalled bits and pieces of the past. Since I met my dad, he has been taking care of... we live together

- Playing fun, he has always guarded me.

In the haze, I vaguely felt that someone picked me up and made me lie down in a warm place. I felt extra soft and comfortable inside with my body tucked in. This kind of comfort made me even less likely to wake up.

holy novel

The other party touched my head and helped me to cover the quilt. . Factory sweep

Just like my father, supporting me, guarding me, guiding me.-.

--Xiao An....


Dad's voice was like an alarm clock, urging me to wake up. As if to say, it's too early for me to give up thinking, I can't just fall asleep like this, or I might never wake up.

Maybe, maybe, Dad will still remember me! No, if it was Dad, he--will be able to see me! He--must remember me!

With such hope, I opened my eyes diligently, finally defeated the Sandman, and sat up reluctantly.

I **** my eyes, yawned, stretched, and looked around.

Why are you here?

where is this place?

Are you dreaming?

Why does this happen?

You mustered up the courage to take a step, and began to inspect the room with trepidation.

There is nothing here, nothing, nothing, not even the tiniest sound, a dark and lonely little room.

There is a door in the room, and only this door leads to the outside.

Now you can only open this door. With the common sense of 'the door is for opening', you got up and walked to that door.

You just woke up, your limbs are still weak, but in order to quickly escape from this suffocating room, you used all your strength to push the door, and the door was pushed open by you without any delay.

I didn't expect it to go so smoothly, and the fact that I wasn't locked up also makes you feel relieved.

The door opened, you walked in...or came out?

I don't know how to say it better, because the door is not another room.

Outside the door is a barren land, the air has become very dry, the land is cracked due to the lack of moisture, and the gap is so large that it feels like it may get stuck if you are not careful.

You feel a little overwhelmed.

This is not 'outside', you made this judgment instinctively. Are you illiterate?

You don't know why you feel very guilty, but it's not your fault that it's like this.


You don't know where to go next, you can only walk aimlessly in this wilderness alone without any protection.

When I looked up, I could see ten suns in the sky. They were very dazzling and extremely dazzling. Just looking up, I felt that my eyes were about to catch fire, and the surrounding air would burn.

But as you move on, the sun in the sky-

You suddenly felt very scared, so scared that you didn't dare to move, you could only hug your body and shiver in place, the sun turned black one by one, and finally only one was still glowing.

You were so frightened that you finally couldn't stand the feeling of sitting and waiting to die, so you rushed out.

Running until dizzy, breathless, and continued to run until both feet were tired.

Run, run, run, run, just like escaping from a nightmare, keep running.

The scenery began to change, the wilderness became a steep mountain, and the mountain became a desert, endless.

While you are suffering from this kind of pain, you continue to move forward, what will be waiting for you in front of you? Maybe there is nothing, and you will eventually exhaust your energy and fall down...

However, you persevered in the end, and you don't even know why you are still standing. It's hot, like a fever, and you're wiping your sweat--gasping as you climb the dunes hard.

Finally, you climbed up the highest dune, where there is a door that is exactly the same as the door you opened before.

But there is no joy in your heart, the initial hope seems to have been unknowingly annihilated, and you have moved forward without knowing why... Maybe it's just by instinct.

Open the door and enter a new world.

Here is like a late night after the rain, surrounded by silence and humidity.

You picked it up on the side of the road - took a small umbrella and continued to walk forward, feeling that your mood became calmer unconsciously.

Sometimes there will be a small pond under your feet, and the clear water is under your feet, reflecting other scenes like a mirror, but not your face.

You felt a little angry, and stepped on the water hard, the water splashed so high that it even bounced on your cheek.

You gently wipe with your hand~ the water droplets splashed on your cheeks, the water surface spreads out circles of ripples, and the reflection twists into a strange shape.

Strangely, the distorted reflection remained distorted, and there was no way to change it back to its original shape.

Continue to move forward, you see - there are no other buildings around the apartment building, or in other words, there is nothing but this slender and weird apartment building.

Looking up, you can't see the top, you can't judge how high it is, there are only dense dark clouds in the sky and the lost sun that dimly flashes in between.

By the time you get here, you don't remember who you are, you have forgotten everything, even what you look like.

You have completely lost it.

You don't know anything anymore.

You don't remember anything.

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